Peerless Little Mommy: The ghost baby is cute

Chapter 26 Are You Just Like Us

Chapter 26 Are You Like Us
Tang Min lowered his head and gnawed at the raw meat in the freezer, while calling my name like a blower leaking the air, calling me Mao directly.

I took a step back nervously, Tang Min suddenly raised his head.

Around her mouth was the blood that had melted after the frozen meat, and a strand of half shredded meat leaking from the corner of her mouth.

The eyes had turned crimson, and the mouth slowly exposed the fangs, and then couldn't close them.

Saliva, leaking down around the gap between the teeth.

"It's really delicious, Su Zi, do you want to eat some?" She handed over a bunch of raw squid skewers, with a sinister smile on the corner of her mouth, and the sternness in her eyes, which made my heart chill .

After receiving the squid skewers, I said thank you, and Tang Min asked me, "Su Zi, do you feel it? Tang Linlin and Zuo Ailian are always behind you..."

"What are you talking about..." I laughed, but it was uglier than crying.

She suddenly became ferocious, looked at Chen Xiao, who was pretending to be a shop assistant, and howled bitterly: "Why do you want to join forces with Taoist priests to deal with us? We are actually a kind of... people..."

Although Chen Xiao pretended to be a shop clerk, he never took off the bracelet made of peace symbols on his wrist. Tang Min saw through the scheme between Chen Xiao and me at a glance.

"Just like you, can you still be called a human? Who is the same as a corpse like you?!" I was so angry that Tang Min stepped on my foot, and I forgot the fear of the corpse in my heart, so I slapped him On Tang Min's face.

In my own heart, I will always be a human being, not a corpse, let alone a ghost mother! !

I slapped her head straight for three or four meters, fell firmly on the dusty ground, and then rolled around twice. She let out a miserable howl: "Su Zi, you hurt me, You hurt me, you bitch, how dare you hurt me..."

"I'm not going to hurt you, so I'm leaving you to harm others? Corpse monsters, but they have to eat the living to survive. You have become like this, and you still dare to live on." I glared at Tang Min angrily, but felt my ear The wind was blowing again, as if someone was blowing cool air in my ear.

Turning his head slightly, looking back from the corner of his eye, there were two big white faces of Tang Linlin and Zuo Ailian.

They are really behind me!
It was also the same as Liang Linyue and Dong Yurou before, under these two faces, only the head remained, not the body.

Except for Chen Xiao, all the people who ate barbecue at the barbecue booth lost their heads, and blood gushed out of their chests, and the blood flowed all over the ground and slowly merged into a large puddle of blood.

Corpse monsters survive by eating human flesh and resentment.

In just a short time, they have killed all the guests here.

The corners of their mouths showed mocking expressions, and they slowly approached me, "Su Zi, you are the same as us, you can only live by eating the living..."

I took a step back, stepped on the beer bottle in a panic, and slid to the ground.

The coldness of the lower abdomen made me clearly feel that there was a ghost in my abdomen.

Chen Xiao's yang fire before caused it to be severely injured, and it has been sleeping in my belly all this time.

I thought that Chen Xiao also regarded me as a member of the corpse demon and would abandon me, but I saw him rushing to me without hesitation, "Junior Sister, get behind me, blame me tonight, no After careful consideration, I will let you come out to help."

Chen Xiao frowned slightly, and lightly pushed a stack of yellow talisman papers in his hand to surround Tang Linlin's head, and the copper coin sword stabbed at Zuo Aijia next to Tang Linlin.

I hesitated for a moment, then hid behind Chen Xiao dumbly, "Brother, can you handle it alone?"

Chen Xiao gave a muffled hum, he was gradually losing ground.

The surrounding wind was blowing, and the three heads were laughing at the same time: "Su Zi, you are the same as us...Su Zi, kill the stinky Taoist quickly, or he will kill you too!! Su are the same as us Woolen cloth……"

(End of this chapter)

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