Rebirth and struggle for rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 60 She's Not My Sister-in-law

Chapter 60 She's Not My Sister-in-law
Chapter 59: She is not my sister-in-law
In front of Zhang Guilan, she was reprimanded by her elder brother. Luo Haiying's face was so red that she could bleed, she bit her lip in embarrassment, with tears in her eyes, she didn't speak, and just stared straight at Luo Ji. Big tears were crackling down.

"Look carefully, what are you talking about?" Zhang Guilan was interrupted by Luo Ji just in the middle of speaking.

"Look at what she said? Why is this thing not cheap? It's not cheap because your sister-in-law bought it with her own money. If you want something, you are confident, and you won't give it to you even if you have it." Luo Ji put the things in the cardboard box. He took out the sewing machine and set it up, rolled up his sleeves, unbuttoned his collar, and said with arrogance, "It's the first time you've come to Big Brother, I shouldn't have said you, but look at you now, it's like someone owes you money." It's like 800 million, don't think I don't know the small thoughts in your heart, let me tell you, there is only one sister-in-law of yours, and she is standing in front of you."

Luo Ji is not a fool. After beating him back, he didn't hear his sister call his daughter-in-law a sister-in-law. If he behaved like this in front of his own face, it would be obvious if he didn't treat him in his own face. He asked about Milan again and again. Do you still need to say it directly?I can see through what I think at a glance.

Zhang Guilan originally felt that Luo Haiying didn't take herself seriously, she shouldn't have made a sound, and she just made a sound because of her status as her sister-in-law now, it's better to be drunk by Luo Ji now, she doesn't have to say those duplicity words Now, she lowered her head and read the instruction manual of the sewing machine. As the elder brother's educational sister, she, an outsider, is of course not good at interfering.

"She's not my sister-in-law. I don't have such a sister-in-law who knows how to do nothing but eat and sleep." Luo Haiying was also stubborn.

Luo Ji's face was as cold as ice, "Come with me."

He wanted to save face for his sister, but obviously she didn't want it, and the words became even more ugly. If it wasn't for fear of his wife being sad, Luo Ji really wanted to break up with her on the spot.

When Luo Haiying followed, she hummed as she passed by Zhang Guilan's side, but Luo Jimeng turned her head in front of her, making her tremble slightly in fright.I didn't dare to say more and followed up the house.

The corners of Zhang Guilan's lips twitched, even if she doesn't speak in this life, she can still make Luo Hai a mile away. Such a brain is really...

As soon as the door was closed, Luo Ji's words flashed across his face, "What did you just say? Guilan is not your sister-in-law, who is your sister-in-law? If you are still messing around like this, hurry up and go home tomorrow, and I will send a power call directly then." Report it to your parents."

"Brother, you should marry Milan, if it wasn't for repaying your kindness, would she be worthy of you?" Luo Haiying didn't know why her well-meaning brother didn't appreciate her and scolded her.

"If there is no Guilan's brother. Can you still see me now? Guilan is worthy of me just because of this." Luo Ji lit a cigarette.There was a sense of powerlessness in the voice, "Haeyoung, I left the day after we got married, and then you wrote a letter saying that the family was in trouble. I didn't see it and I don't know what happened, but I won't ask about the past. I just hope that from now on, you will respect Guilan as your sister-in-law, and if you still treat me as your elder brother, then treat me well in front of your sister-in-law."

Luo Ji would not allow his woman to be wronged.

"Then Milan is like this?" Luo Haiying couldn't believe that the eldest brother really forgot about Milan, and really didn't have any feelings for Milan.

When the elder brother was in the forest area, he never forgot to write a letter to Milan every time he wrote a letter. Based on this, she believed that Milan must be very important to the elder brother.Where is Zhang Guilan comparable to?If it wasn't for repaying kindness, how could Zhang Guilan, who was not married by anyone in the village, rely on her elder brother?
"How many times do I have to say it before you understand? Milan is Milan, and your sister-in-law is your sister-in-law. Look at what you said just now in front of your sister-in-law, did your sister-in-law say no to you? Guilan is your sister-in-law, but also Same age as you. You are my sister, you still have me as an older brother, but Guilan’s older brother died to save your older brother, so Guilan is my daughter-in-law and even my younger sister, now she is married to me, I will take care of her for the rest of my life." Luo Ji thought of his best friend who died for him, and the circles of his eyes were slightly red.

She had never been reprimanded by her elder brother with such sharp words. Luo Haiying was frightened for a while, and her confidence was lacking. She argued forcefully, "But isn't Milan pitiful? She was divorced, and everyone in the village laughed at her."

"I dragged someone to arrange a job for her. After working for a few years, the unit can still allocate rooms. Besides, she is going on a blind date this Sunday. If you are really good for her, don't say those words anymore, and save yourself from being misunderstood. , this is the forest area." Seeing that his sister knew she was wrong, Luo Ji softened his tone a little.

"Blind date?" Luo Haiying looked disbelieving, "Milan loves big brother so much, how could he trust others?"

At the beginning when Milan sneaked into the village, he told Luo Haiying that he would never marry anyone except Luo Ji in this life. Luo Haiying supported her very much, and even gave her the five yuan he had saved, and asked her to go to the city. Going to find her elder brother, when she heard that Milan was going on a blind date, Luo Haiying only felt cheated, and even more betrayed.

