Chapter 219
Tian Xiaoyue looks like a literati exuding from her body, she is about to be close friends, and she shows a little child's disposition from time to time, but she is not out of line, she has a degree in doing things and speaking, she looks like a highly educated person.

After a meal, Zhang Guilan's understanding of Tian Xiaoyue is that she is an older leftover girl who is kind-hearted and not picky. Talking to her will always broaden your horizons and see a lot of things you have never touched.

After the meal, it was naturally Zhou Fuguo who sent Tian Xiaoyue off, and Zhang Guilan who sent the two of them out before turning back to clean up the table.

After coming out of the kitchen in a blink of an eye, the sky outside was overcast, and it was raining heavily without any warning. Zhang Guilan only hoped that the rain would stop when Luo Ji got off work, otherwise everyone would not be able to come back.

In the end, I didn’t look forward to returning to Luo Ji, and there were guests at home. It was Wang Li, Jiang Zhi, and Zhao Chunmei who lived in the compound. Seeing that the three of them were all wet, let alone the children, Zhang Guilan He hurriedly asked three people to come in, and while looking for the clothes he made, he took them out for them to change into, thinking that they might not be able to ask for these clothes.

"Sister-in-law, I'm really sorry. I wanted to come to see you a long time ago. I thought you just moved here and there were many things at home, so I didn't come here. It's raining today, and the bus back to the compound broke down again, so I came to bother you." .” Zhao Chunmei looked embarrassed.

But I can't help but say it, and directly express the intention of coming, they are here to borrow.

"That's right, let's stay at home for one night, and let's have a good talk." Zhang Guilan naturally showed welcome on the face, "Hurry up and change all your clothes, don't catch a cold."

Turning around, he talked to Jiang Zhi again, "When did you come back?"

Jiang Zhi looked embarrassed. "It's only been three days since I've been back. This isn't going to go around the city today. I didn't expect this to happen. I'm going to trouble my sister-in-law."

"It's not troublesome. You can change your clothes. I'll make some ginger soup for you so you don't catch a cold." Zhang Guilan walked out of the room with a smile.

He went to the kitchen and cut the ginger into slices, boiled it in a pot, turned around and saw Wang Li walking in.

"Sister-in-law, I originally wanted to come with Zhao Chunmei. Jiang Zhi went to the hospital to see Shang Hong. Who would have thought that when he came here, he would meet her with Dr. Sun. Dr. Sun said that the hospital still had something to do. Let Jiang Zhi came to my sister-in-law's house with us." Wang Li looked contemptuous, "When I came back, I went to flatter Shang Hong, but he didn't even care about the place where I lived, so I didn't get my sister-in-law to come here? I think it's because my sister-in-law has a good temper and is easy to talk , they dare to bully sister-in-law in such a name."

Wang Li said in a low voice, and looked back into the room from time to time.

Zhang Guilan felt uncomfortable when she heard that, just as Wang Li said, Shang Hong and Sun Mei were just using her to bully them.But people have entered the door, can they still be driven out?When the word spread, the fault was all on him.

But just swallowing this breath, I was really not reconciled.

"Sister-in-law. Don't be angry. Don't worry about this. I'll go back to the courtyard and tell them. Let's see if the three of them still have face." Wang Li came up with an idea.

Zhang Guilan smiled gratefully, "It's a good thing you told me. Otherwise, I wouldn't know about it. You haven't had lunch yet, have you? I'll make you something to eat."

Wang Li was rarely embarrassed.Especially after being thanked, she also has selfish intentions, and she also wants to curry favor with Zhang Guilan, "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry to trouble you, in order to save money, I thought about going back to cook for the children at night, but the car broke down and it rained heavily. The hotel is too expensive, and I am reluctant to spend money, so I come to you for refuge."

Zhang Guilan doesn't care about suffering a little bit, but in comparison, she prefers Wang Li's straightforwardness, "You're calling me sister-in-law, what are you talking about, come in."

"Sister-in-law, let me help you."

"No, everything is ready-made." At noon, Zhang Guilan baked more pancakes, and now it just saves trouble, all he needs to do is make some soup.

Wang Li turned around and went back to the house.

As soon as she entered the room, she saw Zhao Chunmei glaring at her openly. Wang Li raised her chin, "What's the matter? I didn't say anything? I'm afraid people will tell you not to do anything wrong."

Jiang Zhi paused slightly, lowered his head and wiped Li Quan beside him without saying a word, Wang Li snorted coldly and glanced at her, and when she saw that her family hadn't changed her clothes, she was so angry that she pulled it on her body. Just two slaps, Song Rongqing was slapped, and Ben didn't care about the two slaps, and played with the Zhao family with a smile on his face.

In the end, it was Wang Li who took off her clothes with tugging and beating, dried her body, and then handed over a big dress, "Put it on quickly, this is not at home."

Seeing her playing with the child like that, Zhao Chunmei shook her head.

In this way, Jiang Zhi was relieved. It was not her original intention to live at Luo's house today, and it was raining heavily outside when she was in the hospital. Both Sun Mei and Shang Hong asked her to live at Shang Hong's house. How could she know where to go? When they arrived at the compound, Sun Mei handed her over to Wang Li and the others. Now that it has reached this point, Jiang Zhi can only brace himself and stay here. The rain outside is so heavy that there is no place to bring the children. go.

