Chapter 105

More and more people blocked the door of the toilet to watch. Slowly, half-professional people gathered around to watch, and some even walked into the toilet to find out.

Wang Qiong and I don't like to cause trouble, so we sat without moving, but our eyes were drawn to it.

"You——what are you doing, don't you go out!" He Qiujiu's panicked roar came from the toilet, and several boys rushed out with ashen faces.

Some of them turned green with fright and remained silent.

Some shouted in shock, "Scared to death..."

"Children with fur."



After a while, He Qiuqiu also came out, holding a bundle wrapped in red cloth in his hand, his face was ashen.

He came out and glanced at the students next to the toilet in fear, hugged the red bundle tightly, and quickly left to the other end of the corridor.

These two ideological and moral lectures were supposed to last from ten o'clock in the morning to twelve o'clock.

He Earth ran out, so the class probably wouldn't be needed.

Girls are naturally afraid of small furry animals, and they prefer to discuss what to do after class early rather than digging into what is in He Earth's baggage.

Just like this, they left the classroom in twos and threes, still discussing going to the barber shop near the school to have their hair permed.

I was a little puzzled in my heart, so many people want to perm their hair, so how popular is perm this year?I originally planned to ask Wang Qiong to accompany me to have a dog curl, just to follow the trend.

Shi Xiaoshan was more excited than ever, sitting coquettishly on the desk, next to a group of booing boys, discussing why He Earth's wife gave birth to a little weasel.

Some people think, "Could He Earth's wife be transformed by a weasel to take revenge on He Earth?"

Some people also said: "Maybe the little weasel was reincarnated into the belly of He Earth's wife for revenge."


In short, there are different opinions, and everyone regards this as a joke.

Although Wang Qiong and I had a general impression of He Qiuqiu, we didn't want to get involved in that kind of discussion. We packed our things and planned to leave.

That bald-headed boy Dong Sijie walked up to Wang Qiong and me and asked if we wanted to have lunch together.

Dong Sijie was originally a very handsome boy. His short hair gives people a very delicate feeling. He usually cares about his image and keeps it clean and refreshing.

When we first lived in school, we went to KTV and sang all night together.

It's just that he has a bald head now, and looks like a prisoner who has just been released from prison, which is awkward no matter how you look at it.

Wang Qiong didn't speak, just glanced at Dong Sijie with a smile, Dong Sijie was fascinated at once, scratched his head and said strangely: "Sister Niu, what's wrong with you today, you smiled so gently at me, it's pretty pretty."

I suddenly understood that Wang Qiong used to give people the impression that she was a strange flower, no matter how white and beautiful she was, no boy would dare to chase her.

Dong Sijie and I have a good relationship, and he proposed to go to the cafeteria to have a meal together, mainly because he wanted to eat with me. Seeing Wang Qiong's cute smiling face, he probably wanted to change his target.

"Hey, Dong Sijie, you finally mustered up the courage to invite Su Zi to dinner. My brothers are happy for you." The two bald heads next to him kept making noises.

Wang Qiong still smiled sweetly and didn't speak, making such a boy's eyes straight.I just remembered that Shangxuan said that if Wang Qiong talked to any boy, he would cut off that boy's tongue.

Forget it, let me do it.

The two of them are Zhou Yu beating Huang Gai, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, what can I say?

"Hey, is this the rhythm for you to become monks together? It is very expensive to worship under Shi Yongxin in Shaolin Temple." I picked up my bag, stood up and glanced at the unique bald heads of these boys, joke with them.

The boy who was close to Dong Sijie waved his hand, and said indifferently: "Su Zi, this is because you are ignorant, and this is a rich man. Go out to the school gate and see if all the freshmen who passed the college entrance examination are all The bald head was specially cut by the master who shaved the head before the exam. Let me tell you, I can get [-] points in the final exam just by relying on this hairstyle."

It was only then that I realized that I was already a sophomore this semester, and there was still a class of freshmen younger than me who could bully me.

It's just that this rich guy seems a little familiar...

By the way, my dad dreamed that the head was cut off and then shaved, it seems to be shaved to make a fortune.

I didn't know what a rich head was before, and now I don't understand it. Could it be possible to get promoted and make a fortune by getting a bald head?
That's too ridiculous!

If this is the case, all the monks of Shaolin Temple should form a group to be on the Forbes list.

Although I feel that what these boys said about getting rich is a bit ridiculous, I agreed to have lunch together.Anyway, it's just a meal, and it's better to eat in a crowded place like a cafeteria, so there's nothing to avoid.

We, two women and three men, went to the cafeteria to eat together.

The three boys couldn't help talking about the recent trend of shaving their heads.

Recently, there have been many barbershops that specialize in shaving the genitals of the dead and increasing wealth for the living. The one closest to our school is the one in the Chenghuang Temple.

Except for Dong Sijie who cut it near his home, the other two boys were cut in Chenghuang Temple.

It is said that after this hairstyle is cut, the brain will become much brighter. If you want to make money, you will get rich, and if you want to get test scores, you will get test scores.

However, according to Dong Sijie, the inside of the store was very cold, and the shaving master was not a local, and he spoke strangely, and the blade shaved his head like an ice skate.

And he also felt that holding the blade was like hanging it automatically, and the speed was very fast.

His hair grew out three times before it was shaved off by that knife.

If it weren't for the crowds queuing up behind and the dead people waiting inside, Dong Sijie would have called to stop a while ago, because it was too cold.

After shaving his head, he shivered from the cold, as if he had fallen into a deep well.When I went back, I caught a bad cold. I went to the hospital and drank several packs of salt water. The cold was cured when the evil cold entered the body.

But later, his brain became brighter, and he could do it after reading the words in the book.

You can memorize a complete dictionary of English words in one night.

Let alone the human brain, computers are not so fast.

And, the hair of a living person, eh?It can grow three times in a short period of time, which is not in line with the laws of nature.

"Master Su, there is no class in the afternoon anyway, let's go to the Town God's Temple for snacks."

Wang Qiong is a full-fledged foodie. Believe it or not, she can eat three pizzas in one meal without getting fat.

Actually, I don't really like going to places like City God's Temple. The City God Lord used to be an immortal who specialized in catching lonely souls and wild ghosts, so the incense is very popular in certain places.

But when we came to our place, it became a street of gold, snacks, and cottage antiques.

There is a sea of ​​people there, all tourists from other places, and there is nothing to play.

Wang Qiong was going, so I had no choice but to nod, and the three boys were left aside by us.After eating, the two of us took the bus to Chenghuang Temple together.

Just in front of the bus stop that goes down from the Chenghuang Temple, there is an old-fashioned barber shop, and there is a long queue outside.

I heard a child timidly ask me: "Sister, do you want to perm your hair?"

When I looked up, I was covered in cold sweat. The child held a red-hot iron in his hand, and his whole body was peeled off. He stood at the door and asked me.

The red meat on his body is shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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