Chapter 307

Old man Luo pushed Ruan Chizhong to introduce him without waiting for Zhou Shumin to ask.

There was still a look of helplessness on the face, "This is Haiying's partner, he is in business, this kid is good to Haiying, he doesn't care about Haiying's past affairs, and he wants to take me to the city to retire, hey, All hardships come to an end, I don't need to worry about this child Haiying anymore, why don't you just come back with me to settle the house, and then go through the formalities with your family, and the two of them will go home and get married. Look at you I have already hugged my grandson, and I am also in a hurry to hug my grandson, so I can't fall behind you."

As soon as the words fell, Ruan Chizhong would also do things, and he went up to say hello politely, "Uncle Zhou, I heard Haiying talk about you before. You are the village head and an elder in this village. Haiying used to be too messy. Thank you for your tolerance." gone."

Luo Haiying looked at Ruan Chizhong affectionately, no matter what, Ruan Chizhong's actions like this can be regarded as giving himself a face, and the corner of his eyes glanced at Zhou Chengcai's gloomy face, and his heart became more and more proud, only Ruan Chizhong was left in his eyes.

The old man Luo's appearance and showing off like this made Zhou Shumin angry, but the other guy showed such a respectful attitude again, and he couldn't say anything, he could only hold his anger in his heart.

He even responded with a smile on his face, "Okay, this kid is not bad, and it's not bad that Haiying can settle down now, that's fine."

His son had a child with another woman before he was divorced. Zhou Shumin is the village head. Although he didn't know what crime he committed, he knew it was against the law, so he always acted a little lowly when facing the Luo family.

Zhou Chengcai couldn't see the Luo family's arrogance in his own house, "What kind of factory do you open? I also worked in the town. I only know that the factories are all public now, and there are not many private ones."

That attitude and tone were clearly referring directly to Ruan Chizhong and the Luo family.

Zhou Shumin glared at his son, "You are only in the town, and you have never been to the city, what do you know?"

The implication is to tell my son not to talk too much.

Seeing Ruan Chizhong being attacked, Luo Haiying was upset, "Zhou Chengcai. Do you think everyone else is like you, doing one thing in front of the other and doing the other thing in secret? Chizhong runs a big factory. You How can someone who has never seen the world understand it? If you don’t see it, it’s strange. If you don’t understand it, don’t talk nonsense, so as not to be ashamed.”

"I did something shameful? Luo Haiying, don't forget, in the end you eloped with someone else, what right do you have to say about me? I'm a scumbag, and it's only been a few days since I changed people, and you still have the face to say about me, you His face is really thick."

"Successful. Shut up." Zhou Shumin tried to find out what his son had said, while comforting Luo Haiying, "Haiying, Chengcai is a mess, don't bother with him. When you leave, uncle, please talk to him."

At the same time, he kept winking at his son, but being scolded by Luo Haiying in front of another man, Zhou Chengcai still had no reason to calm down, and glared fiercely at Luo Haiying like an irritated bull about to hit someone.

Ruan Chizhong moved forward, standing in front of Luo Haiying, signaling Luo Haiying not to speak.Then he turned his head and looked at Zhou Chengcai, "I'll just say one more thing today. No matter what, after all, the two lived together as a husband and wife. They get together and part ways, so why should they become enemies? I'm not angry when you say me. It seems too stingy for women to care about, don't you think? A man should have the measure of being a man. No matter what Luo Haiying said, you were the one who was sorry for her first. You can't deny this, so don't say that Haiying scolded you a lot In other words, even if you hit you a few times, you have to bear it, who made us men."

What Ruan Chizhong said was beautiful.

All the rules are reasonable, and there is no intention to criticize. In comparison, Zhou Chengcai is worthless.

Luo Haiying applauded secretly, and her anger dissipated.

Old man Luo also wanted to slap his hands and applaud, but he also knew that he had to endure it at this time. He finally held his head up in the village for the past six months.

"What are you..."

"Become a talent, don't get the hell out of me." Zhou Shumin cut off his son's words, "How long do you want to lose face? What is wrong with what they say? You have to admit that you are wrong first. Now that you are married and have a child, No matter what, it's all your fault, what are you still arguing about here? Get out, let me beat you out, right?"

Zhou Shumin was scolding his son, so he was scolding the old man Luo's family in a different direction.

Old man Luo said in embarrassment, "The children are ignorant, and my family's Haiying has a bad temper. What are you doing with the children?"

Zhou Shumin snorted, "It's just that I didn't manage well enough to let the child do such a shameful thing. In my whole life, I never let anyone say no to it. Now it's all right, I've been humiliated by this scoundrel."

The innuendo made old man Luo look bad, but it was useless to Ruan Chizhong.

