Rebirth and struggle for rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 395 The Little Sister is Here

Chapter 395 The Little Sister is Here

Chen Dan started to work in Zhang Guilan's garment factory. He is very capable and not afraid of hardship. The work in the factory is paid on a piece-by-piece basis. Chen Dan does half more than others every day, and he is also honest. There are also some friends here, Chen Dan has never had a friend of the same age, and he cherishes it very much, but there is one person who looks down on Chen Dan, and it is Luo Haiying's daughter Li Amei.

After Li Amei came to the factory, although she never told the people around her that she was Zhang Guilan's niece, but on weekdays when Zhang Guilan came to the factory, Li Amei would always call her aunt. People fawn on Li Amei, but when she sees that the petty Chen Dan can easily get everyone's love, she feels a little unbalanced.

Besides, she did the least amount of work in the factory, so Chen Dan's career has gone up within a few days of her arrival, and she is naturally jealous.

On weekdays, he always troubled Chen Dan when he had nothing to do. Chen Dan grew up being pissed off, so he didn't take Li Amei's faults to heart at all. As a result, Li Amei was the one who got angry, waiting for his mother to come to visit relatives. At that time, Li Amei was still talking about it.

"Kneeling at the gate of the factory that day, saying that his father had a feud with his aunt, and the aunt let her come to the factory, I really don't know what to think." Li Amei complained.

"Rich people all want to get a good reputation. You go to your class and don't care about it." Luo Haiying doesn't like to talk about Zhang Guilan.

Over the years, she has been married but has always felt that she can't hold her head up in front of Zhang Guilan, so when her daughter came here to find a job, she didn't show her face, and only let the child come by herself, but after all, there is only such a daughter, Luo Haiying Still thinking about it, I couldn't help but come over to take a look.

"Yeah, it's not my factory. When will I be able to say more about it? I don't know what kind of trouble Chen You has with my aunt. Mom, do you know?" Li Amei asked carelessly while eating dumplings .

The dumplings were bought by Luo Haiying from a restaurant outside.

Luo Haiying, who was making dumplings for her daughter, paused when she heard Chen You, "Did you hear me right?"

"What did you hear wrong? Chen You? No, her name is Chen Dan, and her father's name is Chen You. What's wrong?" Li Amei poked her head over and lowered her voice, "Mom, do you know something? Tell me."

Just in time, I can use it to poke Chen Dan.

Luo Haiying's complexion changed, "I don't know, it's fine, you care about the past, go to work, if you don't like it, then change to another job."

Li Amei curled her lips, "Why did you come by yourself? Why didn't Dad come?"

"Your father doesn't like to ride in the car, so he let me come by himself." Luo Haiying didn't tell her daughter that she had an argument with a man, "What's the matter? You don't like me, do you? Let your father come next time."

"No, no." Li Amei rolled her eyes, "Mom, you have come to the city, why don't you go to see uncle's house? You haven't seen each other for many years, and besides, when you come to see me, uncle will know, don't you Go, will he be angry?"

Li Amei didn't know what happened back then, but seeing her mother hiding from her uncle and aunt, she vaguely guessed that her mother must have done something wrong here, not to mention that although her aunt took care of her, she never got close to her, so she knew there must be something wrong. There is a gap between mothers.

"No." Luo Haiying doesn't like to mention these things, "Okay, eat quickly, let's go for a walk in the street after eating."

Li Amei nodded, and said hesitantly, "Mom, I've found a target, and I want you to see it."

"What are you doing? A-mei, you promised mom that you can't make love easily. How can you not do what you say?" Luo Haiying was nervous when she heard her daughter's love, "What does that person do? The parents at home What is it for?"

After all, they still care about each other's origin and family background.

"His parents are divorced, so he lives with his father." Li Amei carefully looked at her mother's face, seeing that she was no longer happy, and continued, "He is from a rural area and has no job now."

"Nonsense, how can you still match up with such a person? He is obviously a dude, not doing business properly, and at the age of dating, he doesn't even have a job. What kind of a good person do you think he is? Could it be that he is farming in the countryside? ?”

"Mom, why do you always look at those things? I don't care about those things." Li Amei knew that her mother would definitely object to it if she said it now, so she went all out. "Anyway, I just like him. We will get married when we save enough money." .”

"I don't agree, Li Amei, let me tell you, if you dare not listen to me, you will immediately go back to the countryside with me, and after staying in the city for a few days, you have such a plan, it seems that I really spoiled you Well, it’s really wrong to let you come to the city. Your father didn’t agree to it at the beginning, so I won’t fight for you? Now that you’ve become like this, how can I explain to your father?” Thinking of how I was in the city When it became like that, Luo Haiying gritted her teeth and said, "Forget it, you can go back with me this time, don't stay in the city, the family has raised you so much, and they can't afford to support you, let alone the few days you've been married." years."

