Chapter 236

"Baby, what are you talking about?" Shangxuan seemed to think he was hallucinating, hugged Wang Qiong tightly, and actually asked her what she said.

Wang Qiong blushed, leaned delicately on his shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Don't say good things twice."

"Baby, I love you so much, but I'm gone, what should you do?" Shang Xuan's worried voice came from beside my ear.

I heard Wang Qiong whisper: "You are my only one, forever."

I didn't want to be this big 600-watt light bulb, so I tiptoed upstairs and went back to my bedroom.

The window was still open, and the curtains were blown up slightly, making it a bit cold.

I put on a piece of clothing, put away the leftovers on the table, and felt sorry for my black hole burned by Shangxuan's cigarette butts, a black hole on the table.

Before turning off the light, his eyes suddenly moved to the bed sheet.

The appearance of the bed sheet is still exactly the same as before, but I know that this bed sheet has definitely been changed, and there is a drop of red in the middle that I gave Xingxuan for the first time.

There is a very strong intuition in my heart.

He has come.

He must have been here! !

He still loves me, but why doesn't he appear in front of me?

"Xingxuan, where are you? Is it fun for you to hide like this?" I yelled loudly to the empty sky outside the window, my voice was almost hoarse.

The bracelet on the wrist scattered into countless scattered dots, which slowly converged into the outline of the face.I wanted to touch it, but those scattered spots turned into jade bracelets, as if I was startled a little bit.

Why do you torture me like this, Liu Xingxuan, what are you playing?
I took a deep breath, closed the window, and put a piece of yellow talisman paper on the window, since I didn't come out to meet each other, then don't even think about coming in.

Turning off the lights, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

But I can feel that there seems to be a person sitting by the bed, and I know that if it is him, he doesn't want me to see him.

As soon as I open my eyes, he will leave, and I silently let myself fall asleep.

At dawn, my mother knocked on the door of my bedroom.

They didn't mention where I went during the half month that I was missing, and they didn't ask Xingxuan anything, they just called me to eat.Their two elders took good care of me, a seven-month-old woman with a big belly, and invited their aunt to take care of me at home.

After eating, I got to know the aunt who took care of me, so I started to look for Su Mufei's mother, my aunt.

My mother said that she has not contacted Su Mufei's mother for a long time. The last time, she heard that she gambled in Macau, lost a lot and fled back across the sea.

In order to avoid debt collectors, my aunt has been missing, who knows where she is hiding.

I don't want to know why my aunt still has the money to gamble in Macau, let alone why she goes.I only came to her to fulfill my promise to Su Mufei.

In the past two or three days, I took the phone book and gave it to my relatives one by one.Unexpectedly, no one knew where Su Mufei's mother had gone, and they couldn't even find out whether she was dead or alive.

I even thought that if Su Mufei gave me this errand, did she intentionally play tricks on me, and let me waste my time to help her find her missing mother.

Just when I was clueless, dizzy, and wondering if I should continue searching, there was a knock on the door of my house.

"Su Zi, it's me, Wang Qiong." Wang Qiong's voice came from outside the door.

Then I heard Shang Xuan say: "For those who are here to send wedding invitations to the wedding hall, Su Zi quickly open the door, or I will let Li Yu do it."

With my stomach full, I just wanted to slowly get up and open the door.

The new aunt took the initiative to open the door, and said in a strong Northeast accent: "Oh my god, Miss Su, if there is anything going on in the future, especially things like opening the door, let me do it. In case How about bumping into each other?"

"Okay, Auntie, please excuse me."

After I thanked my aunt, she diligently went to my kitchen to clean the windows.

When Wang Qiong, Shangxuan, and Liyu came to my house, they sat on the sofa as if they had entered their own house.

Shangxuan even crossed Erlang's legs, put his feet on the coffee table, and threw the wedding invitation into my arms like a second uncle, "We will get married in half a month, my baby must send you the wedding invitation in person , Su Zi, you must come."

"That's right, I want you to be my bridesmaid." Wang Da Niu put her arms around my neck, and directly stuffed a sweet and greasy chocolate into my mouth.

My heart is bitter, and what I eat is sweet chocolate, but it tastes bitter in my mouth, and I always feel bad in my heart.

But with a smile on her face, she said, "Wang Da Niu, what do you think? I don't have to suffer from asking a pregnant woman to be a bridesmaid. Who else did you invite?"

"If you want to entertain guests, just your family, my grandparents, uncles, etc., who else should I invite? I don't want to invite those classmates in the school, otherwise I will say that I am next to the rich second generation. "Wang Qiong hugged my arm affectionately, with a sweet and happy face, and there was no sadness or sadness about leaving Shangxuan at all.

In fact, although Wang Da Niu is quite fierce, her thoughts are indeed very simple and serious.

As long as she can be with the person she likes, she can endure any hardships and sins.

