Chapter 323
Luo Ji came in the same week as Fuguo, and there were four tall men. Although they were dressed in ordinary clothes, it was obvious at a glance that they were college entrance exams. .

Zhou Fuguo walked in with a smile as he talked, and stopped five steps away from Sun Mei. Luo Ji also stood behind him, looking at Sun Mei with a cold look, that look seemed to eat people up, it was amazing to see Sun Mei stood there and did not dare to move, nor did she dare to breathe.

"The praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, and I have to thank Shang Hong for today's matter, otherwise we don't know how long it will take." Zhou Fuguo was not praising Shanghong, but he was mocking him.

The tone was obvious, Shang Hong couldn't hear it, she bit her lip and stood there, she was still trying to plot against Sun Mei, but she didn't know that Zhou Fuguo and Luo Ji had counted her down, but she couldn't blame the other party for what she did. A lot, I have done it for others, so I will not be happy.

Staring angrily at Zhou Fuguo and Luo Ji, he flung his sleeves at the people who opened the door and strode away.

Seeing the anger go away, Zhou Fuguo laughed out loud, "Shang Hong's temper is still so hot after so many things happened, she couldn't hold back anything, and she didn't even say a few words, the anger came up, Tsk tsk, it looks like I need to practice for a few more years, look at Sun Mei, how calm she is, she really is a person who can do great things."

Ci's Sun Mei's face turned black when she mocked and sneered.

"This is really interesting. What are you doing at my old house?" Sun Mei suppressed the panic in her heart and mocked, "Since you followed Shang Hong, now that Shang Hong is gone, you should go too, right?"

"Sun Mei, you are so good at pretending to be confused. You haven't shed tears even after seeing the coffin. You really have deep thoughts. I really hope that we will find him out later. How can you explain it?" Zhou Fuguo faced the door The old man winked, and the four of them rushed into the house with big strides.

"What are you doing? How can you break into someone's house?" Sun Mei stepped forward to stop her.Also panicked.

However, one of the adults held her in place, so Sun Mei could only struggle hard on the spot, unable to move, and could only watch helplessly as people went in to find someone.There was nothing Ben could do.

She never expected that Zhou Fuguo would go in directly to find people. Although she would not care about Shang Hong, but these people were from the forest area, it would be different, and Ruan Chizhong might not be able to hide them.

At this moment, Sun Mei couldn't care less, she only thought about how to get herself out, no matter what she must not admit that she knew Ruan Chizhong, otherwise it would really be over.

"Sun Mei, you said that when Laoji saved you, he was injured. He didn't even have a chance to be promoted. You said that if you were someone else, you wouldn't be ungrateful, right? But I just saw such a person, you Is it in vain to say that this kind of person is human?" Zhou Fuguo looked at Sun Mei with a smile.

I really didn't expect that Sun Mei dared to hide her in the old house of the Sun family, and now the Sun family might be involved.I just hope that Sun Mei won't regret it, it's all her own fault up to this day.

"Zhou Fuguo, just say what you have to say, what are you talking about irrelevant? It's really funny." At this time, anyway, Luo Ji hated himself to death, and Sun Mei was not afraid of anything anymore.

Luo Ji never spoke.Slightly narrowing her cold eyes, just standing there looking at Sun Mei already made her feel uncomfortable all over.

"Say it straight? That's fine, wait for someone to find it out." As soon as Zhou Fuguo's voice fell, three people in the room over there came out with Ruan Chizhong on his back, and Ruan Chizhong was still shouting.

"Let go of me. Let me go, who are you? Why are you arresting people?"

Seeing Sun Mei's face as white as paper, Zhou Fuguo sat in front of Ruan Chizhong with satisfaction, "arresting people randomly? How is that possible? We never arrest people randomly, you won't forget what you did, right? But I'm quite surprised How did you get in the old house of the Sun family? I really want to hear about this."

"I don't know what Sun's house is here, I just found a place to live." Ruan Chizhong refused to admit it, and was held down with his head down, almost kneeling on the ground.

"It's quite loyal, but it's useless for you to argue at this time." Zhou Fuguo didn't say much, and turned to look at Luo Ji, "How do you solve it? Send it directly.?"

"Send it left and right. After we send it, it's okay for us to beat people half to death, as long as we stay alive." Luo Ji gritted his teeth and said.

"What are you going to do? Let me tell you, you can't beat people, it's against the law." Ruan Chizhong panicked and struggled desperately.

Sun Mei's face turned pale as she stood aside, and her feet didn't look like they were glued together, and she couldn't move at all.

"Who knew that we beat him? It was like that when we found him." Luo Ji sneered, "Ruan Chizhong, you used to come to my house for the sake of you and Haiying, but now it seems that it was me I think highly of you, and I shouldn't have let people like you enter my house, trying to frame me in such a shameful way, since I feel like doing it, I have to know what the end will be like."