How could Luo Haiying rest assured that her daughter was going to marry and she was still a poor boy.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Li Amei stopped eating, "I told you today, even if the decision is made, don't persuade me, Dong Gousheng is a good person, you will know when you see him, he is very good at talking Besides, it’s not that he doesn’t have a mother. His mother divorced his father because of a mute. Although his mother took him by her side to take care of him, she never really treated him well. The mute also bullied him. If it weren’t for these things Over the years, he has hidden a mind of his own, and it is possible for him to be betrayed by his mother."

"You said his mother married a dumb person? Is his surname Dong? His father's name is Dong Jianguo, and his mother's name is Liu Xiaolan, right?" Luo Haiying became nervous, holding her daughter's arm tightly.

"Mom, you scratched me, I didn't know about it, and I never asked." Li Amei felt that something was wrong, "What's wrong?"

After Luo Haiying was horrified, she slapped her daughter angrily, "Why did I give birth to such a wicked person? If I knew you were so embarrassing, I should have strangled you the moment I was born."

It wasn't until this moment that Luo Haiying realized how hated she was at the beginning, and what she did was even more hated than her daughter. Luo Haiying covered her mouth and began to cry. This is really retribution. The daughter she raised with all her heart, To marry the son of that scumbag Dong Jianguo, Dong Jianguo is not a good person, so how can his son be good.

Li Amei has never been beaten by her mother since she was a child. She was beaten so suddenly that she was dumbfounded. She looked at her mother in disbelief, "Mom, did you hit me?"

Luo Haiying just lowered her head and cried, ignoring her daughter.

Li Amei knew the seriousness of the matter at a glance, "Mom, don't cry, just speak up if you have something to say."

"Do you know who Dong Jianguo is? Well, let me tell you. Liu Xiaolan used to work in your aunt's shop, and Dong Jianguo messed with people outside. He didn't even raise his own parents, and made troubles." Liu Xiaolan told her to leave him, but he married the woman who messed with him, and ran away with someone else within a few days. He remembered Liu Xiaolan's kindness, and then went back to look for Liu Xiaolan, but Liu Xiaolan and Xiaolan The mute has feelings, so of course he will not return to that scumbag Dong Jianguo. Do you understand now? The son raised by that man even said that his mother ran away with the man outside. What kind of a good person do you think he is? "

Li Amei was shocked by the incident, "Gousheng is not that kind of person, he must not know the inside story."

"He grew up by his mother's side, why wasn't his father raised him? You can believe it even if you don't know the inside story, you are such an idiot. You don't have to believe this, you go home with me and ask your grandpa, your grandpa The most clear." Luo Haiying knew this, and she also heard it from the old man Luo.

Li Amei still didn't believe it, "Mom, his father is his father, he is him, and I have my eyes on him, as long as he treats me well."

"Are you not even listening to my words?" Luo Haiying didn't expect her daughter to be so stubborn, she said so much, and she still insisted on it, "Okay, I can't explain you, I will go to you Zhang Guilan, you If you don't have a job, see if you follow me home."

Luo Haiying got up and left, feeling even angrier.

I just feel that Zhang Guilan is taking revenge on herself. There are so many girls in the factory, why is Dong Jianguo's son not found by others, but her own daughter?He must have pushed his daughter out because he saw that his son was not good and wanted to help Liu Xiaolan.

Over the years, Luo Haiying has been changing her temper, but now it's about her daughter, so no one can handle it.

Arriving angrily all the way to the office, Liu Xiaolan was looking at the documents when she saw Luo Haiying barging in through the door. Although she hadn't seen her for many years, she still recognized Luo Haiying at a glance, waved to the secretary beside her, and the secretary backed out.

"Liu Xiaolan, did Zhang Guilan ask you to do that? I know that I made Zhang Guilan dislike me and did a lot of things to annoy her, but you are coming after me, why are you going after my daughter? The daughter is My life, if you kill her now, I will fight you hard."

"If you have something to say, what else was asked by Guilan, I can't understand what you said at all. As for you saying that Li Amei is no different from a normal worker in the factory, let alone go to the factory on purpose." Make things difficult for her, or you can call her here and confront her face-to-face." Liu Xiaolan has been a manager for so many years, and now she is a manager, with a certain aura, "Back then Li Amei came in through connections. I take good care of her because I know Guilan is her aunt, and I also want to hear what happened to Li Amei."

 There are two more, it's going to kill me.The sisters in the [-] new article "The Evil Girl Conforms to the Good" went to great lengths to help her out. She thought she was treating her sincerely, but she was pushed into the abyss of a wicked girl step by step, ruining her reputation and becoming the eyes of the honorable family. The villain in the

  Reborn and back to the beginning, she wants to reform and take revenge on Xian Shu.

  No matter how virtuous she is, her notoriety still stands side by side with the wicked youths in the capital, Yuan Xi stroked her forehead and sighed: It's hard to be a girl.

  Evil girl Congliang.

(End of this chapter)

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