Peerless Little Mommy: The ghost baby is cute

Chapter 230 Ghost Marriage Contract

Chapter 230 Ghost Marriage Contract
Xingxuan withdrew his hand cruelly, and the heartless and cruel words became the last words he heard before he fell into a deep coma.

I always felt like I had a bunch of messy dreams, and I couldn't remember exactly what was in the dreams. There was a burning sensation on the side of my face, and there was a cold liquid flowing.

I was so uncomfortable with the scorching heat, I frowned and thought, can there be such a warm and scorching feeling in the cold ghost world?

Subconsciously, I touched the liquid on the side of my face and slowly opened my eyes. The sunlight was so dazzling that my eyeballs were severely burned, and I quickly closed my eyes again.

Because I closed my eyes too quickly just now, I haven't seen the surrounding environment clearly.But I can clearly feel that I am in the sun, basking in the sun.

The warm sun's rays shine on every cell in my body, and the comfortable heat quickly washes away the coldness in my body.

There is no sun in Hades, this is not Hades.

"Junior Sister, are you awake?" Chen Xiao's warm voice reached my ears, and my wrist was also held, as if he was feeling my pulse.

My other hand covered my eyes, and then I opened them a little bit, and slowly opened my fingers, adapting to the feeling of my eyes being bathed in the sun.

I was placed on a recliner in the garden of the community, Chen Xiao knelt beside me, Shen Mei took my pulse.

"Well, I'm awake, it's just so hot, it's just the beginning of spring, why is the sun so poisonous?" I was sweating on my forehead, and I found myself wrapped in a thick padded jacket when I moved my body.

There was a thin layer of blanket on the outside of the padded jacket. It was so hot that I felt terrible. Just as I was about to lift the quilt, another person firmly pressed the quilt.

It's Li Yu.

Li Yu squatted on the other side of my body, firmly pressing the quilt covering me with both hands, the expression on his face was still that faint expression, and there was extremely bad love hidden in his eyes.

This made me, who just woke up and didn't want to think about many things, feel so painful that I couldn't help myself.

My throat was so choked that I couldn't speak, what happened in the underworld came to my mind one by one, and I didn't feel embarrassed to cry in front of Li Yu, so I could only hold back the pain and grievance in my heart.

"Today's temperature is only six degrees. You have been in the underworld for half a month, and you have adapted to the yin energy there. When you first come back, you will of course feel that the noon sun is a bit hot with yang energy, and you will be fine after a while."

Chen Xiao looked at me with a warm smile, and gently moved his warm fingers away from my pulse. He glanced at Li Yu, and said in a deep voice, "Didn't I tell you? You are a spirit body. Stay away, or go back by yourself."

Li Yu didn't speak, but nodded, squatted back a few steps, and leaned against the tree trunk behind him.

Being so indifferent and stubborn, he didn't argue with Chen Xiao when he met Chen Xiao with such a bad attitude.

Chen Xiao was unscrewing the lid of a thermos, my mind was very confused, my heart always felt empty, I wanted to cry but I couldn't cry.

Feeling uncomfortable, my temples throbbed suddenly, and my heart felt stuffy and uncomfortable.

"Have I been in the underworld for half a month?" I asked blankly, but I didn't know the length of the questioning time. There is no such thing as twelve hours and one hour in the underworld.

Although there are day and night, it is impossible to tell how long the day is and how long the night is.

The days are spent in a daze, time seems to not exist, and ignorance and innocence pass by like a fleeting moment.

"Well, it's been half a month, and the boss couldn't find you on the day of the engagement." Li Yu squatted far away against the tree trunk, covering his mouth and speaking in a muffled voice.

What's wrong with this?
Everyone is weird?

However, there is still good news, Da Niu Wang and Shang Xuan are officially engaged, but they just don't have the chance to drink the wedding wine they got engaged to.

"Junior Sister, I will come to accompany you to bask in the sun every day from now on. Let the midday sun absorb all the ghost energy on your body, so that you will get well soon. Come, drink some chicken soup made by Aunt Miao to warm up. You have just been When I sent it back, my whole body was blue and purple, I thought you..."

Chen Xiao finished speaking halfway, and seemed to feel that something was wrong, so he shut up again.He handed the thermos pot in his hand to mine, and the chicken soup in the thermos pot had a strong smell of medicine.

