Chapter 209 Admitting Mistakes
Luo Haiying made a big pot of noodle soup with green vegetables and sliced ​​meat in it. Luo Ji watched the two of them eat up the pot of noodle soup and there was nothing left. He didn't return until Luo Haiying cleaned up everything. living room.

"Sister-in-law, I'm not feeling well. Is it heavy? I see there's soup in the kitchen." Luo Haiying knew that elder brother cared about elder sister-in-law the most, so she could only break the deadlock from elder sister-in-law at this time, "Are you tired? Elder brother, you should help sister-in-law as well." Share it."

"Your sister-in-law, you don't have to worry, tell me about you, what are you going to do?" Luo Ji interrupted his sister directly.

"I... I'm fine now."

"Very good?" Luo Ji's voice became high-pitched. "The life you want is to starve for three days without food and no place to sleep? Then you are really easy to be content."

"Brother, don't be angry. I know that I have let you down, but I really have no choice. Zhou Chengcai said that he would not have any relationship with Dong Chunhong, but secretly he always let others see how Dong Chunhong is doing. My family always sent money to Dong Chunhong to let her take care of the child in her belly. They thought I didn’t know and regarded me as a fool. They scolded me that I was sold to their family by my mother, and Ben did not treat me as a college entrance examination, if I live like that, my life will be over."

"Are you afraid now? When your sister-in-law said that if you disagree, you don't have to go back. What did you say? Aren't you very ambitious at that time? No one can stop you, huh? You run away with people like this now Is it ambition? Is it revenge for the Zhou family? You have lost the face of the Luo family, and you have lost face. Even if you have all kinds of reasons, now because you eloped with others, the fault is all on you." Luo He roared uncontrollably. "I don't care if you can't live on. You haven't done the divorce at the Zhou family. You hurry back to your hometown and explain to the Zhou family how to solve it. Otherwise, you will be with him now, and you will not be able to get a certificate for the rest of your life. You will still be bigamy If you are not afraid of sin, you can continue, and I can't control your business."

"Brother." Upon hearing about bigamy, Luo Haiying was terrified.

Chen You didn't take it seriously. "Brother, I really like Haiying, and I will treat her sincerely for the rest of my life. Even if I commit a crime, I will not leave her."

Luo Ji looked at Chen You coldly, "It seems that you are not young anymore, are you older than me? I really dare not answer your big brother. From my sister's point of view, Zhou Cheng is my brother-in-law. It depends on age. You are older than me, and we don't know each other, so you should call me by my first name, I can't bear to call you big brother."

It was said that Chen You's face turned green and white.I can't wait to find a crack in the ground and get in. When he was in the countryside, he was also a primary school teacher.He is respected wherever he goes, but now he is looked down upon wherever he goes.If it wasn't for Luo Haiying, he would be where he is today?As a result, even her family looked down on her.

"I, Chen You, am a teacher no matter what. I haven't been insulted yet. You look down on me and I don't want to stay here." After finishing speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

Chen You breathed a bad breath on his chest, Luo Haiying hurried forward to hold Chen You, and then helped to explain, "Brother, Chen You is very good to me, no one helped me when I was in the village, only he didn't laugh at me, He also comforted me that I begged him to elope. He abandoned his career and everything to take me away. There are some things that Chen You doesn’t eat for himself and save them for me.”

Luo Haiying cried while talking, and threw herself into Chen You's arms.

In this way, Luo Ji was made like a villain who beat mandarin ducks with a stick.

Chen You comforted Luo Haiying in her arms, "Don't cry, no matter what others say, I will never leave you and take care of you for the rest of my life. Besides, you are not alone now, so don't hurt the baby in your stomach."

Luo Ji felt his head explode when he heard about the child.

Luo Haiying raised her head and choked up, "Brother, I have Chen You's child, we want to be together."

"Why are you not sure it's Zhou Chengcai's?"

"Me and Zhou Chengcai were not together with Ben, and I never let him touch me." Luo Haiying replied decisively, as if he had done something so proud.

Luo Ji's head was jumping, no wonder the Zhou family was thinking about Dong Chunhong outside, who wouldn't do this?At this moment, Luo Ji wished he could slap his younger sister and wake him up. This Chen You is older than himself, but a teacher can elope with other people's daughter-in-law. From this point, it can be seen that he is not good. thing.

"Okay, I can't take care of your affairs, you can do whatever you like." Luo Ji was so angry that he simply ignored it.

No wonder such a magnanimous daughter-in-law is also unhappy now, Luo Ji finally understands how his daughter-in-law feels.

