Chapter 214 teasing
Xu Feng looked at the strange man outside the door, only took a look and then looked away. Although he didn't say anything more or make any moves, he looked down on him completely.

Chen You rubbed his hands cautiously, "Auntie, does Sun Mei live here?"

As soon as Xu Feng heard that he was looking for her daughter, and looked at him, she became vigilant, "Who are you? What are you looking for her for?"

If he was a decent man, Xu Feng would welcome him into the room with a smiling face, but looking at the man in front of him, although his appearance was not bad, he looked to be in his thirties, and his sleeves were worn out. , the condition is not good at first glance. Although I wear leather shoes on my feet, the front is worn off.

How could Xu Feng feel at ease when such a man came to look for his daughter, not only did he not invite him into the house, but he moved around and blocked the door with his body.

"So you're living here?" Chen You breathed a sigh of relief that he didn't find the wrong place, and his smile became more reserved, "I'm Chen You, and Sun Mei was looking for a job for me the day before yesterday. Auntie should listen to him, right?"

"Chen You? Looking for a job? Are you Luo Ji's brother-in-law?" Xu Feng's voice became sour, "You can just say you are Luo Ji's brother-in-law, but I don't know which one is Chen You. What if you come to my house? You don't need to ask Sun Mei about work, my daughter told me, and I'm asking you, and you know that it's hard to find a job now, and you can't get a letter in a day or two."

Chen You stood at the door in embarrassment, at a loss, rubbing his hands vigorously, "Auntie, I'm here to thank you, not to ask how the job is going, you misunderstood."

"Oh, that's right." Xu Fengzui said so.He could hear his tone of disbelief at all, and rolled his eyes. "Everyone is here, let's sit in the first room."

He changed his mind in an instant.Thinking of the anger she received from Zhang Guilan these days, Xu Feng turned her mind on Chen You.

Sun Mei was lying on the bed in the house, when she heard someone looking for her, and when she heard that it was Luo Ji's brother-in-law, the eyes of Chen You staring at her obsessively flashed across her mind. After going out, I wondered how my mother had brought people into the house.

"Auntie, isn't Sun Mei here?" Chen You didn't dare to sit down even after entering the room.Stand stiffly.

"It's okay, you can sit down. Sun Mei took care of the patients in the hospital for a whole day. When she came back, she was tired and lay down. You sit down and I'll go and have a look." Xu Feng felt a little worried and left Chen You alone in the living room , and then wanted to give him the courage not to steal things from his own house, so he entered the house with confidence.

As soon as the door was closed, Sun Mei sat up and asked in a low voice. "Mom, why did you let him in? It's not that you don't know that I help them find jobs, and it's because of Luo Ji."

Xu Feng sat on the side of the bed and motioned her daughter to keep her voice down, while telling her plan. "If you want to say thank you, it should be a couple who came together. You can see that he came alone and didn't bring anything. He is out of his mind. What do you think he is up to? To curry favor with our family?"

"What do you care about this, it has nothing to do with us anyway."

"That can't be said. Now you ask me to find a job for them, how can it have nothing to do with our family?"

Only then did Sun Mei reluctantly speak. "Anyway, the way he looks at me is weird, which makes people feel uncomfortable."

Xu Feng knew it as soon as he heard it, "Hey, the toad wants to eat swan meat, and he doesn't care about his own virtues, so he dares to set your mind on you. Why do you help such a shameless person find a job? Are you crazy?"

In the past Xu Feng looked down on Chen You, but now hearing his idea of ​​hitting on her daughter, she wished she could tear him apart. She just felt that being liked by a poor and useless old man like him really defiled her daughter.

"He just looked at me a few more times, but nothing else."

"Listen to this, look at you a few more times, and now they have found their way to the house, no wonder why they don't take anything when they say thank you, because the purpose is not pure, I will drive them out now."

Sun Mei pulled her mother back, "Mom, can you not think that when you go out, you go out. Just now you invited people into the house and you said something was wrong, and now you are driving them away. This is so embarrassing. Let's help them out." , Now offending people, isn't that a waste of time? I have a temper like a child all day long."

"Yes, yes, I am like a child, and you are an adult. I want to say that since people come to your door on their own initiative, you have to let him understand that not everyone can enter the door of our Sun's house, and teach him a lesson. , What do you think?" Xu Feng was reminded by her daughter before thinking of business.

"That's it?" Sun Mei really didn't like Chen You staring at her naked face, "I think it's okay."

"I'll let him come in to talk to you in a while, and you take the opportunity to pretend to faint in his arms, and then I'll come in and grab him and fix him up." Sun Mei felt a little reluctant when she heard her mother's idea.

"Mom, isn't this bad? It's too obvious."

"What's wrong, if he doesn't act guilty, he will naturally feel that we are bullying him, but if he really has such thoughts, hehe, then don't blame us." Xu Feng sneered twice.

