Chapter 299 The Truth
Speaking of the previous words, Luo Haiying listened happily, and even felt a little bitter. When they were together, Chen You didn't know how to cherish herself. Now that it's hard for her, she should know who treats her well, right?
But Milan put on a mysterious look again, and when the following words came out, Luo Haiying's face turned dark, "You don't know yet, do you? You are married now, and I'm not afraid to tell you, or I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it." , when Chen You broke up with you, it wasn't because the two of you were incompatible, it was because he fell in love with Sun Mei. But it seems that what Sun Mei told him made him misunderstand, and he regretted it later, and even asked about you It’s just that I haven’t heard any news about it, but now that you’re back and married again, he’s destined to be sad.”

Luo Haiying was shocked by this news.

There was no reaction for a moment.

Guo Ying jumped up, "What you said is true? Where did you hear it? Didn't it just spread by others?"

"But Chen You told my family Hu Youguo personally. Hu Youguo invited him to drink that day, and then Chen You said this, and cried, saying that he regretted not seeing Sun Mei's character clearly. Chen You also went to the hospital to find Sun Mei several times , were all avoided by Sun Mei, and did not dare to go there to make trouble, knowing the power of the Sun family, I can only swallow this breath myself."

"God opened his eyes, such a beast has to be rewarded, and he wants to climb high, and doesn't look at his own virtue, so it can be regarded as retribution." Guo Ying cursed incomprehensibly, and even took a sip.

Luo Haiying regained her composure at this moment, and looked at Milan coldly, "Thank you for telling me this, otherwise I will be cheated for the rest of my life. Thank you so much today."

"Look at you, you're being polite. We both grew up in the same village, so it's easier." Milan felt guilty under Luo Haiying's gaze, and left after saying politely.

Luo Haiying didn't look away until he was too far away to see.

"Don't care if Milan has bad intentions, but I will tell you a truth. That's enough." Guo Ying was still persuading.

"Of course she didn't have bad intentions. She saw that I was not well married, and she brought out the matter of Chen You and stepped on me. Who told you to mock her for giving birth to a girl. If you can't get angry with you, you'll get angry." It came to me, so I got it back, and my heart is naturally balanced." Luo Haiying has seen Milan through, "I'm full of calculations, I don't believe that his family will invite Chen You to dinner for no reason, Not sure what he was planning."

This Luo Haiying was right.

Chen You always went to bother Sun Mei, but Sun Mei was afraid that her mother-in-law and Xu Hu would find out about the trouble, so she approached Milan to help her, and gave Milan some benefits.At the same time, he gave Chen You 200 yuan to settle the matter.

Milan and his wife talked and frightened Chen You, and then Chen You stopped going to the hospital to pester Sun Mei after get off work, and lived easily with 200 yuan.Still waiting for Luo Haiying to come back to find him with a fluke mentality, this is what Milan persuaded him at the beginning.

Guo Ying was wearing thin clothes, and the cotton coat was not too thick. After standing outside for so long, he was already frozen through. , the third one from the left, surnamed Tong, come and sit down on the first day of junior high school."

Luo Haiying agreed, and Guo Yingcai turned around and left.

As soon as the mother and daughter separated, Luo Haiying didn't have the mood to go shopping after hearing Milan's words.He walked back and saw Zhang Guilan and his parents walking forward with large and small bags on the road. Remembering what Ruan Chizhong had told him, he didn't care too much, turned around and left.

After Milan returned home.There was no smile on his face.

"I still have to buy things for my mother's house. Why did you come back so late?" Hu Youguo complained, took his coat and went out, "I won't come back to eat at night, you can get something to eat yourself."

With a bang, the door was closed and people left.

Ben didn't wait for Milan to say a word.

Looking at the child sleeping on the bed, Milan's unhappiness finally dissipated. After giving birth, Hu Youguo didn't look good towards him. Milan knew that it was because she gave birth to a girl. Hu Youguo didn't dare to say anything before. Now she talks about everything, and what she says is mean, Milan still quarreled at first, but Hu Youguo started to fight, how could Milan fight, if she was beaten, she would have to ask for leave and not be able to go to work, she also thought about it, and when the child grows up, she will If you are capable, you will divorce Hu Youguo.

As for his parents-in-law, after hearing that he was giving birth to a girl, he didn't even show his face. After the trouble in the hotel, Hu Youguo never went to his parents' place again, but now he does whatever he wants without any scruples. .

The days are getting more and more difficult day by day, I really don't know when it will be a head, otherwise I won't be fascinated by Sun Mei's little money and make Sun Mei look down on me.

Milan sighed for his life, but Chen You got a letter, Luo Haiying came back, but he was not happy, because Luo Haiying brought a man with him and said he was married.

Looking at this rented house, people would freeze to death if they didn’t burn it down, but they couldn’t afford coal, and they had to raise their children to go to school with their little salary. After these months of tossing, Chen You regretted breaking up with Luo Haiying more and more. Otherwise, there is no need to take care of these things by yourself.

