Chapter 337
Zhang Guilan was tired of staying in the hospital, and she felt that the situation was not that serious, so she asked Luo Ji to go to the doctor to see if he could go home and take care of her. After all, it was just like this every day in the hospital, without injections or medicines.

Luo Ji disagreed, but couldn't stand Zhang Guilan's soft words, and then heard Zhang Guilan say that the mood of a pregnant woman is very important, so he agreed.

The person came back after a short time, with a dark expression on his face, "The doctor said that keeping you in the hospital is also responsible for you and the fetus. You can go home if you want to leave the hospital, but the hospital is not responsible if something goes wrong."

Doctors are like this. In order not to take responsibility, they say such scary things.

How could Zhang Guilan be afraid of this after living two lifetimes, "Don't worry, I haven't been lying down in the ward for the past few days, I have been walking slowly. After all, the air in the hospital is not good, so let's go home, and everything is convenient. Like here, I always go out to look at the laundry because it is drying outside, for fear of being stolen. Besides, you have been watching me for the past few days. The hospital said that because they are afraid of taking responsibility, don’t worry.”

What Luo Ji cares most about is his daughter-in-law's mood. She has become more and more irritable these days. Besides, she is really fine these days. Although her stomach is getting bigger day by day, her complexion is very good. I don't know what the doctor said. So scary.

"That's fine. I'll tell the doctor now. Let's leave the doctor first, and come in when there is any situation." Another reason why Luo Ji is relieved is that he is not at work now, and he can bring his wife to the hospital as soon as possible.

The two discussed it once, and Luo Ji went out to complete the discharge procedures.

When Sun Shubo and Zhang Laowu came, they were shocked when they saw that they were packing their things, "Is this going to change wards?"

"No." Zhang Guilan smiled and went over to touch her mother's arm. "It's discharged from the hospital. Come to the hospital anytime if you have something to do."

"Is this a good thing? Is your body okay?" Of course it's a good thing not to be in the hospital.

For the elderly, the hospital is not a good place, it is a bad place.

"The doctor said it's okay." I heard my daughter say so.Sun Shubo was also happy.

Called the old man Zhang to help pack things together, "Don't just stand there, help the children clean up together."

"No, just help me with the things. It's almost done." Zhang Guilan didn't have the nerve to ask her father to help with the clothes and so on. She asked her father to hold the things she had packed before, and pointed to the side, "These old Just take it, there are so many things, let's rent a car outside, I can't go too far."

"I'm going to make a phone call to see if Fu Guo can send a trolley over." Luo Ji tidied up his things, "I think I'll go after packing up."

"You put it down and I'll clean it up, you go and make a phone call." Sun Shubo took over the job.

Luo Ji was not polite either.Turned around and went out.

As soon as the others left, Sun Shubo asked her worries in a low voice, "Guilan, your parents-in-law and mother-in-law are remarried, and you are moving back now. Is your mother-in-law going back to live with you too? I think it's better for you to move to my mother-in-law first." and your dad, and then wait for your dad and the others to go back to the countryside before you go back to your own home."

As soon as Sun Shubo opened his mouth, the old man Zhang was dissatisfied, "Say nonsense, in this way, it will make people gossip. Guilan, don't listen to your mother, you can go home directly. Lao Ji is not a fool, Now he doesn't work and stays at home, so he can't wrong you. As for your in-laws, no matter what they do wrong. They are also Laoji's parents. Once you marry him, you have to accept it. If you can't accept it, you can only endure it. .”

Sun Shubo was not happy, "Look at what happened one by one. How can there be such parents-in-law? Now Guilan has a big belly. It's not the usual time. If something goes wrong, don't regret it."

To be honest, after my daughter married into Luo's family, she was always angry. First, she was bullied by Luo's family and returned to her mother's house, and then she followed her with her, but she didn't expect that one thing would be different from what people didn't know. I can't stand it anymore, the old man in my family just let me endure, but how long will I have to endure it?

It's all right now, after tossing her daughter to the hospital for so many days, she almost didn't even keep the child, but she couldn't bear it anymore, lost her son, what would she do now if she lost her daughter again?
Seeing his wife blushing there and lowering his head to pack his things, Zhang Laowu sighed, "I know you feel wronged, but life is not like this. If you have your parents-in-law, you have to face it. How can you even marry your parents-in-law in order to get married?" None.

Who wants to watch their daughter suffer, but life is like this.

The daughter's life needs to be managed by herself. As a parent, all she can do is to encourage her from the sidelines.

Seeing her parents arguing about her own affairs, Zhang Guilan hurriedly persuaded the two of them, "Okay, if you two quarrel over my affairs, then I won't be able to make it through."

She used to embrace her mother, "Mom, don't worry, as Dad said, if you have Laoji, you don't have to worry about it. Besides, I can't cook now. Do you still trust Laoji to cook for me? Why don't you Come and take care of me, with you protecting me, what are you worried about?"

