Chapter 346 Blame

Please enter the text When the Mi family man came back, he got angry on the spot when he heard about it.

"What time do you think it is now? Or when you were acting willfully? Have you ever thought about children? Are you a mother? How did I give birth to such a selfish daughter like you?" The Mi family man got angry for the first time, "Before you I don't bother to care about you and let you mess around with me about those things with Laoji. I just think that you have had enough trouble, and you should give up. Later, one thing after another, I just want to see How can you give up your heart? In the end, your mother and I couldn't stay in the village, we came out to lie and we couldn't return home, and I never said a word, whoever asked me to give birth to you, just treat me and your mother I owe you a debt in my previous life. Now that you are married and have a child, I thought you should live a good life, but look at your troubles. Now that you have a child, you want to get a divorce. What are you? What do you think? You plan to never marry and take care of your children? If that’s fine, then don’t marry for the rest of your life.”

This time, the man from the Mi family was cruel, "Either go back to the Hu family to live a good life, or take care of the children at home, and don't marry for the rest of your life."

Given two paths, both are extremely mean.

Zhuang Juan bit her but did not speak.

Milan was holding the child in his arms, and his eyes were red, "Don't tell the Hu family at the beginning, the two old people didn't say a word, and now they suddenly came to pick me up, and said that the child is their grandson, when she was born, she only After taking a look at it, I knew it was a woman, so I didn’t care about it, and now it’s suddenly so good, there must be nothing good.”

"I know my dad wants me to go back to live a good life, but that also depends on Hu Youguo's life. When I gave birth to a daughter, he didn't have a good face. He beat people every now and then. I was afraid that you would worry about it. I didn't learn a word. However, now he is the one who proposed to get a divorce and kick us out. Now he doesn't come to pick him up, let his mother pick me up, what does he think of me? If I go back like this, I won't be bullied to death by his family? "Milan choked up in a low voice.

She said so.The Hu family man was also silent.

Zhuang Juan sighed, "Why don't I go to inquire tomorrow to see if there is anything wrong with the Hu family."

The man from the Mi family nodded, "Alright, let's go find out."

In the end it was my daughter, at the last moment, my heart softened.

Zhuang Juan breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her man let go of the conversation.

The busy shop was laid to sleep by Zhang Luo, so how could I dare to talk about it.

The next day, the man from Mi's family left.Zhuang Juan is about to go out.

After going out for a while, he came back with a sullen face, and Milan knew that something must have happened to the Hu family.

"Mom, what happened to the Hu family?"

Zhuang Juan took a breath before speaking angrily. "Hu Youguo was arrested for messing with men and women. He went there, but he is still detained inside. He said that if he didn't pay a fine of 2000 yuan, he would be detained three times. He deserved it. Why didn't he be shot?"

Milan originally didn't like Hu Youguo in his heart.Hearing what happened to him, he smiled happily, "That's great, no wonder Baba picked me up yesterday, because he knew no one would marry his son, so he thought of me."

"Bah. How can there be such a family." Zhuang Juan couldn't help being angry, "Fortunately, you hid your mind, and your father asked you to go back. If you really go back, you will fall into a pit."

Both mother and daughter breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

The Mi family man heard about it after he came back.Since he felt that he scolded his daughter the day before yesterday, what he said was too ruthless, and he never said it again, Milan just waited for Hu Youguo to come out and left.

But it is said that Zhang Guilan's family also welcomed a guest, who is Cheng's widow.

To everyone's surprise, the widow Da Cheng was also assigned to work in the garment factory, and she never had a close relationship with her. Luo Ji had been running into the forest area during the day, and it was Sun Shubo who went to pick him up from the guard.

Sun Shubo was quite surprised when he saw the man. Fortunately, he knew Widow Cheng and took him directly to his home.

Tian Xiaoyue is also raising a baby now, nothing is wrong except her mother's house, which is Zhang Guilan's place. She didn't come today, only the old couple of Zhang's family came over, and Zhu Lan's child. child.

"Sister-in-law is here, sit down quickly." The visitor was a guest, and Zhang Guilan asked people to sit on the sofa politely, "Why is sister-in-law free today? Is there something wrong?"

Anyway, everyone understood and made a deal, so Zhang Guilan simply asked straight to the point.

"You have a big belly. I shouldn't have come. It's about my sister. She was arrested for messing with men and women. It takes 2000 yuan to get it out."

"Sister-in-law is here to borrow money?" Apart from this, Zhang Guilan really couldn't think of what she meant by what she said to herself.

Widow Cheng shook her head in embarrassment, and twisted the corners of her clothes, "It's not because my sister hurt Xiaolan. I think now my sister has also got what she deserves, and God has punished them too."

"So that's how it is." Zhang Guilan said with a smile, "Sister-in-law wants to admit her mistake to Xiaolan, just tell her in the factory. Anyway, she is in the factory now, and you can see each other every day."

