Chapter 411
As soon as Luo Ai's marriage was in front of her, she hugged her boudoir into her arms, and then lifted her up high, her boudoir was not afraid at all, and laughed loudly.

Zhang Guilan looked terrified, Luo Jiyin went to snatch her daughter with a dark face, Luo Ai's marriage would not be agreed, she avoided and handed the child to Luo Aiguo's arms, Luo Aiguo took the boudoir skillfully, hugged her in her arms and touched it with a smile looking at her face.

"Girl, do you miss your brother?" Luo Aiguo looked like a real brother.

The boudoir looked at Luo Aiguo with blinking eyes, then turned her head to look at Luo Aiguo's marriage who was laughing, then looked at Luo Aiguo, and then looked at Luo Aiguo's marriage, just looked left and right, completely confused.

She looks so cute, not to mention how cute she is.

Tian Xiaoyue and Zhang Guilan couldn't help laughing, even Luo Ji and Zhou Fuguo couldn't help laughing, and Zhou Aiyue looked at her boudoir with curiosity and eyes straightened.

Everyone was joking, but no one noticed Zhou Aiyue's reaction. Even when Luo Aiguo handed her boudoir to her, his whole body was still stiff.

When it came to the boudoir in his arms, now his eyes fell on Zhou Aiyue's face, and then he habitually blew kisses, Zhou Aiyue was taken aback for a moment, and then grinned warmly.

Luo Ai Marriage came to his mother curiously, "Mom, what are you doing?"

"When she sees someone who is handsome, she likes to blow kisses to them. In the compound, she is known as a little pervert, especially when she sees people in suits. She blows kisses one by one. She is also expected to marry a man in the future." Zhang Guilan laughed.

The three young men's eyes widened when they heard this, and they looked at the boudoir curiously, but the boudoir was unfamiliar, after blowing the kiss, they stretched out their small hands to touch Zhou Aiyue's face, Zhou Aiyue, who is not nervous when seeing the big world, now At that time, his body froze and he didn't dare to move. Ren Guigui touched his face.

Look at my son like this.Tian Xiaoyue teased, "Look, your little elf has ruled my family's Ai Yue. She is really invincible. I don't know what kind of person can rule her in the future. I will wait and see." It's lively."

Zhang Guilan also pursed her lips and smiled, but Luo Jimmo looked at his daughter touching another man's face, feeling uncomfortable, and it was hard to say anything in front of so many people. Fortunately, everyone was at the airport. After a few words, I returned to the villa.

The last time Tian Xiaoyue knew that Zhang Guilan had bought a villa, she went home and said she wanted to be a neighbor, Zhou Fuguo deliberately passed by here when he was on a business trip.Inquired around the neighborhood, until two months ago, there happened to be one that was up for sale, and they bought it, and now the two live in the same community.

Because the house has not come to clean up urgently.A group of people lived in Luo's house that day.

Especially the boudoir, when she saw such a big house, she happily ran around in the living room, and kept calling, Luo Aimarriage was afraid that she would fall over to help her, so she even kissed Luo Aimarriage, more He yelled 'Duo Duo'.

"Mom. Is your boudoir calling me brother?" Luo Ai was full of joy in her marriage.

Zhang Guilan also leaned over happily, "Girlfriend, call again."

"Love me a lot." Boudoir said obediently again.

Luo Ai Marriage raised her boudoir high excitedly, "My boudoir is so cute."

The two brothers and sisters cheered in the room, and Luo Aiguo shook his head, "Did you see that? Love and marriage are more like children now."

"My boudoir is very cute." Zhou Aiyue just stared at her boudoir.There is no love marriage in the eyes.

Luo Aiguo made a slight difference, his eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't say anything again, but he had some calculations in his heart until after dinner.While walking in the community, Luo Aiguo and Zhou Aiyue talked.

"You're young too, have you ever thought about your own affairs?"

It's rare to hear Luo Ai's marriage talk about these things, especially those who don't talk much, it's always surprising to ask this suddenly, Zhou Aiyue remained silent, and the two of them just walked forward slowly.

After a long time, Zhou Aiyue finally said, "I have thought about it, but it's too early. If it's you, when do you want to settle your own affairs?"

"It's too early, for the same reason." The words came to his lips, and he swallowed them.

Luo Aiguo only hoped that he was thinking too much. My boudoir is only two years old, and Zhou Aiyue is already 21 years old. I also feel that I don't think too much.

Over the years, based on his understanding of Zhou Aiyue, Zhou Aiyue has never been out of order, but today he saw that her boudoir was too abnormal, and his eyes never left her body. Thinking about his father's dark face, Luo Aiguo shook I was stunned, I must have thought too much, otherwise, if that was the case, my father would definitely kill someone.

Zhou Aiguo talked and laughed without saying a word.

At night, Luo Ji complained to Zhang Guilan in the room, "You have to let her correct the problem of loving relatives, otherwise, you will always be relatives wherever you go, what should you do if people misunderstand you?"

"She's only two years old, she's still a child, who would think too much." Zhang Guilan didn't know what Luo Ji was worried about.

