Chapter 382 Admitting Mistakes
Zhang Guilan dropped the words, and took a few people back, leaving only Jiang Zhi holding the child, being looked at by the people in the compound, holding the child and walking home with hatred, thinking of Zhang Guilan's words, he couldn't help but feel scared stand up.

Then I thought of what Li Xuezhang said to me, that I was treated as a villain after giving so much, and it didn’t matter whether I could keep my job or not, so I had nothing to worry about, since I was not a good person anyway.

Comforting himself along the way, Jiang Zhi was in a better mood when he returned home. Seeing that there was not much rice left, he let the children play in the yard by themselves, steamed the rice, and fried leeks and eggs. It's been a long time since I had such a good meal. When Jiang Zhi was eating with his baby in his arms, Li Xuezhang came back, and Jiang Zhi didn't speak.

Li Xuezhang was stunned when he saw the food on the table, and then sat down to eat with the bowl and chopsticks. He knew the conditions at home. This meal is finished, and there is no rice for the next meal, Li Xuezhang's chest is also congested, and he regrets what he said yesterday.

He understands the current conditions of the family, and also knows the hardships of life. Even if he wants to eat a meal of steamed rice, it is not easy for his wife to use the little money every month to survive.

It was only after the meal that Li Xuezhang confessed to her, "What I said yesterday went too far, so don't take it to heart."

"I don't dare." Jiang Zhi is also hardened now, and she will always eat what she likes regardless of whether she has rice or not.

If the family goes back to the countryside, they will never die of hunger. As for the mother-in-law, she only dares to bully her because of her weakness. Now that she doesn't even care about Li Xuezhang, naturally she doesn't need to take her mother-in-law seriously.

Seeing that his wife's attitude was still cold, Li Xuezhang only thought that she was still angry for a few days and would be fine without thinking too much, but he didn't know that this time the relationship between the husband and wife was hurt.

On the other side of the courtyard, Luo Ji came back that night. Seeing that he was leaving in a hurry, his shirt was wet. Sun Shubo hurriedly sent someone to change his clothes. At the same time, he went to the kitchen to get him something to eat. After returning to the bedroom, he went into the kitchen by himself, made hot noodle soup and brought it to the living room. Luo Ji changed his clothes from the study and went to the bathroom to wash his hands before coming out to eat noodles.

After a few big mouthfuls of bowls, the bottom was filled. It was summer, and I was sweating again after eating hot noodle soup.

During the meal, the two of them didn't exchange a word, and when Zhang Guilan put away the bowl and returned to the living room, Luo Jicai asked, "Did Jiang Zhi come to make trouble during the day?"

Zhang Guilan thought that Luo Ji was also a trustworthy person, and he came back suddenly without saying hello. He must have known about the day's events and nodded, "It's nothing, but I just want to make others feel bad because I'm having a bad day." .”

Luo Ji didn't think so, "It's time to rest tomorrow, so I'll go to Li Xuezhang to ask. With that method, I can keep my job now, and I said you have a relationship with Li Xuezhang. What do you mean? You are really bullying our family." No? Besides, there is no way to do things like this."

Zhang Guilan didn't say a word, if she used to make fun of Luo Ji, but the relationship is like this, there is a gap in the heart, it is very awkward to believe together, the two of them sit together and don't know what to say.

Seeing his daughter-in-law like this, Luo Ji felt indescribably uncomfortable, but who could be blamed, especially when he found out that his daughter-in-law no longer called to find him, and she was so miserable every day. He had never noticed it before, just like the one who Although he didn't answer his daughter-in-law's phone call, at least he saw her daughter-in-law calling him. Unlike now, no daughter-in-law will ever call.

"I'm going to see the child." Luo Ji stood up and went to the bedroom.

The two children in the bedroom were still awake. Seeing that Luo Ji was a stranger, she didn't look for her. Zhang Guilan couldn't tell what she was feeling when she saw it. They all tried their best to climb on Luo Ji's body.

Sun Shubo looked happy, and told Luo Ji the interesting things about the two children on weekdays. Luo Ji couldn't help laughing until it was too late, the two children stayed up playing with Luo Ji, Zhang Guilan That's why Luo Ji came over, but when Luo Ji got up, the two boys started crying back and forth.

Zhang Guilan looked at the two children amusedly, and Sun Shubo thought of the conflict between her daughter and her husband, "Since the birth of the child, you have not carried the child over and slept in it all night, it seems that the child has not played enough with you. "

Of course Luo Ji was happy, otherwise he was really afraid that his wife would drive him away as soon as he left the house.

But she didn't dare to answer, and looked at Zhang Guilan at the door, Zhang Guilan looked at the two sons who were still in Luo Ji's arms, and her heart softened, "That's okay."

Sun Shubo smiled and helped carry the child over, and Mrs. Dong was also smiling.

Now the child only needs to eat milk once before going to bed, so he doesn’t need to eat at night. He only needs to pee once in the middle of the night after feeding. The two children play with Luo Ji on the bed. Luo Ji lifts them up one by one, causing the child to scream Laughing loudly, it seemed that he was more energetic, and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

Zhang Guilan also knew that there were not many such opportunities, so she didn't bother to take care of them, but after all, Luo Ji couldn't take care of the two children alone, so she could only sit by the bed and watch over them to prevent the children from falling off the bed.

