Chapter 377 Handle
When Jiang Zhi came, he didn't appear as cowardly as before, but straight to the point that he had something important to say, and asked Zhang Guilan to find a suitable place to talk.

Zhang Guilan didn't know what kind of trick she was up to, so she took her directly to the bedroom and asked Mrs. Dong to go to the living room first. Anyway, the child was sleeping, so it was fine.

There was no one else in the room, so Jiang Zhi said, "Sister-in-law, there is something wrong with Xuezhang's work, and Xuezhang and I have been thinking about it for two days, but we can't find anyone who can help. Once again, I also know the reason why my sister-in-law didn't help us, but this person, everyone wants to climb up. Xuezhang did that just because he wanted to climb up. Didn't he hurt Lao Ji? What is it? I also know that today I If you save sister-in-law like this, sister-in-law will definitely not agree to help, so I'll cut to the chase and say, I don't want to bring up the matter between sister-in-law and Yang Zongyi, do I?"

At first it sounded like a human voice, but when it finally changed, Zhang Guilan became unhappy, "What's the matter with Yang Zongyi? I want to hear it too, please tell me."

Jiang Zhi smiled coldly, "My sister-in-law has a son now, and she is not afraid of what others say, but Yang Zongyi is different. When Luo Ji was not at home, you and Yang Zongyi walked together every day and went to the city together several times. My sister-in-law also There is no need to deny it. People in the forest area can find out about it when they go to the compound. As for what the two of them did together, it doesn’t matter if there is no evidence. What matters is what everyone thinks, right? Xuezhang this time It's not a big deal, it's just a job transfer, my sister-in-law asked someone to help me with a word and kept my job, isn't it easy?"

It turned out that he was threatening himself here.

Zhang Guilan smiled, "What if I disagree?"

"Sister-in-law doesn't help, and we don't have jobs around us, so I'm not afraid that we won't say anything." Jiang Zhi was not in a hurry, "Sister-in-law, think about it carefully. The job is only for these two days. By then, Xuezhang's job will be saved. Rumors will not spread. I am thinking of my sister-in-law, and my sister-in-law does not have to be afraid of me threatening her with this matter again and again. If others spread these rumors, there is really nothing to say. My sister-in-law lives in the opposite door, and I came to visit her again at that time, and I know her affairs best, but when I say it, the credibility will be different, and my sister-in-law is a smart person, and she understands this truth best."

After thinking for a while, Jiang Zhi added, "Today I came to look for my sister-in-law. If she wants to hate her, she can hate me alone. I am really forced and have no choice. The current salary at home is not enough to eat. If I lose my job Going back to my hometown and being angry with my mother-in-law, I might as well be a villain. Xuezhang and Ben didn’t know that I came to find my sister-in-law. I know that after this time, my sister-in-law and I are really strangers. But if my sister-in-law doesn’t help me, Even if I make my sister-in-law hate her forever, I won't be soft."

Leaving aside the harsh words, Jiang Zhi left.

The anger in Zhang Guilan's heart is really a bully, and the bullying has come to the house, but think carefully about Jiang Zhi's words.Zhang Guilan hesitated again. It's not that she didn't know that Yang Zongyi was special to her, so she kept rejecting her. Now that she is not afraid of what people say, Yang Zongyi's career and marriage will be affected.

When she returned to the study to talk to Tian Xiaoyue and Zhu Lan, Zhang Guilan was also absent-minded.Even Tian Xiaoyue and Zhu Lan were smart and didn't ask too much. Liu Xiaolan came during the meal, and after the meal, they heard Liu Xiaolan talk about the factory, and Zhang Guilan pointed out some things to pay attention to.Seeing that it was getting late, I followed Zhu Lan. It turned out that we were going to the red sausage factory.

In this way, Zhang Guilan was relieved that Luo Ji didn't come back, and Zhang Guilan didn't tell him when he called. She thought about it all night, and the next morning, Zhang Guilan went out after eating.

But he called Zhou Fuguo first and made an appointment outside.

When the two met in the red sausage factory, Zhou Fuguo joked, "What can't be said at home, let's talk outside."

There was no one around, so Zhang Guilan smiled and said, "I'm here to beg you today, do you have someone at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau? Help me with a word and keep Li Xuezhang's job."

"What's the matter? Li Xuezhang is looking for you?" Zhou Fuguo definitely knew about them.

"It's nothing. After all, Li Xuezhang was also instructed by Sun Mei, and his family conditions are not good. The director of the Industry and Commerce Bureau is Lao Ji's former leader. If I say it, it will make people think that it is wrong to make him a villain and us to be a good person." of."

Seeing that she didn't want to say more, Zhou Fuguo didn't ask further, "Okay, I'll say hello in a while."

When she separated from Zhou Fuguo, Zhang Guilan was still thinking about whether to ask him not to tell Luo Ji. After thinking about Zhou Fuguo's not a troublesome person, she didn't worry about it. It's done.

When Jiang Zhi heard Li Xuezhang say that his job was saved, he smiled happily. Li Xuezhang felt strange, "I don't think the people there are as repulsive to me as before, and I don't know what's going on."

