Chapter 5 Dumpling Shop

When passing by a dumpling shop, an old lady wearing a white apron suddenly walked out and stopped me. She held my cold wrist with her warm hand and said enthusiastically, "Miss, do you want to enter the shop for a bowl of hot soup?"

"I'm sorry, grandma, I'm not hungry." I lied, I can eat a live cow if I'm hungry now, but be careful, it's a live cow, not cooked beef.

Now I am disgusted and disgusted with all human food.

The old grandma smiled very kindly. She pulled me into the store, pressed my shoulders to let me sit down, and said: "You sit here, grandma goes in and makes you soup, ah~ you are not allowed to go, this bowl of soup Grandma invites you to drink, you can see that she is a good-looking girl with a kind heart."

Just as I wanted to say a few words of modesty, the old lady walked slowly into the kitchen of the store and started to work.

Vaguely, she could still hear her muttering, "It's so rare!" "Oh, I haven't seen anyone for a long time." "We need to treat you well~"

I sat a little embarrassed, thinking, this is a downtown area, no matter how bad the business is, there should be people coming to eat.

Zhang took a look at the environment of the store, and found that there were not a single customer in the store, and all the furnishings were old-fashioned, belonging to the kind of very old, very old, plastic plywood tables and chairs that would not be picked up for rags.

The white tiles on the wall are also stained with yellow marks that have been left behind for a long time.There was a layer of dirt on the green tiles on the ground, and the dirt was accumulated in the pattern of the tiles, looking greasy.

The gaps between the tiles are so dirty that it makes the scalp numb. As far as I was observing, I saw a centipede coming out of the cracks in the ground.

The hygienic conditions here are also too bad. It was opened in the urban area, how did it pass the sanitation inspection.

The most outrageous thing is that what sits in the altar hanging on the wall is not a Buddha statue, but a paper man painted with heavy ink and color.

There were three sticks of incense standing in front of the paper figurine. I stared at the paper figurine for a while, but I didn’t know if it was a hallucination. I just felt that paper figurine was also looking at me.

When the smell of broth came out from the kitchen, I didn't feel nauseated. My stomach screamed loudly, and I suddenly began to look forward to the soup that came out of the kitchen.

Not long after, the old lady brought out a bowl of soup with a kind face, and gave me a spoon by the way.

When I took the spoon, I saw that the old man's nails were a bit long, and there was a thick layer of dirt inside them, which made my appetite plummet again.

"Drink it quickly, it's delicious." The old woman looked at me eagerly.

I thought it would not disappoint an old man even if it was bad, so I nodded and said, "Thank you grandma."

The spoon in my hand stirred the bowl casually a few times, and I was about to lower my head to drink the soup, when suddenly I saw something was wrong in the bowl, why... why did I seem to see a piece of human finger in it?
Stirring vigorously, I found that half of my finger was really inside.

All of a sudden, my whole body was hairy, and I was about to get up and leave. When I turned around, I found that the old lady had locked the door of the shop and tied it with an iron chain.

A few thoughts quickly flashed through my head, did I encounter a black shop, or a ghost?

I seem to remember that there seems to be no such old-fashioned dumpling shop near the school.

"Girl, why don't you drink it?" The old lady said to me with a smile.

This soup is obviously stewed with human flesh, what am I going to do if I want to drink it?

(End of this chapter)

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