By the time the two children were so sleepy that they couldn't open their eyes and lay down to sleep by themselves, it was past ten o'clock, and Zhang Guilan was exhausted, so she settled the two children down, looked at Luo Ji who was staring at her, Zhang Guilan said Pass the quilt to him, "It's getting late, go to sleep."

While taking the quilt by herself again, Luo Ji didn't speak, and after turning off the light and lying down, Zhang Guilan couldn't fall asleep either. bother.

I can't wait to ask him directly and loudly what wronged him?The one who was injured was himself, so why did he look aggrieved?Can you be forgiven if you make a mistake?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, Zhang Guilan couldn't sleep, Zhang Guilan's anger was lifted, and she slapped her hard, "You have to sleep in the living room again like this."

The sound was not small, and there was no sound in the darkness.

Zhang Guilan quarreled, "What is wrong with you? You have to be forgiven for acting pitiful? When I called you like a fool for more than a month, when you excused not answering and said you were busy, you should Thinking of this day, Luo Ji, let me tell you, I will never forgive you in this life."

Biting her lip, Zhang Guilan began to cry, not wanting Luo Ji to see her jokes, Zhang Guilan kept silent and covered her mouth with the quilt.

It was so quiet at night, how could we not hear her crying, Luo Ji sat up, covered his head, and struggled a lot before speaking, "Guilan, if you are really in such pain, then get a divorce."

He didn't want to let go, but looking at his daughter-in-law who hated him so much, and didn't even want to say a word to him, he felt that there were thousands of knives digging in his heart, especially when he saw the pain of his beloved woman, and it was brought by him. Yes, since I really made her suffer so much, I might as well let go.

Zhang Guilan also sat up, "Okay, divorce."

There is a ruthless force in the decisiveness.

Obviously he proposed it himself, but upon hearing this answer, Luo Ji's heart still twisted and ached.

That night, Zhang Guilan fell asleep, and when she woke up the next day, Luo Ji was nowhere to be seen.

When Sun Shubo came over, she couldn't help complaining to her daughter, "Look at Ji Rarely comes back once, and you still don't get up to make him breakfast. It's because he is too willing to let you go, and he already has opinions on other men. "

"Mom, Luo Ji and I are going to divorce." Zhang Guilan felt that it would be better to say it now when that day came, "We had been arguing a while ago and even separated, but I was afraid that you would worry, so I didn't tell you. Last night The two of us agreed to divorce."

"Divorce? I don't agree. Why do you want to get a proper divorce these days? I think you are living too well, dissatisfied, and making trouble all day long. I will go to Ji and say that you know you are wrong." In the eyes of the old man Li, that is, I never thought of getting a divorce.

"Mom, don't worry about it. What do you say to him? Make it look like I can't live without him. I want to divorce this marriage, and it has nothing to do with him."

"Okay, then tell me why?" Sun Shubo couldn't stand up angrily, and sat on the bed.

"He said that with other men, I can suffer any grievances, but I can't suffer this." Anyway, Zhang Guilan is not bad for this one.

Sun Shubo was stunned, "He really said that?"

Seeing her daughter nodding, Sun Shubo fell silent. The two of them live their lives without fear of quarreling, but if this man or woman is suspicious all day long, they will not be able to live through this day.

Looking at my daughter again, it’s no wonder that so many people have been silent for a while, and they are so determined to get a divorce. This is for their Luo family, and in the end they were accused of being with other men... Now Sun Shubo couldn’t help being angry when he heard it .

"What about the child? One family? Are you sure you can show the child to your mother-in-law?"

"I want the child myself, but he wants the child to be reborn if he marries someone else." Zhang Guilan would never give the child to Luo Ji. Although this issue has not been discussed yet, there is no need to discuss it.

Sun Shubo sighed, "You're too old, and you have your own ideas, you can think about it yourself, just don't regret it."

Only then got up and went out.

After hearing the news, Sun Shubo also became angry, and her two eyebrows were also locked together. The old lady Zhou was so smart that she asked Sun Shubo what was wrong when no one was around. Only then did Sun Shubo say it, and the old lady Zhou was also surprised on the spot. , while reassuring Sun Shubo not to get angry, he called his son and told him what was going on, and let him see what was going on. In the forest area, after Luo Ji went back, he wrote a divorce application and submitted it.

 I originally planned to write it during the day, but I had a quarrel after finishing a chapter, and then I came up to write it, hehe, the sisters in the family of the [-] new article "The Evil Girl Congliang" went to great lengths to help her with advice, she thought she was treating her sincerely, but it was just a step by step Pushing her into the abyss of a villain, destroying her reputation, and becoming a villain in the eyes of noble families.

  Reborn and back to the beginning, she wants to reform and take revenge on Xian Shu.

  No matter how virtuous she is, her notoriety still stands side by side with the wicked youths in the capital, Yuan Xi stroked her forehead and sighed: It's hard to be a girl.

  Evil girl Congliang.

(End of this chapter)

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