Chapter 228
Since Zhang Guilan was a child, it was the first time that someone pointed her finger at her nose and yelled at her, especially someone who had used her and was still in her own home, which made her very angry.

"Who are you referring to? Who are you yelling at? Who are you, yelling at me at my house, this is your upbringing? Believe it or not, I will slap you." Zhang Guilan went straight to meet her.

Luo Haiying was forced to take two steps back, "What's the matter at your house? You can drive people away at your house? You are saying that this is also my elder brother's house, why do you drive people away? Why did Chen You feel sorry for you? Don't you Is it because you don’t like me? Yes, I used you, but didn’t I admit my mistake? Didn’t the Zhou family’s misunderstandings also be resolved? Aren’t you just sorry this time? You still keep poking at people ? Don’t you just see us as poor? That’s why you bully us.”

While talking, Luo Haiying cried aggrievedly, "If I were a good parent, I wouldn't need to be like today. Who can I blame? No one can help me. I can only rely on myself. It's not easy to find Find a man who is good to me, now it’s good, you drive him away, you really don’t want me to let me live a good life, none of you have a good thing.”

At the end, Luo Haiying cursed.

When Guo Ying saw her daughter like this, she didn't know what to say, and she looked at Zhang Guilan complaining that it fell from her body.

Zhang Guilan had a cold expression on her face, "Sister-in-law, let's speak clearly in front of our parents today, don't act like you have been wronged a lot, who will you show it to? Who is the one who gets wronged first?" Figure it out, and then it's not too late for us to cry."

"Why are you so cruel? It's really not your own sister, Haiying is still a child. Why are you pushing her so hard?" Guo Ying didn't want to speak at first, but she just didn't like Zhang Guilan's way.

Zhang Guilan looked over coldly. "Mom, she's married. Now that she has a child in her belly, you still say she is a child, so you are too obvious to favor her? And why did I force her? We were all in front of you just now, why do you answer?" You should understand the matter, I just asked her to force her, and this is not such a bully, if Mom really thinks that my sister-in-law is doing something wrong, well, I will go find some people in the compound now. Then Spread the matter out and let everyone come and judge."

When they heard that outsiders were being called, Guo Ying's mother and daughter stopped talking.

Zhang Guilan sneered, and then looked at Luo Haiying, "Since you don't agree to invite outsiders, let's talk about it ourselves. You admit that you used me, and then let the people of the Zhou family take their anger out on me. Saying that you admitted your mistake, what you mean now is that it was my fault if I didn’t forgive you, right? I want to ask you. Can you not be sentenced if you kill someone and then apologize? If that’s the case, the police won’t be needed. It’s all right to admit your mistake. This is the same as your idea, right? So you say it makes sense? You trap me and injustice, and let me treat you with a smile. You are not taking me Are you being a fool?"

Facing Zhang Guilan's aggressive poking, Luo Haiying's complexion was pale, and she bit her lip tightly.Not a word.

Guo Ying also had a guilty look on his face, laughing from the sidelines. "Okay, okay, since that's the case. You said what you had to say, and you've been obsessing about what to do. It's rare for the family to have a meal. Can this noise stop?"

"Mom, since you don't want the whole family to quarrel, why didn't you make a sound when my sister-in-law said those words, and you thought I was wrong when I spoke? I know I'm not your daughter, and you don't like me. I used to think you were Old man, I will endure everything, since today is like this, I will make it clear that it is not fair for you to be an old man, so don't expect me to respect you as an old man." Zhang Guilan is not angry anymore, just like this I was so angry, "Is it me who wants to quarrel? My sister-in-law asked me to go out and bring someone in as soon as I entered the door. Did I go out? She pointed at my nose and scolded me when no one came. She blamed me, why didn't she blame herself?" Find a man who is incompetent and wants face? He feels that he has just been blocked outside, he has no face, and he wants me to ask him to come in humbly. Let's go, let's talk harshly again."

Luo Haiying didn't believe that Chen You would be like this, but she also felt that Zhang Guilan would not lie, so she stood at the door in embarrassment, tears falling down uncontrollably.

Guo Ying thought about it, but she could think of her man's anger these days, not to mention what was going on in front of her, she could see it, and arguing would only make her even more unreasonable, "Guilan, look at what you said What? I'm not partial. No matter how much Haiying has a child, she is also your sister, so you let her go. Besides, you said that she left as soon as you came in, and you didn't say why you left. When you came in, you said, There will be no more misunderstandings."

This is pushing the fault on yourself again?

"Ah? People left, I don't say how they left, it's my fault? I also saw that I did everything wrong. In this case, you and your family have a good time together, and I will leave." They eat and dream.

Seeing that Zhang Guilan was leaving, Guo Ying was secretly happy, but immediately thought of cooking, "Who will cook when you leave?"

It was too late to shut up, but I actually said my thoughts directly.

