Chapter 311 Bad Idea

After the seventh day, I started to work normally.

Ruan Chizhong also got busy, old man Luo was assigned to the so-called 'factory', an empty one-story house, a desolate place where even a bird would not fly over, but old man Luo was full of energy, especially when he saw Ruan Chizhong with After a few men came to see it, they were wearing suits, and they were the big bosses at a glance.

On the same day before, Ruan Chizhong brought people to the factory one after another, and when they came in and out, some goods came in and were pretended to be taken away. What the old man Luo had to do every day was to open the door when people came, and after the people left, he walked up the empty building area. One circle, as for the office, it is a house with two rooms on the left and right, and he lives alone.

Every day, Ruan Chizhong would bring the meals and dishes, which were prepared by Luo Haiying. This kind of life was leisurely, and within half a month, old man Luo got used to this kind of life, and he became fat and white.

It wasn't until the end of the month that the factory gradually became free, and the old man Luo didn't care, so every time he went to the compound, he never left Ruan Chizhong with three words, and he didn't hide his love for Ruan Chizhong at all.

Zhang Guilan just listened, until Luo Ji would ask a question or two. Whenever this time, the old man Luo would talk about how big Ruan Chizhong's business was. Zhang Guilan didn't like Ruan Chizhong. Lie down in the bedroom.

At night, Zhang Guilan pulled Luo Ji and asked, "Did your father say that your sister and Ruan Chizhong have received a marriage certificate?"

"How could Dad ask about this? Besides, he would definitely say yes. Now you can see how much he likes Ruan Chizhong." Luo Ji looked at his daughter-in-law in his arms with a wry smile, "You don't doubt Ruan Chizhong anymore, do you?" ?”

Zhang Guilan smiled and didn't make a sound.

"It's getting late, go to sleep." Luo Ji turned off the light before lying back on the bed.

The next day, Luo Ji went to the forest area, and it may take a week to come back after this trip. After Luo Ji went to the newly formed forest area as the captain, people stayed at home less and less. I came back on Saturday and Sunday, and the longest time I came back was nearly two months.The house where the family members live there has not been built yet, and Zhang Guilan can't accompany her, so she can only wait at home.

After tidying up the house, Zhang Guilan has not waited to go out.There was a knock on the door of the house, and I thought I had an appointment to go to the street with my mother, but I agreed to go there, why did people come here.

When opening the door, Zhang Guilan was taken aback when she saw a few people standing outside the door, "Who are you?"

"We belong to the Disciplinary Inspection Bureau." Zhang Guilan couldn't see how many people there were, so Zhang Guilan checked with her eyes. There must be at least seven or eight people, and the outside of the door was blocked.

The person who spoke had a serious face.Staring at Zhang Guilan closely, he held up the paper in his hand, "This is a search warrant. Someone reported Comrade Luo Ji for accepting bribes."

People came over with their documents, and it was impossible to prevent people from entering the house.

Zhang Guilan's heart sank.The two cigarettes sent by Ruan Chizhong suddenly flashed in his mind, and while opening the way for people to come in, he secretly prayed in his heart, hoping that everything was just his own overthinking.

Zhang Guilan watched the man come in and rummage around while wearing shoes, and didn't care too much, and asked the man who just showed her his ID, "Can I make a phone call?"

The man looked at the phone in the living room.After thinking for a while, he nodded to Zhang Guilan.

Zhang Guilan was calling Zhou Fuguo. She didn't shy away from the presence of these people, so she said directly, "Someone reported that Lao Ji accepted bribes, and took the documents to search the house. I am a woman with a big belly and I don't know what to do. Let's see who has it." Come here for a while."

How could Zhou Fuguo dare to procrastinate, "Steady first, no matter what you are asked, just tell the truth, don't be afraid. I will go there now."

After putting down the phone, Zhang Guilan turned around and saw someone dug out the two cigarettes from Ruan Chizhong from the study, her heart sank again, and when she saw the person opened the cigarette case, her mind went blank.

Just as the saying goes, what to be afraid of, when the discipline inspectors took out piles of money from the cigarette case, the blood on Zhang Guilan's body rushed to her head in an instant. Although I couldn't figure out the cause and effect for a while, I also understood it. It was Ruan Chizhong's way, otherwise the discipline inspectors wouldn't be so sure, they came here for these two cigarettes.

The searched things don't refer to these things, even the 5 yuan from the red sausage factory sent by Baisong a few days ago was also found out. up.

"Comrade Zhang Guilan, please come with us and make a record." Luo Ji is a small team leader, with so much money in his family, at least 1 yuan in the cigarette case, plus this Fifty thousand, how did it come about?Except for accepting other people's money, it can't be anything other than this.

Seeing that the attitude of the people who came here had changed obviously, Zhang Guilan calmed down, "Comrade, I know you are doing official business, but is it inappropriate to take other people's private money and call it bribery?"

"Private money? Luo Ji is a small official-level man. With all this private money, do you think others will believe it?" The man obviously didn't believe Zhang Guilan's words.

