Chapter 466 Admitting Mistakes
Who is in Kunlun Secret Realm?

Such a thought flashed in my head, and my attention was attracted by the mournful crying downstairs.Subconsciously, I broke away from Lan Xing's little hand around my waist, my whole body's cultivation started to work, and I rushed downstairs like flying.

I was still thinking furiously, why didn't Wang Qiong and her mother take the elevator, but bumped into Li Yu and Luo'er downstairs, didn't this just happen to hit the muzzle of the gun?
When I went down, I found out that the elevator in the whole building was broken, and there was a maintenance notice posted outside the corridor.

Just downstairs, Luo'er was standing beside Li Yu, holding a small baby in her arms, looking blankly at Wang Qiong who was crouching on the ground with her head in her arms.

The little baby's face was full of tears, it was already hoarse from crying and couldn't cry out.

Tsk tsk, looking at this poor little girl makes my heart ache so badly, I wish I could snatch it into my arms immediately and take care of it myself.But I held back, I entrusted the children to their husband and wife, that is asking others.

Xingxuan and I don't even have time to take care of our own child, let alone this child.

Li Yu's face was already livid, and he looked very angry, but he didn't attack immediately.Just watching from a distance like Luo'er, the expression on his face was full of doubts.

Probably because Wang Qiong was resurrected from the dead and felt puzzled, seeing his angry appearance.

This matter was probably provoked by Li Yu. I can imagine the scene. Li Yu must be angry when she saw Wang Da Niu who came back from the dead. When the two of them met, they would definitely ask Wang Da Niu why she didn't take care of her own child.

Although my Miss Wang has lost her memory, her face is full of tears. She trembled at the corners of her lips, clutching her chest tightly, and curled up in pain, "Shangxuan... Shangxuan..."

She no longer recognized that name, but she kept calling it over and over again.

Every time it seems to be able to touch the softest place in the depths of people's hearts, it makes people feel sad, and is deeply touched by the relationship between Shangxuan and Wang Qiong.

Whenever Wang Qiong's mother approached her, she would growl in a broken voice: "Don't come here, don't come here, don't come here, you all don't come here! Shangxuan... Who is Shangxuan? Why do I feel so sad when I think of this name. Mom, You tell me!"

Wang Qiong's mother could only retreat back to Xingxuan's side, her tears flowed like a torrent breaking a bank, her body trembling as she covered her lips, she was speechless.

Which mother can bear the child's collapse in front of her, the whole person is not good.

Da Niu Wang doesn't let anyone approach her now, even Xingxuan stands far away and looks at Wang Qiong with majestic and cold eyes.

He observed Wang Qiong for a while, gently held my hand that was as cold as ice, and said to Wang Daniu's mother: "In the future, as long as you don't mention those two words in front of her, it will be fine, let her vent now." gone."

Those two words?

What are those two words?


It seems that in the future, no one should mention these two words in front of Wang Qiong, otherwise it will be a kind of harm and an irreparable blow to her.

When Wang Qiong was tired from crying, she vomited a mouthful of blood, leaned back and passed out sadly.When her mother supported Wang Qiong's thin shoulders, she gave Li Yu a hard look.

Li Yu's face didn't change, he looked at it lightly, and only asked: "She...she has lost her memory and doesn't remember? Then...then let us take care of this child."

But listening to his words, it seemed that he realized that he had wrongly blamed Niu Wang.

"From now on... don't mention the child and Shangxuan in front of her again, as you can see, she can't bear it." Wang Qiong's mother didn't say anything to blame Li Yu, just confessed.

She can be said to be a real hero, a woman, she immediately picked up the unconscious Wang Qiong and went straight downstairs.

Xingxuan and I watched her back to the end. She was going to go up like this, but was stopped by a soft female voice behind her, " wait, I, I have something to say, I want to talk to you alone explain."

My footsteps stopped, and before I turned around, I heard Li Yu's indifferent and gentle voice: "What do you want to say to Su Zi alone? Can't I listen?"

Xingxuan and I turned around at the same time, I was fine.It's just that Xingxuan's pair of dark eyes just looked at Luo'er somberly, with a hint of hostility in his majestic eyes.

Only then did I realize that Xingxuan actually cared that Luo'er was being used by Shentai's senior brother.But I didn't want to mention this matter anymore, because Luo'er also planned to confess this matter to me at that time, but I just didn't have time to listen to her explanation at that time.

Since it was a misunderstanding, speaking out might hurt the relationship between her and Li Yu. Xingxuan and I seemed to have reached a tacit understanding without saying a word.

But this time, Luo'er actually proposed to talk to us alone.

"Well, you can't listen, Li Yu, you go back to rest first. You... your injury hasn't healed yet, you should rest more. The child hasn't eaten all morning, you should take the child to eat." Luo'er face Her face flushed slightly, and she handed over the dying baby crying in her arms to Li Yu.

The way she spoke was still gentle and moving, and her tone was as soft as the sound of running water in a mountain stream.

"Okay, then I'll go back and make milk for the baby." Li Yu was very trusting of Luo'er, he gently hugged the back of Luo'er's head and kissed her forehead before carrying the baby into the room.

Xingxuan and I didn't speak when we went up, neither did Luo'er.When we got home and closed the door, Luo'er knelt heavily in front of us.

Seeing such a little girl who had just gathered her spirit, my heart trembled, and I really wanted to help her up.But those things she did directly tore apart a family.

Maybe my heart is really not that broad. My mind is full of the picture of Wang Da Niu dying with a big belly. I will never let go of that scene in this life.

Unless she and Shangxuan reconcile as before, otherwise, I will never have a good time in my life.

"Su Zi, I... I have learned a method of communication with another thing in that child's body. I... I am helping him pass the news." Luo'er lowered her head, her long hair fell on her sides. Cheek, there was guilt in her voice.

It is easy to make people feel sympathy for her, but my sympathy has long been wiped out because of Wang Da Niu's death.A person without memory, sad and pitiful, what is the difference from a dead person?


To be honest, I was very resistant to forgive Luo'er, but I also clearly understood that this matter could not be Luo'er's fault.

She has just gathered spirits, so she has no reason to help a remnant soul who has been lingering in the ghost cave for an unknown number of years.He is from Xianzun's generation, and there is no way the two of them have anything to do with each other.

Just when I was struggling in my heart, Xingxuan bent down coldly, raised Luo'er's chin with her fingertips, and said, "Why did you do that?"

There was unconcealable anger in his eyes, but like me, he was suppressed by force.

We originally planned to hide it silently and let this matter pass.

But Luo'er has a kind personality, if she insists on confessing this matter, it means that we have to face Shangxuan's death, Wang Qiong's amnesia, and the child's father and mother, all related to this soft-hearted woman.

"I...I...Because...he can help Li Yu..." Luo'er trembled, and a tear fell from his eyes, and the tears that belonged to the spirit body quickly dissipated.

She couldn't make a sound, and half of her words were replaced by sobs, which made people really impatient.

Xingxuan frowned, "Help me for what? Tell me!"

(End of this chapter)

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