Chapter 222
People are gone, but the house is in chaos.

When Zhang Guilan was cleaning the house, Tian Xiaoyue came, which surprised Zhang Guilan.

Tian Xiaoyue changed the slippers and helped Zhang Guilan clean up together. At first Zhang Guilan was too embarrassed to let her do it, so she didn't say much after hearing what she said, "I've been living outside all these years, and I'm used to doing this. If you Really don't let me do it, just let me watch from the sidelines, I feel so restrained."

"The bus broke down and has it been repaired?" Tian Xiaoyue heard Zhang Guilan talk about the visit from the family after she came in.

"No, Sun Mei found a car to take them off." Zhang Guilan then remembered that she didn't know Sun Mei, "Sun Mei is a hospital in their factory. She used to be in a forest hospital in another city. She was transferred back a while ago. of."

"Then why were they transferred to the countryside? It stands to reason that such people can't be found in the forest hospitals in the city. They have buried talents. Are the men in the forest areas in the countryside?"

Hearing Tian Xiaoyue's question, Zhang Guilan knew she had a brain, and shook her head with a smile, "There must be another story."

Tian Xiaoyue raised her eyebrows.

After Zhang Guilan finished the whole story, Tian Xiaoyue couldn't stop talking, "That Sun Mei's family also lives in this compound? Her father's name is Sun Hai, right?"

"Have you heard this?"

"If I really knew her, I only met her a few times. She was still young at that time, and she was five years younger than me, so I didn't have much contact with her. I said she didn't live in a compound. I saw her She was seen when his father took her to my house to play. At that time, she was very cute, and my mother praised her for being sensible. I refused to accept it at that time, saying that she knew how to spend time at a young age. I’m trying to coax you, and I was scolded by my mother, let’s see now. I’m really following what I said.”

What Tian Xiaoyue said made Zhang Guilan laugh, "Then you really have a bright eye."

Tian Xiaoyue accepted it calmly, and raised her eyebrows, "Guilan, your temper is very similar to mine, and you don't want to argue with those who can't get on the stage. From this point of view, the two of us can do well." good friend."

Obviously, she looks like a lady of everyone.But she made such a cool move, Zhang Guilan was also amused by her, "That's really my honor."

"But Sun Mei is really interesting, I will meet her sometime."

Zhang Guilan didn't think much about it when she arrived, the two of them cleaned up the house, and then they cooked together. After eating, Tian Xiaoyue went back to work, but she didn't go back to work after leaving the compound.He turned a corner and went to find Zhou Fuguo.

Seeing Tian Xiaoyue standing outside the forest area, Zhou Fuguo frowned, "Since you're here, let's go in, your dad happens to be there too."

"I can't go in if he's around. It's not like you don't know that I'm avoiding them." Tian Xiaoyue didn't hide it, "I don't have anything to do when I come, I just want to ask if you can borrow a car in your forest area? Can you borrow me for a few days."

"Nonsense. Where do you think the forest area is, you can borrow the car as you please. It's not a family car." Zhou Fuguo saw her virtuous appearance, but the words she said were always surprising.I couldn't help losing my temper, "Your dad was still talking about you just now, you have been away for so many years, everything has passed, can't you go home?"

"Zhou Fuguo, don't worry about my family's affairs, otherwise we can't even be friends." Tian Xiaoyue suddenly lost his temper, "You are really boring, it's not that you don't borrow a bus, I think it's a scorer, what are you doing Sun Mei If I can borrow it, I can't? Are you fighting for your father? My father is more senior than her father."

Ignoring what Zhou Fuguo said, Tian Xiaoyue walked away.

Zhou Fuguo was stunned, turned around and went back to the camp, and consulted with his assistant. He heard that someone was driving out, and it was a private matter. But even those who are in charge are afraid.

On the same day when Shang Hong was discharged from the hospital, Sun Mei could go home during the day. She planned to return to the forest area the next day, but Yang Zongyi was transferred away. She only found out today that Shang Hong had also moved away, and she was so far away from Luo Ji. She just felt powerless.

Back home, seeing both her parents and her son were there, Sun Mei was still a little surprised at this point, but saw her father getting angry at her, "Did you borrow a car from the forest area in my name?"

Sun Mei was taken aback, "Yes."

This happened often before, and it wasn't a big deal to me, so I took it for granted.

Xu Feng watched anxiously from the side, "The child borrowed the car not for herself, but for those wives? Taking the child in the city, and it was raining again, and she couldn't go home. Isn't she doing a good deed?" What? If you have anything to say, talk about it, what are you doing with such a big temper. "

"Use her to do this good deed? If you really do good deeds, there will be too many. The wife needs a lot of help. Do you have to help each of them? Can you help? Besides, what is this? It's raining You can wait for the rain to stop and walk slowly. Is this difficult? If it is like this, the gas money in the forest area will not be enough." Sun Hai was so angry that he patted the table, "What did I say? What do you say? Everything follows her temperament, take a look? Now people say that our family is seeking personal gain, does this sound good?"

