Chapter 212
After Zhang Guilan saw that it was Luo Haiying, she didn't look any further. She talked to Zhu Lan again, went to the market, bought vegetables, and then went home. Some time before Luo Ji got off work, Zhang Guilan cut into pieces with white radish. Shredded, first use chili noodles to catch all the white radishes, then put sesame seeds and sugar as seasonings, and finally put salt, the taste is not heavy, it is good to eat as a side dish, and I made a big plate and sent it to Zhou's family.

The old lady Zhou smiled, "The little kimchi you sent last time looked very simple to me, but the taste is different when you make it yourself. Your godfather also said that your craftsmanship is good. Isn't this just trying to make it so delicious?" If you make some more, you will bring it again, and it tastes good, and your second dad can eat another bowl this time."

"If godfather likes it, I'll buy a jar tomorrow and make more. It won't cost a lot of money, and it won't take much trouble."

"Okay, don't buy things, let your elder brother buy them." Mrs. Zhou knew, "He also eats a lot, so he can't eat for free, so he has to work hard."

Zhang Guilan smiled, and talked for a while, seeing that Luo Ji was about to get off work, and then went home to cook.

Cooking at home, Zhang Guilan didn't know that Luo Ji was stopped by his sister Luo Haiying outside.

"Brother, yesterday Chen You was so angry because he saw you talking about me and felt sorry for me. Don't be like him. He regretted it after he went out, but he was embarrassed to come here and admit his mistake to you. Let me come over and apologize to you. , Said that there is no job now, and I have no face to come to see you, and I will admit my mistake to you when I have a job and everything is arranged."

"Brother, Chen You didn't even have a job because of me, and he was pointed out by others. He is really nice. He is so kind to me, and I caused these things myself. If you want to blame, brother, you can blame me, and now we still have With a child, we cannot be separated."

Looking at his stubborn sister, Luo Ji didn't want to say anything, "Since you think it's good, you can live your life well."

Seeing that her elder brother was about to leave, Luo Haiying hurriedly stopped him. Luo Ji stopped, but said without face, "I don't have any money in my pocket, and your sister-in-law took it away."

Luo Haiying blushed, "Brother, I didn't come here to ask for money, but I just wanted to tell you that I have found a job now, selling clothes to others for ten yuan a month, and I have also rented a house in the compound In the alley in the bungalow area at the back, if you have anything to do in the future, you can go there and find me. There is also my hometown, don’t worry. I will explain to them when the Zhou family comes, so that my sister-in-law will not be wronged for nothing. .”

Looking at the younger sister who lowered her head and twisted the corner of her clothes, she looked so humble.Luo Ji's heart aches and he hates that iron cannot be made into steel. He can't live a good life, but now he lives in such a dark life.What is it for?
He has all the strength in his body, but he can't use it at all when facing this younger sister.Luo Ji turned his head, "Live your own life well. You don't have to worry about your sister-in-law."

Talk a lot but don't say a word.

Luo Haiying felt a little disappointed. Her older brother would not be like this before. This time she also knew that she had done something wrong, but she admitted that she was wrong, and she was pregnant again. Why is her eldest brother so cruel?

"Do you have something else to do?" Seeing his younger sister standing there with her head bowed, Luo Ji could not bear to be too heartless.

"Brother, this time we were able to find a job and a place to live because of Sister Sun's help." Luo Haiying raised her head cautiously, "Sister Sun didn't want me to tell you, but I was also helped by her so much. But I don't let you know, I always feel bad."

"Sun Mei?" With the surname Sun, Luo Ji really couldn't think of anyone else except Sun Mei.

Seeing Luo Haiying nodding, Luo Ji frowned, and his tone became sharper, "The relationship between you is your business, it has nothing to do with me."

Thinking of the rumors outside and of Sun Mei's intentions, Luo Ji felt nauseated for a while, he couldn't like Sun Mei at all, and wanting to use his family would only make him more disgusted.

"Brother, Sister Sun said that you saved her, and she helped us to repay you." Seeing that the eldest brother was unhappy, Luo Haiying was confused, "Is there a conflict between you? Is there some misunderstanding? Sister Sun is very nice." Well, not only helped us solve the job, but also found a place to live and gave us money."

"I said that it's your business, and it has nothing to do with me." Luo Ji's soft-heartedness just now was worn away by his sister, and he turned around and strode into the courtyard.

Luo Haiying was left alone standing outside in a daze.

At home, Zhang Guilan looked at the man who had a bad face when he came in, and asked with a smile, "Did you meet them at the gate of the courtyard?"

"It's really inexplicable. If you see them far away in the future, you don't need to say hello." Luo Ji stomped his feet angrily.

"Understood, let's wash your hands and eat." Zhang Guilan didn't ask in detail, just judging from yesterday's situation, she knew that there would be no change today.

Luo Ji was obedient, and turned to wash his hands.

