Rebirth and struggle for rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 216 Discovering the Secret

Chapter 216 Discovering the Secret
There were no outsiders in the shop, so Zhang Guilan saw the two of them, and she pursed her lips tightly. Although she knew that this would happen, Zhang Guilan was very upset when she saw Dong Jianguo recklessly went to the shop to arrest people.

"What are you doing? What are you trying to do? Hitting a woman? Don't tell me this is your wife. You can beat me up however you want. Now is the new society. When it's not a time for landlords and local tyrants, women are human beings, even if they marry you. You can’t hit me either.” Zhang Guilan yelled at Dong Jianguo without asking the cause and effect, “You came to my store to beat someone, what’s the matter? Do you want to beat someone, or do you want to smash my store? It’s okay to smash it, but let me tell you, you have to prepare the money you lost first, or you will go to jail for me.”

"I'm here to find my wife. What does it have to do with you? Zhang Guilan, don't be too arrogant. What's wrong with you opening a shop? Don't you just make a little money? That's an individual, and I'm a formal job." Dong Jianguo continued to scold, He heard Sister-in-Law Cheng from the small house inside coughing at the right time, and he stopped cursing, "I came here today to find my wife, and it's between us. I said I don't agree with her coming out to work. Let her go home now."

Zhu Lan smiled and said, "We can't see that you are here to pick up your wife and go home to enjoy the blessings. You've started to do it outside, but you don't know what will happen at home."

One corner of Liu Xiaolan's eye was swollen, and her eyes were red. She had obviously cried, "Dong Jianguo, are you still a man? You raised a man outside, but now you come home and beat your wife. The children don't care, but the parents-in-law are Your dear parents, how could you bear to leave them alone? Let me tell you. I’m still determined to do this job. If it’s a big deal, I’ll leave. Did you hear? It’s not like I, Liu Xiaolan, can’t live without you.”

When he heard about the divorce, Dong Jianguo looked anxiously into the hut.Turning around, he pointed at Liu Xiaolan viciously, "Don't think that you can say anything if someone backs you up. Why don't you dare to be so stubborn when you are at home? When you are at home, don't you just beg me to go home? ? Your wings are stiff right after you go to work, right? If you dare to say such hard words, you admit your mistake immediately, or you will be fine if you beg me when you get home."

"Dong Jianguo, when did I beg you at home? Pat your conscience, did I ask you about the things you did? You spent all the money on that widow outside, did I say something?" Liu Xiaolan Sadly looking at his man.So disappointed.

The heart is also completely dead.


Everyone looked over, and Zhu Lan walked over with concern, "Sister-in-law Cheng, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay." The voice of Widow Cheng inside was low.

Only then did Zhu Lan come out with peace of mind, but Dong Jianguo outside lost his temper, "What did you say? What happened to the widow? The widow is not a human anymore? Do you believe I will beat you if you say such things again?"

"What did I say about the widow? You are so excited, you have not said this in front of that little widow of yours, and you are so anxious? You really care if people call her a widow. Why don't you find a widow." Liu Xiaolan also Out of breath, "Hey, now people say that widows feel ashamed, and you know how embarrassing you are, don't you? Hit me. If you can't beat me to death today, I will tell you."

"Okay, let me tell you, see if I don't tear your mouth off." Dong Jianguo rushed forward and was about to hit him.

Liu Xiaolan also did farm work in the countryside.It doesn't hurt to fight with Dong Jianguo, and the two started fighting.Zhang Guilan just came back to her senses and stepped forward to pull.At the same time let Zhu Lan stay away.

"Dong Jianguo, you want to beat someone out, don't mess around in my shop, I really don't believe you can't be cured today." Zhang Guilan also stepped forward, and the two of them naturally cured Dong Jianguo, Zhang Guilan just pressed But Liu Xiaolan scratched and kicked, wishing to eat Dong Jianguo.

Dong Jianguo was scratched so painfully that he yelled, "If we are capable, let's play two singles, don't ask for help."

Then he turned around and scolded Zhang Guilan, "This is a matter between our husband and wife, don't worry about it."

"I'm too lazy to care. You can fight as you like. Stay away from my shop." Zhang Guilan was also angry, and she pulled Liu Xiaolan away, dragged Dong Jianguo out, and threw him out.

Zhang Guilan is also a person who can withstand half a bag of beans, and she has great strength. Don't look at Dong Jianguo as a man, but he only enjoys life every day in the city. Where there is no strength in his body, he can't handle Zhang Guilan.

Being thrown like this, the person almost fell to the ground, pointed at the store door and was about to scold, but seemed to have thought of something, hesitated for a while, and cursed a few words in a low voice, "Liu Xiaolan, you'd better not go home, or you will be killed." good-looking."

Only then turned around and left.

Looking at the awkward Dong Jianguo, Zhang Guilan's doubts became more and more serious. If Dong Jianguo wanted to make trouble, he seemed to be worried about something, but the store really didn't let him worry about it. He obviously came to the store to find Liu Xiaolan to fight. Afraid of what impact it might cause, she tried her best to endure it. If Dong Jianguo was afraid of herself, Zhang Guilan would never believe it.

