Chapter 305
It's really a good calculation. In this way, wouldn't it be that his own clothing factory was opened for him, and he produced too much, but he couldn't sell it, and he was the one who lost money. If he wanted to make money, it was they who made it. Looking at the models He looks like a human, but he also looks like a dog.

Earlier, she thought that Ruan Chizhong was too perfect, and she was on guard if she couldn't find any faults. Now that she turned around, with this kind of calculation, Zhang Guilan disliked him even more.

"Look at you, what I said is right, you think that if you can't sell my factory, I can only wait for you to sell it and then produce it. In this way, my factory will not serve you, but watch you sell it every day. How many are in production? Does that mean that you are unhappy and stop selling the goods, and the people in the factory will wait for you to sell the goods when you are in a better mood? If you really want my goods to be approved by your family, it is not impossible Maybe, then we have to sign a contract, no matter what kind of clothes I produce and how much I produce, you have to accept the goods, and you have to pay for the goods in advance. If you think it works, then I will approve all the goods for you. "

"Isn't it just to pay for the goods in advance? It's a big deal, just say it." Luo Haiying heard that Zhang Guilan only wanted to ask for money in advance, and was afraid that they would not pay for the goods.

"Yeah, but you're still wrong. You don't pick up the goods until you pay for them. I have to pay in advance as much as I produce. Throughout the year, if you know the winter and spring, you will pay for the goods in spring. Season by season." Zhang Guilan's condition As soon as he mentioned it, Ruan Chizhong's expression changed.

Luo Haiying didn't understand, so she didn't feel anything, anyway, in her heart, Ruan Chizhong could do a good job, so she was naturally not afraid of paying the money in advance every quarter, but Ruan Chizhong was a businessman, and knew what it meant.

After speaking, Zhang Guilan was not in a hurry to speak, but only looked at Ruan Chizhong.

Ruan Chizhong didn't speak, Luo Haiying was a little anxious. According to Luo Haiying's thinking, Ruan Chizhong should not force himself to respond at this time.Only in this way can he save his face and not be looked down upon by Zhang Guilan.

"Sister-in-law, your request is very simple, but you also know that what I do is small business. I don't have that much money in my hand, so I am powerless, so it seems that I can't contract it." Ruan Chizhong from He came back to his senses in horror, looking powerless.

Luo Haiying's heart twisted when he saw his wry smile.

"Is it the same way when other people wholesale your clothes?"

Zhang Guilan was very happy that she asked this question, and ignored the tone of her questioning, "Yes, it's all like this, and everyone else took it alone, but everyone approved the goods together."

Luo Haiying's face turned pale.

She still feels that Zhang Guilan is making things difficult for them.It turns out that everyone else is like this, and they don't have privileges, but when they come to them, they can grant them alone, which is already a great face, and I don't know what to say for a while.

After all, Ruan Chizhong is more thoughtful than Luo Haiying.It seems that there is no embarrassment at all, "I really didn't expect my sister-in-law's business to be so big. I thought my own was already very big, and now I have gained knowledge."

Just overturned the matter just now.

Zhang Guilan admired Ruan Chizhong's scheming, she was able to resolve the embarrassment with a single sentence, but Luo Haiying also breathed a sigh of relief, "Chizhong. Dad said earlier that we would go a little earlier to see and buy something to eat, or we can leave now." Well, it’s been a long time on the train, and it’s pretty tough.”

Zhang Guilan kindly reminded, "Go to the car after dinner and go to bed. As for what to eat tomorrow, I packed bread and red sausage for Dad, and I brought quite a lot, which is enough for you to eat. Eggs. Don't buy anything."

This made Luo Haiying, who was looking for an excuse to leave, no longer had an excuse to go out, but she was always unwilling to lose face by walking in such a desperate way, and when she was struggling with her brain, Ruan Chizhong spoke.

"Sister-in-law, let's go out first. I made you laugh today." Ruan Chizhong nodded without changing his expression, and called Luo Haiying again, "Let's go, sister-in-law is pregnant, let's not disturb her rest."

"Okay." Luo Haiying admired Ruan Chizhong at this moment.

The two left the bedroom like this, Luo Haiying heaved a sigh of relief, and smiled when she looked at Ruan Chizhong, and Ruan Chizhong also smiled softly.

Old man Luo heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the two coming out of the bedroom cheerfully.

In the evening, Zhang Guilan made dumplings for the three of them, the so-called dumplings on the bus and noodles after getting off the bus. After eating the dumplings, Zhang Guilan packed the rest for them to take with them on the way. Luo Ji was not at home, and she had a big belly , Naturally, they didn't send anyone to the station, and the three left with Old Man Luo's package.

Finally sent the person away, Zhang Guilan didn't stay idle, cleaned the house from inside to outside, naturally changed all the sheets and quilts, looking at a lot of important things, she couldn't help but feel a headache.

It's a pity that Zhao Chunmei and Wang Li brought their children when Ben didn't give her a free time, and the pile of things hadn't been washed yet. They came after it was already dark, and today they couldn't leave this appointment.