Zhang Guilan didn't think much about it, but said that Luo Ji went straight to the hospital after going out. When Shang Hong and Sun Mei in the hospital saw Luo Ji who came alone, they were very happy, but only Shang Hong showed it without concealing it.

"Sun Mei, come out for a moment, I have something to tell you." Luo Ji left the words, turned around and went out again.

Shang Hong looked at Sun Mei suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

Sun Mei shook her head, "I don't know either, it looks like I offended him."

"Then you go out and have a look, don't forget what I told you earlier." Seeing that Sun Mei also looked unsure, Shang Hong didn't think about it anymore, and drove her out quickly.

Sun Mei walked out reluctantly, and changed her gentle expression when she got outside the door. She found Luo Ji's figure under the hospital wall, and her heart jumped involuntarily. It was the first time that the two of them could be alone. They are together, and it was Luo Ji who took the initiative to find him.

"Old Ji, what do you need from me?"

"Did you help with my sister's matter?" Luo Ji asked directly.

Sun Mei saw that his tone was not good, and when she thought about what Milan told her, she immediately understood that Luo Ji was unhappy, "Old Ji, it's not because of you that I locked them up. I saw them outside the compound without a place to eat and live. , Poor thing, she was pregnant again, so she wanted to help them, only to find out later that it was your sister."

"But Haiying said that you helped them because I saved you." Luo Ji stared at her.

Sun Mei already had a countermeasure, "I first said to help them, they didn't believe that such a good thing would happen, and then said that their brother is also a man, and then talked about you, I made an excuse, and they accepted it .”

Luo Ji was silent.

"Lao Ji, is there something wrong?" Sun Mei looked confused, "She is your own sister, but she doesn't look for you, is there a quarrel between you two? Or is there some misunderstanding? What kind of overnight hatred, if your sister did something wrong, I will persuade her to admit her mistake to you. "

"I came to you just to tell you that the relationship between you is between you and has nothing to do with me." Luo Ji dropped his words and strode away.

Sun Mei didn't realize it yet, and she didn't come to her senses until the person left. Was she telling herself that everything she did had nothing to do with him?So rushing to find him, was it just to clear up the relationship? ?
With a wry smile, is she really that annoying to him?
Is it possible to just put aside the relationship like this?
Sun Mei's heart became ruthless. She insisted on helping Luo Haiying and making Luo Haiying better, and then let everyone know that Zhang Guilan and Ben didn't help her sister-in-law who almost fell into the street, and she was the one who helped.

After sorting out her mood, Sun Mei returned to the ward.

Shang Hong was waiting anxiously, "Tell me quickly, what's going on? What is he looking for from you?"

"I helped two beggars at the gate of the compound, and later I found out that one of them was his sister. He came to me to tell me not to help his sister, and I don't know what happened. The relationship between brothers and sisters became like this. .” Sun Mei twisted things on purpose.

Shang Hong exclaimed in shock, "Oh, I know his sister too well, and it's not like you don't know. If it weren't for his sister, how could Luo Ji be transferred to the mountains, let alone rescued? You. But how did you become a beggar? No matter what, you can’t ignore it. I can’t see that he is very cruel. Could it be that Zhang Guilan didn’t let him handle it?”

No matter what happened, Shang Hong pushed it on Zhang Guilan.

Sun Mei shook her head, "I don't know anything about their family either. I just listened to what you said. How could I know?"

Shang Hong clicked her tongue, "Look at it, it's not close to ten, it must be Zhang Guilan who won't let it go, otherwise how could Luo Ji ask someone not to help his sister. Can you see it now? Those who come from the countryside can't do it. , as soon as something really happened, that narrow-minded nature will be revealed."

Shang Hong thought she knew it well, so she said it for her own reason, but Sun Mei listened absent-mindedly. She knew that Shang Hong was talking nonsense and didn't want to break it. At this moment, who else knows the inside story better than her? She didn't know it before. The man next to Luo Haiying eloped, but some names could be heard from the quarrel between Luo Haiying and Chen You. It wasn't until Milan said that that he understood what was going on.

When Luo Ji returned home, it was already dark outside. Zhang Guilan thought he had gone to a colleague's house, so she didn't ask any further questions. After washing up early, the two of them took a rest.

As a result, the next day there was a rumor that Luo Ji went to the hospital to see Sun Mei. Naturally, Luo Ji didn’t hear about it when he was at work. Zhang Guilan only heard about it after her godmother came to the door. It's possible to go out and see Sun Mei, but if it's a date, it doesn't look like it.

Zhang Guilan remembered that when Luo Ji came back at night, his face was a little bad, and he wouldn't look like this if it was really a date.

The old lady Zhou was afraid that she would think too much, "You just have to know what you have in mind. I'm not afraid of you thinking too much. I heard from others that I had trouble with Lao Ji. I think Lao Ji must have other things to ask her for. , tell him well then, don't quarrel."

 Come on, write, I'm going out for a picnic today, I stayed up late and got up early.

(End of this chapter)

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