Seeing this, Sun Mei didn't say any more, seeing her daughter acquiesced, Xu Feng gave her daughter a look before turning around and leaving.

As soon as I went out, I talked to Chen You enthusiastically, "Sun Mei is awake, you go in and talk to her, I am in a hurry to cook, so I won't tell you."

Chen You was flattered, "Auntie, you should be busy."

Seeing Chen You who couldn't wait to enter the room, Xu Feng took a sip, and quietly leaned outside the door to eavesdrop. In the room, Sun Mei got out of bed, asked Chen You to sit down, and said with a smile, "Why are you here? Work It’s just a matter of passing by, you really can’t come here to thank me on purpose, it will make everyone blame heretics.”

"How can I do that? You've helped us a lot. I'm not good at being a teacher, but I can recognize who the benefactor is." After entering the room, Chen You kept his eyes fixed on Sun Mei. .

Sun Mei suppressed the nausea in her heart and rubbed the corner of her head, "I don't know what's wrong, my head hurts a bit."

"Are you okay? How does it feel to be a doctor yourself? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Chen You looked concerned, eager to rush forward.

Sun Mei shook her head and leaned against the bed.

Seeing her like this, Chen You leaned forward again. Seeing that Sun Mei didn't feel disgusted, he was secretly happy, suppressed his excitement and came to Sun Mei's side, and put his hand on her shoulder lightly, "What's the matter? Do you want to lie down?" for a while?"

The tone was so soft that Sun Mei felt disgusted after hearing it.

Gritting her teeth, Sun Mei pushed him away forcefully, "What are you going to do?"

Before Chen You could react to the sudden change in Sun Mei's attitude, Xu Feng rushed in, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Sun Mei hugged her body tightly and pointed at Chen You angrily, "Get out, get out immediately."

Don't say nothing.

Xu Feng secretly told her daughter to be smart, and went straight to Chen You, and slapped Chen You twice without saying anything, "What do you say you did to my daughter? You ungrateful thing, my daughter helped you If you dare to attack her while you are looking for a job, your conscience has been eaten by a dog."

These two slaps were slapped with enough strength, and both sides of Chen You's face swelled instantly, and he dared not speak in a daze, as if he had been slapped stupidly.

"Mom, forget it, let him go, I don't want to see him." Sun Mei looked hurt, and then looked at Chen You, "Chen You, I promised you that I will help you find a job to the end. I won't pursue today's matter, you can go."

"Sun Mei, listen to my explanation..."

Sun Mei turned her head away.

Xu Feng rushed up to pull him and walked out, "Didn't you hear? My daughter doesn't care about you anymore. Do you think our Sun family is easy to bully? Bah, you dare to set my daughter's mind, and don't look at yourself What kind of stuff, I tell you, you go out and ask if there is any toad that can eat swan meat. My daughter kindly helped you find a job, and you chased her home to humiliate people, bah, shameless thing, roll."

Pushing Chen You out, Xu Feng also warned, "For the sake of my daughter's reputation, you'd better not publicize what happened today, or it will really look good to you."

With a bang, Xu Feng slammed the door.

Chen You stood in a daze in the corridor. He never thought that it would turn out like this. For a moment, he regretted that he was too hasty, and regretted that he should have explained it properly just now. In short, the five flavors were mixed, and he couldn't tell what it was like. .

His face was still hot, so he could only walk away in shame and embarrassment.

In the room, Xu Feng laughed when he saw Chen You leaving in despair from the window.

Sun Mei couldn't help worrying, "Mom, he won't figure it out by then, will he?"

"Don't worry, I think he can't wait to kneel down and admit his mistakes for us. How could he think that we have set him up for a trap? Hmph, Zhang Guilan, we can't do it, but let everyone know what her brother-in-law is like, and then we will lose sight of it." Whose face." Xu Feng only felt relieved.

Sun Mei didn't say much. Relatively speaking, she cared more about Luo Ji's attitude. Now that he helped his sister, not only was he not thanked, but he was like an enemy. She really didn't believe it. Old and dead.

Besides, when Chen You returned to the rented house, both sides of his face were swollen. When Luo Haiying came back with the vegetables, she was startled, "What's wrong with you? Did you fight with someone? You went out?"

Chen You threw Luo Haiying away, "I'm fine."

Luo Haiying didn't care about his vicious attitude towards her, and leaned forward again, "It's all swollen like this, who is bullying you, what do you mean? I'll ask my elder brother to help us get out."

"Come on, what made your elder brother stand out? I was beaten this time because of your elder brother and sister-in-law." Chen You attributed the Sun family's contempt for him to Luo Ji and his wife, "If they really treat you as a Sister, if you treat me as your brother-in-law, who else dares to beat me like this? Don't ask them to get ahead, who made me incompetent. "

After hearing this, Luo Haiying was silent.

 It's late, sorry, let's write the next chapter, it's 6 minutes late.

(End of this chapter)

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