Chapter 403
The day before Zhang Guilan left, she met Milan in the village.

Milan is very old now. Compared with Zhang Guilan, he seems to be fifteen or sixteen years younger. His clothes are also very rough. Zhang Guilan didn't recognize him when he saw her. It was Milan who came up to talk to him first.

Over the years, Zhang Guilan returned to the village, that is, after the New Year, and returned to the city after staying at home for two days, so she never went shopping in the village, and she never met Milan.

"Guilan, you're still so young, look at how old I am." Milan smiled with many wrinkles on his face.

Zhang Guilan also greeted politely, "I saw your Hu Ke a few days ago. She is now taking college entrance examinations in the forest area. It happens to be Lao Ji's forest area. When I met him, I took her to my house for dinner. She was very shy and very friendly. Just like you back then."

Milan was in a trance for a while, "That child, I haven't brought a letter to my family since I entered the forest area. I was thinking of going to you to inquire. It's good to hear that she is fine now."

At the beginning, in order to let her daughter compete for a place in the college entrance examination, Milan did not hesitate to find people, but she accompanied her in, and then let her daughter know that even if her daughter left as a master, she would feel ashamed to have a mother like herself. So after calling away, there was no news at all. He didn't expect her daughter to go to Zhang Guilan's house. After hearing Zhang Guilan say that her daughter was very shy, Milan couldn't help but feel worried.

She still remembers what her daughter said, saying don't be such a useless mother like herself, Zhang Guilan robbed her man, so she went to rob Zhang Guilan's son, that's only fair.

How many years have passed, Milan has already thought about it now, and only hopes that his daughter will not commit such a fool.

So after hearing that her daughter had gone to Luo's house, Milan became worried.

Zhang Guilan couldn't understand what the expression on Milan's face meant, and she didn't think too much about it. Anyway, now that Luo Ji had retired, it was even less likely that he would have any contact with Hu Ke.

"You haven't found another one these years, have you? Hu Youguo and Su Miao are dating, and they are doing well, and they gave birth to a boy." Zhang Guilan didn't have bad intentions.I just feel that there is nothing to talk about besides these and Milan.

Milan didn't take it to heart either, "It's exhausting enough for a rural woman to raise a child. How can she think about anything else? He can live with Su Miao. It's not bad, it seems that the two are real. "

Speaking of Hu Youguo, Milan has no hatred at all.

Sure enough, time is not forgiving, and all the hatred slowly faded away over time.

"Everything was wrong back then, but now that I think about it, I am still too young." Milan now said that he just wanted to leave a way for his daughter, "Hu Ke is in the city, and there is no one around him. If there is something wrong, please Call your father-in-law's house and deliver a message."

Seeing her look pitiful, Zhang Guilan nodded.Only then turned around and left.

Originally seeing Dong Chunhong there, Zhang Guilan wanted to avoid it, but people were waiting for her, so how could she avoid it, "Guilan, can you stay for a few more days when you come back this time?"

"Leave tomorrow." Zhang Guilan didn't know her well, and didn't want to say more.

Dong Chunhong looked at Zhang Guilan who was walking past, envious, if she married a man like Luo Ji, would she be like Zhang Guilan now?
Over the years, Zhou Chengcai didn't learn well, because he didn't work.The Zhou family's old couple are getting old, and they can't do the work in the field, so it all falls to Dong Chunhong alone, but Zhou Chengcai is not grateful and has a child with the widow. If there is no support, Dong Chunhong would have left long ago.

Fortunately, Zhou Chengcai also knew that there was a big trouble this time.She was settled at home, but the widow who gave birth to a child was a formidable one. She went to Zhou's house to make troubles all day long, and was scolded by Zhou Shumin again and again. Zhou Chengcai divorced only when the trouble failed.Another way was to order rice and food every few days, and it went on like this. The widow stopped making trouble, and it was nothing to give some rice, so the Zhou family acquiesced.

Because of doing something wrong, Zhou Chengcai is also short in front of Dong Chunhong, because now the Zhou family relies on Dong Chunhong's labor, if Dong Chunhong leaves, how can Zhou Chengcai farm and work? With this matter, Dong Chunhong's life It wasn't too bad.

But after all, it's a woman, who doesn't want a man who loves her, who doesn't want to live a good life, just like Zhang Guilan.

When she got home, Zhang Guilan told her mother about the two people she met, and Sun Shubo shook her head, "Milan has been very stable these years, but her reputation is not good. A divorced woman has a lot of things around her. As long as she is with a man One more word, the next day the family's daughter-in-law came to scold him. At the beginning, she scolded him directly, but after a long time, she let others scold him silently. It's a pity, that Hu Ke can be regarded as a village hero Yes, she is good at studying and serious about learning, otherwise she would not have been selected. Even Dong Chunhong, who has made it through the past few years, although she counts her words in the Zhou family, but do you see what kind of life they live there? Everyone Waiting for her to work and support her, she is not too young, she can still work for a few years, when she can't do it, I don't know what it's like in the Zhou family?"

"I walked my own way, so I can only blame myself." Zhang Guilan saw that there were still some things in the house that had not been cleaned up, and remembered that her mother said that she would come back to live for a few days, so she didn't say anything more.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day, the old couple of the Zhang family took Li Amei and Luo Ji and his wife and left. Guo Ying looked envious and wanted to go to the city with him, but under the eyes of the old man Luo, he didn't dare to say anything. He only dared to complain to his daughter behind his back.