Back in the compound, Dong Jianguo was not afraid of making a scene, let alone now.

That's why Zhang Guilan couldn't figure it out, especially when Liu Xiaolan mentioned the word widow, it was like stepping on Dong Jianguo's tail, and Zhang Guilan didn't even notice when Zhu Lan came to her side.

"Xiao Lan is packing things in the house, let us rest assured, she said she will not go back, she did it here, she just caused such a big trouble, and I deducted the money from her salary for the delay. Careful." Zhu Lan muttered.

"Sister-in-law, do you think there is something wrong with Dong Jianguo?" Zhang Guilan explained her doubts in detail, "Could it be that I'm overthinking it?"

"You said this, I just remembered. Do you remember that when Dong Jianguo wanted to scold someone, Mrs. Cheng coughed, and he stopped scolding. When Xiaolan mentioned widows, he jumped up and beat people. And Sister Cheng's reaction was so weird that those who didn't know Dong Jianguo's friend thought it was Sister Cheng."

Zhu Lan finished speaking with a smile, and then froze.

Zhang Guilan was touched by her, and the mystery in her mind was finally solved, no wonder.

Dong Jianguo has always refused to let Liu Xiaolan come to work here, because he was afraid that Liu Xiaolan would know that Widow Cheng was Dong Jianguo's friend during the contact, right?This is the reason for Mrs. Cheng's indifference towards Liu Xiaolan, right?
Being able to control his temper, what Dong Jianguo cared about was Sister-in-law Cheng's opinion. It was unexpected that such an honest and responsible person as Sister-in-law Cheng could manage Dong Jianguo so honestly.

Zhu Lan was also frightened by her own thoughts, "Guilan, let's take this matter slowly."

If this is the case, Liu Xiaolan has the intention to kill Sister-in-law Cheng.

Zhang Guilan nodded, she had no other choice for this matter, she could only take one step at a time, and hoped that it was really just that they were wrong, otherwise, she really didn't know what would happen.

Back in the store, Liu Xiaolan arranged all the knocked-off clothes in the store. Zhang Guilan comforted her a few words, told her not to think too much, and went to cook. Zhu Lan had something on her mind and was a little curious, so she followed Zhang Guilan. While cooking, she watched Sister Cheng's every move out of the corners of her eyes, as if nothing had happened. In this way, Zhu Lan felt that the Sister Cheng who knew the truth before was not real.

Zhang Guilan made sweet and sour fish and eggplant in sauce. When the pot was boiling, she sprinkled minced chili and coriander on top. She also made fried eggs, home-cooked cold soup, and beef and radish soup.

There was a big table full, and Liu Xiaolan was asked to go to the factory to ask Bai Song and Dong Zi to come back for dinner before dinner, but only Bai Song came back, saying that the factory cannot be separated from people, and he just brought the food over when he left.

When the food was ready, Bai Song contacted the person who made sanitary napkins. She was a nearly 30-year-old woman who had worked in medical products before and knew them well. After chatting with Zhang Guilan, Zhang Guilan could tell that the other party was knowledgeable. Members, it is revealed at the fingertips.

"Sister Tian, ​​let's sign the contract today. I don't understand this matter, so I can only come up with ideas. Just tell my elder brother what you want to use, and let him purchase. As for other places, we don't know what to do." Understood, it depends on you."

Tian Xiaoyue smiled, "As long as you can trust me, then we will sign the contract, and the factory will be established sooner and we will earn money sooner, right?"

These words are true, originally they were out of place, but one sentence brought everyone closer.

The contract was written now. Looking at Tian Xiaoyue's handwriting, Zhang Guilan was very envious. After she was reborn, she wanted to practice handwriting, but she never had time. As a result, she dared not show her handwriting now. She was looking at others. , It is enough to start a class and teach others.

After signing, the meal was finished, Tian Xiaoyue still asked with a smile, "Which restaurant did you order this dish from?"

"The chef is right in front of you." Zhu Lan pushed Zhang Guilan out.

Tian Xiaoyue's eyes sparkled, "That's great, I was looking for someone who can cook, and now I have found the right person."

"Okay, if sister Tian is free, come to my house to cook. Let's eat while cooking." Zhang Guilan also told Tian Xiaoyue the compound where she lives. When she heard that Zhang Guilan was still a wife, she was very envious.

Before leaving, he took Zhang Guilan's hand and said, "I will definitely find you when the time comes."

Looking at her appearance, Zhang Guilan vaguely guessed that Tian Xiaoyue also liked men, just like her reborn self.

After sending Tian Xiaoyue away, she had to study the new factory. To choose a factory building, the hygiene requirements were high, especially some equipment had to be bought. She is really worried about other people going.

After discussing with Bai Song for a while, there were too many things and too many details to make an order with this book. Zhang Guilan said to go home and write a charter, and Bai Song returned to the factory with the meal.

Zhang Guilan also told Zhu Lan to keep an eye on Liu Xiaolan and Mrs. Cheng, and then returned home early with vegetables.

 Sorry, it was late, I was hungry during the period, and I ate two bowls of rice, haha
(End of this chapter)

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