Chapter 397 Comparison
Zhang Guilan was pregnant, especially if she was able to give birth, she was naturally happy. Facing Tian Xiaoyue's gnashing of jealousy, Zhang Guilan smiled happily. At noon, Zhu Lan and Liu Xiaolan also came.

Originally, Liu Xiaolan wanted to bring Zhu Lan to persuade Zhang Guilan, but after arriving at Luo's house, seeing Zhang Guilan's smile, Liu Xiaolan was quite strange. When she heard that Luo Ji wanted to keep the child, she had to change jobs early , also happy for Zhang Guilan.

Speaking of which, these people in the room are all envious of Zhang Guilan. She gave birth to twins, even with rings, and now she is pregnant again. God loves her so much. Now Luo Ji has to retire early in order to have this child. Don't be jealous.

"You talk about being old every day. Now that you're better and you're pregnant again, don't you say you're old?" Zhu Lan stared at her belly, "Your brother and I have been thinking about getting another one these years, but The stomach is not up to date, and I can afford the fine, but the stomach is not strong, it’s good for you, it’s either the two of you together, or you’re pregnant again when you’re almost forty, and you’re greedy for all the good things.”

Tian Xiaoyue was not convinced either, but she was also a wife, so she didn't dare to have it if she wanted it.

Liu Xiaolan has two children, so there is no need for more, so the really happy person is Zhang Guilan.

Mrs. Zhou came over at noon, brought a chicken, and said she wanted to stew soup, Zhang Guilan smiled, but asked to take it back, "It's different from the last one, this one is pregnant, and I can't eat the greasy ones, now Only vegetarian."

"So delicate, it must be a girl." Mrs. Zhou stared at Zhang Guilan's stomach.

But with a flat stomach, where can you tell what's going on.

Zhang Guilan has always wanted a daughter, and she was naturally happy when she heard that it was a girl. Tian Xiaoyue leaned over and said, "Hurry up, give birth to me as my daughter-in-law."

"Go, 20 years older, do you love my daughter, or are you hurting her?" Zhang Guilan gave Tian Xiaoyue a look.

"Then it depends on your daughter's eyes." The boys and girls don't know yet.The two are joking here.

Zhu Lan and Liu Xiaolan shook their heads, they all had lunch at Zhang Guilan's house, and they left in the afternoon. Zhang Guilan felt so bored that Luo Ji got off work.Shouting that he has no appetite and wants to go out to eat.

Luo Ji changed his suit and went out to eat with Zhang Guilan. As soon as he sat down in the restaurant and finished ordering, he heard arguing in the opposite room. This person was acquainted, it was Luo Haiying and Li Amei.

It turned out that Li Amei was suddenly notified that she could not work in the factory. She went to the accountant to settle her wages, and followed her mother to the hotel with an unhappy expression.In the evening, the mother and daughter went out to eat, and they quarreled without saying a few words.

The quarrel was still because of Dong Gousheng. Of course, Luo Haiying disagreed, "You should stay away from that Dong Gousheng in the future. I have already looked for his mother today. His mother still doesn't admit it. Now that I pick it up, I immediately feel guilty. You are not allowed to work in the factory, that is, your aunt, who is very strict, does not let you in the factory, but defends an outsider. You should know by now? I advised you not to come to the city. You just disagree, Now that you've been dug, you should know, right?"

"Mom, if you didn't make trouble, would my job be lost? Besides, what does this matter have to do with Dong Gousheng? Don't keep saying that Dong Gousheng is not good, I just fancy him. I won't go back to the countryside either. If you want to go back, go back yourself." Li Amei didn't care what her mother said, she just didn't say anything.

"You can't live without that Dong dog, can you? What's so good about him? What do you like about him? A few nice words will coax you away?" Seeing her daughter like this, Luo Haiying felt this hatred in her heart, just like watching It's the same as myself back then.At that time, I never knew that I was hated by others. Now that I see my daughter like this, I finally see myself in the past.

"I won't tell you too much, Li Amei, we will buy tickets to go home tomorrow. You don't have to tell me that you have to find a job in the city. Your father is still at home. I can't take you back. Let your father I'll pick you up, this time your dad doesn't care about you, I don't feel sorry for you anymore, you can figure it out." Luo Haiying didn't have anything to say, so she got up and left.

The curtain on the opposite door was drawn, and Zhang Guilan and Luo Ji who were sitting in the room could not be seen.

But Luo Ji and his wife listened to what Luo Haiying's mother and daughter said, and when they heard that they had left, Zhang Guilan remembered to tell Luo Ji about it, "Li Amei and Dong Gousheng are dating, look at them Let's do it. I just heard about it yesterday, so I forgot to tell you. Your sister has already scolded me and Xiaolan in the factory, and I have asked Cai to pay you Li Amei. If I keep her in the factory , your sister will definitely continue to make trouble, so that everyone will be embarrassed at that time. With this job to rely on, Li Amei can stay in the city. Without a job and no source of money, she will have to live with your sister Going back to the countryside, killing two birds with one stone, what do you think?"

"Adou who can't afford it, you can do as you see fit." Yuan still wanted to take care of Li Amei.

