Chapter 192
Chapter 181: Nonsense
Zhang Guilan sneered, at first she was thinking of not getting along with Dong Jianguo, but now seeing his face, her temper also came up. Anyway, he said so loudly in the middle of the night, the neighbors should have heard it, and she has nothing to fear.

He simply stood at the door and reasoned with him, "Dong Jianguo, then you want to talk about me? You came to my house in the middle of the night? If you don't understand what you said today, we will go to business."

Are you going to make trouble?Then make things worse, thinking of this kind of man who has a woman outside and wants to be an uncle at home, Zhang Guilan is disgusting to look at, not for Liu Xiaolan, even this kind of man needs to be treated well.

"Do you still dare to pretend to be stupid? Let me ask you, is it because you found a job for my wife? Are you trying to break up our family? Is this what your family members in the forest area do?" Dong Jianguo asked confidently.

Zhang Guilan smiled, "Finding a job for your wife is to break up your family? Then you have a good friend outside, why are you not afraid that the family will break up? You give the money to your good friend for flowers and give them to raise children. My parents don’t care about me anymore, I still owe a whole lot of debts, my children and daughter-in-law don’t support me, your daughter-in-law doesn’t come out to earn money, and the whole family is waiting to starve to death? You still have the nerve to come to me and tell me to break you up family, do you still want to be ashamed?"

"Dong Jianguo, this is the compound in the forest area. Do you think it's a place where you can make trouble whenever you want? You don't open your eyes to take a good look. You dare to make trouble with me for doing such shameless things, don't you?" Do you think I won't let your daughter-in-law go to work once you come here to make trouble? I'll put it here today. If you tell me well and realize your mistakes. If you want to live a good life, I can think about it. But If you make such a fuss, I won't be fooled by you. I welcome your daughter-in-law whenever she wants to go." Zhang Guilan said a lot in a crackling manner, so that no one could find any faults.

When it came to Dong Jianguo, who had a woman outside, he didn't care about the family, and even came to the door to make trouble, which made people look down on him. The upstairs and left were alarmed, and Wang Li cursed directly from upstairs and downstairs. "Hey, shameless, you do shameless things yourself, and you don't let your daughter-in-law go out to earn money. You are afraid that your daughter-in-law will see that everyone outside is better than you, and you will not be wanted in the future, so you dare not let your daughter-in-law go to work. Right? How can there be a man like you? If I had divorced a long time ago."

Song Weidong, who came down with him, heard his daughter-in-law scolding, so he didn't talk too much, and looked at Dong Jianguo with a bad expression.

Zhao Chunmei came out after the couple.Wang Wanwan also opened his mouth, "You are a big man, you have a problem with your own style, don't think about your own problems. Your wife is going out to earn money to support the family, and you come here to make trouble. What are you so worried about? Hurry up and go back. Wake up well. You don’t have to be ashamed if you make a fuss here.”

Yang Zongyi also came out, looking anxious.The clothes came out draped, and I didn't come to put them on in a hurry.He hurried up, "What's the matter? Who brought outsiders in in the middle of the night?"

The young man turned pale when he heard that, "Leader, it's me."

"It has nothing to do with him." Zhang Guilan helped to speak.

The young man immediately gave Zhang Guilan a grateful look.

Yang Zongyi looked at Dong Jianguo with sharp eyes, "Who are you? What's going on?"

Dong Jianguo saw that everyone was coming to him, and only this one came up to ask himself what was going on, thinking that he had found a backer, and immediately sued for grievances, "Comrade leader, you have to help me, or my family will fall apart. , my daughter-in-law is living a good life at home, but Zhang Guilan suddenly found a job for my wife in the city. My daughter-in-law is leaving my parents and children to go to work in the city. You said that there is no woman in this house. Is this still a home? Children Still breastfeeding, still so young, how can I leave my mother."

If they hadn't heard the truth from Zhang Guilan, everyone present would have been deceived by Dong Jianguo. Wang Li was the first to jump out, "Bah, why don't you say that you are good looking outside? Give money to others to support children, and your parents, wife and children have nothing to eat, so your wife wants to work? It’s really shameless to lie here.”

After getting the vegetable field, the Luo family was promoted to the city again. Wang Li was worried that she could not find a chance to perform.

Zhao Chunmei also frowned, expressing that she was not as eager to express herself as Wang Li, but obviously she didn't like a man like Dong Jianguo either.

Dong Jianguo's face turned green and red when he was blocked by Wang Li's words, "What a good friend, how can I, a rural person, do such a thing, she is obviously making trouble for no reason, and she thinks about it when I don't come home from work."

His eyes flickered, and he was lying at first sight.

Wang Li wanted to curse, but was stopped by Song Weidong.

At this time, Yang Zongyi said, "It doesn't matter if you have a woman outside or not, your wife is the one who comes to find work. If you want to make a scene, you can go home and quarrel with your wife. What do you mean by making trouble here?" ?Many people in our compound are unemployed. If Guilan is really short of people, you don’t need to go to your countryside to find them. I don’t listen to your reasons. You also made trouble in the middle of the night. Leave now People, or I'll have someone throw you out."

