Chapter 481 Kunlun Snow Spider
Although Kunlun Secret Realm is also a place covered by snow, it is quite different from the snow mountains outside.In the distance, there are layers of snow peaks, winding mightily like a silver dragon.

On the surrounding cliffs, the green surface of cedar trees is covered with frost and snow, standing upright in a vast expanse of white.On the ice walls and crystals everywhere, there are still white snow lotuses blooming.

This kind of snow lotus is still very common, and it blooms in clusters.

I looked across from a distance, looked at Xingxuan's familiar side face, my inner thoughts were abnormal, but I couldn't make a sound at all.The distance between these two sides is at least 800 meters. If you want to think of the snow mountain on the opposite side, you must use your cultivation to jump over it.

It seems that Tianyu has used some special means to hide this place, and the people on the side of Xianzun can't see our existence.

Immortal Liuyun and Xuan Qing on the opposite ice road have already left their physical bodies.Cut the ice on the ground with the long sword in his hand, as if he wanted to dig up the ground under his feet.

The two of them were like ordinary workers, digging hard without caring about their identities.Could it be that the Kunlun treasure they were looking for was under the ice?
Xianzun and Xingxuan didn't join the ranks of digging up the ice, it was you talking to each other.The voice of the conversation seemed to be integrated into the violent wind around, and only sporadic words could be heard.

Looking at it from a distance, Xingxuan's expression is like a mountain peak in the snowy area, always majestic and cold.Immortal Venerable held his hands behind his back, and there seemed to be worry in his eyes.

Another person fell on the opposite side of the Bing Taoist, and joined the Immortal Venerable. It was a man in black.

This man was dressed in a very ungraceful manner. The black clothes were patterned with gold thread, and he wore a purple gold crown on his head.There are many accessories hanging on the waist, which are in contrast to the plain clothes of the immortal.

As soon as he came down, he only said a few words.

Xingxuan spread out her palm, letting them see the black remnant soul in her palm.

That remnant soul is Shentai's senior brother.

But I didn't expect that Xingxuan would take out the remnant soul of Senior Brother Shentai so easily. The man in black took the remnant and said a few words with an angry expression on his face.

What they were talking about made people feel even more curious and strange.

"He's Tianbo, and he came here to meet me and Tianyuan, but I don't want to see him yet." Tianyu's white jade-like face is in the frost and snow, handsome and extraordinary, it's hard not to let people look at him Generate mundane thoughts.

But who would have thought that such a peerless man would be transformed by a woman?Moreover, his woman's true appearance is also hidden under the mask, and it is not known whether she is a peerless beauty.

Of course I want to ask him why he doesn't want to see these two people for the time being. Didn't they used to be together?
Now we got together to explore the treasures of Kunlun, but Tianyu hid aside and watched, not to mention letting me go and be with Xingxuan.He seems to have planned some things in advance, so for a while, will he turn against Xianzun?
If so, wouldn't I have become Xingxuan's hindrance?

Shangxuan shook his head at me, and reminded me in a low voice, "Su Zi, we must intervene in the grievances of these big shots. My good apprentice is smart and smart, and I will definitely be able to escape unscathed."

I reluctantly nodded, silently watching what happened opposite, without asking Tianyu any questions.

Tianyu's tall and tall figure stood proudly, at least two meters tall.After listening to Shangxuan's persuasion, he just looked down at Shangxuan and me, and smiled faintly with the slightly raised corners of his mouth.

There is still a mysterious feeling in his pupils, what is he planning?
At this moment, Immortal Liuyun and Xuan Qing seemed to have dug some mechanism, and countless white spiders crawled out of the broken ice layer.

I saw this kind of spider once in the hinterland of Kunlun Mountain.

The lama told us that this is a snow spider on Kunlun, and the white one is very small.But the toxicity is very strong, and it can kill a huge brown bear instantly.

On the flying snow all over the sky and the crystal clear ice road, a huge number of snow spiders crawled to one place, it was like an avalanche, and rushed towards the spirit body violently.

That aura stunned me a bit.

I want to remind Xingxuan and Xuanqing loudly to be careful of those snow spiders under their feet.

These things were originally insects, and they did not pose any threat to the immortals at all.

But these things rushed onto Xuan Qing's body at once, opening their mouthparts that seemed to be able to swallow everything, and gnawed half of Xuan Qing's body alive in an instant.

He didn't even have a chance to resist, and he didn't even know that there would be snow spiders when he dug down, so he fell straight on the ground.The moment Xuanqing fell to the ground, Shangxuan knelt on the ground, and let out a hoarse and powerless roar, "Old ghost!"

It happened so suddenly that it was simply unacceptable.

A Daluo Jinxian-level immortal was gnawed to death by seemingly weak insects all of a sudden.