"You said that you really listened to your daughter-in-law. How can you take your mother-in-law and old man by your side without your own parents? I want to say that your father still stares at me. I'm afraid I will say don't do something unreasonable." .”

"Mom, I think you are doing well in the countryside, and Zhang Guilan gave you a lot of money. You have saved tens of thousands now, right? Look at the poor in the village, and you are the only one who has money. Who doesn't envy you? When you go to the city, you still have to look at Zhang Guilan's face, and see if she likes to listen to anything you want to say, why should you suffer that." Luo Haiying felt that her mother was born in a blessing and didn't know the blessing.

Guo Ying was proud when he heard that the villagers envied him, "There are a lot of people who come to curry favor with me, so they want to borrow some money from me, bah, I don't want to think about how they laughed at me back then, but now I want to borrow money, but I don't want to borrow money." .”

"Yes, let's see who dares to underestimate you in the future." Luo Haiying thought about her daughter in her heart, and she didn't want to go home, so she stayed at her mother's house.

Old man Luo listened to what the two of them said in the room. Old man Luo shook his head, no matter what, just say a few words without making a fuss.

Along the way, Zhang Guilan came into contact with Li Amei.It's not bad to find that a child is here. Sometimes it doesn't make sense, but if you explain the truth to her, at least she can listen to it.This is much better than Luo Haiying.

Back in the city, Luo Ji arranged a blind date, and Zhang Guilan helped her parents clean up the house. The one-story house had already been occupied, and they were divided into a two-bedroom and one living room building. Zhang Guilan felt that her parents were getting old, so she chose the second floor for them.

After the house was divided, Zhang Guilan asked someone to renovate it, but there was no one to live in it, and it was dusty.After entering the house, it is enough to wipe the dust. Mrs. Zhou rushed over the same day after receiving the letter, and cleaned it up with Sun Shubo. The two have not seen each other for many years.Naturally, there were a lot of things to say, Zhang Laowu and Mr. Zhou were able to talk together. Mr. Zhou got a piece of land in the compound to grow vegetables, and studied with Zhang Laowu every day on how to grow vegetables.

Li Amei went on a blind date and decided to meet at Zhang Guilan's house.

Zhang Guilan had never seen each other before, and she was quite curious. Back then, she and Luo Ji were arranged by the family.She fell in love with Luo Ji, but she never thought that she would really marry him, so when it came to a blind date, she had already secretly fallen in love with Luo Ji.

But she hadn't seen this kind of blind date before, and she had just cleaned up the house, and she took clothes for Li Amei to change in the factory.Simple black trousers and white short sleeves, looking capable and simple, handsome Tian was brought by Zhou Fuguo.

The man is 1.8 meters tall, strong and eloquent.She had a wink, and Li Kemei fell in love with her at first glance. She was shy when she met Tian Shuai for the first time, but Li Amei took the initiative. Seeing that Tian Shuai also liked her, Zhou Fuguo asked the two of them to go out for a walk.

As soon as the people left, Zhou Fuguo pulled off his collar and leaned into the sofa, "I'm old too, it's time to retire."

"How to say this well?" Zhang Guilan was quite surprised.

Zhou Fuguo gave Zhang Guilan a blank look, "You didn't make trouble, the one in my family also made a fuss about having a second child, and his parents are trying to persuade him these days."

Zhang Guilan couldn't help laughing when she heard this, she could imagine how Tian Xiaoyue was making a fuss, it must be very interesting to make Zhou Fuguo concede defeat, she missed it once she went back to her hometown.

Seeing that Zhang Guilan was still smiling heartlessly, Zhou Fuguo was about to cry, "I hope you are back, aren't you going to Beijing? Let's go, or if she keeps making trouble like this, I really can't stand it anymore." You said that if she had it, she would be fine if she wanted to, but she didn't, this is not a half-grown young man, and there are other things to compare."

Luo Ji just watched from the sidelines.

The three of them were talking, Zhang Guilan was cooking again, and she called her parents but no one answered, Zhou Fuguo reminded her, "The four of them may have gone fishing, I heard what they said yesterday."

Without waiting to say more, Li Amei and Tian Shuai came back.

As soon as the two came back, they brought everyone a big news: they were going to get married.

This is the first time we've met.

Zhang Guilan couldn't stand it any longer, so she dragged Li Amei into the study to talk to her alone, "Marriage is a lifetime thing, you can't just make a decision when you have a headache."

Back then, Dong Gousheng was on the verge of death, but now he is going to get married again the first time he meets Tian Shuai.

"Auntie, I'm serious. I made an agreement with Shuai Tian. I am low-educated, have no ideas, and always do wrong things. He said that he can help me correct it, as long as I am not afraid that he will be poor." Li Amei smiled sweetly. , "I won't regret it."

Zhang Guilan was speechless.

Is this a marriage proposal?

But this is too dramatic.

But seeing Li Amei like this, she couldn't persuade her to go in. Zhang Guilan could only leave everything to Luo Ji.

 Eighty-eight to write a new article, sisters in the "Evil Girls from the Good" family, who took great pains to help her with advice. She thought she was treating her sincerely, but she was only pushing her into the abyss of evil girls step by step, destroying her reputation and becoming a honour. The evil girl in the eyes of the noble family.

  Reborn and back to the beginning, she wants to reform and take revenge on Xian Shu.

  No matter how virtuous she is, her notoriety still stands side by side with the wicked youths in the capital, Yuan Xi stroked her forehead and sighed: It's hard to be a girl.

  Evil girl Congliang.

(End of this chapter)

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