On the day of the 29th, Zhang Guilan came back from the outside with vegetables, and saw Chen You wandering outside the compound. If she didn't like it, she went straight to the courtyard, but Chen You stepped forward to stop her, and was afraid of bumping into Zhang Guilan, so she backed away again and again. two steps.

"Sister-in-law, is it true that Haiying is back? Can I see her?"

"If you want to see her, just wait here. She will bring his man here for dinner." Zhang Guilan was not stingy, and gave him the news directly, and walked away, "I can't be my sister-in-law. Call me by name."

Without looking at Chen You, Zhang Guilan carried her things into the courtyard.

Chen You stood outside, looking at the compound in a daze, only a few steps away, but he couldn't get in. Such an obvious contrast made him feel that he had nothing to do.

At the same time, Zhang Guilan's words were still ringing in his ears, Luo Haiying would bring that man with him, so that he didn't have the courage to meet Luo Haiying, so he ran away without much hesitation.

When Luo Haiying and Ruan Chizhong came, they naturally didn't see Chen You, they came late too, they came in a hurry to order food, Luo Ji at home was still with the workers in the forest area, after twelve o'clock in the evening Only when she came back, Zhang Guilan couldn't invite her parents to celebrate the New Year together, so she could only cook with her big belly.

The old man Luo wanted to hold hands but there was no place to reach out. Seeing a table full of dishes, his daughter just came, and he was a little dissatisfied, "Why didn't you come earlier? Your sister-in-law is still pregnant."

"Clean up the house, it's late." Luo Haiying didn't think anything, seeing the food on the table, she felt hungry, "Dad, isn't the wine full?"

"Your sister-in-law is pregnant, and your elder brother is not at home. What should I drink alone?" Old man Luo didn't dare to ask his daughter-in-law any more, so he just made up an excuse.

"Today is Chinese New Year." Luo Haiying took the things in Ruan Chizhong's hand, "Chizhong bought you two bottles of good wine, you can try it."

A look that knows there is no wine.

Zhang Guilan came out of the kitchen carrying the soup. It was just a meal anyway, so she didn't bother to get angry with them, "Let's eat."

It was Ruan Chizhong who thanked him.

Zhang Guilan just nodded and didn't say much.

Without Luo Ji, Luo Haiying can let go, especially when facing a table of vegetables, there are very few green vegetables at this time, but look at this table, green vegetables account for more than half, which makes people appetite.

"Sister-in-law, this dish is a lot of money, right? Look, we didn't buy anything here. Those two cigarettes are for elder brother." Before moving his chopsticks, Ruan Chizhong said politely, "It was also brought back by a friend from other places, and I also bought it. I don’t smoke, I heard that my elder brother smokes, so I just brought it for him, and it’s not a good thing, so don’t be too polite.”

"Where did the family come from to be so polite? Since you brought it, I will accept it, but it is only one time, and there is no exception. You also know the nature of your elder brother's work, so you cannot accept gifts." Zhang Guilan said solemnly Looking at Ruan Chizhong.

The squid in Ruan Pond shook, "The family doesn't have so many etiquettes, so it's not considered a gift for us."

"Yeah, Guilan, you don't have to be too careful. Lao Ji has never accepted gifts from others. You don't have to worry about that. I know my own son best." Old man Luo talked a lot after drinking a glass of wine. I got up, "Although there are only four of us this year, it's still quite lively. You guys will also stay to eat dumplings at night. When your eldest brother comes back, we will have a reunion dinner together."

Luo Haiying wanted to mention her mother, but when she thought of what her mother said yesterday, she stopped again, so she didn't answer.

The father-in-law talked a lot when he was drinking, so Zhang Guilan knew it, so she just didn't answer the conversation, and just ate her own food. She didn't drink, and after eating a bowl of rice, she left the table first, but the old man Luo and Ruan Chizhong drank together, and the three of them Chatting lively in the living room, Zhang Guilan was lying in the bedroom watching TV, and she seldom watched it on weekdays. She randomly put on a singing channel and listened, but her mind was in a mess.

Being with the Luo family is always out of place, and I don't know if I am too delicate now. It stands to reason that today is Chinese New Year, so I should be happy no matter what, but looking at the three people in the living room, Zhang Guilan couldn't help but laugh.

I was in a daze, and I don't know how long it took. I only saw that it was dark outside, and the living room fell silent. Zhang Guilan was in a daze, and woke up when she heard someone calling her.

"Guilan, come out and clear the table." It was old man Luo's voice.

As soon as Zhang Guilan heard it, she became angry, and she sat up and lay back on the bed, "Dad, let Haiying clean up, I'm sleepy."

Stop working, eat ready-made food, and quit tidying up the table. I really treat myself as a guest, even a guest is not so rude.

"Haiying drank some wine and became dizzy. She is lying down in the study. Then you lie down and I will clean up." The old man Luo heard that his daughter-in-law was angry, so he didn't dare to say any more, so he explained and cleaned up. stand up.

 It's finally up, I'm also anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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