Even Shangxuan's voice was controlled by Tianyu, and his body couldn't move at all, he could only watch what happened on the opposite side.

Shangxuan did not dare to look at what happened on the other side, bright red liquid dripped from his eyes, he gritted his teeth, and asked Tianyu word by word, "Does Master Tianyu want to stand on the sidelines? clearly have the ability to save His, you..."

I grabbed a ball of snow on the ground, and my heart felt like it had been cone.But I didn't dare to leave Xingxuan's vicinity at all. I was only afraid that some extra accident would happen to Xingxuan if I took an inch of my gaze away.

Immortal Liuyun was besieged by several snow spiders, and after the snow spider bit the back of his hand, wrinkles immediately appeared on his youthful face.He quickly jumped onto the ice rock above to avoid it, his body was already in the air and was already on the verge of falling.

But these snow spiders that drilled up from under the ice, as if they had strong power and were confident, they climbed up the ice wall and continued to chase and kill Immortal Liuyun.

Immortal Liuyun killed several snow spiders with one sword, and the dead bodies turned into ice dust and dissipated.

But more snow spiders surrounded him from behind, forcing Immortal Liuyun to flee everywhere on the ice wall.But he seemed to be poisoned, and his escape speed was not fast at all, as if the poison would fall off at any time.

The snow spiders below did not catch up, and rushed up to surround Xianzun, Tianbo, and Xingxuan, and the golden light of Yuchan was shining in the hands of the three.

The photomask seemed to be very powerful, golden and made by the joint efforts of three people, giving people an indestructible sense of security.

Those snow spiders broke into the mask, but they were gnawing at the mask like crazy.

Those snow spiders are not ordinary spiders at all, they are a unique insect in the Kunlun Secret Realm, right?You can eat the illusion of cultivation base by opening your mouth, and you won't suffer from indigestion.

Thinking about it, if they couldn't think of another way to deal with the snow spider, the three of them would also suffer after the mask was eaten.

"I'm not just watching from the sidelines, I'm just waiting for the right time." Tianyu had a faint smile on her face, and when her black hair was flying, her knife-like side face reflected the holiness of the snow mountain, "I won't let you In the past, it was also for your own good. Immortals can't withstand the pressure of these snow spiders..."

" already knew that snow spiders would appear under the ice!!! You deliberately wanted to watch Immortal Liuyun or Xuan Qing" I looked at this enigmatic man , the heart is full of doubts, the ice in the hand has been squeezed into a block shape.

What does he want to do?
His heart seems to have no feelings, he can be separated from Lanxing for so many years, he can make his own people into lamp oil, and he can watch Xianzun and Tianbo being besieged by snow spiders regardless of his friendship.

He rescued Shangxuan because he was just curious about what else could surprise him about us.

"The immortal who just died, if I remember correctly, should be Liu Xingxuan's mentor. But... it should be hopeless, the snow spider is very poisonous..." Tianyu spoke in a faint voice, as if talking about someone completely different from herself. It doesn't matter the same thing, exciting people's heart hurts.

My heart is so cold that we are so weak that we have no right to speak at all.Xuan Qing's life and death had nothing to do with a big man like him, he just deliberately didn't say a word to remind him, and watched silently here.

He wanted to see Xuanqing, or one of Liuyun Xianjun die, to weaken the strength of Xianzun.

The gust of wind in my ears suddenly stopped, and a strangely colored thing that looked like a Turkish handmade blanket flew from a distance, and there was a person standing on it.

That person was wearing an animal skin skirt, his upper body was naked, and his lower body was also naked below the knees.

In this snowy Kunlun Secret Realm, it looks very cold.

This person is Shentai, he smiled, and his arrogant voice sounded in the valley, "Xianzun, no, I'm used to it. Tianyuan, you give me back half of my brother's ghost. The two of us work together Help you deal with the snow spiders, if you want to enter the demon tower, you must kill all the snow spiders."

When I heard Shentai's words, I immediately understood.

It seems that Tianyu planned all of this. He is watching here, waiting for the cooperation between Xianzun and Shentai.In this way, Shentai's senior brother, that strand of remnant soul can be saved.

"Tian Bo, you can't give him that thing! Have you forgotten that he led those living spiritual cultivators to rebel and almost destroyed the fairy world?" Xianzun frowned when he saw Shentai, and now he Instead, he advised the man in black.

Xingxuan couldn't bear it any longer, she looked at the situation outside with a pale face.His wrist was tightly held by the Immortal Venerable, as if helping him share some of the pressure.

The man in black supported himself alone, with blood overflowing from his mouth, and he covered his chest, with a hint of evil in his eyes, "Shentai, you are taking advantage of others. Today I gave him to you, and in the future, if you come here Kunlun Secret Realm, you two brothers, do you still want to have a good life?"

(End of this chapter)

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