Chapter 325 The Incident
When Xu Feng heard this, he rolled his eyes and almost fainted.

But he hugged Sun Hai's leg and refused to let go.

"Sun Hai, I was wrong. You can beat or scold if you want, don't go, this family can't be broken up." Xu Feng was most afraid of going in by himself.

In the final analysis, Sun Hai and Ben didn't know about this matter. She did it in secret alone. It was dark again.

Sun Hai looked at Xu Feng who was tightly wrapped around his leg, as long as he moved lightly, he could throw people away, but he didn't move, he raised his head and took a deep breath, the anger in his heart wanted to get angry after knowing what happened There was no fire left either.

"Xu Feng, you and I have been husband and wife for these years. I admit that I don't care much about you. I am cold-tempered and I am too old. I can't give you the fun that people of your age should have. All I can do is to let you Let you, after all, you are so much younger than me, and it doesn't matter whether we were together because you always wanted to be with me. When we are together, I will take care of you. Over the years, family affairs, I have never asked, even if I knew you were wrong, I would turn a blind eye, close one eye, and let you. Now that I think about it, I was wrong. If I hadn’t been accommodating you, I wouldn’t have caused you In the final analysis, it was I who caused you to become today's mistake." Sun Hai was full of remorse, and more of a self-blame, "If you make a mistake, you will make a mistake. You have to bear the consequences of your own mistakes. In the field, I will do what I have to do, and you can only rely on yourself in the future."

Regardless of whether it is his wife's fault or not, Sun Hai himself cannot escape responsibility. Even though he is fine outside, his daughter and wife are inside. These are all his faults.

Then let him take it all down.

Xu Feng hated and annoyed when he heard that he wanted to surrender himself. "Sun Hai, why on earth did you do this? I know that I don't do well on weekdays and always make you angry, but I am sincere to this family. I am also sincere to you. I have lived wholeheartedly over the years and put this The home is ready and comfortable, isn’t it for you? Look at the clothes I’m wearing, how many have I changed over the years? Isn’t it all delicious home-made food for you to eat first? I’ll pick up the leftovers The next one? Don’t look at anything else, just because I have lived with my heart and soul all these years, so you have to go? Do you have to force me to death?”

Now Xu Feng is afraid.How could he listen carefully to Sun Mei's words, only to hear that Sun Mei was about to surrender himself, so he held on tightly and refused to let go, so Ben didn't realize that Sun Hai wanted to take all the charges on himself.

"As long as you don't go out and talk about this matter, you won't be able to find out. Those people who come to our house to do business, if something happens, they won't admit it, or they themselves will be involved. As for the question of the 5 yuan Where did it come from, Sun Mei is shrewd and will definitely not admit it, so you just need to save your daughter right now." Xu Feng hurriedly came up with an idea.

Sun Hai frowned, "Nonsense. Do you really think that everyone is a fool, and you can do whatever you say? Let me tell you, there are people like you, and there are people with crooked minds who will do that kind of shameless It's about people. Let me know about this today, so it can't go on like this, and you don't have to tell me these things. I said it just now, and I admit that I won't make you happy, but I'm a good husband, and I'm not sorry You. You didn't get hungry, but you ruined this family behind my back."

Even his own famous name was ruined.

work these years.Sun Mei has done something to offend her conscience.

"You didn't make me hungry, but take a look at what you brought to this family?" Xu Feng retorted.

Sun Hai sneered, "Look around, who in the compound is not like this? It's a good life, which is also preserved by their ancestors. If you were greedy, you shouldn't have chosen to be with me in the first place."

"Ancestor? Is the Luo family the ancestor? Look at the things at home, there is still money."

"Hehe, the Luo family? Zhang Guilan knows how to do business, and you envy that you do it too. Yes, you did it. What you did was to use your power for your own personal gain. You are much better than Zhang Guilan, and you are all big hands." Sun Hai sneered. Said, "You only know how to look at others, but you don't look at yourself. You only know how to compare yourself with others, but you are not as good as others in everything. The good woman you raise is staring at other people's husbands before they get married. It's hard to get married. , I quarrel with my in-law’s family every day, now it’s better, there’s no need to quarrel, and there’s no chance to quarrel.”

"You only know to blame me, so why don't you think about what you are doing? You stay in the forest all day, and you don't care about anything at home."

Sun Hai stopped her words, "Shut up, I'm a man, which one in the compound is not like this? Since you are not balanced everywhere, you were looking for someone who was not a man to marry. Xu Feng, let me tell you, these are not you The reasons for committing crimes and breaking the law, what you say now is just to justify your selfish desires, if you admit it generously, I can still think highly of you, you really make me look down on you."