Yang Zongyi's sharp and decisive words made people dare not have any objections.

At first, Dong Jianguo thought that someone would come to speak for him, but now he looked more powerful than the others, and was afraid for a while, but he thought that if this matter was not resolved, his wife would have to go to the city, so...

"No, I won't leave. If Zhang Guilan doesn't promise to keep my wife from going to work today, I won't leave. If you dare to touch me, I will call the police." Dong Jianguo simply sat on the ground and played a rogue.

"Why are you such a mess?" Wang Li scolded.

Dong Jianguo sat motionless at the door and did not speak.

"Dong Jianguo, you think I'm really afraid that you're going to be a rascal, don't you? Just dream, if you can sit, you should sit all the time. It's best if you can sit still." Zhang Guilan is not afraid of this, "Everyone go back and rest, Let him sit here by himself."

"Sister-in-law, it's just that you have a good temper. Such a person shouldn't be polite to him." Wang Li yelled.

Song Weidong retorted, "What do you know? Sister-in-law is right, let's ignore him and go back and rest."

I don't believe he can sit still.

Zhao Chunmei and his wife also thought this was very good, but they didn't believe that he could really sit down forever.

When the young man saw that things were stuck here, he was so anxious that he almost cried. If he knew that someone was here to make trouble, he would not dare to bring him here. He only thought that it was because Leader Luo was ill, and he was here to visit in the middle of the night. The old family turned out to be from a nearby village.

The leader didn't speak, and didn't dare to leave, so he just stood aside in embarrassment.

Yang Zongyi didn't know where the anger came from, squatted down, pulled Dong Jianguo's shirt collar, and lifted him up, "If you are threatened by a rascal like you, this person will be meaningless."

While talking, he pulled people downstairs, "I want to see what you can do."

Dong Jianguo was frightened at first, and after reacting, he yelled, "Let go of me, let me go quickly, the man hit someone, come and see, everyone, the man hit someone."

When he yelled, the whole compound heard it.

Yang Zongyi didn't care, he didn't let go of people, he almost dragged Dong Jianguo out of the compound, Song Weidong and Wang Wanwan were also afraid of accidents, so they followed out, Wang Li and Zhao Chunmei comforted Zhang Guilan.

"Sister-in-law, don't think too much, there is no need to be angry with such a person." Zhao Chunmei also felt that today's incident was quite annoying, "Be kind enough to help others, and this incident happened."

I heard vaguely before that people sent things back when doing business. It seems that this is the same man. He didn't care about the past, so he still has the nerve to make a fuss. What's wrong with people now?
But through this matter, Zhao Chunmei also felt that Zhang Guilan was worth paying, and she was sincere when she spoke.

Seeing Wang Li, she rushed forward, "It's just that my family doesn't let me scold him, otherwise I have to scold him. How can there be such a man."

"It's got you all up in the middle of the night, go back quickly, the child is at home by himself, and he should be afraid if he can't see anyone." Zhang Guilan smiled sincerely and thanked the two, "Someday I cook, you all come over eat."

"Okay, sister-in-law, let's go back." Zhao Chunmei knew that there was not much to do, and Zhang Guilan obviously accepted the two of them.

When Wang Li saw her, she followed Zhao Chunmei's example and responded with a smile, and then they went upstairs together.

As for the Li family who lived across the door, there was no movement at all, and no one came out.

Zhang Guilan didn't care what was going on with Yang Zongyi outside, but she left the door open, then turned around and entered the house, saw Luo Ji standing on the ground, moving outside, and hurriedly went to support him.

"I'm afraid you are in a hurry, what should you do if you are pulling your leg? Go back and lie down."

"Where is the person? Sent away by Zongyi?" His daughter-in-law has been bullied to the door, how can Luo Ji lie down.

Because he was forced out of bed and moved his legs again, Luo Ji was sweating all over his clothes, and his cheeks were full of sweat, and he didn't bother to wipe it off. Zhang Guilan felt warm when he saw it.

He helped him onto the bed, and before he could explain further, Yang Zongyi came back.

"This man is a rascal. I threw him out of the compound and was told not to let him in. If he likes to make trouble, let him make trouble there. How can you really threaten us with this?" Yang Zongyi sat down angrily. Beside the bed, "This kind of person can't be afraid of him, the more we let him, the more we think that we are afraid of things."

"What's going on? His wife is looking for a job today?" Luo Ji only asked now.

Zhang Guilan poured water and handed it to Yang Zongyi, then briefly explained what happened during the day, "I didn't expect him to make trouble in the middle of the night."

"Since this is the case, you can't be afraid of him." After hearing this, Luo Ji was determined not to back down.

Yang Zongyi said a few more words and left, but when he got outside the door, his face slowly sank. He didn't forget the pieces of toilet paper thrown on the ground after entering the room, which meant that he knew everything without saying anything.

 I hate Yang Zongguo, and I also hate Luo Jijun. It would be great if I could accept them all, haha, let me think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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