She is a single-parent family, her father did not die, but she and her mother asked the court to rule him as dead.Anyway, this matter is quite complicated, and I can't explain it clearly at the moment. I can only say that in their family, except for her mother's relatives, there is no need to consider anything else.

"Knock Knock Knock-"

Today is also really strange, the door was knocked again.

Shangxuan's expression changed, he made a silent gesture, put his arm around Wang Qiong's waist, quickly entered my bedroom, and closed the door without a sound.

Shangxuan hid in suddenly, it must be because there were people in this group that he didn't want to see.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Oh, classmate Su Zi, it's just us. I came to see you today because I have something urgent to do. I hope you can help me." The voice sounded familiar, so I thought for a while, oh, it's not Li Yangming's voice what.

Li Yangming was the one who came to look for us earlier, and was sent by the top in a torn sweater to investigate the case of no suspense.

"Auntie, open the door." I yelled, and my aunt opened the door.

I wore fur slippers and went out to greet him. When I saw the people outside the door, I knew that I had been tricked by Li Yangming. There were several strangers standing outside.

The most conspicuous one was a man with an expressionless face, about two meters tall, holding a golden bell in his hand.

A young, small man in Taoist robes seemed to be someone from the Taoist gate.

There are three old ladies, all wearing black clothes, and their faces are full of wrinkles. Among the three old ladies, there is an old lady that I know.

This man is a psychic.

I saw her in the market in the underworld, she sold me the juice of the blue star grass, and told Meier to give me a jade pendant, but now Meier is also thrown in Xingxuan's yin house, I don't know how's it going.

I froze for a moment, wondering who was the one Shangxuan didn't want to see, and invited them to sit in the room.

A few people sat down, and the auntie seemed to have collected a lot of money from my family, and poured tea for everyone in a very sensible way.

"We came a bit abruptly, please don't take offense." Li Yangming knew at a glance that he was a middleman for us to thread needles. He pointed to the man, a Taoist priest, and three psychics and said, "This gentleman is from Xiangxi. Old Zhao, the mortician, this is Wuxin Taoist priest from your Taoist sect, and these three are psychic mediums..."

After so many messy identities and names were introduced, I forgot as soon as I heard them, but I still introduced myself with an apologetic smile, "I'm Su Zi, I don't know what a very high-level person wants me to do?"

The few of them looked at each other in dismay, and saw the psychic Chen Guihua who knew me talk, "I had a relationship with this Su Zi girl in the underworld, why don't I let the old man tell the story."

What the psychic medium told me is not complicated to say, that is, the backflow of the Styx river caused diarrhea in some people who were exposed to the water source, and the fish in the river mutated.

This kind of mutated fish is yin in nature, and it will become cold after eating people. The yin energy will end in yang energy, and the body's metabolism will slow down, breathing and heartbeat will slow down, and corpse spots will grow on the body.

And the water ghosts are making trouble, which is getting more and more serious.

A dead person who has been in contact with a polluted water vein will immediately turn into a dead body...

Anyway, the pollution of the water source has caused a lot of huge troubles, so tomorrow in a building in this city, all the capable people and strangers invited will go to a meeting to think about countermeasures.

"Do you want me to participate?" I pointed to myself and asked a little funny.

"Yes, you have been in the ghost world for a long time, so you can definitely help us. The situation in the underworld is hard to say now. I heard that there are four forces fighting. It is not easy to enter the ghost world, because if you enter, you may not be able to get out. Here we come. There are eleven cities on the border of the ghost world, all of which are in the hands of a family with the surname of Huang. Fortunately, the old woman gave me a lot of money, otherwise I would have almost been unable to get out."

The psychic Chen Guihua said with a secretive face.

"Eleven cities? Why haven't I heard that there are so many cities on the border? You are not kidding me, come out of Yin Street, have you seen any cities?" I asked curiously.

When these people heard my unprofessional question, their faces fell down. They probably thought that I was not as knowledgeable as the legend said.

"Yin Street is the edge of the ghost world, you don't know this, how did you get into the ghost world?" the big tall old Zhao asked me with a frown.

"I don't have the ability to attend your meeting, I really don't know." I laughed along with me, but my heart was in a mess.

Eleven City is in the hands of the Huang family, so isn't Feng Chu's mother the daughter of the head of the Huang family, who wants to trouble Xingxuan?

Will she easily let me go back to the world from her territory?
If the answer is no...

How did I get back then?
While I was wondering, the psychic medium Chen Guihua hesitated for a while, and then persuaded me, "If you want, come to the meeting. A big man has also come to the ghost world, come to the meeting with us and find a way."

A big shot in the ghost world?

who is...

Anyway, it couldn't be Feng Chu, he wished that all the people in the world would die.

Two words suddenly appeared in my mind, and my heart throbbed unceasingly. Will he be so bored now that he meddles in the affairs of the world?
(End of this chapter)

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