Chapter 190
Chapter 179: Temptation
Li Xuezhang came early in the morning, Zhang Guilan was a little surprised, she still welcomed him into the room, and shouted at Luo Ji who was in the room, then turned around and went into the kitchen, Zhang Guilan was glad to follow him Afterwards, when there was no time to sleep in, the radio would start up as soon as it rang, otherwise now that Li Xuezhang came over, he would have bumped into the bed of the two of them. Zhang Guilan wondered why Li Xuezhang came so early, and eavesdropped on the conversation in the room while cooking.

But apart from some work and daily chats, there was no topic with Ben. After sending the person away, Zhang Guilan still couldn't figure it out, so Luo Ji shook his head in disappointment, "He's here to test me."

Seeing his daughter-in-law looking at him, Luo Ji gave her a detailed explanation, "He sensed that I treat him differently than before, so he came here to test and see if I really know something."

"But you don't have to come so early, on the contrary, you seem guilty."

"Didn't you give another vegetable field yesterday? It has something to do with it." Luo Ji didn't want to get entangled with Li Xuezhang's affairs any more. "At the beginning, I took care of him because of the relationship between colleagues, and because of the goodness of others. The family conditions are not good, and now they are getting better slowly, and the distance between people has also gone far, so that's good, as long as life is better."

Zhang Guilan did not speak. After the two of them had breakfast, an unexpected guest Liu Xiaolan came to the house. After making mung bean cakes, Zhang Guilan never went to the village again. There are fewer contacts, and it is quite unexpected to see Liu Xiaolan now.

Liu Xiaolan was still wearing a calico gown, with blue trousers on her lower body, seeing Liu Xiaolan twisting the corners of her clothes cautiously.Looking angry, Zhang Guilan couldn't even get angry.He pulled her into the study in the Westinghouse.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Guilan went straight to the point.

"Sister-in-law, I just want to ask. Are you still hiring?" Liu Xiaolan asked cautiously.

Zhang Guilan was slightly taken aback, "Recruitment? Where did you hear about it?"

The matter of opening a factory has never been revealed, and even he rarely participated in it. Even Luo Ji never asked, so Zhang Guilan was really surprised when Liu Xiaolan asked.

"No... I haven't heard anything. I just thought that my sister-in-law is a business person, and she must be busy with something to recruit workers now, so I thought of coming here to try." Liu Xiaolan waved her hands in a panic to explain.

"Usually, you are also a straightforward person. Is there something wrong at home?" Zhang Guilan noticed a purple spot on Liu Xiaolan's neck.

"No." He refused to admit it, but he lowered his head and began to cry.

Zhang Guilan watched her crying quietly, and after she finished crying, she handed her the handkerchief, "Although we don't have much contact with each other, and even though something like that happened once, you are a nice person. You can come here now." Looking for me shows that you can trust me. Just tell me if you have anything to say."

Liu Xiaolan didn't dare to take the handkerchief, it's a very expensive thing, how dare she use it to wipe her nose, she wiped it with her sleeve.Then he said, "Sister-in-law, I really have no choice. Dong Jianguo is not a human being, and he has a lover in the city. He is still a widow, and now he doesn't take any money back home. He gave it to the widow. He also helps others to raise their children, his parents can't control them at home, they are so angry that they are sick, and they owed others a lot of money, and now the debtors come to the door every day, I really have no choice."

"Then what are you going to do?" Zhang Guilan asked directly without asking.

"I wanted to let my mother-in-law take care of the children. I would go out to do some work to earn some money, and I could take care of the family affairs, but I am uneducated, and it is difficult to find a job in the city. I couldn't find it. I looked for it It's been almost a week, and now I'm here with my sister-in-law." Liu Xiaolan wiped away her tears.

Zhang Guilan shook her head, "It's not bad for you to think so, but does your man agree with you coming out?"

Liu Xiaolan heard that there is a door, and immediately nodded vigorously, as if she was afraid that Zhang Guilan would go back on her word, "He won't go home now, and his parents have also said that, in the future, he will not have his son, and only recognize me as my daughter-in-law and grandson. I said When I came out to find a job, his parents also agreed to help me take care of the children."

Zhang Guilan looked at Liu Xiaolan sympathetically, "Then you plan to take the child with his parents for the rest of his life?"

She really doesn't understand, men have good friends outside, don't they think about divorce?
Zhang Guilan knew that she shouldn't ask these questions, and how could outsiders understand emotional matters.

"Well, I want to live a good life and make him regret it." Liu Xiaolan nodded firmly.

Hearing what he said, Zhang Guilan didn't ask any more questions, and hesitated for a while, "I see you are sharp-tongued, my sister-in-law just needs a seller, you can live in the store, and I will give you 15 yuan a month. What do you think? Room and board are included, and I will give you two days off a month."

Liu Xiaolan was overjoyed when she heard this, "It's great, I'll give you 15 yuan for board and lodging, sister-in-law, when will you go to work?"

