Chapter 166 Violin

The sound of a violin?

I pricked up my ears and listened, but I didn't hear the music. Zhang Gu looked around and saw Shi Xiaoshan also kneeling on the ground, crying bitterly, "Help me, who will save me, I... I can't go anymore ..."

The female companion beside her ran away early and disappeared.

And Dong Sijie was standing behind Shi Xiaoshan, with his hands full of highly rotten flesh, he tightly grabbed Shi Xiaoshan's neck, and spit out her pinched tongue from his mouth.

"Dong Sijie, that's enough for you. Are you satisfied if you really kill someone? Since you're dead, then...then go where you should go honestly."

I don't have a copper coin sword in my hand, so I can only talk about it when I play tricks.Besides, asking me to cut off Dong Sijie's head with a copper coin sword is too much for me.

He could only stutter a little, but his extremely domineering tone made Dong Sijie stop.

Dong Sijie was stunned for a moment when he heard my loud reprimand, looked at me very wronged, and said tremblingly in his mouth: "Su Zi, I...I have lasted so long because of you, because of you!! I am getting a haircut I confessed my love to you in the store, I saw that you were permed by the brat, I thought we would be the same from now on, we could be together, but...but you already have a boyfriend. "

"Dong Sijie, are you sick? Since you like Mr. Su, tell us sooner. You procrastinate. You wait until someone has a boyfriend to play Kuaihua. Hmph, you just don't like our Mr. Su, and you still want She becomes like you."

Wang Qiong is really amazing, her legs are numb, her teeth are uncomfortable, and she can teach Dong Sijie, who is bleeding from the cuts on her neck and head.

"Xing Xuan, Wang Da Niu, help me, cough, cough... I... I'm going to die... I..." Shi Xiaoshan was really about to die after being strangled, she looked pitifully at Wang Qiong with teary eyes , took another look at Xingxuan, and asked for help from the two of them, but they did not ask for help from me.

I also know that I have probably become Shi Xiaoshan's competitor.

She probably didn't dare to ask me for help, thinking that I would not save her.

In our school, even if Shi Xiaoshan has a crush on a boy, even if he has a girlfriend, even if she wants to stop dating after two weeks, she still has to hook up with him by any means.

For such a girl, I don't know what to say, probably because I never take the relationship between a man and a woman seriously.Making boyfriends is purely for fun.

"Wang Qiong, you are not a good person, don't even care about Sun Xiao in order to be with the rich second generation. You..." Dong Sijie was emotionally pinching Shi Xiaoshan's hand more and more The tighter it was, the more pinched Shi Xiaoshan passed out.

Wang Qiong was really angry, her face changed, and she opened her mouth to argue with Dong Sijie, so I quickly blocked her mouth.

This Shi Xiaoshan is in Dong Sijie's hands, if Wang Daniu, an impulsive girl, speaks seriously and angers Dong Sijie, maybe Dong Sijie can screw Shi Xiaoshan's head off in a fit of anger.

Seeing that someone was about to die, I couldn't say that it was because Shi Xiaoshan coveted Xingxuan's beauty, so I could only say wisely, "Well, Dong Sijie, let's exchange hostages, Shi Xiaoshan and I."

Dong Sijie kept saying that he liked me, so he probably wouldn't kill me, or something else, so I proposed to change with Shi Xiaoshan.

I am not stupid, I am noble enough to exchange my life with Shi Xiaoshan.

"Okay...Okay, Su Zi, come here, come here! I really want to be with you..." Dong Sijie probably became more obsessed with liking me because of his death.

Before and after death, a person's personality is likely to change, otherwise the values ​​​​of the ghost world will not be so different from those of the human world.The only thing that can be preserved is that the dead soul will become extremely attached to something that he liked in life.

It's like the old antiques are full of yin, almost every piece has problems, and it will make people lose their lives.It is because of these antiques and antiques, there are residual obsessions and resentments from the owner's life, which will not go away for a long time.

