Chapter 48
Even though Chen Xiao is a Taoist priest, he called my mother Shanxin at first, but later he talked to each other, narrowing my mother's eyes like crescent moons.

As soon as Qin Tian came in, she said that there was a ghost following her, which frightened my mother so much that her smile froze on her face. After a while, she worriedly asked Qin Tian: "Xiao Qin, what do you mean by that? Is there... Are there unclean things following you? Xiaochen, can you help this little Qin teacher to find out what's going on?"

My mother's thinking is quite avant-garde. Hearing that Qin Tian and I had run into ghosts one after another, she didn't drive the two of us out as lunatics, and asked Chen Xiao to help Qin Tian drive away the ghosts.

Exorcising ghosts here, let my mother see, she will be so scared that she can't sleep at night.

"I think Teacher Qin's house is not very good in Feng Shui, which makes her feel that there are unclean things following her. It would be best to ask Chen Xiao to go to the teacher's house to see the decorations. It just so happens that I have to go back to school, so I will go to school with them." Let's go together." I found an excuse to take Qin Tian away, trying to avoid mentioning ghosts in front of my mother.

My mother was a little disappointed, and said: "Shouldn't you stay at home for one night before leaving? Chen Xiao saved you, even if you don't pay, you should stay with him for dinner."

"Thank you for your kindness, auntie. Chen Xiao is a monk, and he is not greedy for worldly fame and wealth. It is forbidden to collect money or eat, otherwise, Master will expel me from the teacher's school." Chen Xiao immediately bowed his head and said reverently.

"There are a lot of classes behind in the school. If you can't keep up with the progress, you won't be able to graduate. Mom, you used to be the head of the department, you know. As for the dinner, leave it to me and Teacher Qin. Anyway, Teacher Qin and her I also asked Chen Xiao." As for me, I really didn't want to burden my mother, so I dragged Chen Xiao and Qin Tian to the door, and waved goodbye to my mother.

"Go all the way, be careful, don't be reckless." My mother knows that I have been stubborn since I was a child, and it is difficult to change the things I decide.

She sighed and watched the three of us leave with tears in her eyes.

I didn't understand that feeling before, but since I was pregnant with the baby, I can deeply understand my mother's care and love for me.

Poor parents all over the world, every parent regards their children as the continuation of life, that kind of love for children is an innate ability, and there is no reason at all.

Qin Tian's home feng shui is fine, Chen Xiao took a compass and went around the house a few times, but he didn't find any other unclean things.The only unclean thing was the ghost following behind Qin Tian.

I sat on the sofa in her house, motionless, all I could think about was Xingxuan and my baby, and I didn't know when the baby would wake up.

He has been in a deep sleep, and although he seems to be fine, there is no sign of waking up.

I watched Qin Tian pitifully hold Chen Xiao with cold eyes, and asked Chen Xiao to put away the male ghost following her. He leaned his head against the back of the sofa and fell asleep in a daze.

"Junior Sister...Junior Sister." In a daze, Chen Xiao pushed me a few times, and he told me, "Junior Sister, Teacher Qin Tian and I went out to buy some things. I don't have enough things with me, so I can't take the ghost for now. You Rest here for a while, and I'll be back soon."

The ghost who followed Qin Tian was actually a boy who admired her. Maybe it was because he liked Qin Tian so much that he was reluctant to leave. Qin Tian probably did this because she was afraid of him.

Actually, I don't really want to care about Qin Tian's affairs. It's her own choice who she likes and who she is unkind to.

I gave a little grace and said, "Go early and come back early."

Not long after Chen Xiao and Qin Tian left, I didn't know who was talking to me in the air, the voice was very soft, "I just don't want to leave her, is there something wrong with that?"

I thought it was Xingxuan, got up and walked around the room, calling Xingxuan nervously: "Xingxuan, is that you? Can your spirit speak to me?"

"I... I really envy the spirit that follows you... If you like him so much, even if he is broken up, I'm willing." The voice said again softly, the tone was sad and loving.

The person who said it hurts, I know he is not Xingxuan, it is the male ghost following Qin Tian.

I didn't show the emotion I should have due to his infatuation, but asked it sadly and loudly: "Is it worth it? Is it worth it for a human girl? She is separated from you. Is it really worth it for you to do this?" "

"Whether it's worth it, you can ask Master Xingxuan what he means. I was there that day! I watched Master Xingxuan die for you. That woman thought that Master Xingxuan spared her life and didn't dare to kill her. Without any hesitation, she broke her neck. My lord's scattered spirit follows your footsteps all the time, such a strong obsession is deeper than my love for her."

The voice came out faintly, with desolation and envy in the tone.

I actually want to ask Xingxuan, is it worth it?
At this time, a light spot landed on the back of my hand and bounced lightly. It couldn't speak, but it guarded me in another way.

I know Xingxuan can hear me calling for him, he's just been scattered by the curse.

"You are infatuated. Now that you have seen Qin Tian's true colors, she won't like you. She is afraid of you. You don't run away quickly. When Chen Xiao comes, you will be scattered."

From this sad male ghost, I seem to see the shadows of Xingxuan and me.I didn't accept Xingxuan at first, I was afraid that he would contradict him, it was his affection that melted my fear and fear of ghosts.

Maybe Qin Tian will be moved one day, but after a while, when Chen Xiao returns, he will die.

If the male ghost dies, it will disintegrate into individual spirits like Xingxuan, and will never be able to enter reincarnation again...

"I do not go……"

Before the male ghost finished speaking, the door was opened, Qin Tian and Chen Xiao came back with a red non-degradable plastic bag, Qin Tian called Chen Xiao one by one.

Chen Xiao wasn't disgusted either, and called her Sister Qin directly. I could feel that Qin Tian, ​​who was usually indifferent to boys, was very warm to Chen Xiao, and seemed to have some good feelings for her.

I don't know what the frightened male ghost is thinking, maybe it's jealousy, or maybe it's low self-esteem, anyway, it must be hard in my heart.

I quietly watched Chen Xiao set up a game on the ground with copper coins and a red rope, and then taught Qin Tian how to trick the male ghost into the game and kill him.

"Brother, have you ever heard of asking ghosts with chopsticks?" I touched my stomach, removed my girdle, took a breath, and asked Chen Xiao word by word.

Standing chopsticks to ask ghosts, I have only seen this thing played by a few female students in Dong Yurou University who like supernatural things.

It's just that the chopsticks have never stood up, so it is uncertain whether this method is feasible.

Chen Xiao was stunned for a moment, he probably didn't expect that I would ask him this question at this juncture, and after a while, he said: "There is such a way to invite ghosts, but if you invite ghosts, the person who set up the chopsticks will immediately You will be killed by a fierce ghost. This method is very dangerous, and people in our Taoist sect almost don’t use it.”

"You don't need to risk yourself, I'll come. Teacher Qin, don't you want to know why it follows you?" I stared into Qin Tian's eyes very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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