"It's not good if you don't reject it? You just have to go to work." Jiang Zhi pretended not to know anything.

Li Xuezhang felt that something was wrong, until one day he met Zhou Fuguo, and after hearing what Zhou Fuguo said, he realized that Zhang Guilan helped to speak up. Zhou Fuguo also used words to point Li Xuezhang.

Li Xuezhang didn't refute that he didn't go to Zhang Guilan, knowing that Zhou Fuguo wouldn't believe it, when he got home he lost his temper with Jiang Zhi, "Is that the person you went to?"

Seeing that he couldn't hide it anymore, Jiang Zhi told the truth, "What will I do if I don't find someone? Waiting for you to lose your job? Go back to the countryside to live a dark life, and the children can't eat enough every day?"

Thinking of Zhou Fuguo's mockery, Li Xuezhang lost his temper, "I, Li Xuezhang, will not save them even if I starve to death, and save them from looking at me with their noses."

"I didn't beg. Would they help if I begged? It's just a guilty conscience, otherwise I would have agreed so happily." Jiang Zhi sneered.

"What do you mean by that?" Li Xuezhang didn't understand.

Jiang Zhi reluctantly talked about threatening Zhang Guilan, and Li Xuezhang slapped Jiang Zhi on the spot when he heard it, "You are really dark-hearted, you did something wrong before, and I can't hold my head up for the rest of my life, you now If you still do this, how did you become like this? Why don’t you go back to the countryside, your conscience will be ruined within a few days in this city.”

Jiang Zhi covered his face, "You only know to blame me. If I hadn't kept your job, I would have been such a villain? You just want to go home. You don't know what your mother is doing all these years in the forest area. As for me, what I live is not a human life. Look at our marriage, skinny and skinny, and it’s not that I couldn’t eat enough at home since I was a child. Did I complain to you? Now you blame me, you want to blame Just blame it, I will do it for my son."

Li Xuezhang knew his mother's temper, and when he heard what his daughter-in-law said, he also felt sorry for her, and finally left the house with a sigh, and Jiang Zhi hugged his son and began to cry.

Li Xuezhang went to the forest area and found Luo Ji. Seeing that he didn't blame him, he felt more and more uncomfortable. As soon as he admitted his mistake, he saw that Luo Ji didn't know what was going on, so Li Xuezhang learned what his wife did. over again.

Luo Ji frowned, "I haven't heard of this, but Guilan didn't take it to heart, so you don't have to think about it."

Li Xuezhang blushed and didn't have the face to stay any longer, "Then help me say sorry to my sister-in-law."

people left.

Only then did Luo Ji's face sink. He wasn't angry with Li Xuezhang, nor was it because his wife didn't tell him about it, but he felt that if he wasn't guilty, why would Jiang Zhi control him?

People are like this, once they have an idea, the more they think about it, the more suspicious they become.

When he got home, he saw his daughter-in-law with a smile on her face as if nothing had happened, Luo Ji felt uncomfortable. He used to think that his daughter-in-law would go straight to everything, not like a woman with a deep heart like Sun Mei. But at this time, it seems like nothing happened. How deep is this scheming?
Zhang Guilan didn't know what was going on in Luo Ji's mind, but seeing that he was more silent than usual, she was quite worried about him, "Did something happen in the forest area?"

"It's okay." Luo Ji couldn't hold back anymore, and went to the forest area early the next day.

As a result, the trip lasted for a month, during which Zhang Guilan called the forest area, but Luo Ji rarely received calls.

Zhang Guilan was very upset, until one day she saw Yang Zongyi, and then saw the redness and swelling on his face, and heard that he had fought with Luo Ji, so Zhang Guilan found Lin District.

"Did you hit Zongyi's face?" Zhang Guilan had been suffocating for a while, and she wasn't angry right now.

When Luo Ji saw his daughter-in-law coming to see him in the forest area, the first sentence he said was concerned about Yang Zongyi, and he became angry on the spot, "Yang Zongyi, Yang Zongyi, do you only have Yang Zongyi in your heart?"

Looking at the yelling man, Zhang Guilan was stunned, let alone imagine what he was yelling.

My heart twisted for some reason, "What do you mean by that?"

Luo Ji also knew that he was too impulsive just now, so he calmed himself down, "You know it in your heart."

"I don't know, so please explain to me, what exactly do you mean?" Zhang Guilan is not stupid.

Thinking of Luo Ji's strange reaction more than a month ago, and the fight with Yang Zongyi, she was really a fool when she couldn't think of what happened. It was thinking of these that made her sad. She didn't know that Luo Ji had That's how he thought about the relationship between her and Yang Zongyi.

Suppressing the tears in her eyes, Zhang Guilan looked straight at Luo Ji, "You've already spoken your words today, so make it clear."

"Okay, then let me ask, you have nothing to do with Yang Zongyi, why are you afraid of Jiang Zhi's threats? Don't blame me for asking, if you are really not guilty, why are you afraid? I understand your temper, and you have never been threatened by others. , why are you afraid? I really hope you are not afraid, not afraid. "

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(End of this chapter)

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