Hearing what his daughter said, Sun Shubo smiled, "That's right, I will protect you."

Zhang Laowu watched and shook his head, "Don't think too much, didn't Guilan say that? Luo Yongzhi won't let Guo Ying go back to live in the compound, don't worry, you don't worry, Lao Ji doesn't worry too much."

With the relief of her daughter and her husband, Sun Shubo was relieved.

When Luo Ji came back, the atmosphere had become friendly, Zhang Guilan blinked at Luo Ji, Luo Ji was still confused, "Fu Guo said he would drive over in person later, and he happened to be out on business."

"Can't you sit in the car?" Old man Zhang said first, "Put your things here, and your mother and I can walk back."

"No, I can sit down." Luo Ji had already thought of this problem, "I asked him not to bring anyone over, we just sit down."

"That's good." Zhang Guilan dressed, wrapped herself tightly, and touched her mother's arm, "Mom, let's wait outside, I'm exhausted in this hospital."

"Okay." Seeing her daughter happy, Sun Shubo disagreed.

Luo Ji and Zhang Laowu followed behind carrying their things, and the family finally got out of the doctor.

After standing outside for no more than 10 minutes, Zhou Fuguo drove there. When he arrived at the compound, Mrs. Zhou and Tian Xiaoyue were waiting at the door early, with food in her hand.

"Why didn't you enter the house?" Zhang Guilan wondered that Mrs. Zhou couldn't be afraid of him when her father-in-law was at home.

Tian Xiaoyue knew what Zhang Guilan was thinking, "It's not that Mom insisted on waiting for you here, and I went in as I said, otherwise it's not good to stand here and let others see."

"What's wrong, I'm waiting for you." Mrs. Zhou didn't care about that.

Luo Ji had already opened the door, and an unpleasant smell came out of the room. Luo Ji held his nose and backed away. When he opened the door and saw the messy things on the coffee table, he understood.

There was a group of people waiting behind him. The house was in a mess like a pigsty. Luo Ji had no choice but to head in, "Come in."

No matter how messy the house is, you can't wait outside.

He didn't change his shoes as soon as he entered the house. Luo Ji put down his things and cleaned up the house. When the old man Luo came out of the bedroom, he was surprised to see a bunch of people coming in.

"Dad, Guilan and I came back to live." Luo Ji explained, seeing that his father had lost weight, he felt distressed, "Did you not eat on time?"

"Eat and eat." Old man Luo felt embarrassed when he saw a room full of people.

In his old thinking, entered. , then he is not a good person, so after he came out, except for going out to buy food, he almost never left the house, because he was afraid of seeing people.

Everyone could see the bewilderment and panic on the old man Luo's face, so everyone found something to say to relieve the embarrassment.

Sun Shubo and Mrs. Zhou also helped to clean up the house. They first cleaned up the study and let Zhang Guilan lie down in the room before tidying up the place next to him. Seeing Luo Yongzhi sitting there nervously, old man Zhang couldn't bear it.

"We have to cook at home, let's go out to buy vegetables, I don't think there is anything to eat at home." Except for some fruits brought back from the hospital, the house is empty.

It's best to go out.Old man Luo nodded again and again, and the two went out.

Tian Xiaoyue was talking to Zhang Guilan in the study, "Your father-in-law is very good at staying, and you can't see him in the compound. I heard from the young man that he went out to buy steamed buns every few days and ate steamed buns every day. He suffered from this, you said he What is the picture of?"

Let these people can't bear to look at them.

"No way? Lao Ji gave him money and asked him to go out to eat by himself every day." Zhang Guilan felt depressed when she thought of the reason why old man Luo did this.

Poor people have something to hate.

In the final analysis, the old man Luo was like this because he indulged Guo Ying too much at the beginning, and in the end he wanted to save face. It can be said that he is pitiful, he is also a victim, and he is not bad in his bones.

Seeing that Zhang Guilan was silent, Tian Xiaoyue comforted her, "Don't think about it too much, you can't take care of yourself now, and you can't worry about anything else."

"He's a poor man after all."

It's a pity that he has to get involved with that troublesome mother-in-law again. I don't know if he can really calm down this time, but thinking that he did this so that her mother-in-law will not come to disturb her and Luo Ji's life, Zhang Guilan's heart sinks again. Shen.

"Xiaoyue, do you think I am too fickle sometimes?"

"Don't think too much, you didn't do anything wrong." Tian Xiaoyue understood her thoughts, "Actually, your father-in-law is a good person, and he smiles at everyone, but it's just his temper that indulges his wife Do that kind of thing with your daughter, otherwise the family won't be in such a mess, as a daughter-in-law, you can't do anything but keep yourself, and if you persuade them, they might say you have bad intentions."

Seeing someone who understands her, Zhang Guilan feels unspeakably relieved, seeing that she is not a wicked person, nor is she ruthless.

 Shout out to the pink ticket, hey

(End of this chapter)

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