"It's not like that, and it's not our family." Xu Feng didn't care.

Sun Hai pointed at his wife, but he didn't say anything for a while, and finally said in a deep voice, "Okay, everything I say is wrong, then you can make trouble, anyway, I will retire in less than two years, when I see How are you going to do it?"

Flicking his sleeves, Sun Hai entered the study room.

The door also slammed.

Xu Feng couldn't see her daughter being wronged, so she invited her to her side, "Come and sit down, don't listen to your father, he will take the blame himself, who is like him now."

Sun Mei felt uncomfortable, not because of being scolded, but because she borrowed a car, it was guaranteed not to be so simple, everyone borrowed a car on weekdays, and nothing happened, how could she be brought up to blame when she came here?It was because someone was spoiling her behind her back, she really couldn't think of anyone else except Zhang Guilan, and when she thought about Zhang Guilan's relationship with the Zhou family, it became clear what was going on here.

"Okay, it's rare to come back, Mom will cook something delicious for you." Xu Feng didn't persuade her much, she didn't care about Ben, and got up and went to the kitchen.

Sun Mei sat for a while, then called out to the kitchen to go out for a while and come back for dinner, and then left.

When people arrived at Zhou's house, Mrs. Zhou was quite surprised, "Sun Mei is here, come in and sit down."

Sun Mei called her auntie and entered the room, "Has Fu Guo not come back yet?"

Mrs. Zhou was cooking, she looked at the clock, "It's coming soon, you can find Fu Guo, sit down first."

Sun Mei responded and sat down.

The old lady Zhou secretly looked at Sun Mei. Before, her son had a good impression of her, and the old lady Zhou also heard about it vaguely. Although she didn't like Xu Feng, she thought Sun Mei was pretty good. Sun Mei couldn't like her at all.

Looking at it carefully now, the little girl is pretty good, but I regret that this is the wrong way.

Sun Mei didn't sit for a long time when Zhou Fuguo came back, and when she saw someone entering the room, Sun Mei stood up, "Fuguo, can I have a few words with you?"

The old lady Zhou winked at her son vigorously.

Zhou Fuguo smiled, "Let's go."

Watching her son and Sun Mei go out, Mrs. Zhou looked disappointed and cursed, "Stinky brat."

She winked vigorously just to let her son talk at home, but it turned out that her son and Ben didn't agree with her.

In the compound, as soon as he came out of the building, Zhou Fuguo lit a cigarette and took a puff, "Just tell me if you have anything to say."

Seeing him talk so coldly to her, Sun Mei was very hurt, "You have changed, you were not like this before."

Zhou Fuguo smiled lightly, but did not speak.

"Fu Guo, did you say that I borrowed the car in the forest area?" Sun Mei bit her lip, "I know you are Zhang Guilan's godbrother now, and it's normal to help her out, but I also want to help others. I really don't have any selfish desires. Isn't it a little unnatural for you to do this?"

Zhou Fuguo turned to face her, "Sun Mei, you misunderstood, I said that, but it was not for personal matters, this is a place in the forest area that should be rectified, in your eyes Have I always been a power seeker?"

Sun Mei was stunned by the question, and took a long time to retort, "But if she doesn't tell you, you won't either..."

Seeing that she couldn't continue, Zhou Fuguo smiled and said, "I said that she didn't tell me, do you believe me?"

Seeing that she didn't speak, he said again, "I knew you wouldn't believe me if I told the truth, so I didn't want to explain more. If you came to me today because of this matter, then you've said everything you need to say." , I'll go back if it's okay."

"Fu Guo, don't leave yet." Sun Mei thought of the relationship between Zhang Guilan and Zhou Fuguo, and felt ten thousand ants crawling in her bones, "Is it because of those rumors that you also misunderstood me?"

Zhou Fuguo looked back at her as if he didn't understand what was going on.

"I think there must be some misunderstanding between us, that's why you will act like a stranger when you see me now, right?" Sun Mei's pitiful look stunned Zhou Fuguo for a moment.

After regaining his senses, Zhou Fuguo said calmly, "It's not a misunderstanding. You always disagreed with me when I chased you. Now I let go and pursue another life."

The matter was broken, but Sun Mei was stunned, and she was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in. Zhou Fuguo said this, as if telling her bluntly, if you don't pursue her, naturally there is no reason to be nice to her ?
It was as if a slap had been slapped directly on Sun Mei's face, but Zhou Fuguo didn't care what she thought. Seeing that she was silent, he turned and went back to the building. There were still people walking around in the compound, so Sun Mei didn't dare to stay longer, like a thief Returned to his home as well.

Seeing that her daughter hid in the house as soon as she came back, Xu Feng didn't think much about it, she just thought she was still having a temper with her father, but after Sun Mei returned to the house, she shed a lot of tears, although she didn't like it Zhou Fuguo was used to being held up by him, but now suddenly this habit disappeared, and Sun Mei realized the habit she had formed.

 Today's update is so early, Baba is great, haha

(End of this chapter)

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