Chapter 341 Feng Shui
The Mi family tried to deal with Hu Youguo, but Hu Youguo was only drunk and died in Ruanxiang. After Milan quarreled with him and said he wanted a divorce, Hu Youguo took him back home to fool around.

The woman in his arms was Su Miao who had not been married to Dong Jianguo for a long time.

"Is what you said true? Do you really make so much money by making clothes?" Hu Youguo walked restlessly on Su Miao's body.

Su Miao looked enjoying it, "Naturally, my sister has been working in Zhang Guilan's clothing store. She earns a commission, and the more she does, the more she earns. It's a pity that they have expanded the factory now, and my sister can only do it." Entering the factory is not as easy as it used to be, and I earned a lot of money in that month. You see, her family was poor at the beginning, and the orphans and widows almost starved to death. Now I can’t afford everything in the family. "

Speaking of this, Su Miao looked jealous.

"What are you afraid of? I'll buy you whatever you like." Hu Youguo turned over and pressed him under him, "How can I let my little heart be wronged, but you said that the business is good and you really make so much money. You can also open a factory, and then the money will pour into your pockets, and you will have whatever you want."

Su Miao likes to listen to these words, but she is much better than Dong Jianguo. When she doesn't pay attention to him, she treats herself as a treasure. Yes, when did I live such a hard life.

After a few days of suffering, Su Miao always found excuses to come to the city, and then returned to the countryside for a few days after staying there. Dong Jianguo did not know that he was working in the city, and he only returned home on Saturdays and Sundays. Before Dong Jianguo returned home, Su Miao When they rushed back, the old man and the old lady of the Dong family naturally wanted to tell their son that Dong Jianguo and Su Miao started to quarrel.The countryside did not go back either.

Finally met Hu Youguo, and the two got mixed up.

"Of course it's really earning money. Look at Zhang Guilan. She bought a house for her parents in the city within a year. And what they eat is that my sister eats meat every day at their place. How can I eat without money? Meat?" Su Miao was envious, "It's just a costume, my sister happens to be there, let's promise her some favors, let her show us some of her looks, can I still make money then?"

"Good idea, then you are in charge of showing the appearance, and I will be in charge of finding someone to do it. Buying materials." As soon as Hu Youguo heard that there is a good business to make money, Hu Youguo lost his other thoughts and sat up. Marry you. But you have to divorce immediately."

Su Miao smiled coquettishly, "I leave as soon as I want, but I'm afraid you won't be able to leave. I've heard of your wife. She is a powerful character. Even you are afraid of her. Do you dare to divorce?"

"Hmph, I've had enough of her. Pretending to be a saint every day, marrying me and having other men in my heart, you've seen it too, now I'm bringing you home, and you still say I'm afraid of her?" Hu Youguo A little angry.

Su Miao sat up mockingly, and pulled the quilt to block her body. "Okay, okay, poke your wound, see that you are unhappy, you are not afraid of her, I believe it is not enough."

"You little goblin." Tell the truth.He coaxed himself to be happy again.

This is what Hu Youguo likes about Su Miao. Guan Jian is also very nice in bed. After taking Milan, he can count the number of times he touches her. Now he can do it anytime, so he naturally likes the latter.

The two kissed again, and then they put on their clothes and went downstairs. Even if they walked together, they leaned close together affectionately and never separated. It wasn't until a person ran up in front of them and punched him, that the kiss between the two was broken. Honey to break.

"Dogs, men and women, I will kill you." It was Dong Jianguo who was red-eyed.

Su Miao screamed in fright, but Hu Youguo didn't care, and fought with Dong Jianguo. In a community, everyone knew that Hu Youguo was having sex with a woman, and even brought her back home. Now that I see them playing together, I understand.

Dong Jianguo's body was hollowed out a long time ago, and after a few punches, Hu Youguo hit the ground and couldn't move. Then Hu Youguo stopped, "If you dare to come here again, let me hit you again."

After spitting out Dong Jianguo, Hu Youguo left with Su Miao in his arms.

Dong Jianguo hammered the ground with his fist in hatred, and scolded Hu Youguo's ancestors all over, then got up and walked away staggeringly, and went to Liu Xiaolan's residence with injuries all over his body.

Liu Xiaolan has now bought a house in the city, and her life is pretty good. Thinking of her end today, Dong Jianguo felt that Liu Xiaolan was doing well. He knocked on the door halfway, but seeing no one answered, Dong Jianguo squatted outside the gate and waited.

In the middle of the winter, Dong Jianguo was injured again. In the afternoon, Dong Jianguo had a fever. When Liu Xiaolan came back, the others couldn't stand up. Seeing Dong Jianguo who was guarding the door, Liu Xiaolan didn't feel sympathy at all, so much that he felt hateful.

"Xiaolan." Dong Jianguo had never called Liu Xiaolan like that in his life.

But Liu Xiaolan felt disgusted, and yelled out from the man's mouth, "What are you doing here? The two of us have nothing to do with each other anymore, please don't bother me anymore, and don't forget, you are a family man."