Now look at it, at such a young age, it has only been a long time since I came to work in the factory, and I am in the right position, and I am still a person like Dong Gouxeng. With this kind of vision, it can be seen that the nature of people is not very good.

Luo Ji was not disappointed after hearing this, especially when he just heard the conversation between the mother and daughter over there, Luo Ji didn't want to care about it.

The husband and wife walked home slowly after eating. If it was a coincidence, they actually saw Dong Gou hanging out on the street with a woman with heavy make-up in his arms. With such heavy makeup, it doesn't look like a good person at first glance.

Luo Ji's brows furrowed even deeper, and Zhang Guilan shook her head. Seeing Luo Ji and his wife, Dong Gousheng let go of the little girl in his arms, and came over to say hello, "Uncle Luo, Aunt Luo."

When he was young, Dong Gouzeng hadn't been spoiled by the elders of the Dong family, and he was quite likable. Zhang Guilan also felt that the child was pitiful at that time, and took good care of him.

"It's Gou Sheng, is this playing with friends?" Zhang Guilan glanced at the little girl, "I heard that you and A-Mei Li look like each other, why don't I look alike?"

Dong Gouzeng smiled sweetly, "Auntie, this is my friend, my sister and I are real."

Dong Gousheng is not stupid, he knows that Li Amei is the niece of Luo's couple.

And compared to the girls in this city, Li Amei is easy to deceive and honest, she can be coaxed with a few good words, and there are relatives like the Luo family, how could Dong Gouxeng let go.

Zhang Guilan saw through Dong Gousheng's thoughts with a single glance, and said calmly, "You are young and don't understand feelings yet, so take your time."

"My sister is very good." Dong Gousheng still did not forget to show.

Zhang Guilan nodded with a smile, "My sister has resigned and has no job now, don't you know? If you have time to persuade her, listen to her parents and go back to her hometown is fine."

When she finished speaking, Zhang Guilan walked away holding Luo Ji's arm.

Without the oppressive feeling of Luo Ji being by the side, Dong Gousheng was relieved. He really is a leader, and he would be there without a suit, and he also felt oppressive.

When he heard Li Amei lost her job, she frowned. The little girl who had been pushed away by him earlier came forward, "Who is Li Amei? How many heads do you have outside?"

Dong Gou pulled him into his arms with a smile on his face, "Master Lie, do you believe this? Let's go, let's eat."

While teasing the girl in his arms, Dong Gousheng couldn't laugh anymore. His pocket money was given by Li Amei. Li Amei didn't go to work and was going back to the countryside. There was no one to spend money for him.

But now that Li Amei is not in the factory, he and Ben can't find anyone, so after dinner in a hurry at night, Dong Gousheng frowned and went home, Xu Yingmei saw him coming back with a cold face.

"Where's mother?" Dong Gousheng glanced at the room.

Liu Xiaolan was not seen.

"Are you busy?" Xu Yingmei glanced at him before snorting coldly, "That's right, every time you come back, you have something to do, come to ask for money?"

"What's wrong with me asking for money? It's all my mother, and I didn't ask for it from you. Why are you so anxious? Don't you still have your own father to earn money for you? What are you afraid of?" Dong Gou leaned on the sofa in a foolish manner. inside.

In recent years, Liu Xiaolan has already changed to a building with three bedrooms and one living room.

Xu Yingmei entered the room with the book, but she didn't want to look at him, so she slammed the door directly.

Dong Gouzeng waited until after nine o'clock before Liu Xiaolan and Xu De came back.

Seeing her son sitting on the sofa, Liu Xiaolan darkened her face, but Xu De didn't know how to react, so he turned and went into the room.

There were only mother and son left in the living room, so Liu Xiaolan asked coldly, "What's the matter with you and A-mei Li? Today her mother found me and asked me what was going on. I don't know. I have to come back and ask you." Ah. Tell me, what do you think? Don’t tell me I didn’t know Li Amei was your Uncle Luo’s niece. I know who you are. Look at the girls you changed back home. Can't get into your eyes."

The calculation in his heart was punctured all of a sudden, and Dong Gousheng lost all face, "Mom, am I your own son? Is there any mother who doesn't want her son to be good, what's wrong with me looking for a girl to talk to right now? It's fine if you don't support me, but if you still say that about me, no wonder the other party doesn't believe me."

"You still have the nerve to blame me? Then let me ask you, did you take the 500 yuan I put on the bedside in the bedroom?"

Day and night defense, home thieves are difficult to prevent.

Money is a small matter, but this kind of behavior is the big thing, how can we not make Liu Xiaolan angry.

"No." Of course Dong Gousheng would not admit it.

He had already spent the 500 yuan on drinks with his friends. Besides, he is not stupid. If he admits it now, he still doesn't know what will happen.

Liu Xiaolan sneered, "Okay, you don't have to admit it, I didn't call the police this time, I gave you a chance, you remember, I will never give you this chance again from now on, you give me the keys to the house , anyway, you don't like staying in this house, so you can go back to your own father, and you don't need to keep the key of this house."

 It's going to kill me, it's finally over, the new article will not be updated today, I'm too tired.

(End of this chapter)

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