Ruan Chizhong signaled Luo Haiying not to speak, and took the words with a smile, "Uncle Zhou is right, we young people make mistakes, and it is the fault of adults, otherwise you can't be so angry, you calm down, we are here today to solve this matter Now, look at what Uncle Zhou said. You even have grandchildren now, and you have been brought to your home, but you are famous with other women. After all, it is not worthwhile for everyone. Only the face can be angry."

"Yeah, once the formalities are completed, everything will be settled. You can talk, which is much better than my stupid son." Zhou Shumin snorted.

Ruan Chizhong didn't care, and turned his head to ask the old man Luo, "Dad, when is the right time to go through the formalities?"

"Let's go tomorrow." Luo Haiying took the words and glanced at Zhou Chengcai, "If I hadn't come back, I would have gone through this procedure long ago. What I said before getting married, I have been taking care of another woman in secret. I was forced to elope. Now I pretend that I have done something wrong to your Zhou family. How did your Zhou family treat me back then? If you feel unbalanced, let’s call all the people in the village. Let’s make a theory in front of everyone, until we have to see who doesn’t pay attention to the front.”

"Luo Haiying, you really think I'm afraid of you, don't you? Go and call, you're a scumbag, and you're justified, don't you?" Zhou Chengcai yelled and was about to go forward to arrest him.

How could Ruan Chizhong let him meet Luo Haiying.

With Zhou Shumin in front of him and Zhou's family, this is impossible.

Before Zhou Chengcai's hand touched anyone, Zhou Shumin strode forward and slapped him soberly, covering his face and looking at his father unwillingly.

"Get out, or if you don't, I'll kill you bastard." With such a commotion outside, the grandson of the Zhou family in the back room was also awakened, crying loudly.

Hearing the child crying, Liao Youxia and Dong Chunhong, who had been hiding in the kitchen listening to the movement, ran in. Dong Chunhong hurried inside, while Liao Youxia persuaded her son, "You child, why don't you listen to your father and go out quickly?" .”

"Zhou Chengcai, I didn't care what you did in the past, but now Haiying is my woman, you have to dare to touch her." Ruan Chizhong said unambiguously, "Let's not talk about the other things, just you have not divorced the woman If you take it home and give birth to a child, you have committed bigamy and you will go to jail, do you understand? The Luo family did not argue with you, and you are no longer a business when you come to catch up. I am standing here today. I come."

"Zhou Chengcai, if you want to hit me, hit me. If you dare to touch the pool, I will fight to the death with you." Luo Haiying also rushed forward.

It looks like it's about to hit.

Liao Youxia hurriedly stepped forward to persuade the fight, "Haiying, don't worry, my aunt is here, you can't let him hit you, like you said, now that you are not separated, you still have to call me mom, how can mom let him hit you?" you."

He called old man Luo again, "His uncle, come up to persuade him, he lives in a village, he can't see you when he looks up, he can't see you when he looks down, if there is anything he can't talk about."

The old man Luo just stood up, put on airs, and said in a reprimanding tone, "Chengcai, it's not that uncle said you, look at your temper, when we come, your nose is not your nose, your face is not your face, just like we owe you." It’s the same as yours, and now you still have to beat people. This is still at your house. You are like this. If you are outside, you will be even more lawless. Today, in front of your parents, let’s talk about what you are going to do. "

Where is this coming out to persuade people, but it is here to stir up fire.

Liao Youxia was so angry that she kept winking at her man.

Zhou Shumin was angry and furious, and now it was obvious that his family members bowed their heads. If this idiot hadn't kept making troubles, how could the current situation be happening?

I was so angry that when I received my woman's call for help, I could only go forward and bow my head, "Brother, it's because I didn't take care of this beast well, so calm down, I'll install the carriage tomorrow, let's go to the town Go through the formalities."

Villager Zhou bowed his head, and old man Luo was satisfied.

At this time, Ruan Chizhong also held the old man Luo, "Dad, what do you think?"

After the face was satisfied, the old man Luo nodded, "Okay, Haiying, don't make trouble, go and go through the formalities tomorrow, and you are also at fault for this matter."

Luo Haiying pouted, as if reluctantly agreeing.

The face of the Zhou family was completely lost. With the Luo family together, Zhou Shumin became angry. He picked up the chair and threw it at Zhou Chengcai, "Bastard, what you can't see, if it wasn't for you, you would have lost such a big person today." , let people from the Luo family come to the house and point their noses?"

Zhou Chengcai dodged the chair when he threw it out, and Liao Youxia stopped in front of him in fright, "Are you going to beat him to death? We only have this one son. Why can't you say something well? What are you doing with such a ruthless hand?" It’s not like you don’t know what kind of family the Luo family is, and you can still make up three points of reason if you don’t have a reason. alright."

Zhou Shumin pointed at his son and scolded, "Bastard, you can settle down for me these few days. If something happens and the Luo family sues you for bigamy, you can wait to go to jail."

Zhou Chengcai kept silent, and Liao Youxia hurried to help.

 Pink ticket, pink ticket, I want a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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