Chapter 392 Regret
Seeing that his son was silent, Luo Ji sneered twice.

"You also know that you are wrong, so you didn't say a word, right? Well, let's put this matter aside for now, and let's talk about why your mother was mad at you. When you left by train that day, you were looking for someone I'm going to see you off. Your mother fell ill after seeing that girl. Let's talk about that girl now. How did your mother know that girl? Not only did your mother know her, but I also met her, yes I met your mother together. Do you know who she is? When I was planted, it was her mother who made your mother lie in bed for a month and a half and was also her mother."

Luo Ji took a breath, "Are you going to say that her mother is innocent? If you dare to say this, I will open your head to see what is inside. I missed the promotion in order to save her mother. When she was transferred to the city by her mother's father as a driver, knowing that the other party was a man with a wife, she still went to seduce him, even at all costs, and you still want to say that her mother is innocent?"

Luo Aimarriage, who had been lowering her head since the call came in, finally had a reaction at this moment, and raised her head in disbelief, "Dad, Sun Mili's mother wants to rob you from mother?"

"You can go out and find out, what did her mother do back then?" Luo Jihen pointed at his son irrationally, "And what about you? Obviously, Sun Mei's daughter approached you with ulterior motives. If she is really a sensible girl My child, on the first day you go home, can you not let you go home, but let you go to see her? As long as your brain is still talking about the image, I think you should save it and use it more on your studies. "

Luo Ai married and lowered her head, "Dad, I know I was wrong. In fact, after I got there, I felt a little strange. She said her father was a stepdad. I think her stepdad obviously doesn't like you and mom. You were a bit conflicted, at that time. I wanted to come back, but they kept me for dinner, and I was too embarrassed to refuse, so I hurried back after eating. I found out that the paging was turned off on the way."

"Is there a conflict between me and your mother? A man? Surnamed Chen?" Luo Ji knew who it was without guessing, "You and your elder brother also know about your sister-in-law eloping with someone back then, right? That man was with your sister-in-law. The man who eloped abandoned your sister-in-law because of Sun Mei's words. At that time, Sun Mei hadn't divorced, but she hadn't divorced Xu Min's father now, do you understand?"

Luo Ai's marriage was really shocked by this scare, and she stood there stupidly.

"That day when I was walking with your mother, I ran into their mother and daughter. Can you say that the girl didn't know about your life experience and the things that happened before? Your elder brother said that there were three people driving away from you, but it happened She's dead, do you believe your elder brother is lying or believe her?" Luo Ji shook his head, his chest hurting with anger. "Your mother was wronged a lot back then, but she endured it all. Even your sister-in-law was provoked by Sun Mei to find fault with your mother. If your mother hadn't insisted on living with me, this family would have broken up a long time ago. Where would there be?" You? I don't feel sorry for anyone in this life, but only your mother. I won't be enough for her in the next life. "

Luo Ai bowed her head guiltily, "Dad, I was wrong. When I got off the train, I only wanted to meet up. Sun Mili had been calling me before, saying that my family was worried about who she was with. I just thought about it." I went to meet up and came back. When I was in Beijing, I heard that my mother was sick, so I wanted to sneak back. It was my elder brother who knew my plan and talked to me. I persisted until training."

Seeing the childish look on his son's face, Luo Ji's anger slowly dissipated, and he patted him on the shoulder, "There is only one woman in our family, and three big men make a woman sad. That's not worthy of being a man. Isn't your mother a man?" Old-fashioned person, if you really like a girl, who has a bad temper and a bad family, as long as she is good, your mother will not object, let’s say you are dating this time, your mother knows that you have talked, but she didn’t I asked, until I found out who it was when I sent you to school, otherwise your mother wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t go home directly this time. But it’s still the same sentence, your mother doesn’t blame you, and neither can you Do this, as a child, you have to see your parents first when you get home, for you, no one in this world is more important than your parents."

"Dad, am I that kind of unfilial son?" Luo Ai's marriage opened the corners of his mouth.

Luo Ji went to open the door, turned around and said, "Your mother is still worried about you, do you see? Mom will always treat you the best."

Luo Ai's marriage followed behind, and threw herself into her mother's arms in a few strides, "Mom, don't be angry with me, or you will only like big brother and not me."

"Stinky boy, you still know how to be jealous at this time. If you knew this, don't be angry with me." Zhang Guilan scolded with a smile, and didn't talk about Sun Mili again.

In the evening, Zhang Guilan reheated the food, and Luo Aimarriage and Luo Jifu and his son ate it. When resting at night, Luo Aimarriage looked at Luo Aiguo with a face of complaint, but she didn't care about herself at all, only caring about her. The big brother who reads, Luo Ai's marriage looks aggrieved.

"Brother, you didn't regard me as your own younger brother. You didn't remind me when you found out that Sun Mili was wrong. You have to look at me ugly to be happy. You are still competing with me in front of your parents when you are so old."

