Chapter 271 A Mei
I covered the yang fire on my forehead with my hand, and my whole body felt cold for a while. With the extinguishing of the yang fire on my forehead, the Yin Qi around here could be clearly felt by the human body at once.

The cold air sucked into the mouth, and there was a suffocating cold.

On the ground in the inn, there were many coffins and paper money that were invisible just now, and the air was full of translucent ghosts.

The walking posture of these ghosts gave people a feeling of being mindless, very dull, and erratic back and forth, making the small inn even more crowded.

Through the translucent bodies of these mindless wraiths, the innkeeper could still be seen standing behind the counter.

The boss's face was gloomy, and his body was extremely dark, making his face even darker in the dark environment.It feels like a dead person, but it also seems to be a living person.

In short, he has less yin energy than a dead person and more yang energy than a living person, making him look like a living dead person.

At this time, while he was talking to those morticians, he looked straight in my direction, as if he was sizing me up.

My heart was slightly chilled, and I always felt that the content of their chat seemed to be related to me, but the step of going in had not been taken for a long time.

"Su Zi, go in. This is a corpse inn specially prepared for morticians. It is inconvenient for those people to live in other inns with corpses on them. The ghosts inside are generally not malicious, probably just I'm greedy for the yin energy inside." Grandma Long seems to know the customs and habits of Xiangxi morticians very well, she explained it to me, and made me feel at ease to live in it.

"Okay, mother-in-law, let's go in and have a look. I'm hungry anyway, so I just went in to eat. If he dares to feed me a dead man's food, I'll let the boss eat the food with his nose." I took another look at the The innkeeper, who was staring at me, walked into the inn as if he didn't care, and found a stool in the inn to sit down.

I don't want to get in trouble, but that doesn't mean I'm scared.

I have just mastered the secret technique of using the Yin Ling, and my skills have improved greatly, and I am followed by a little walking corpse who has eaten the ghost of a thousand-year-old corpse.If there is really any conspiracy in it, it will be a big deal to tear your face and fight.

The owner of the inn saw me coming in, holding a menu card printed on coated paper in his hand, and asked me in a low and hoarse voice: "Are you Su Zi? This is the first time you have come to the Dead Corpse Inn in Xiangxi? There will always be some discomfort, after all, this place is different from other hotels, so you can order what you want.”

"Did those people tell you my name?" I took the menu and glanced at it. The dishes on the menu were all quite normal. The first one was scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and then there was sweet and sour short ribs What, is the general home-cooked food.

A smile appeared on the gloomy face of the boss, and he said: "They are all country bumpkins. They have lived in the village all their lives and are not very good at talking. As for me, I also came out of the village and now I am working outside. I know you are Before Zhao Yifan left, he told us that he would take care of our morticians, and we would be very grateful if you could come."

Although this person's complexion and demeanor are very gloomy, but he is worthy of being an innkeeper, and he can really talk, and he speaks very smoothly during the conversation, which makes people feel comfortable after hearing it.

As a human being, I just like nice words, and I am not a god, so not all of his words are useless good words, but there is still some truth in them.

I couldn't help but nodded, more than half of my anger subsided, and I asked him: "Well, then I want to know, what happened to you when you chased away the corpse artisans? How can I help you?"

"This..." As soon as they mentioned the specific troubles they encountered, the owner of the inn also showed embarrassment on his face. After hesitating for a while, he said slowly: "Actually, I don't know exactly what happened. I just heard that the walking corpses in the village have undergone a mutation and become...becoming violent. By the way...the coffin you met on the railroad tracks, the ghost in the coffin is actually half of the ghost in our village. Lost it a month ago."

"Did you lose that corpse in your village? It's so powerful that it almost ate us all... Hey!" I suddenly thought of something in my mind, and asked quickly, "They A few of them appeared on the train, didn't they want to find me, but to find this corpse ghost?"

The innkeeper's face immediately looked a little embarrassed. He rubbed his hands and explained to me.