"Xiaolan, I want to divorce Su Miao. We are remarrying. I only know now that you are the best. I was the one who let me down. I was a bastard." Dong Jianguo pleaded bitterly.

"Dong Jianguo, have you forgotten? How did the two of us get divorced? Now you are begging me again. It's really a dog that can't change your shit. Who do you think you are? You can do whatever you want? It's ridiculous. Dong Jianguo, from the day I left you, I wish I could set off firecrackers to celebrate. Don't make me look down on you, get out of here." Liu Xiaolan looked at her coldly.

"Xiaolan, I know you hate me, but think about the child, the child cannot live without a father." Looking at Liu Xiaolan who looked like a different person, Dong Jianguo felt remorseful, why did he lose such a good wife? Woolen cloth.

"The child already has a father, so you can rest assured. By the way, you know that he is just a little dumb." Seeing Dong Jianguo's face, Liu Xiaolan suddenly made up her mind, "We will have a wedding soon, you are welcome join."

"No, I don't agree with you marrying him." As soon as he heard that Liu Xiaolan was going to marry, and then thought of Su Miao who hadn't returned home, Dong Jianguo yelled like crazy, "If you dare to marry my child, I'll kill you!" The child is coming back, and you should never expect to see your son."

Liu Xiaolan smiled, "Of course. We can regenerate."

"Liu Xiaolan, have you thought this way a long time ago? You shameless woman."

Before Dong Jianguo finished cursing, he was punched by the person who came out.

The person who came was the little mute.

Seeing the little mute suddenly appearing here, Liu Xiaolan was quite surprised.

Dong Jianguo was beaten during the day, and he had a fever. The little mute usually used his physical strength to do woodwork. His body had already been exercised. Where could Dong Jianguo be an opponent?

"Xu De, that's enough, stop beating." Liu Xiaolan regained her composure and stepped forward to stop him.

The little mute was also obedient, but glared at Dong Jianguo on the ground.

"Let's carry him into the house first, it's our business if the winter freezes." Seeing this, Liu Xiaolan had no other way to prevent people from entering the house.

The little mute directly resisted Dong Jianguo and walked into the house. Seeing the strength of the little dumb horse, Liu Xiaolan smiled, and was not as alienated from the little dumb as before. Arrived at Father Liu's house.

Liu's father was blind, and when he heard something, he smiled and asked, "Is it Xu De?"

The little mute couldn't speak, so he touched Liu's father's hand as an answer. Liu's father smiled, "Good boy, I'm relieved that Xiaolan will be taken care of by you."

His daughter got divorced, and Liu's father couldn't do anything to help him, but he still had to come to the city to be a burden to his daughter. Although he was blind, his heart was not blind, and he could feel the mind of the little mute.

Now that his daughter is taking care of the child by herself, he certainly hopes that her daughter will find someone who treats her sincerely.

When Liu Xiaolan heard her father's words in the outer room, her face became hot, "Dad, you are talking nonsense again. You didn't touch the dish I warmed for you at noon. Didn't I tell you to eat? I'll clean up when I come back after eating."

While taking out the food from the pot, he filled the pot with water, "Xu De will also eat here at night, there are frozen dumplings at home."

Father Liu was happy and patted the little mute's hand.

As for Dong Jianguo who was thrown on the kang, Liu Xiaolan found out that he had a fever while eating, gave him two antipyretics, and left him alone. Only then did Liu's father know that Dong Jianguo was at home.

"Let Xu De stay and sleep tonight." With Dong Jianguo around, Father Liu couldn't rest assured, "Xiaolan, come here with the quilt on your bed."

Liu Xiaolan was also afraid that Dong Jianguo would make a fuss in the middle of the night, "Okay."

He readily agreed.

The little mute was naturally happy, and took the initiative to help Liu Xiaolan clear the table after the meal, and then went to play with the children. Since the little mute helped take care of the child, the child was very attached to the little mute. Listening to the child's laughter, Liu Xiaolan also laughed.

Dong Jianguo actually went to bed early, but he just kept pretending to be asleep. He knew that he would be kicked out when he woke up at this time, so he smelled the smell of dumplings and resisted not moving. Now he heard the smile of his son and the little dumb , I hated in my heart, and I will take my son away tomorrow, seeing Liu Xiaolan's reluctance, still laughing with me there, let her cry to beg myself sooner or later.

The heat came up again, and Dong Jianguo fell asleep again in a daze. When he woke up the next day, the house was quiet, and there was no movement. He was watching the child, but he had long since disappeared.Naturally, his plans for last night were not counted.

"Let's go when you wake up. It won't be face-saving to drive you away when Xiaolan comes back." Father Liu said quietly.

Dong Jianguo snorted coldly and got off the ground, went to the kitchen to look for food, saw that there was warm food in the pot, and ate it in small bites, and left without saying a word to Father Liu.

That meal was left by Liu Xiaolan to Liu's father, but Dong Jianguo ate it. Liu's father shook his head, thinking that his daughter's marriage was divorced.

(End of this chapter)

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