"You go home and make arrangements first, and then go to the city after you have made arrangements at home. There is an underwear store on the main street. It is the only one. You can find it when you go there. My sister-in-law is Zhu Lan. When you arrive It just says that I will introduce you, and then just tell you the conditions I told you.” Zhang Guilan looked at her, “This is my sister-in-law’s own shop, so you don’t have to feel restrained when you go, but it’s best to Make arrangements at home, otherwise your man will not be good if he finds out and makes trouble."

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, now I'm not making trouble with him, he's just a cat, how dare you come and make trouble with me." Liu Xiaolan finally showed a smile after breaking into the house, "Then sister-in-law, I will go back now and arrange the family affairs. It's over tomorrow."

"Alright, you can watch the arrangement yourself." The two got up and went out of the house.

After Zhang Guilan sent her away, she entered the east room.

"Everyone is allowed in the compound now?" Luo Ji said immediately.

"It was sent by the young man, so it's not so easy to come in." Zhang Guilan didn't tell him what Liu Xiaolan was here for, and Luo Ji didn't ask, "Is there still an inspection today?"

"No, just wait for the plaster cast to be removed." Luo Ji could sit up on his own now, and stretched out his hand to pull Zhang Guilan to his side, "What are you doing so far away?"

"It's broad daylight and it's summer, so it's hot if you get too close." Zhang Guilan didn't dare to move for fear of pulling his leg.

Luo Ji's hands moved wildly, and his head rested against Zhang Guilan's ear. Zhang Guilan was itchy and pushed him gently, "It's broad daylight, don't mess around."

Although Luo Ji has come back, the two have never been together. One is that his legs are inconvenient, and the other is that there are some minor conflicts between the two of them, which makes them feel bad. Zhang Guilan will not go that way think.

Seeing Luo Ji leaning over now, with another look of inviting pets, I couldn't help but want to laugh, "The family always comes here, what should I do if someone bumps into me."

Luo Ji can't control so much at this time, "Just don't open the door."

As soon as she used her hands hard, she lifted the person onto her body. Zhang Guilan was so frightened that she let out a low voice, "Be careful not to touch your legs."

Luo Ji hugged him in his arms and kissed him. Zhang Guilan was afraid of touching his leg, so she could only let him do whatever he wanted. Just as the atmosphere rose, there was a knock on the door, and she was beaten all at once. It was broken, like a basin of cold water was poured over.

"I've said it all, I won't let you mess around." Panting, Zhang Guilan sat in his arms, and opened his hands that were still shaking.

Luo Ji was also annoyed, "Don't open the door."

"In case of emergency."

"I'm recuperating now, what's the rush?"

Zhang Guilan knew this truth, but the voices outside kept knocking, and Ben didn't intend to leave. It was impossible for the two of them to continue, and even Luo Ji gave up.

The couple lay on the bed and listened until the outside became quiet, and then they started knocking again. Zhang Guilan got up to open the door. Standing outside were Sun Mei and Zhao Xue, carrying medicine boxes.

Zhao Xue saw that Zhang Mianlan's expression was not good, so she immediately explained with a smile, "After knocking for a while, I said there was no more. Sun Mei didn't believe it, and said that there must be someone at home. I also said that my sister-in-law was sleeping, otherwise she should have come to us a long time ago. The door has been opened, and after looking at it now, I guessed correctly, my sister-in-law's hair is still messed up, did you squint again?"

Looking at Sun Mei's face, and then looking at Zhao Xue's bright eyes, Zhang Guilan understood that this was not because Sun Mei kept beating her, but because Zhao Xue did it on purpose to disgust Sun Mei.

Although she doesn't like being used by Zhao Xue very much, Zhang Cunlan feels comfortable as long as she can see Sun Mei suffocating. She pretends to smile shyly without explaining, "Your captain said you won't come come in quickly." Bar."

This remark is so ambiguous that it is impossible for people not to think about it.

The smile on Zhao Xue's face froze for a moment, wondering if it was really broad daylight? ?
Thinking about it, my face turned red.

Sun Mei looked embarrassed, "Sister-in-law, we have nothing else to do. If you have something to do, we can come over in the afternoon."

"No, no, nothing. The couple are having fun together." Come in the morning, come in the afternoon?

Zhao Xue squeezed in first, "Sister-in-law, I heard that you are going to move out? Or go to Uncle Sun's side? That's really great, Uncle Sun is such a nice person, he doesn't have a temper with anyone."

After Sun Mei's incident, although she didn't see Sun Hai, Zhang Guilan's impression of Sun Hai was also bad.

"Yes, you also heard the letter?"

"The whole factory knows about it, congratulations, but it's a pity that we won't be able to eat the meals cooked by my sister-in-law in the future." Zhao Xue followed Zhang Guilan in the living room, and Sun Mei had already entered the east room.

Zhao Xue looked at it and sneered. She was really anxious. How could she have deceived her in the past?
Zhang Guilan didn't take it seriously, what's the use of looking at it a few more times?Isn't that your own man?What's more, now that Luo Ji knows her true face, he may not know how to bother her, but she is still thinking about it. At this time, Zhang Guilan feels that Sun Mei is very pitiful, but it is a pity that a poor person must have something to hate.

 I went to eat first, and then I went to look at Korean cosmetics. Then I came back to write in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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