He told me not to be angry first, and told me that the Beaulieu Grass is actually not a bad grass. The grass grows on the spine of a dead person, that is, the keel, so it is also called the Panlong Grass, and it is also called the Beaulieu Grass.This kind of grass does not need seeds, nor does it need sunlight and water to grow from the dead bodies in the yin coffin, and it is beneficial and harmless to the human body.

However, it can stimulate the contract between me and Zhao Yifan, so that they don't need to send someone to find me at all, and I can't stand the copper money, and I will come to Xiangxi obediently.

Instead, it is a corpse ghost, and only its owner can sense its location.Their people tracked it across more than half of China, only to find the coffin containing the ghost on the railroad tracks.

It’s no wonder I didn’t get angry after listening to it. I have suffered a lot from growing copper coins, but when they thought that the walking corpses they raised would suffer catastrophe due to mutation, I couldn’t help but start sorting out the whole thing in my mind. logic.

This thing is really messy, and I just sorted it out a little bit in my mind.

Just then the tall and tall Ah Man suddenly sighed and said: "Hey, Ah Mei was inherited from my grandfather. She has a gentle temperament. I didn't expect it to become like this. I also gave the iron pillar killed……"

The Tie Zhu Ah Man was talking about was probably the person whose head was crushed by the corpse ghost, and now he has become a walking corpse.

As for Ah Mei, I'm afraid it's that immortal, violent personality, full of evil spirits, who almost turned back my little walking corpse...

Unexpectedly, for such a terrible thing, when a man like Ah Man mentions it, the tenderness he treats his lover flashes in his eyes.

I suddenly understood the feelings of these morticians towards walking corpses.

They didn't regard the walking dead as a corpse or a pet, but they regarded them as their relatives and friends in their lives.

When "A Mei", that is, the thousand-year-old corpse ghost, passed away, Ah Man would also feel sad and painful.

"Then... the walking corpses in the village, will they come out to hurt their masters like Ah Mei, and finally kill everyone before they are willing to rest?" Although I don't want to say the truth so bluntly , hurt the hearts of these morticians.

But if I don't say it, I don't know what they want me to do, so I can only say what I think in front of them.

Ah Man glanced at me, and there was a gleam of hope in his tearful eyes, "You little girl is so smart, this reminds you of it."

I smiled, a little depressed in my heart, if I was forced by them.

They hide and refuse to tell the truth directly, so I can only guess with all my brains, thanks to my dog's luck, I guessed it right away.

Then, the owner of the inn told me that they didn't know why they asked me, they only knew that there was someone like me who could lend a helping hand to them unconditionally.

They came to me just to try their luck.

This time, the only thing I can do is to find out the cause of the walking corpse mutation, and then find a solution.But these, I have to wait until I go to their stockade to know the specific situation.

After chatting, it was late in the evening, and my stomach was singing an empty plan, which meant that I was determined not to stop eating.

I ordered a lot of dishes, and saw the owner of the inn took the menu and ran outside. After a while, he came back with a bunch of takeaways and put them on the plates of the inn for us.

I finally understand why such an inn can still operate with only the owner.

This store is actually a place for exorcists to stay, because they have special occupations and cannot go to normal restaurants to eat.

The boss just helps buy some takeaways, and then charges some errand fees to make ends meet.

After dinner, I didn't bother to deal with the ghosts and invisible coffins in the inn. I silently followed the boss up to the second floor, entered a room at random, and stayed.

The rooms are the same anyway, dirty, old and dusty.

I don't have a cleanliness, and the conditions don't allow me to be picky, I just cleaned it casually, and then lay down on the cold wooden bed.Although it was very uncomfortable to fall asleep, fortunately, I used a blanket to cushion my back and wrap my whole body, so I was able to fall asleep.

I'm not particularly squeamish, and after feeling a little uncomfortable, I fell asleep in a daze.

In the middle of the night, I always felt a faint smell of blood in the air.

I slowly opened my eyes, the wind outside the window was blowing in, and there was a black figure standing in front of the window, I was very familiar with that figure, because he had stood like this on my window more than once.

"You don't go to recuperate, why are you here?" I frowned and stood up, a gust of wind blew up a thick layer of dust in the room, making me sneeze.

He laughed a few times, and suddenly said softly, "I just want to take a look at you."

(End of this chapter)

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