Then he smiled, "It's fine if you don't care about it. It's useless to say these things now. There's no need for the two of us to say these things. If you didn't understand what I said just now, then I'll tell you again. It's my fault." Help you out, when I go in, the two of us will divorce, and you will be on your own in the future."

Xu Feng was quiet this time.

Looking up at Sun Hai in a daze, he asked uncertainly, "Are you really going to help me take the blame?"

"Yes." Sun Hai had been disappointed for a long time, but seeing his wife like this, he was still disappointed, and turned his head, "Let me go, when someone will come to ask you, you just say that I gave you the money, why don't you give me money?" You didn't even know it was here."

Xu Feng didn't speak, and let go of his hand lightly, but he agreed.

Sun Hai coldly raised the corners of his lips, turned and walked out the door.

Only herself was left in the room, Xu Feng was stunned for a while, then got up, went to her bedroom first, found all the money hidden under the mattress under the bed, and then did not dare to stay at home any longer, Turning around and going out, the man walked into the old house, saw that there was no one around, then quietly opened the door, and hid the money behind the courtyard water tank.

Then he rushed back to the courtyard again.

Xu Feng arranged everything, sat at home and didn't sleep all night, until dawn, and fell asleep when Sun Hai couldn't come back.

At dawn, Sun Mei came back with a pale face and a lot of emaciation. Instead of going back to Xu's house, she went directly to her mother's house.

As soon as Xu Feng heard the movement, she hurriedly stood up.

Seeing that it was her daughter who came back, Xu Feng asked at the first sentence, "What happened? Where is your father?"

Sun Mei sat on the sofa with a pale face and didn't speak.

Xu Feng became anxious, "You really mean it."

"Mom, I said that I don't know why people are in the private house. I never admitted it, and the people in Ruanchi didn't pull me out." Sun Mei said in a daze.

"Ruan Chizhong? Isn't that the uncle of the Luo family? What does the one who escaped have anything to do with you?"

"The fugitive found in the private house is Ruan Chizhong."

Xu Feng looked at her daughter for a moment, and took a long time to realize, "You... you took the 5 yuan to frame Luo Ji? You did this?"

The sound was loud and almost rushed out through the house.

Sun Mei didn't respond to the piercing voice, "Mom, I won't hide it from you now, I asked Ruan Chizhong to do it, but I didn't expect him to cheat and make things so big. When he came to threaten me, I just hid him in a private house, but I also made it clear to him, if he wants to save a few years from squatting, don’t drag me out, otherwise I won’t be able to reduce my sentence for a year, please help me , to see if the sentence can be reduced, or Ruan Chizhong will definitely drag me out."

Xu Feng didn't say that I hate it, but slapped her across the face, and hit her daughter hard on the face. Sun Mei swayed, but she was sitting on the sofa, crooked and then sat upright, but said He didn't say anything or cry, just looked at his mother.

"You scoundrel, why did I give birth to your daughter, and how did I tell you at the beginning, don't provoke the Luo family anymore, why can't you leave that Luo Ji? Now it's all right, I've dragged the family into it, and the family is also gone. It's over, it's over, it's over now." Xu Feng cried, "I'll find a way for you? I'm in danger now, you think Ruan Chizhong can hold on to the 5 yuan. If you say you gave it, do you really believe it? That’s a thief, and besides, your father surrendered himself yesterday after knowing that I received the gift. "

Only then did Sun Mei respond with a blank face, "Surrender yourself? I didn't see Dad."

Xu Feng was stunned, and Sun Mei said again, "I really didn't see Dad, otherwise I wouldn't ask Mom to help me find a solution. Ruan Chizhong just pulled out that I gave him the money. What evidence does he have? When I gave him the money back then, there was no one else present, let alone write him a note. Besides, he is not a fool, he would not admit that there was money in the box that Luo Ji sent, that would only get him more money. sin."

Hearing what her daughter said, Xu Feng stopped crying, "What about your dad? He didn't go. Why didn't he go home?"

"Have you gone to Sun Le's place?"

Xu Feng snorted coldly, "I said he wouldn't turn himself in, so he hid with that little bastard."

While cursing, Xu Feng heaved a sigh of relief.

Sun Mei lowered her head, "Dad already knows, so it's easier to talk, Mom, tell me about it for me."

"Now your dad hates me to death. What else can I say for you? How can I ask for help when I tell you about this? Those people see our family in trouble and wish they had nothing to do with them. How can they help us?" work at home."

Sun Mei knew it too, and smiled, "Since that's the case, then it goes without saying, anyway, as long as I bite to death and refuse to admit it, it's useless for Ruan Chizhong to pull me out, at worst, my reputation will be bad, anyway, if things go wrong like this, we It doesn't have a good reputation."

 Go ahead and write, the title of the previous chapter was written wrong, and it has been revised later.

(End of this chapter)

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