It wasn't until Zhang Guilan called them out to drink ginger soup that the room became lively again. When Zhang Guilan brought the cake and soup, the children cheered, and even Li Quan clapped his hands happily.

There was not a single piece of meat pie left in the half pot, and the soup that had been boiled in a large pot was also drunk.

"You don't need to eat this dinner." Zhao Chunmei said with embarrassment, "Sister-in-law, we can just use the floor shop."

"There are only two rooms in the house. Let the children sleep on the bed, and you three adults should sleep on the floor. This is the situation at home, and you have seen it." Zhang Guilan said again, "If Lao Ji doesn't come back, the three of us will sleep on the bed." You can live in a house even if you squeeze it together.”

"It'll be fine if the rain stops." Zhao Chunmei came to Luo's house because she really had no choice.

Otherwise, she would not be able to save money by staying in a hotel, and secretly hated God for not giving a warning when it was going to rain, so it would rain as soon as it was said, which caught people off guard.

"I've been tired all day. I'm going to make the beds for you now. It's dark outside. Let's lie down too. I'll cook for you when I'm hungry at night." Zhang Guilan got up and went to the study. It was not enough to just lie on the ground like this, so I called Wang Li and Zhao Chunmei to come over to help, put a distance between the two cabinets and the bed, took out the boards for making furniture from the balcony, put one end on the bed, and the other end on the cabinet, The simple bed was set up. Fortunately, there were two more quilts at home. One bed was covered, and the other bed was left to be covered.

Zhang Guilan brought over the ones that she and Luo Ji had built, "Kids love to kick quilts, and it's raining and cold, so I'll cover them for them."

"Sister-in-law, it seems that your house has been messed up." Zhao Chunmei put the child on the bed, "I didn't help you much, but I have been bothering you."

"Look, if you say that again, you're heresy." Zhang Guilan looked at the time, "You should rest first, and you're exhausted from walking all day. Let's talk about it at night if you have anything to say."

After the arrangements were made, Zhang Guilan returned to her room. Although she hadn't done anything that day, she was exhausted. After lying on the bed, Zhang Guilan felt sore all over.

The rain outside was getting heavier and heavier, and the house was so dark that it was necessary to turn on the lights. Zhang Guilan heard that there was no movement next door, and knew that they had all rested. After walking for a day and being drenched in the rain, it's no wonder that she wasn't tired. It would save trouble. Otherwise, I don't even know what to say to them.

In a daze, Zhang Guilan opened her eyes, got up and went to the living room to look at the clock on the wall. It was already five o'clock. Luo Ji would have been back by this time in the sky. He hasn't come back today, and it looks like he won't be back today.

Zhang Guilan thought about the amount of meat that everyone ate before, so she helped some light noodles in the evening and planned to make noodles in hot soup. As soon as the noodles were mixed, she heard the sound of the door opening, so she had to run out to meet them with the flour in her hand.

"It's all wet, why don't you live in the factory?" Zhang Guilan said so, but the smile on her face couldn't hide her joy.

Luo Ji said with a smile, "I'm afraid you'll be scared at home alone."

It's true and so simple.

Zhang Guilan's heart was warm. If she hadn't been pushed away, she would have thrown herself into the other's arms. Only then did Luo Ji notice the shoes on the shoe cabinet at home, "Is someone here?"

"It's raining, and the bus broke down again. Wang Li and the others are here with their children."

Zhang Guilan didn't need to say more, Luo Ji knew about it, so he just nodded and didn't say anything more.

After turning around and washing her hands in the kitchen, Zhang Guilan went into the room and helped Luo Ji change his clothes, "Don't catch a cold."

"It's all right. What's for dinner?"

"Hot noodle soup, I'll make you some kimchi." Zhang Guilan said coquettishly, "I thought you wouldn't come back."

"Just now you blamed me for coming back, are you telling the truth now?" Luo Ji nodded her nose, and whispered, "I'll accompany you to cook, after eating, let's rest."

"There are people at home today, so we can't mess around." Zhang Guilan giggled, "However, we can cook together."

Only then did Zhang Guilan tell about the fact that Shang Hong and Sun Mei sent Jiang Zhi home halfway, "Maybe they have something to do, and it's inconvenient. I don't have anything to say, I just want to let them stay for one night. Three children Three adults, just a place to sleep."

Luo Ji pursed his lips tightly, "They can play tricks on them as much as they like, and they can't take advantage of it."

Let Luo Ji know who Sun Mei and Shang Hong are. Zhang Guilan didn't say much. She took Luo Ji's wet clothes and went to the bathroom. After soaking them, she washed them in water and wrung them out. Yes, it got wet in the afternoon.

After hanging it, I went to the kitchen. In the kitchen, Luo Ji had already set the table and started kneading the dough. Zhang Guilan stepped forward to help. When the three of Zhao Chunmei came out of the room when they heard the movement, they saw Luo Ji rolling the dough. The two would whisper to each other from time to time, looking very intimate, like newlyweds, standing in place for a while, not wanting to disturb, but envious in their hearts.

 Today's third update

(End of this chapter)

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