Xingxuan strangled my wrist domineeringly, hugged me tightly in her arms, stared at Dong Sijie with cold eyes, and the aura on her body suddenly carried a strong coercion.

Dong Sijie's body knelt down unconsciously, he supported his head, looked at Xingxuan's haughty gaze in fear, and immediately lowered his head, not daring to look at it.

"Su Zi, is it something you can imagine? She is my wife." Xingxuan's voice was cold and heartless, and she kicked Dong Sijie's body out.

Dong Sijie's head fell to the ground again, this time he was frightened and rolled around on the ground, so he hurriedly chased his head on the ground, throwing the unconscious Shi Xiaoshan aside.

He managed to find his head, put it back on his neck, and met Xingxuan's majestic gaze again, he lowered his head tremblingly, "I...I really can't compete with you, but I don't want to leave like this, I I want to follow Su Zi. Do you know? I have liked her since the day she registered for college, she is good-looking."

I have encountered this kind of persistence in the ghost who followed Qin Tian, ​​but I didn't expect Dong Sijie to have such an attitude.

"Dong Sijie, don't think about it anymore, just walk the path you should go. I have Xingxuan's child..."

I just wanted to put all my eggs in one basket to persuade Dong Sijie with this sentence, and my tone was extremely heartless.I know it's a bit cruel, but if the soul keeps remembering the world, it will stay in the world persistently.

I only hope that Dong Sijie can listen to his advice and obediently reincarnate.

Dong Sijie took a hard look at my stomach, and his body just fell to the ground, motionless.

I froze for a moment, then asked Xingxuan in a low voice, "He... his soul is gone?"

"Let's go." Xingxuan frowned, took a careful look at me, and then hugged me tightly. I could feel that Xingxuan's heartbeat had hardly fluctuated before, but now it was beating extraordinarily fast, "No Thinking of the fact that there are so many flies in the school, if I had known this was the case, I would not have practiced at that time."


Does he care that Dong Sijie likes me?

"Dong Sijie is just a coincidence, Xingxuan, I'm already married to you, and I'm still pregnant with your baby." I held Xingxuan's narrow waist tenderly for a while, and gently pushed Xingxuan away.

I squatted down and opened Wang Qiong's trouser legs, only to see a bruise on her foot.

This piece of black and blue is a bit like it was grabbed by a human hand, but like a duck's forefoot, but how could there be a duck under the water?
"This...what was this caught? Does the piece in front of the paw print look like a duck's web?" Wang Qiong pointed to her ankle and touched it gently.

With Xingxuan here, Wang Qiong didn't seem so scared.

She glanced at me and Xingxuan, and asked curiously, "My feet are completely numb, must I be entangled by resentment?"

There was not even a trace of fear in that tone.

I knew that Wang Qiong was confident that Xingxuan could heal her foot.Even if Xingxuan doesn't save her, she will send a voice message to Shangxuan on WeChat, and Shangxuan will arrive right away.

However, according to Miss Wang's character, if the matter is not urgent to a certain extent, she will not do this.

"There is a kappa in the water, someone should be manipulating the kappa to kill someone." Xingxuan could tell at a glance what ghost was causing the black and blue scar. He searched the vicinity, hugged me and teleported to In a thicket of reeds.

There is no one else in the reeds, only an abandoned violin.

I know this violin, and it was sent to Su Mufei by my dad on her 16th birthday, and there are motivational words written by my dad on it with a carving knife.

"Hey, why are you still here? We all went to the front village to rest, and found that you guys had fallen behind, so I came back to look for you. Come with me..."

It was Sun Xiao who turned back. He glanced at the corpse of Dong Sijie's body on the ground in fear, and smoothly embraced Wang Qiong in his arms, and wanted to take us away together.

This time, Shi Xiaoshan's body lying on the ground was not carried by Xingxuan, so I had to carry it.

(End of this chapter)

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