Chapter 331
Before Xu Hu went to Sun's house to mention the divorce, Sun Hai went to Xu's house.

When he got home, he saw his father talking to Sun Hai, called him dad, and greeted him vaguely. There were two fathers in the room, and no one picked on him.

"Come on, sit down, your father-in-law wants to talk about you and Sun Mei." Father Xu called his son and patted the place next to him.

Xu Hu walked over and sat down without speaking.

Sun Haiduo was shrewd. Seeing Xu Hu like this, he knew that he might have come in vain today, but even so, he still wanted to fight for it. This was the last time he would do it for his daughter.

"Xu Hu, what happened to Sun Mei in the past two days, I know it hurt you a lot, but Dad still wants to say a few words, and I hope you can take it to heart. You and Sun Mei have been married for nearly a year. , I have never quarreled. Although you have no children, both of you are healthy and healthy. Sooner or later, I know I shouldn’t say these words today, but as a father, I still hope you can give It's a chance for Sun Mei. It's not easy for two people to get together. After going through this time, I believe Sun Mei will understand this truth and cherish the life in front of me. As for finding someone in the old house, it's just a matter of time. Coincidentally, she can't be condemned to death just because of this, is it a sentence for your marriage?"

Only Sun Mei was talking in the living room, Xu's father was silent, Xu Hu also lowered his head, making it hard to see what he was thinking. As for Xu's mother, Li Yun, she had been hiding in the study and eavesdropping on Sun Hai's words. If it wasn't for her quality, she would have jumped out and scolded people a long time ago.

What is a coincidence? There is no such coincidence in the world. I lied that I worked overtime in the hospital, but ran to the old house for no reason, and was surrounded by criminals there. It is a coincidence, and there is no such thing as this. God made sense.

Li Yun pressed tightly against the door, wishing that the door would be thinner, holding his breath while listening to Sun Hai outside.

"Sun Mei was spoiled by her mother since she was a child. She never knew what setbacks were. The smooth sailing made her feel that no matter what she did, she would be fine. She never worried about the consequences. She thought it was enough to have her parents to rely on, so she never did anything. I don't know the depth. You are his man. From the day I hand her into your hands, the responsibility of taking care of her falls on you. You are very stable, which is why I believe in you. You are a good boy , I know how to be considerate of my parents, I came to you to talk about this accident, and I also know that you will understand my good intentions as a father."

In this life, Sun Hai has never bowed his head to others like this. Although he didn't go home, Sun Hai thought about it with his eldest daughter for two days.In the end, I decided to come to the Xu family first to ask for forgiveness, and then talk to my daughter.

He also went to inquire about Ruan Chizhong's case, and even asked someone to tell Ruan Chizhong that if he confessed to the previous crimes, he would be sentenced to more years.He also believed that Ruan Chizhong would understand this.

After leaving home that night, Sun Hai really wanted to surrender, but he finally took a chance and wanted to wait and see again. He was relieved when he heard that Ruan Chizhong didn't involve his family and refused to admit the money. .I can also understand that Ruan Chizhong is a shrewd person, he knows to leave a way, and there is still a chance of life.

All that is left is to settle the matter in Dingli, first to preserve the relationship between the daughter and the Xu family, so that even if everything is found on the daughter, the Xu family will be stared at from all directions.It doesn't matter.

As for the debt owed to the Luo family, he can only find an opportunity to repay it later, and this time, let's treat it as if he was sorry for others.

After Sun Hai finished speaking, he just waited for Xu Hu to express his opinion.

When he came, he also told Father Xu.Xu's father only said to let Xu Hu make his own decision, and Sun Hai also knew that this was an old colleague trying to save face for him.

While waiting, Xu Hu raised his head with a serious expression on his face, "Dad, since you can tell me these heartfelt words, I will also say a few words from my heart. Listen to me. It's no longer enough for Sun Mei to provoke the Luo family." It's the first time, the last time I found out, I talked to her, and I don't want to do this kind of thing again. For the first time, I can pretend that nothing happened, and I don't even ask her. I agreed. I haven't mentioned this matter since then, but I didn't expect that she and Ben didn't take my words to heart. This time, such a big thing happened. What is the truth of the matter? They are all counted, but it is just a matter of evidence and confession. She is not a child who is young and ignorant and inexperienced. She does not take our marriage seriously at all, let alone think about others, and is selfish only for her own purposes. rather than resort to means.

This is harsh enough, but it is also true.

Xu's father didn't stop him.

Things have come to this day, when Sun Hai came to look for him just now, he didn't directly refuse, which can be regarded as giving face to his old colleague.

He also guessed his son's decision. With his son's temperament, he would never accept such Sun Mei again.

Don't say that the son is disappointed, it is that he is disappointed.

How could a man come from a family and still think like this?

I can't figure it out.

A married woman who still thinks about other men is really uneducated.

