Peerless Little Mommy: The ghost baby is cute

Chapter 250 The Seed of Manzhushahua

Chapter 250 The Seed of Manzhushahua

Three souls, including heaven, earth, and life.

The seven souls include joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, and desire.

I watched Feng Chu burn the saplings in his soul, and I couldn't help feeling strange, how could plants grow out of the three souls and seven souls of a human being?
But Xingxuan should be able to know this question, I couldn't help but curiously raised my head and asked Xingxuan: "Xingxuan, what is that green bud that grows in the soul of the young phoenix?"

"That's the seed of Manzhu Shahua. Huang Lanqiu should have engraved your name on the seed and planted it in Fengchu's love soul, so Fengchu will fall in love with you. But this is just a trick, he With such a high level of cultivation, even if I get caught, there will be no damage." Xing Xuan wrapped me in his cold arms and explained patiently.

He didn't seem to be worried about the tense situation in front of him at all. I looked at the inhuman figure in the flames, and my heart ached.

I couldn't help but grab Xingxuan's sleeves, and asked Xingxuan in a low voice: "Fengchu is angered by Huang Lanqiu now, so he definitely won't be able to spare Hongying, what should I do? I don't want to see Hongying suffer."

"Zi, don't worry, Hong Ji will bring someone to rescue him soon." Xingxuan calmly stared at everything that happened in front of him, and comforted me in a calm tone.

I suddenly had a feeling that when Xingxuan played chess with my dad, he was like a general planning a strategy on the battlefield. He was as easy to control the whole situation as if it was overturning the clouds.

I couldn't help wrapping my arms around Xingxuan's waist, his strength and calmness allowed me to subconsciously calm down my tense emotions.

This matter is under his control!
He said that when Hongji came back, Hongji would definitely come to save Hongying.

Feng Chu was betrayed by her own mother, and her whole body is not well, with blood and tears streaming down her eyes, holding a sword in her hand, stabbing towards Huang Lanqiu's heart in grief and anger.

This is the first time I've seen Fengchu with perverted behavior and distorted personality shed tears. He was really miserable enough to be harmed by his own mother.

No wonder Xingxuan looked at Fengchu with pity.

Huang Lanqiu was hit by a sword in her chest, blood gushed out from her wound, instantly staining the clothes on her chest red, her face was pale and lifeless.

But there was still a fearless look in her eyes, and she laughed wildly: "My son, think about it, how much skill you have wasted for Su Zi, hundreds of years!! I am happy just thinking about it, your current strength is greatly reduced, You can't beat Liu Xingxuan anymore. Even if you kill me, you can't change these facts."

These words seemed to be deliberately irritating Feng Chu, every word and every sentence was like a sharp knife that killed people without seeing blood.

As far as I know, it took Fengchu 300 years of skill to help Yinzheng gather spirits and restore memory.

This Huanglanqiu city mansion is terribly deep, poor Fengchu is her own son and is being plotted against.

"Slut, shut up. I know that you didn't like me since you were a child, so you came to see me with good intentions that day. In fact, you were setting me up. What you've been waiting for is today. In exchange for Hongying. For are trying to plot against me every step of the way, who am I? In your eyes, I am not even as good as a piece of dung!!"

It was Feng Chu who had already reached a state of insanity, and the sword in her hand stabbed Huang Lanqiu's body to vent her anger, and her body was almost stabbed into a hornet's nest by the sharp sword.

"Enough, can't this matter be turned into friendship? Is there any deep hatred between mother and child that cannot be resolved?" Suddenly, a strange baritone voice came from the ear, the voice was thick and powerful, and it made people listen The mind can be lifted.

Two figures flew over for no reason, one of them was wearing a red dress, with a natural charm between his brows, and his facial features were stunning, it was Hong Ji who came.

Hong Ji's face was quite pale, but she still walked in front of Xingxuan, knelt down and said, "This servant has already invited that senior here after going deep into the Ghost Mountain."

"Thank you Hong Ji, you don't need to call yourself a slave in the future, you are no longer a slave." Xing Xuan glanced at Hong Ji lightly, then looked at the man who came with Hong Ji.

The person who came with Hong Ji was a middle-aged man with a long beard, his sword eyebrows slanted into his temples, very heroic.

This person was dressed in gray clothes, his clear eyes swept away, and in a blink of an eye, he rescued Hong Ying in the underworld flames and hugged him in his arms, then half-kneeled beside Huang Lanqiu, and asked softly: "Lanqiu, what are you doing?" Are you okay?"

"You old bastard, what are you doing here?" Huang Lanqiu frowned instead of the joy she should have had after being rescued.

"I... I'm here to save you and your son." The gray-clothed middle-aged man smiled gently, and glanced at Hong Ying in his arms, with the kindness of a doting father's love in his eyes.

