Chapter 226 Long absence
As soon as Zhang Guilan entered the store, the two people in the store were really taken aback. There were three people in the store, two of whom were Luo Haiying and Milan. Milan was afraid because she felt guilty about opening such a store against Zhang Guilan's. Although I could sometimes see Zhang Guilan on the opposite side, but I had never been in close contact with her. When I saw someone approaching my door, I was taken aback.

As for Luo Haiying, it was all because the news about Sun Mei and Sun Mei was reported in front of Chen You in the compound, and after hearing from her elder brother that people in the compound had spread the word, seeing Zhang Guilan looking for her, she thought she was looking for her to settle the score , If you stand by the shelf, you dare not move.

Zhang Guilan didn't bother to see how the two of them reacted. She sized up the shelves and clothes in the store. The clothes were all imitated from her own. The workmanship looked good, not to mention the shelves. Xu was dumb since she was a child. I bought it there, no difference at all.

"Sister-in-law, are you here to buy something?" Luo Haiying came forward after she regained her composure.

Only then did Zhang Guilan turn her head, and glanced at Milan before looking at Luo Haiying, "Parents are here and ask you to go home for dinner together at night."

Milan stood there with his arms around his chest, as if he was a master. Zhang Guilan and Ben didn't look at her for a second, and only talked to Luo Haiying.

Hearing that her parents were here, she asked herself to go, Luo Haiying became nervous, "Did Zhou's family come too?"

Zhang Guilan nodded, "The matter is settled. Dad said to meet you and have a reunion dinner with the family, so he went back with Mom."

"I won't go back." Zhang Guilan said everything so clearly, Luo Haiying still refused without hesitation.

Zhang Guilan walked out without waiting to say more, "I brought the words with me. Whether you go back or not is up to you."

Unexpectedly, when she came out, Luo Haiying also chased her out. "Sister-in-law, help me tell my parents. Just pretend that I don't have a daughter."

"Sister-in-law, if you ask me to bring such words, I can't take them. If you have anything to say, go back and talk about it yourself." Zhang Guilan can't see Luo Haiying with half of her eyes now. I came to your elder brother for something, don’t forget, your elder brother is their son, after a round, don’t you think of yourself as a member of the Luo family?”

Replaced with before.Zhang Guilan kept these words in her heart, and would not say them out. Now she also feels that there is no need to save face for Luo Haiying. She was very happy when she saw her change, but she didn't want the dog to change and eat shit, so she just pretended for a while , I can't pretend for a lifetime.

Luo Haiying's face turned green and pale, "Sister-in-law. I know you won't forgive me, and I don't ask you to forgive me. This time, Chen Youluo and I were forced into this situation, and you didn't take us in. I don't blame you, you did this It's human nature, but I still hope you can understand me. Everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness. Didn't my sister-in-law quarrel with Zhou's family because of me? Why can't you support me now? If you say It's because I used my sister-in-law when I was going to elope. But it didn't cause any harm to my sister-in-law. Didn't the Zhou family explain it when they came? "

Luo Haiying bit her lip. "It's still like what they said, my sister-in-law used to pretend to be nice to me, and it was all for the sake of my elder brother. Now I don't have to pretend, that's why..."

"You can say whatever you want, I have a clear conscience." Zhang Guilan looked at her indifferently, and they guessed who they were without thinking, "Let me tell you here, people have to do things worthy of their own conscience, don't Because others have paid for you, and then take it for granted for the rest of your life, no one owes anyone anything, if a person is not grateful, he is not a human being."

After leaving the words, Zhang Guilan turned around and went across the road.

Seeing Zhang Guilan walking into the shop while talking to the two women opposite, Luo Haiying clenched her lips so hard that she almost bled.

But Milan sneered from behind, "What a fool, your parents told you to go back, so they forgave you. You don't want such a good opportunity. Now, except for your parents, who else can rely on for the rest of your life. Look at you It's a joke to tell people what's on your mind, and they care about you? You can't even see this clearly, and you want to elope like others, what a joke."

Luo Haiying suddenly turned her head and stared at her, "Milan, don't forget, your parents also eloped, why are you making fun of me?"

Milan wasn't angry either, and raised his chin lightly, "So I won't learn from them in my life, I found an obedient man to marry, I have a building to live in, a man cooks and does laundry at home, and can earn money. I myself have It’s a good job, and I’m opening a shop again. How can I live a bad life? You can’t compare with one of them.”

"Yes, my elder brother found your job for you. You still lick your face and say it, and you are not afraid of being laughed at. You have broken up, and my elder brother is also married, and you have been entangled. If it weren't for this, you would think that my elder brother Can I find a job for you? I advise you to settle down, otherwise the man in your family can't bear it, and you will suffer."

The speaker has no intention, and Luo Haiying speaks in anger, but the listener has intention.