Without waiting for others to make a move, Luo Ji strode over in two strides and kicked Ruan Chizhong's stomach with such force that the two adults holding him were shaken loose Open, people also flew out.

Ruan Chizhong spat out a mouthful of blood, lay on the ground for a long time and didn't come straight. Luo Ji's movements were very fast. This series of movements was completed in just the blink of an eye. Not to mention the other people present, it was Zhou Fuguo He opened his mouth wide in astonishment, and when he came back to his senses, he saw that Luo Ji had gone up to beat someone again.

Every time he kicked Ruan Chizhong's body, he made a muffled sound. It was the sound of being hit on the flesh. It can be seen that he had used all his strength. Ruan Chizhong had no way to fight back. I have no strength.

It was already dark, and the only sound of Luo Ji beating someone could be heard in the night. It was so quiet that Ben couldn't hear the other voices. Sun Mei couldn't help but turn her head and clenched her hands into fists.

Seeing that it was almost done, Zhou Fuguo stepped forward to hold Luo Ji, "Okay, if you continue to fight like this, you will lose your last breath."

After Luo Ji listened to him, he didn't fight any more. A few people over there got a signal from Zhou Fuguo to stand up Ruan Chizhong. Zhou Fuguo walked over with a sneer, and raised Ruan Chizhong's chin with his hand. Seeing that the man was almost insane, he moved his hand away.

"Ruan Chizhong, I know you can hear me. You can say whatever you want about beating you today, but no one will believe you. No one present saw you being beaten." When Zhou Fuguo said, he turned his head. Look at Sun Mei, "Sun Mei, we are not afraid of whether you will be a witness or not. If we are all happy if you become a witness, it proves that you and Ruan Chizhong know each other, right? But you don't have to believe it, I'm scaring you, the Sun family How do people get to know a scammer?"

Sun Mei clenched her lower lip, snorted coldly, and then said, "Zhou Fuguo, I don't understand what you're talking about, I don't know why you found someone in my house, and you don't have to blame me, don't talk nonsense without evidence , since you have also caught him, you should go, and I will go to find out what happened, and he will be found in my old house."

Just now when Ruan Chizhong came out, she didn't admit that she knew her, and she didn't admit that she arranged to come here. Sun Mei was relieved. No matter what, she had to go home now, explain the matter to her family, and get herself out first, otherwise This matter got out of hand, let alone others, my father would not let me go first.

Seeing her sophistry, Zhou Fuguo didn't argue too much, "You can't go back now, after all, he was found at your house, so you have to follow. Make a record."

"I told you I didn't know him." Sun Mei roared.

"Yeah, whether you know him or not, this person was found in your old house, and you were there, so it's a normal schedule for you to follow along to take notes, and you haven't done anything wrong, so why not go there. Isn't it?" Zhou Fuguo raised his chin at the person who was pulling Sun Mei, and then pulled Luo Ji to leave.

Behind me was Sun Mei's resistance, "Let go of me, I won't go, what are you going to do? I'm going to tell my dad, you wait to be punished."

But no one paid attention to her, and that person dragged her out of the hospital.

There was such a commotion in Sun's house that the neighbors on the left and right heard it. They came out to see what was going on. When they saw Sun Mei being dragged by a man, some wanted to go forward to stop her. Zhou Fuguo's light words scared those people. All returned to their original positions.

"The Sun family harbors criminals, you want to enter too.?"

Sun Mei rolled her eyes when she heard this, almost fainted from anger, and cursed loudly, "Zhou Fuguo, don't spit on people. I don't know why people are in my house. You're framing, do you know it's breaking the law? Let go Me, or I'll sue you."

No one would pay attention to Sun Mei's threats, they pulled her into the car, and stuffed it in. It wasn't until this moment when Sun Mei was sitting in the car that Sun Mei realized that there were actually two marriage cars parked not far from her home. It's early, but I've been watching a movie outside, my heart is also in a mess, biting my lip, thinking that no matter what, I can't admit it.

The girl from the Sun family was taken out of the old house of the Sun family together with the criminal, and it spread that night. Sun Hai of the Sun family hadn't returned yet, but Xu Feng was so anxious that she could only call Xu Hu.

The phone was connected, but it was Xu's mother who answered the phone. When she heard that she was looking for Xu Hu, she laughed, "Mother-in-law, Sun Mei had an accident and thought of my Xu Hu, right? If you don't call, I will tell you , Our Xu family can't afford such a daughter-in-law, and she was taken out of your old house with the criminal, let alone whether she committed a crime, but just staying in the same house with the criminal, I don't know what she is doing? I, Sun Mei, called me earlier to say that I was working overtime in the hospital, but looking at it now, where is the overtime work?

(End of this chapter)

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