Just as he was about to hug Huang Lanqiu, Huang Lanqiu frowned in disgust and said, "He's not your son, don't touch me. I, Huang Lanqiu, have many men, how can Hongying be so good, you are an old man?" son?"

Hong Ying didn't care what Huang Lanqiu said, put his arms around the middle-aged man's waist, and said: "Godfather, don't care what my mother says, you are my best godfather."

"I..." The man in gray withdrew his hand resentfully, rubbed Hongying's little head lovingly, and turned his gaze to Fengchu, "I'm here today, you can't beat me, so let's stop..."

The corner of Feng Chu's mouth slightly raised, and he smiled strangely. He cast his eyes on the ecstatic Zhao Yifan, and said softly, "I won't fight with you. One day I will take you in. I don't feel bad for losing Hongying today." , Huang Lanqiu, when your old friend leaves, it will be your death date."

After saying these words, Feng Chu clutched the wound on her chest and flew away.

My heart skipped a beat, I watched the warm scene of the reunion of Hongying and his son, and then glanced at Zhao Yifan who was so ecstatic that his eyes glistened.

In Zhao Yifan's clear and clean eyes, there was an almost fanatical emotion.

If Hongying's father appeared in front of the immortal, it would mean that he had hit the muzzle of a gun. It was impossible for him not to go to the immortal world this time.

Poor guy just reunited with his godson Hongying, and he has to leave again!

"It's really broken. You are here. I went to the ghost world to find you and let you run away. I wanted to use the soul search method to find you every inch of my skill. In the end, you sent it to your door by yourself. , It's really wonderful." Zhao Yifan was very happy to save the skill of finding someone, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, his smile was warm and ethereal, with a fairy air.

I heard him say that he planned to give up using the "Soul Searching Dafa" to find people inch by inch, and I couldn't help but sweat for Shangxuan again.

If there is no Hongying's father to top the tank, let Zhao Yifan find someone inch by inch.Shangxuan must have nowhere to hide, and he will be arrested and sent to the fairyland if he escapes to the ends of the world. This time, I really want to thank Hongying's father for showing up in time.

Zhao Yifan's methods were far superior to those of us, and the Yin bell in his hand shook lightly.

The man in gray couldn't move with his hands and feet bound, walked towards Zhao Yifan with difficult steps, and then followed behind Zhao Yifan.

"You came from above!" The gray-robed man's face turned blue-gray, and the corners of his mouth trembled unconsciously, and he no longer had the feeling of letting himself go as he did just now.

Zhao Yifan nodded, "Let's go now. You resist the force of nature and refuse to ascend, and you will be punished if you go up."

Seeing that Zhao Yifan was going to take the man in gray away, Hong Ying rushed up and hugged Zhao Yifan's waist regardless of his own bruises, and stopped him, saying, "What are you doing!! Where are you taking my godfather? You are not allowed to take him away. he……"

Huang Lanqiu is also a shrew, and she is not afraid of immortals at all. She was seriously injured, but she quickly stood in front of Zhao Yifan, "What are you doing? Immortals are amazing? Let him go."

As soon as Zhao Yifan saw Huang Lanqiu, his gentle eyes became abnormally cold. His eyes were as cold as frost and snow. He probably still hated Lao Zhao's body for being ruined by Huang Lanqiu.

"I forgot that you, a crazy woman, destroyed my body! I borrowed that body, and I have to return it after I use it up. Now that you have broken it, you have caused me to bear a murderous karma. I want to Take you to the Immortal Realm, and cure you slowly!"

As he spoke, he took out a crystal bottle from his bosom, and when the Yin bell rang, Huang Lanqiu's body was put into it.

Behind Zhao Yifan, the man in gray bent his knees, tears streaming down his face, "Shangxian, please let her go. For my sake... Even if I have to be punished, I am in the same realm as you after all. We still have to meet in the future. Hongying, let go of Shangxian, I'm not your real father anyway, so what do you care about me?"

After hearing this, Zhao Yifan seemed to feel that there was some truth, he hesitated for a while, and released Huang Lanqiu, and said sternly: "Just for your sake, let her go, but when you go back, you have to leave her alone." All my killing karma in the human world has been filled.”

"Yes... I will definitely do it."

I saw such a powerful spirit body as the man in gray, and he became so humble when I met Zhao Yifan, and I felt a little sad in my heart.

It's really a level of officialdom that crushes people to death. This world really depends on strength to survive.

The gray-robed man really had to leave this time, Huang Lanqiu seemed to have figured out something, not as cold as he was to the gray-robed man when they met.

She suddenly put her arms around the man in the gray robe, and cried loudly, "If I had known earlier, I wouldn't be capricious to provoke the immortal, and caused you such a big trouble. I will never be arrogant, I will never be willful, and I will never be self-willed again." I don't treat you indifferently, and I won't look for another man again. Don't leave, okay? Hongying... Hongying is your own..."

(End of this chapter)

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