After running away from home a while ago, although Milan returned home with Hu Youguo, Hu Youguo didn't choose his mother that day. As a result, her mother-in-law Wang Jing never visited the house again, and Milan was pregnant again, so she simply did nothing , everything in the family fell on Hu Youguo, he went to work all day, and he had to cook and clean the house when he came back. In addition, he felt guilty towards his mother, Hu Youguo's face became more and more ugly, and his attitude towards Milan was not good. When he got up, it was because of his mother that Milan exposed him, and Hu Youguo refused to admit it.

Now the relationship between the couple is not good, and sometimes Hu Youguo wants to fix it, but Milan has half an eye to look down on Hu Youguo, and he doesn't care about his low-lying and smallness. Seeing her like this, Hu Youguo is also angry The two of them hardly talked at home.

Now that Luo Haiying unintentionally uttered such nonsense, Milan was so angry that his lungs would explode, but now she had a big belly and couldn't do anything. When she was so angry, her stomach started to hurt. Although she hated Hu Youguo, the child But it is his own, especially the fetal movement these days, this child has become the heart of Milan.

"You still have time to laugh at others, so take a good look at yourself." After glaring at her fiercely, Milan turned around and entered the room.

If it wasn't for the sake of gaining a sigh of relief, how could she take out money to partner with Sun Mei in this business, but in the end she got less money, and now she doesn't have much right to make decisions, making Luo Haiying an eyesore all day long.

Fortunately, she still has to work, so she doesn't have to stay in the store all day, otherwise she would really have a miscarriage.

Getting angry at Milan made Luo Haiying feel that it was a game back, but she also took a closer look at what Milan had said before. Now Zhang Guilan is obviously far away from her, and the eldest brother is a person who listens to his daughter-in-law's hair and congratulations. , there is really no one who can help me, especially Chen You is still doing odd jobs in elementary school, and he looks bad every day when he comes home. He only said that he was angry at school. Works fine too.

With this plan in mind, Luo Haiying asked Milan for leave when she returned to the store. Milan wished she would not come, but she still said meanly, "I've only been here for a few days, so I ask for leave, and it will have to be deducted from my salary."

When she heard that wages would be deducted, Luo Haiying quit, "Then I won't ask for leave."

Parents won't leave anyway.

Milan was so angry that his chest was blocked, he turned around and left with his bag.

He didn't get angry with Luo Haiying, but he got angry with himself.

In the store opposite, Zhang Guilan said a few words to Zhu Lan, went to the market to buy vegetables, and went home. When she returned to the compound, she saw her mother-in-law Guo Ying looking around in the yard, and chatting with people from time to time. See the father-in-law's figure.

Seeing Zhang Guilan come back, Guo Ying twisted her body and walked up, her voice was exceptionally loud, "Just say that I'm not used to sleeping in this bed in your city, look, my face is swollen from the fall, and I don't know if it will go away in a few days."

Zhang Guilan's eyes rolled wildly, and she was surprised that she dared to come out after being beaten like this, but she found an excuse for this, but looking at the injuries on her face, who would believe that falling off the bed would make her fall like that?Just lie to yourself, don't need to think too much, Zhang Guilan also knows that the compound may have already spread the news, but she didn't expect her family to become a joke again.

"Mom, the sun is so hot today, let's go home." Zhang Guilan was reluctant to cooperate with her, "Otherwise, the swollen face will be so swollen that I don't know when it will go down."

"Guilan, I heard people say that you recognized a godmother, why don't you see anyone coming to the house?" Guo Ying's eyes rolled wildly, "Is there no one in the yard?"

"Look at what mom said, if my godmother is in the yard, how can she not come to say hello to you, she likes to be quiet, and she doesn't like to go out on weekdays, she always reads at home, and doesn't like to talk about housework." It's not like you After being beaten like this, he went to the courtyard to hang around.

Guo Ying is not a fool, she immediately heard that there was something in Zhang Guilan's words, and her complexion was not good, "Yes, she is a cultural person."

He strode into the corridor, obviously angry.

It's fine to bring people back to the house without losing face in the courtyard. Zhang Guilan doesn't care if she is angry or not. She didn't talk about Luo Haiying until she entered the house. "I brought the words, and she can't say it back."

"If I don't come back, I won't come back. I just pretend that I never gave birth to her." Thinking that Zhou's family might come over to get money in the afternoon, I spent another time. If he had known this before, Guo Ying would never have spent money so extravagantly, "Guilan, how much money do you have? Give it to mom first, and the Zhou family will come to get the money in the afternoon. Mom doesn't have enough money here. "

"Mom, you also know how much money Lao Ji pays every month. He secretly borrowed two hundred from my sister-in-law when she got married. He didn't tell me until two days ago when someone came to ask for the money. I don't have a job. The money in my hand The money was collected and returned to others, and there is really no money." Anyway, Luo Jizai would not expose himself, and Zhang Guilan would come to lie.

"Not much, one hundred is enough." (
 There is no day to save the manuscript, so get up early and write, in case something happens again, write it
(End of this chapter)

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