Sun Hai's face was burned by Xu Hu's words, "What else is there?"

Although he didn't look at it, Sun Hai himself knew how fake he was.

I thought that after I warned her last time, she would restrain herself, but I didn't expect that even the Xu family was caught once. If I knew this, what did I come here for, and I was here to shame myself.

"Dad, Sun Mei and I get together so well, it's good for both of our families. Otherwise, in the future, the troubles will continue, and the good marriage will become enemies, and it will be useless to regret it. I really think you are a good father and respect you." Just say these words, otherwise, if it were anyone else, if my daughter did that kind of thing and said this in front of me, I would not save any face and just drive people out. Do you know where I just went? Yes I went to the hospital to apologize to Zhang Guilan. I said bad things about Sun Mei before, but Zhang Guilan didn’t blame me. "Xu Hu spoke sharply, and his ability at work was also revealed.

What he said made everyone present slightly startled. Father Xu nodded in satisfaction after thinking about it. This is the son he raised, and he is satisfied if he doesn't go astray.

Sun Hai felt ashamed, he had done so much for his daughter, and even at this moment he could recognize his mistakes and admit them, but what about himself?I have always described myself as a fair person, but what are you doing now?
In comparison, it is really ashamed.

"Son, I made you suffer." Sun Hai had no face to stay any longer, stood up and strode away.

Xu's father sent the man outside the door, looking at his old colleague, he was also very sorry, a good person was ruined by the child's hands.

When I got back to the house, I saw my daughter-in-law was nagging at her son unconvinced, "What the hell, no wonder such a big thing happened after raising such a child, and I still have the face to beg people not to divorce, have you ever thought about other people's divorce?" I used to look good at Sun Hai, but now I don’t know if it’s right or wrong. It’s a pity. It must have been influenced by that woman Xu Feng. Son, when we get married again, we have to keep our eyes open and take a good look at it. Look, we can't let a girl raised by a family whose parents are unreasonable, otherwise it will be our family who will suffer."

"Okay, okay, you've been nagging about this for the past few days, and it's not too annoying." Father Xu waved his hand.

"Isn't it related to our family? Otherwise, why am I talking about this? You see, it's thanks to me that I keep saying that this marriage can't be done, otherwise Sun Hai came here today to plead for mercy and admit his mistake, wouldn't he stay away?" Li Yun felt that the credit lies with himself On the body, "Your fathers are the most soft-hearted. When Sun Mei married in, she didn't work, and the family didn't stretch out a hand. I just wanted to say her. One of you stopped and the other suppressed, just to suppress this matter." Now, if you want to listen to me and let her resign at home, what happened today? Let me tell you, you men are not as good as women in this family. "

Xu's father smiled, "Yes, yes, we are not as good as you, don't you also say goodbye now?"

This is what Li Yun likes to hear, "Just be obedient this time."

Looking at his son who was sitting there silently, Li Yun became angry, "And you, something like that happened once, why didn't you say it? If I found out, I would let you leave her at that time, otherwise I wouldn't It will drag on until today, and it will embarrass our Xu family. At the beginning, I did not agree to a blind date with the Sun family. I told you that Sun Mei’s reputation is not very good. Di Prudent is a person who lives a life. I don't agree with it and I didn't stop you. Once you get married, she misses other people's men every day. You don't say anything even if you catch her. Are you going to keep it a secret if there is no accident this time? Sun Mei doesn't even take our Xu family seriously, you help her, tell me where she got into your eyes, and I'll find you ten or eight according to that one and let you choose another one."

Those words were ugly, and they came with anger.

Hearing his son's words in the study at that time, Li Yun was blown up and forced Sun Hai to leave.

How can I not be angry when I see my son's distraught look again.

"Seduce someone else's husband, and you help her find someone else's wife. That is to say, Zhang Guilan is a sensible person. Otherwise, anyone who scolds you will know that your life will be over." Li Yun was arrested The man in my family persuaded her twice before her anger subsided, "It's no wonder that Zhang Guilan was able to conceive twins. It is a blessing that has been cultivated in several lifetimes. If you want me to say that Sun Mei must have owed Zhang Guilan in her last life, and she will pay it back in this life. You Let's see what happened to her and what Zhang Guilan is like? You can tell by comparing. What you planted, you have to pay for the results."

Not to mention, Mama Xu's words were true. In her previous life, it was not Sun Mei who robbed Zhang Guilan's man and owed Zhang Guilan, but she was not so lucky in this life.

 Push Book Title: Rebirth 1986
  Introduction: In her previous life, An Qing resolutely married the man she loved regardless of her family's opposition, but because of her in-law's relatives who obstructed her, she had a misunderstanding with the man.

  After reliving her life, An Qing returned to the day she married that man in 1986. In the face of a strong man who still loves her, should she leave directly?Or stay and start over with him, guarding the happiness that should belong to her?
(End of this chapter)

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