Although I don't know much about traditional Chinese medicine, there must be Chinese wolfberry and Codonopsis pilosula, and there are two slices of ginger floating on the chicken soup.

I pinched my nose and took a sip, almost spit it out, it was too hot, how could it be so hot?

Later, I immediately realized that it was not the soup's problem, but my problem.

My body is invaded by ghost energy. The best way is not to get an injection, or to take medicine, or to dry it in the sun just like sun-dried millet.

I have a cold mouth, which is why I feel that the warm chicken soup is burning.

"You stay with me, don't you need to help the authorities solve the U-turn case? I always thought that you would be a busy person after you came back from the small village." Seeing Chen Xiao's plan to take care of me 24 hours a day, I couldn't help feeling funny.

"The case has come to an end. The blood lines on the necks of all the victims have disappeared. It should be Feng Chu who brought back those remnant souls. But... recently, there seems to be something wrong with the water source, causing something unclean. They They want me to follow up, and some psychics have approached me. I want to take care of you and the baby in your belly, so I refused."

Seeing that I had finished drinking the soup in the thermos, Chen Xiao immediately took the thermos and closed the lid like a servant.He smiled at me gently, "Do you want to take another nap?"

"Brother, actually, I don't need you to take care of me, you can do whatever you need to do. I don't want to sleep anymore, if I sleep again, I'll become a pig... By the way, where is Xingxuan? How did I come back?" I evaded After asking questions for a long time, I finally couldn't help asking.

I don't believe Xingxuan would be so decisive, really...

Really don't want me and the baby.

The atmosphere suddenly became dull, Chen Xiao didn't speak, and silently stuffed the thermos into the bag.

Li Yu frowned, and said in a cold voice, "Why are you still thinking about him? He doesn't care about you anymore. When he sends someone to leave you behind, you'll have only one breath left."

"Li Yu, can you cover your stinky mouth when you speak? What if the Yin Qi in your mouth hurts her? She...she is still very weak."

Chen Xiao stood in front of Li Yu coldly, looking at me with complicated eyes, as if hesitating to speak.

I bit my lip and said in a low voice: "Senior brother, my body is fine. I want to know, did Xingxuan leave anything behind, or give me something? He is the child's father, and he will definitely not leave him behind. Me and the baby."

Chen Xiao glanced at Li Yu with a stiff look, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Yes, it's just a letter with white wax on it, and it's in Li Yu's hand."

"Have you read the letter?" I looked at their expressions carefully and asked cautiously.

I'm afraid...

I'm afraid it's some decisive word, I'm afraid that Xingxuan will really leave me.

Is the life and death experience that happened between us in the past just a dream?
I don't believe it, if that's the case, what's the difference with blowing up my whole world and the whole worldview?

In my opinion, Xingxuan is the one and all.

"I'm not a villain who steals people's letters. I haven't opened them." Li Yu took out a white envelope from his arms, threw it casually, and flew directly into my arms.

I grabbed the cool envelope, the sealant on it was still intact, and I quickly opened it.

Inside was a double happiness cut out of white paper. Someone cut the character "happiness" from the middle, and it was divided into two parts. They were all alone, and tears burst out of their eye sockets.

"He... how dare he do this!!" Chen Xiao's voice became hoarse, and there was a burst of powerlessness and sadness in his red eyes.

My world also completely collapsed, clutching my cold stomach, I have never felt so desperate, and I can't even think of survival in my heart.

What was cut was not ordinary white paper!
My dark marriage contract with him...

All of me and him...


At this moment, it was as if my chest had been hit hard by a huge rock, and the blood in my stomach directly overflowed the esophagus and gushed out of my mouth.

It was pitch black in front of me, Xingxuan really didn't want me anymore, I felt like my whole body was going to fall apart, I was so exhausted that I became numb.

I just want to ask the heavens, what have we experienced in the past?
Suddenly, I thought of what Hong Ji said, and really wanted to disperse the spirit immediately, so that there would be no pain.

Best not to leave even your soul.

Li Yu's remorseful voice came from next to his ear, "I knew... I'm a villain, so I have to open it up, Liu Xingxuan, it's not a thing!!"

(End of this chapter)

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