Zhang Guilan looked at her with a smile, and Guo Ying's face burned instantly.

"Have you had enough trouble?" Luo Yongzhi walked out of the room, "I can't get rid of the hall for a while, can I?"

Luo Yongzhi drank to his wife and daughter first, and then spoke to Zhang Guilan, "Guilan, you have been wronged by this matter, and you have said what you should say. They all know it well. This is your home, and if you want to leave, it's not you."

Luo Haiying bit her lip and turned to leave.

Guo Ying didn't dare to stop her daughter, and was busy trying to excuse herself, "I didn't say anything either."

"Go and tell Haiying that if she still wants to be our daughter, she will come back. If she leaves, she will never come back." Luo Yongzhi left the words, turned and entered the room.

Guo Ying was reluctant, so he put on his shoes and chased him out.

Zhang Guilan didn't make it, and went back to the study directly.

Outside, Guo Ying called to stop her daughter who left crying, "Your father said, if you really leave this time, you will really never recognize you as a girl again in the future. You can figure it out."

In the end, he owed his daughter, and Guo Ying didn't have the confidence to face her daughter.

Luo Haiying stopped and looked back at her mother, "Suddenly treats me well, do you want to sell me again?"

"You damn girl, talk nonsense, the money was returned to the Zhou family, and besides, I asked for the money not for you, but you didn't live up to it and eloped with someone, embarrassing me and your father Well, we didn’t say a word about you when we came here this time, you’re still angry. What? Your father and I did something wrong about the Zhou family, but didn’t you make such a big mess for us? What did we say about you? ?”

Luo Haiying fell silent, not because she forgave her parents, but because she was thinking that if she really broke up with her parents, her elder brother would not care about her anymore. Since she and Chen You were unaccompanied in the city, life must be difficult .

And I heard from the clerk today that the clothing store across the street is opened by Zhang Guilan, who can sell thousands of yuan a month and become a household of ten thousand yuan a year.

After weighing it, Luo Haiying turned around and walked back.

Seeing that the person was brought back, Guo Ying had a smile on his face, "That's right, there is no overnight hatred between relatives."

The mother and daughter walked back with their arms crossed. It happened that Luo Haiying saw Sun Mei, and thought of Sun Mei's care for her family, and there was a misunderstanding between Chen You and Sun Mei. If they had the opportunity to meet, they would never miss the chance to curry favor.

"Sister Sun, are you on vacation?" Luo Haiying pulled her mother forward to say hello.

Sun Mei saw Luo Haiying's surprised look, "Yeah, you're here too, what a coincidence, who is this?"

What a coincidence, this coincidence was created by Sun Mei herself. In the afternoon, she received a call from Milan. After Sun Mei got off work at night, she had to make a round of calls before finding someone to pick her up.

I didn't expect it to be a coincidence. I didn't need to think about anything else. As soon as I entered the compound, I saw Luo Haiying talking with a woman. I didn't need to guess to know that it must be Luo's mother. Then Sun Mei took a breath and looked like a coincidence. Arrived and walked in.

"Mom, this is Sister Sun, she is the one who took care of me. After I came to the city, Sister Sun helped me with my work and housing." Luo Haiying immediately introduced and explained, "Didn't the eldest brother save a person back then?" ? It's Sister Sun."

Guo Ying looked Sun Mei up and down, and heard that she was the one saved by her son. Before she could say anything sarcastic, Sun Mei had already spoken, "It turns out that Auntie is here. Look, I don't know how long Auntie can stay." My God? Laoji saved me, and I have never had a chance to thank him. Now that my aunt is here, I have to spend time with her. My family lives in this courtyard. When I see my mother, my aunt will definitely get along with her. .”

Seeing that a girl in the city treated her so well, Guo Ying hadn't been praised like this for a long time, so she immediately smiled, "Look at you and be polite, Lao Ji saved you, that's what he should do. "

"Look, although I haven't met Auntie, I already guessed that Auntie is a kind person. Now there are not many elders like you." Sun Meitian smiled.

Guo Ying was delighted to be praised, and kept laughing, because the more she looked at Sun Mei, the more pleasing she was to her eyes.

Luo Haiying was relieved to see that Sun Mei was not dissatisfied with her family because of Chen You's affairs, "Sister Sun, our family is here tonight, do you want to come over for dinner?"

"What's the matter? Your family, it's not good for me to go alone."

Seeing that Sun Mei didn't say no, she was afraid that it would be inconvenient, Luo Haiying hurriedly said, "What's the matter, you see that you saved my brother, but you are our family's benefactor."

Guo Ying also likes Sun Mei, "That's right, anyone who doesn't like outsiders, go, go home now."

Sun Mei smiled shyly, and then left with Guo Ying's mother and daughter.

 I want to save my manuscript tonight, I must draft it

(End of this chapter)

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