"Brother, I don't blame you for meddling in other people's business. It's because Chen You and I can't be separated, and we can't be separated from the children." When Luo Haiying heard that the elder brother wanted to ignore her, she became frightened, "Brother, please help me, there is no one but you." I can help us, now I have a child, it doesn't matter whether I live or die, but the child is innocent."

"If I had known now, why bother?" Luo Jibu looked and cried begging his younger sister, "I'm just a college entrance exam, and I can't help you much. As for money, when you got married, I secretly gave you 200 yuan." , I borrowed it from someone else, and I haven’t paid it back yet, and I don’t even know about it from your sister-in-law. Even if the family’s living expenses are paid by your sister-in-law, it will take half a year for me to pay back the 200 yuan with my salary. Said At this point, even if your parents don't give you a penny, the 200 yuan I gave you is enough for a year, why are you like this now?"

Luo Haiying bit her lip and twisted her clothes, "I... my money was stolen by a thief."

Seeing her guilty look, Luo Ji knew that she was lying without thinking too much, and his heart sank again.

200 yuan, he did it behind his wife's back, and even kept it from her all the time, but look at it now, my sister has only spent 200 yuan in less than two months, living like a beggar.

what is this?Luo Ji only felt like a clown, but in the end it was his daughter-in-law who was only thinking of himself.

"Brother, I know you don't have any money, and I'm not asking you for money. Can you help Chen You find a job? As long as we have a job, our problem of eating will be solved, and life will always go on." Luo Haiying thought My own request is not too much.

Zhang Guilan in the room couldn't help but sneer, this is really not using bean buns as dry food, just find a job, the job is so easy to find, they don't have to ask here, the 200 yuan was spent in less than two months, why? flowers?These days, the whole family is working, and they can save 200 yuan at the end of the year. Seeing that they don't take the [-] yuan seriously, I really don't know how they spend it.

As for Chen You, although I haven't had much contact with him, I just heard him say that he still looks ambitious , such a hypocritical man, Luo Haiying was really blind to fall in love with him.

However, the two of them are equally divided, and neither is a good thing.

In the living room, Luo Ji refused without thinking, "Although I am transferred to the city now, I am only a driver, and I can't do anything if I want to. Find it yourself."

"Brother, didn't you find a job for Milan? You helped outsiders, but what about your own sister?" Luo Haiying cried, "Brother, I know you are blaming me, blaming me My sister-in-law got involved, but in order to get out of the wolf den of the Zhou family, I have no other choice. I know that my sister-in-law resents me in her heart, so I will admit my mistake to her. As long as she is willing to forgive me, you can scold me whatever you want."

Luo Haiying was about to enter the house, but Luo Ji blocked the door with a big stride, "Sister-in-law is not feeling well, she is resting, so don't bother her, and something happened to complain or not. I won't talk to my hometown about your visit today." The other side said, they won't blame your sister-in-law anymore, it's getting late, here's five yuan, you go."

Luo Ji took out five yuan from his pocket and handed it over.

Just as Luo Haiying was about to pick it up, Chen You, who had been silent all this time, became angry, "We don't want money, and you don't need to find a job. You will starve to death at worst, and you don't need to treat us as beggars."

After being called out by him, Luo Haiying also took back his hand, "Brother, are you really not going to help us? Just watch the three lives starve to death?"

"Help? How can I help? I have to repay the borrowed money for my expenses now. Could it be possible that your sister-in-law will support me and your family of three?" Luo Ji was no longer angry. Getting angry with such a person would only make him unhappy. "Let's go."

The money was also taken back, and he simply didn't give it back.

Luo Haiying didn't expect her elder brother to really ignore her. Seeing Chen You rushing out of the door angrily, Luo Haiying wanted to say something soft but didn't have time, so she ran after her.

After closing the door, Luo Ji pushed the door and entered the bedroom, "Did you hear it? I didn't tell you about the money. I know you wouldn't be angry if I told you, but I couldn't help worrying, so I just..."

"What are you going to do about your sister? Really don't care?" Zhang Guilan sat up and looked at him.

Luo Ji nodded resolutely, "She can deal with her affairs by herself. You heard it too. What kind of man is that? He's older than me. He wants to save face even if he wants to eat."

Zhang Guilan sighed inwardly, Luo Ji was angry with his sister, or Chen You, forget it, it's useless to say anything now, let's just take a step forward.

Chen You who ran out of the building was caught up by Luo Haiying, "Chen You, don't be angry, didn't we agree when we came here? My elder brother will definitely blame us, and he won't give us a good face. Wait for my elder brother." The anger subsides, and our matter is settled."

 The next update will be updated before the evening. My best friend is bringing their children out of town, so we have to arrange it anyway. BBQ in the wild, hehe
(End of this chapter)

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