"Two years old can be misunderstood, and she is a girl, so we should pay more attention to it." Luo Ji couldn't help but feel sour when he thought of his daughter kissing others, "Don't just think that child is funny like that every day, don't worry about it now, What should I do when I grow up and see whom to kiss? Don’t let her be open like a foreigner. If you don’t care, I will care tomorrow.”

Zhang Guilan lay in his arms, "Are you really willing to take care of me? You don't say a single harsh word. You always make me a villain on weekdays. You still have to protect your girlfriend and train me, but you are a good father. Well. Well, tomorrow I will wait for you to train my daughter, I am finally liberated, and I don’t need to be a villain anymore.”

Seeing that his daughter-in-law didn't pay much attention to her, Luo Ji lost his energy. If he was asked to train his daughter, how could he be willing to do so.

"Okay, okay, I'll talk to my boudoir tomorrow, and we'll see if she agrees." Zhang Guilan teased him.

Luo Ji's heart seemed to be grasped by a hand, and he turned over irritablely. Zhang Guilan moved him, and then stopped laughing, "Lao Ji, I know you like boudoir and feel sorry for her. But she always One day when you grow up and want to get married, will it be difficult for you not to let her marry? She is a girl, and this is a necessary path in life. But you can be a serious father-in-law, watching the other party not bullying the boudoir Boudoir. So now, you have to let go and let her go to her own world."

"Okay, don't be angry. Now as long as I think of my boudoir getting married, my heart hurts." Zhang Guilan coaxed her father who was still eating.

Only then did Luo Ji turn around and put his wife in his arms, "I know, but I just feel uncomfortable when I think of my boudoir getting married and getting close to others."

The next day, the Zhou family wanted to clean up the house, and the Luo family also went to help, and even the boudoir followed. They looked like little clay figurines, but she loved Zhou Aiyue the most, even Luo Ai's marriage was jealous.

"Boudoir, you can follow Duoduo." Now Luo Ai's marriage has replaced his elder brother with Duoduo.

She squatted coquettishly in front of her boudoir, with a look of grievance on her face.

Guigui patted his face, then turned around and followed Zhou Aiyue again.

Luo Ai's face of marriage was exaggerated.

Everyone laughed.

When shopping for vegetables, Luo Ai's marriage rushed to go, while hugging her boudoir and talking about buying food, but her boudoir insisted on Zhou Aiyue hugging her, and Zhou Yueai hugged her boudoir happily and went together.

Zhang Guilan hurriedly pulled Luo Ji to talk, and Luo Ji's face looked better. Tian Xiaoyue pursed her lips and smiled, secretly whispering to Zhou Fuguo, and Zhou Fuguo also laughed when he heard about it.

Everyone now regards watching Luo Ji jealous as excitement, and within half an hour, Luo Ai came back after getting married, with food in both hands.

Everyone washes their hands and cooks, which is very lively.

At night, Tian Xiaoyue also became suspicious, "Aiyue likes boudoirs very much."

"I like it very much too." Zhou Fuguo didn't think much about it.

"Forget it, tell you that you don't understand either." Tian Xiaoyue just thought about it, and didn't really think too much about it.

The next day, the three of Luo Aiguo left and went back to school. Her boudoir cried when she saw the three of them leaving.

Zhou Fuguo was different from the past, he didn't smile but sat there in a daze, Luo Aiguo glanced at him, and sighed slightly, he only hoped that he really thought too much, time can change everything.

The Luo family and the Zhou family were in Beijing for the New Year. Half a month after arriving here, Xu Min came and found the Luo family. Seeing Xu Min coming, Zhang Guilan was very happy and cleaned up the house for her.

Xu Min looked thinner, haggard, and not as talkative as before. After arriving at Luo's house, he only said that he was tired, and went back to sleep in the house. He didn't come down all day, even Zhang Guilan ate I went downstairs to eat and said I was not hungry.

Zhang Guilan looked very worried, so she called Zhao Xue from the north. When Zhao Xue heard her daughter was there, she couldn't help crying on the phone, "I don't know what's wrong with this child. I want to go to your place when I get home. After asking for the address, I ran away without saying what was wrong, but when I came back half of my face was still injured, it looked like someone had beaten me, and I don’t know what happened outside.”

Zhang Guilan was taken aback, and motioned Luo Ji to keep his voice down when playing with his daughter, while persuading Zhao Xue on the phone, "Don't worry, I will take care of her when she comes to my side. They ask. Children are better than us adults when they are together, and I will tell you when I understand what's going on. If you are really worried, come here in Beijing."

Zhao Xue thanked them, and the two hung up the phone.

Zhang Guilan thought that Zhao Xue was also very troublesome, so she only asked Luo Ji to play with her boudoir in the house on weekdays, and then called Tian Xiaoyue and told her not to come over these few days, after all, there was something about Zhou Aiyue. Xu Min was in a bad mood, and seeing them again would definitely make her feel even more uncomfortable.

This matter sounded very disturbing, Tian Xiaoyue told Zhang Guilan not to be in a hurry, so she hung up the phone.

So in the past few days, it was Zhang Guilan who delivered the meals to Xu Min's house, hoping that her son would have a holiday soon so that this matter could be resolved as soon as possible.

 I have to continue to write. It’s the end of the month. Please support the pink votes.

(End of this chapter)

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