"They went to the city for a meeting, and we followed. Wanwan said that everyone would go out to get together at night, and my family would treat them to guests. This year, my sister-in-law has not been troubled." Zhao Chunmei made it clear as soon as she came in.

Saying this made Zhang Guilan feel happy. She is not a stingy person, and said with a smile, "You are all here in the city, and it's Chinese New Year. I can still let you go out to treat guests. That's fine, let's see my house too. It's such a mess now, please help me with your clothes, I'll go and bring in all the vegetables from the balcony, and we'll cook in a while."

Zhao Chunmei looked embarrassed, "Sister-in-law, go out to eat, I can't trouble you all the time."

Sitting on the sofa with her two children, Wang Li also looked embarrassed, but when she saw Zhang Guilan's attitude, the nervous expression on her face relaxed.

"If there is any trouble, let the children play by themselves. Don't sit still, you two, come and help me. I have a big belly, and it is not easy to work."

As soon as Zhang Guilan's words fell, Wang Li said happily, rolled up her sleeves and hugged the clothes on the living room floor, and went to the bathroom. Zhao Chunmei couldn't say much after reading it. Play and work too.

Zhang Guilan took out all the dried mushrooms and frozen goods from the balcony, and after a rough calculation, there were only four dishes, stewed chicken with mushrooms, roasted eggplant with meat, stir-fried celery with vermicelli, and braised fish.

There are six people from the Wang family and the Song family, plus two from my own family, Yang Zongyi, Zhou Fuguo, and Tian Xiaoyue have to be counted, so there are eleven people, and these four dishes are not enough to eat.

You can also cut a platter of red sausage and jelly, beef stewed radish, braised pork, cold dishes, dried tofu and green peppers, pork heart and liver platter, scrambled eggs, it seems almost enough, Zhang Guilan went to the bathroom.

I saw Zhao Chunmei and Luo Haiying finished washing and twisting things out, "You two did it very quickly, and it saved me from having to do it. I'll go to the kitchen first, and then I'll just hang it on the balcony when it's done. It's cold." Hanger, let’s take a rest first. I can do the kitchen myself. If you want to come, you’ll be in a hurry. Everything is ready-made. Just fry it. .”

"Okay, sister-in-law, take it easy, you are pregnant now." Wang Li was sweet as she was doing work at this time.

Zhang Guilan smiled, turned and went to the kitchen.

The Luo family is lively, and the train station is also crowded with people, even if it is Chinese New Year.

"You and Dad get in the car first, I'll go buy a pack of cigarettes, see if there are any fruits, and buy some for you too." Ruan Chizhong explained to Luo Haiying, turned around and left.

Luo Haiying watched people go to the grocery store before following her father into the car.

And Ruan Chizhong in the grocery store bought a pack of cigarettes, played with two bottles of canned food in his hands, glanced outside, and found no sign of Luo Haiying, then paid the money and took the things out, turned around and looked for the phone booth , pressed a series of numbers and called.

"Zhang Guilan is not fooled. As you said, she is very shrewd. I guess she is suspicious of me now." Ruan Chizhong was not as usual at this time, speaking frivolously, with a weird smile on his face.

"After spending so much money, if you fail to do things properly, don't blame me for turning against you." The voice on the other end of the phone was cold, but it was a woman's voice.

It was none other than Sun Mei who was sitting in the office.

He was still wearing a white coat.

"Sister Sun, don't worry, the money has been spent, so I have to finish the job for you, so you can just wait for my good news." Ruan Chizhong happily promised and hung up the phone.

Turning around, his face had returned to his usual face, and he walked towards the train station with a gentle expression.

Luo Haiying, who got into the car, didn't know about it, and was waiting for Ruan Chizhong with her father. After seeing the person, there was a smile on her face, especially when Ruan Chizhong was still holding a can. Originally, she only thought he was going to buy cigarettes. By the way, I said to buy food for myself, but I didn't expect to actually buy food and come back.

"Bring so much food, what are you spending this money for?" Luo Haiying took the things and said angrily.

The face is full of happiness.

"Anyway, it takes such a long time to drive, so I eat it as a snack." Ruan Chizhong sat down opposite the old man Luo, "Dad, when I get back, I'll look for someone to see if I can buy a sleeper berth. Even if I have money, I can't buy it now Yes, but elder brother can buy it, I don’t think it’s possible, ask elder brother to call us to accommodate it. Haiying and I are fine, but dad is already so old, and he still has to suffer. I heard people say that men Family members seem to have privileges."

"Forget it, it's much easier than farming, and you don't have to bother your elder brother." Old man Luo was very happy to hear that my uncle was thinking of himself, but now he can do nothing if he doesn't trouble his son, " Your elder brother is busy now, and your elder sister-in-law is alone at home on weekdays, so he doesn't have time to accompany her."

"Man, you don't even have time to take care of your family for the sake of the country." Ruan Chizhong sighed.

The old man Luo saw that his uncle was very considerate of his son, and he became more and more satisfied with him. After so many things happened to his daughter, he finally found a good home.

 It's an early update today, thank you baby for being obedient, I'm finally relieved
(End of this chapter)

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