Chapter 334
When Li Xuezhang entered the ward, Zhang Guilan and Luo Ji were eating, and Sun Shubo and Old Man Zhang were also in the room. When they saw someone coming in, they stood up, but they didn't know how to say hello.

"Mom and Dad, sit down, I'll go out for a while." Luo Ji confessed, nodded to Zhang Guilan, and took Li Xuezhang out.

Luo Ji also expected Li Xuezhang to come to him.

When the two of them went outside, Luo Ji handed Li Xuezhang a cigarette. After they lit it, Luo Ji said without waiting for Li Xuezhang to speak, "Have we known each other for ten years? We haven't seen each other all day for the past ten years." Look down, the two families live opposite each other, even brothers are not as close as we are, so whenever I can, I will give you a hand, because I know that your family is more difficult than mine, and we are colleagues They are friends again, more like brothers, am I right?"

Seeing Li Xuezhang lowering his head and smoking fiercely, Luo Ji continued, "Back then two accidents happened in the forest area, and I never asked about it. I know your family is in trouble, and you need opportunities more than I do. I thought you would find I came to talk about it, and you didn't come until I was transferred."

Luo Ji turned his head and stared at him, "Do you know why I told you this? It's because at the moment you haven't come to beg me, I still had expectations. You are not that kind of person. Seeing you come Looking for me, I don't have any expectations anymore. Some things should be explained clearly. I won't say much about the things in the forest area. It can be regarded as the end of your colleagues' friendship, so let's talk about after you get to the city For the sake of the Sun family, you made things difficult for your sister-in-law while I was away, and you even made a move. Fortunately, you didn't hurt her, but you hurt my mother-in-law. I haven't told you clearly about this matter, yes Save a little face for you, but obviously I was wrong. I don't know what I did to make you hate me so much, and go back to the compound to spread rumors when I was in trouble. What good would that do you? Now that you are here At this level, we shouldn't meet again, but you come to beg me again today, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

If you beat Xu Feng, you will be arrested.Luo Ji had expected that Li Xuezhang would come to find him.

But he didn't expect Li Xuezhang to come on the day Xu Feng's accident happened.

At such a speed, Luo Ji was really disappointed with Li Xuezhang.

That indomitable man back then was so bewitched by interests that he lost even a bit of masculine self-esteem. How could he not be disappointed? It was a pity that he had lost a good colleague.

When Li Xuezhang heard these words, he felt that there was a heavy stone pressing on him, making him breathless, but today he came to beg for help.When he bowed his head, even if he spit at him face to face, he couldn't back down.

"Lao Ji, we are both from the countryside, but you are luckier than me. You are better than me in everything, but I am inferior to you in everything. I envy you, and even married a wife from the countryside, but look at Zhang Guilan, Look at Jiang Zhi again, I can’t compare with Ben. I worked a hundred times harder than you. But I’m still in that position. You know that if we can’t get promoted at a certain age, we can only change jobs. I don’t want to leave the forest area , so I can only step down the people above who are fighting with me, so as to have a chance to climb up." Li Xuezhang smiled wryly and threw the cigarette butt in his hand to the ground.I stomped hard with my foot, "Do you really think that I will feel comfortable doing this? I can't sleep every night, I will suffer from insomnia, because I know that the moment I decide to do that, I will lose our fellowship. Things. Even everyone would despise me and look down on me, but in order to stay in the forest area, I chose to be abandoned by everyone, but when I really faced all the contemptuous eyes around me, I still couldn't bear it, and betrayed my conscience in the end It became a joke, and I didn’t get anything. So I thought about running away and changing jobs and returning to our home. It would only make my wife, children and parents go hungry. For the sake of my family, I have no other choice. I beg you, you will help me Is it? I can only ask the Sun family, but if you owe someone, you must pay it back."

Li Xuezhang spoke out what was in his heart, and suddenly felt relaxed. He had never felt so relaxed. Everyone knew everything, but everyone was pretending to be stupid.

Especially facing Luo Ji, Li Xuezhang felt guilty all the time.

Of course, he hopes to be friends with such an outstanding person, especially Luo Ji has always taken good care of himself, as well as his family, Zhang Guilan, who takes care of his daughter-in-law.

Luo Ji looked at him, not sympathizing with him at all, "Just because of this, you have to use others for your own selfish desires? You forgot, you are not an ordinary person, you are a man, everyone can do it , but you can’t do it. So you are not worthy of being a man. No matter how hard you try, it’s useless. I used to be very sad to see you do those things, but this moment will never happen again, because my My colleague is dead, and what remains in front of me is just a shell."