Since they are going on a blind date, what is it that I am here to help her get ahead? Ben is a clown, no wonder Zhang Guilan has never taken herself seriously, and she must be laughing at herself in her heart for her superior appearance.

"Still talking nonsense." Luo Jizhen didn't know what to say. He said a lot of good and bad things, but he didn't listen to a word. Bring it up again."

Other people don't care about their daughter-in-law's feelings, but Luo Jike does. Thinking of leaving the second day of marriage and leaving his daughter-in-law to face everything alone, it must be very uncomfortable, right?

At the beginning, he promised Zhang's parents to marry Zhang Guilan because he wanted to repay his kindness, and to take care of his family for his friends, but he didn't expect that he didn't do it, and he fell into gossip.

Luo Ji looked at the door and was alone in a daze. The voice in the room was so loud that his wife must have heard it in the living room. This made him extremely ashamed, but he didn't know how to explain it to her.

Luo Haiying was also shocked by the fact that Milan was going on a blind date. She lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking. It could be seen that she was hit. Luo Ji looked back at her sister, opened the door and walked out.

The box containing the sewing machine has been put away, and the living room has been put away by Zhang Guilan, but the person is not in the living room. Luo Ji went to the east room, saw her sitting on the bed with the instruction manual, and sat next to her, "What do you say to Haiying?" Don't take it to heart."

Naturally, Zhang Guilan didn't take it to heart, and looked up at him with a smile, "It's because I made your brothers and sisters quarrel, and I feel very sorry."

Luo Jihu frowned, "You are my wife, only I can bully you, no one else can bully you."

Such a sentence came suddenly, Zhang Guilan was slightly taken aback, and her face slowly turned red. In her previous life, she would not have been able to tell that she was talking to her face, but after living two lives, she understood him, he is such a man , clearly confessed, it makes people angry, like arguing.

Embarrassment flashed across Luo Jiyi's habitually cold face, he fidgeted and coughed twice, "Why don't you let Haiying sleep in the study at night?"

"Isn't that bad?" Zhang Guilan's ears also burned.

Seeing that his daughter-in-law didn't reject him, Luo Ji became more courageous, hugged her into his arms, and said close to Zhang Guilan's ear, "What's wrong, because she made us husband and wife separate when she came."

Old and unruly.

Zhang Guilan almost said it out, "Then you go and tell her."

Even if Luo Ji went to say it, Zhang Guilan could also think that Luo Haiying would blame everything on her. Sometimes, even if you don't do anything, it's wrong, people are like this.

As for the marriage between Luo Haiying and Zhou Chengcai, Zhang Guilan has been thinking about this issue since she saw Luo Haiying. If she said it, Luo Haiying must feel that she is cursing her, but in the long run, she and Luo Ji will have a good life, Luo Haiying If they don't live well, it will have an impact on their lives.

After struggling for a while, Zhang Guilan decided to talk to Luo Ji about it, "Sister-in-law and Zhou Chengcai, do you want to stay together for a while? Although they live in the same village, Zhou Chengcai has been working outside, so we don't care about him outside." learn."

In her previous life, Zhang Guilan only knew that Luo Haiying and Zhou Chengcai divorced because Zhou Chengcai had someone outside, and they knew each other before they got married. I heard that the woman gave birth to a daughter for Zhou Chengcai, and later came to the door with the child in her arms. It just started, how could such a thing be tolerated at that time, the Zhou family's reputation in the village was bad, but after all Luo Haiying was also the one who was injured.

After Zhou Chengcai and Luo Haiying divorced, the whole family moved away. I heard that they also moved to the city, married that woman, and lived a good life. As for Luo Haiying's future, Zhang Guilan is not very clear because she divorced Luo Ji. I only gradually learned from Milan that Luo Haiying married a man, and it was introduced by Luo Ji.

Just as Luo Ji was about to get up, he sat back when he heard what his wife said, and thought about it carefully, "You are right in thinking, but the date of marriage has been fixed, and the two of them have grown up together since childhood, and nothing will happen. I'll make arrangements tomorrow, and it's okay for people to inquire about it."

Hearing what Luo Ji said, Zhang Guilan felt relieved. She did what she should do anyway. As for whether she can find out, it depends on Luo Haiying's life. If it wasn't for the sake of living a good life with Luo Ji, Zhang Guilan really didn't want to care about Luo Haiying. thing.

Sitting on the bed, although Westinghouse's voice was very low, Zhang Guilan could faintly hear Luo Haiying's complaints, and faintly mention her own name, curling her lips, she knew it would be like this.

But Luo Ji, who didn't persuade his younger sister in the West Room, was thinking about continuing to work, when he was called away by a sudden call from the factory. Obviously, the matter was urgent, and the young man ran all the way here.

 Guess what?Haha, thanks to: yuyuyubob, Dongfang Fengyun, Bishuilantian 927, Crying Fish Who Wants to Fly, Fengfeng Default, Feiyun Qingqing, Xiaoyuanzi COKE voted for the safety charm, thanks to those girls who voted in pink, most likely bow here

(End of this chapter)

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