Seeing his younger brother rolling around on the bed playing rogue with him, Luo Aiguo put down the book in his hand before talking to him, "You were getting hot at the time, why don't I tell you that I'm arguing with you? Think about it, are you So? Dad talked to you today, I think you still think that Sun Mili is innocent, right? She is so innocent, there are no innocent people in this world, you should wake up."

"Brother, I just can't believe it. Sun Mili looked at such a good girl, how could she be that kind of person?" After Luo Ai finished asking about marriage, she explained to herself, "Listen to Dad, then Sun Mili's mother looked like this when she was young, she looked harmless, but she was a thousand-year-old disaster."

"If you have time to lament here, why don't you take a look at the newly issued textbooks. I think you've been too busy talking about your subjects these days, and you've even forgotten about your studies. I've been self-studying for half of this month. Are you sure you can catch up?" ?” Luo Aiguo raised his eyebrows.

Seeing the good looks of the elder brother, Luo Ai was angry about marriage, "Then we will see the result during the exam."

While pulling the book on the bed and reading it, the room was finally quiet, and Luo Aiguo breathed a sigh of relief.

I can only stay at home for three days and take seven days off, and I have to remove those who are on the road.

Zhang Guilan was reluctant to let her son take the train and wanted to buy a plane ticket, but Luo Ji stopped her on the grounds that it was shameful to waste. She could only watch her son leave after staying at home for three days and returning to school early.

However, during these three days, the two brothers of the Luo family and Ben did not leave the compound. They were either staying at the Zhou family or running at the Luo family. Moreover, in order to express their determination, Luo Ai’s marriage put the pager in the living room. He never went to see if the paging sounded, and it was strange to say that in the past three days, Sun Mili had never once asked Luo Ai to marry him.

When she was talking, Tian Xiaoyue also praised, "This Sun Mili looks more interesting than her mother, she knows how to show some face, and she didn't cling to her."

"I don't think so. Ai Marriage said that the paging was not done by him. It was obviously done by the Sun family's mother and daughter. They are trying to find out the truth. If Aiguo finds Sun Mili in the past three days, they will think it's okay. If Ai Marriage If they don't look for them, they know that love and marriage must be a matter of consideration, so naturally they won't take the initiative to come and be scouted, and they're afraid they'll think of another way."

When Zhang Guilan said this, Tian Xiaoyue really felt that it made sense, "I have to keep an eye on my family's Aiyue, otherwise I won't know if I've been tricked by them."

"It's strange to say, why did Sun Mei focus on my family? Your family's Aiyue is not bad, so it stands to reason that we should attack your family's Aiyue." As soon as Zhang Guilan finished speaking, Tian Xiaoyue was exchanged. A punch.

"You woman, you are too selfish. For the sake of your own son, you are willing to push other people's son to the fire? What a waste of time. Yue Ai has treated you like her own mother since she was a child. You are more vicious than a stepmother. At least The stepmother will not do this when she sees that it is useful to grow up."

Regarding Tian Xiaoyue's accusation, Zhang Guilan smiled happily and didn't care at all, "There is no way, who doesn't love his son in the end."

The two of them fought and quarreled, and the knot in Zhang Guilan's heart was finally unraveled. Among other things, her son has a good heart, distinguishes right from wrong, and is not influenced by feelings. Not proud.

The Luo family is happy here, but the Sun family is clouded.

Sun Mei pointed at the open door, "Chen You, take your woman and get out immediately, I, Sun Mei, can be considered worthy of you, but you ruined my good deeds again and again, if it weren't for you, Zhao Xue's daughter would have been killed Abducted away, just because you secretly underpaid the kidnapper 50 yuan, you let the kidnapper release the Zhao Xue family's children halfway. Otherwise, isn't my rice grain the only one that the Xu family regards as a treasure? You can't see my rice grains as good Yes or no?"

Even though she was not in this city for these years, the hatred in Sun Mei's heart did not decrease, but accumulated more and more, to the point of bewilderment. All her efforts were just to make those who saw her jokes bad.

Chen You blushed, "If it wasn't for my sincere care for you, you would be the first thing that comes to mind when the child of Xu Hu's family is lost. Do you think you can escape? Do you really think that you are the old Sun family?" Where is your eldest lady? Your father has long since stepped down, and your mother is in prison. Who can help you if something happens? You are overthinking yourself, and you still come here to complain about me? What a ignorant woman, I have eaten you all these years Stay with you, but I have also done what a man should do, don't forget who makes you comfortable every night."

Chen You said this in front of the two children, Sun Mei blushed with anger, and pointed at Chen You angrily, "Get out, get out, you rascal."

 There is another update, pink tickets, push the 700 new article "The Evil Girl Congliang" and push the friend article "Rebirth: Waste Materials Against the World", the author Rejoice.Reborn [-] years ago, counterattack the comprehension world!Near the end, welcome to slaughter!
(End of this chapter)

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