Although she has never been to the factory, Zhang Guilan has also heard from Zhu Lan that Liu Xiaolan directly ignores Widow Cheng in the factory, and even if Widow Cheng greets her on her own initiative, she does not hear it. Everyone in the factory knows that Widow Cheng and Liu Xiaolan disagrees.

Widow Cheng came to see her, and she also understood what it meant. She wanted to talk to Liu Xiaolan about her sister today, and it also represented her sincerity, right?
"Guilan, I'm not afraid of your jokes, Xiaolan doesn't talk to me in the factory, I know she hates me in her heart, but my sister, like my sister, is like an enemy, how can I control her. When I found out about her relationship with Dong Jianguo, I was also very angry and took care of it, but she didn't listen to me at all."

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, Xiaolan is not a person who doesn't distinguish between things and wrongs. If you come today, I can't let you go for nothing. I will tell her when I have time. Xiaolan has a straight temper. If it is really the kind A scheming person must smile at you on the face, do you think this is the reason?" Zhang Guilan thinks that Widow Cheng is so smart, she should understand this.

Widow Cheng looked embarrassed, "Yes, but it's my fault after all. If I told her earlier, she wouldn't have been hurt so much."

"Your embarrassment, everyone understands." Zhang Guilan said the truth.

Widow Cheng's face was hot, and she had achieved her goal today, "Then I'll go back to the factory first, and I'll go to the hospital to see you after you give birth."

"Sister-in-law, let's go back after lunch." On the surface, Zhang Guilan still had to do.

Widow Cheng naturally knew that it was a polite remark, "No need, I can do some more when I go back."

Now the work in the factory is also paid on a piece basis, so those who are able can earn more, so that they don't have to watch people work every day, and they don't have to worry about people being lazy.

After sending her off, Zhang Guilan felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach before she could say a few words to her mother. Sun Shubo became anxious when she saw this situation, and hurriedly called Zhang Laowu and Luo Laohan who were talking in the bedroom.

When the two heard Sun Shubo's movement, they rushed out. When they saw blood on the ground, they were so frightened that they were dumbfounded. Fortunately, it was Zhang Laowu who came to his senses first, "Quick, hurry to the hospital."

Sun Shubo went to get his coat, Zhang Guilan didn't dare to move, so Zhang Laowu walked out wearing slippers, "I'm going to find a car."

Old man Luo rubbed his hands anxiously on the spot, "What am I doing? What am I doing?"

No one paid attention to him, Sun Shubo took a coat and put it on for his daughter, while comforting her, "Don't worry, it's a good thing to see blood first after giving birth, which means the birth went smoothly. If the amniotic fluid breaks first, it will take a while to live."

Zhang Guilan's stomach seemed to be torn open, Zhang Guilan's mind went blank, and she just cried, "Mom, I can't stand it, it hurts too much."

Sun Shubo's eyes were also red, "It's okay, it's okay, all women have to go through this cut, just get over it, who made us women."

Zhang Guilan was in so much pain that she wished she could cut the child out with a knife, and now she couldn't listen to anything else, "When will I go to the hospital? I can't stand it anymore."

Sun Shubo was confused, but at this time Zhang Laowu came back, with the young man at the door behind him, "Quick, there is a coal delivery carriage outside, take the quilt."

"I'll get it, you help Guilan into the car." Old man Luo has now found a job.

It wasn't until the person was helped to the carriage and all the way to the hospital that Sun Shubo held back his tears, "Okay, what's the matter? Why did you have a chattel today?"

"Let's talk about it when we get to the hospital." Zhang Laowu felt sorry for his daughter and pulled up the quilt again.

Zhang Guilan was about to give birth, and rumors spread throughout the compound. After receiving the letter, Mrs. Zhou rushed to the hospital with Tian Xiaoyue, while calling her son and asking him to inform Luo Ji.

He was still nagging, "It's too unkind in the forest area, it's about to give birth, and it's going to send people back to the forest area, it's okay now, this is three lives, if there is any mistake, see Can they stand the speech?"

Tian Xiaoyue also expressed her heart, "Guilan's life is also very hard, there is nothing that can make her worry."

"Everyone says it's hard to be a wife, but look at this, you're about to have a baby, and you're still suspended, just one by one, can it not make people feel chilling?" The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law treat each other like a mother and daughter, and they don't have any scruples in speaking.

"Mom, I think you are old people, you should give me some advice." Tian Xiaoyue whispered, "When I give birth, ask Fu Guo to take two months off."

The old lady Zhou smiled, "I also thought about it, but the forest district asks for leave when it says so."

As we walked, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law arrived at the hospital without knowing it.

When they arrived in the delivery room, the old couple of the Zhang family and the old man Luo were in the corridor. Seeing Mrs. Zhou coming, Sun Shubo seemed to have found a backbone, "Old sister, what should I do? There is so much blood, the quilt is red .”

"Don't worry, Guilan is kind-hearted, she will be fine." Mrs. Zhou could see the red quilt on the chair, which was dazzling.

Can't help but worry.

 Keep writing, it's actually very sleepy

(End of this chapter)

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