"It seems that you have misunderstood. I earned this money. As you said, he pays more than 30 yuan a month. How can it be enough to support his family? This phone in my house is enough for him to save for 30 years, let alone Talk about the household appliances at home." The more Zhang Guilan said, the more confident she became, "As for the two cigarettes you dug out, they were my father-in-law's gift from my uncle, and they have been kept in my house, and we haven't touched them. I don't know if I have money. Besides, Luo Ji is a man of the battalion level, who can't do anything with the gang, so who would give him a gift?"

"You don't know about this. Now the newly formed forest area where he is located, the nearby land needs to attract investment. Some people have reported that he used public office and power for personal gain. If you have anything to say, let's talk about it." Walk with Zhang Guilan.

Now it's like this, it's impossible not to walk around here. Zhang Guilan put on a coat and went out with them. When they got to the gate, they saw Zhou Fuguo and Yang Zongyi getting off the car together.

"Why are you back?" Seeing Yang Zongyi, Zhang Guilan's premonition became even worse.

Now that the forest area is so busy, but Yang Zongyi appears here, something must have happened to Luo Ji.

Yang Zongyi looked at her worriedly, "Guilan, don't worry, we are here for this matter."

Needless to say, Zhang Guilan also understood that Luo Ji was probably taken away in the morning, and then he came to the house again. Now that his things have been searched, the evidence is in his hands, and he is pressing every step of the way. He came too suddenly , people are caught off guard.

"Let's go." People from the Disciplinary Inspection Bureau stepped forward to urge.

Zhou Fuguo rushed forward to say hello, "The matter has not been investigated yet, and she is pregnant again. After all, she is also a family member of a man. Please take care of her."

"We do business as usual, and we will not embarrass or favoritism." Zhou Fuguo's kindness did not get the other party's warm face.

It seems that people are like this, Yang Zongyi strode forward and glanced coldly, "If you have not been convicted, you are not guilty, and naturally you will not be treated like criminals. You are the discipline inspection department, and naturally you will not know the law and break the law."

When talking, his eyes swept over several people one by one, as if remembering everyone's appearance.

Yang Zongyi's behavior made them lose the arrogance they had just now. Zhou Fuguo snorted coldly, and went to appease Zhang Guilan. Zhang Guilan whispered about Ruan Chizhong's gift of two cigarettes, and asked Zhou Fuguo to go to Ruan Chizhong immediately.

Although she no longer hopes to find Ruan Chizhong, Zhang Guilan still does not give up.

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Zhou Fuguo and Yang Zongyi watched Zhang Guilan leave in the car, and they went to the Disciplinary Committee one by one to find Ruan Chizhong.

Just as Zhang Guilan was worried, when Zhou Fuguo found the place where Luo Haiying lived, Luo Haiying was quite surprised. When she heard that she was looking for Ruan Chizhong, she was taken aback, "Is there anything you can do about looking for Chizhong?"

"Where is the person?" Zhou Fuguo went into the house and searched around, but he couldn't find anyone, so he asked Luo Haiying impatiently.

"I went out to buy goods yesterday, but I haven't come back yet." Luo Haiying was quite angry when she saw Zhou Fuguo being so pushy, "You just barged in like this, what's the matter? Chizhong doesn't come and go with your forest area, so you don't care Come to him?"

In the past, Luo Haiying always felt ashamed in front of these men, but now she is terrible.

"You still have the heart to avenge his injustice here, and when you know what he did, you won't be able to find a place to cry." Zhou Fuguo ignored her and walked away.

Luo Haiying stopped him, ignoring the disgust in Zhou Fuguo's eyes, "What do you mean, explain clearly."

"Is it clear? He brought two cigarettes for your elder brother during the Chinese New Year, right? They were full of money. Now someone reports that your elder brother took bribes. If you still have a conscience, if someone comes to you to investigate, just say that The cigarettes are for your father, bite the mouth to death." Seeing Luo Haiying's shocked and dazed expression, Zhou Fuguo sneered, shook off his hand and walked away.

Luo Haiying chased him out, and shouted hysterically at Zhou Fuguo's back, "Impossible, you're lying, Chizhong wouldn't do that, there must be other reasons, my elder brother must have taken someone else's, and now he's relying on Chizhong's I will not be deceived by you."

Zhou Fuguo, who didn't want to talk to her at first, stopped angrily when he heard this, turned around and stared at her angrily, "You are really hopeless, now I finally understand why you have fallen into what you are today, this is God's eye-opener." You don't deserve happiness. Since you believe in Ruan Chizhong so much, then keep your faith and don't go to your elder brother even if you die. You should have this ambition, right?"

"Isn't it because I don't want to give false testimony, so I won't be allowed to recognize my elder brother again? So what? You people think that you are dressed with quality, don't you want to make others rogue for your own benefit?" Luo Haiying sneered , "Don't worry, I won't go in this life."

 Readers say that I don’t need to explain later, and it makes me feel uncomfortable. If this is the case, then I won’t say it. It’s like I’m lying. It’s just writing a book. I can’t live my life because of writing a book. Besides, I keep three shifts a day, I am not sorry to anyone
(End of this chapter)

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