He has heard even worse things. After being demoted because of Zhang Guilan, he was ridiculed by others in the unit. He behaved with his tail between his legs every day, and was instructed everywhere. The work assigned by his superiors was also the most tiring and difficult job in the unit. Yes, he knew it was making things difficult for him, but it was his own choice, he had no other choice but to bear it by himself.

The days are getting harder and harder every day, and sometimes he really doesn't know if he will collapse.

"Old Ji, I know it's too late for me to say anything now. I came here to beg you today, and I also know that the friendship between the two of us can no longer be maintained. I have nowhere to go now. You know my situation. I Knowing that I have brought the blame on myself, I can’t blame others, it’s only natural for you to look at me and make fun of me, so I beg you to help me with the cheek, I know you won’t just ignore death.”

"Don't ask for death?" Luo Ji thought this sentence was ridiculous, so he really couldn't help laughing out loud, "It seems that if I want to disappoint you, I won't help you, and I won't make trouble, everything depends on you My own life, this is the last time I can do it for you. But let me give you a piece of advice, do something unconscionable, don’t stay here, leave and go back to your hometown, it will be a new beginning for you.”

In today's society, what people look down on the most are selfish and bad-hearted people.

Luo Ji's words are very clear. Everyone knows what Li Xuezhang has done. If he stays in the unit, he will only be excluded. In the end, he will lose his job and become notorious. It is better to leave now.

Li Xuezhang is a shrewd person, Luo Ji believes he will understand.

Li Xuezhang was silent after hearing this, but he was relieved to get Luo Ji's assurance, "Thank you, Lao Ji."

After a pause, Li Xuezhang said again, "I'm sorry for you, I will never have the face to appear in front of you again in this life."

After finishing the last sentence, Li Xuezhang strode away.

Looking at the leaving figure, Luo Ji stood outside alone and lit a cigarette. After smoking, he returned to the ward. Zhang Guilan had already finished eating, so he kept Luo Ji's food.

"Eat quickly, it's getting cold." Sun Shubo called for someone to come over for dinner.

"Mom, I was full just now, you guys go home too, save the food for me to eat and put it here." Luo Ji stepped forward to clean it up.

Sun Shubo helped him clean up together, "I only ate a few words, how can I be full, I'd better take these back, cold food in winter is not good for the stomach."

"Yeah, anyway, if your mother cooks, it can be heated at home, so it doesn't bother you to eat cold food." Zhang Laowu also took the conversation.

Luo Ji just laughed.

After sending the old couple back, Luo Ji sat down beside the bed in a muffled voice and didn't speak.

Zhang Guilan could see that he was unhappy, "What did Li Xuezhang say again?"

"Come and beg me. Xu Feng has been arrested, and he is afraid of poking him out." Luo Ji thought of Li Xuezhang's downcast state, and felt depressed again, "It's really disappointing that he has become like that. I promise her, He won't make trouble, everything depends on his own life."

"Evil people have their own evil consequences, let him suffer slowly." Zhang Guilan couldn't understand the hatred in her heart, but the best way to take revenge is to make the other person's life worse than death, and a painful life is the best torture.

Luo Ji nodded and remained silent.

Zhang Guilan held his hand, "You don't have to feel guilty, you didn't do anything wrong, you're kind enough, it's because he didn't know how to cherish it, and polished off his own blessings, that's how people are, they always have to do things for themselves Pay the price. If everyone forgives guilt like you do, then people in this world know that it’s okay to do bad things, and everyone will do bad things, so no one is willing to be a good person, right? "

"You are very good at comforting people, has anyone ever said that?" Luo Ji smiled.

"Of course." Zhang Guilan looked at him with raised eyebrows and a smile, "It's you."

Luo Jilang smiled. Outside the ward, Sun Mei quietly looked at the happy scene in the room, her face was frosty, her house was in disarray, but they were so happy here and laughed so happily, how could this be possible?

After her mother was taken away, Sun Mei knew that something had happened, and she would never come back again. She ignored the strange looks from all around and went straight to the hospital. After the accident, she didn't come to the hospital. Then, the hospital called home to inform her that she was suspended.

When things got to this point, the news about Sun Mei was spread in the hospital. When the person who was famous in the past came back now, the nurses all hid from a distance and looked sideways, and no one came forward to say hello.

Sun Mei has long understood the coldness and warmth of human relations, she doesn't like herself, and she also looks down on them. Standing outside the ward, the nurses saw it, and no one made a sound to disturb them, they just watched from the sidelines.

Until Zhang Guilan in the ward raised her head and found someone standing outside through the crack of the door, "Who is outside?"

As soon as the good voice came out, the figure outside flashed past, and it was obvious that he had left.

Luo Ji stood up and walked over in a few strides. He opened the door just in time to see the back of the person who was rushing away, but he also recognized that it was Sun Mei.

(End of this chapter)

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