Chapter 500 The Finale
Over the years, once that man put his arms around me, he never let go.

Many people said that he married an ordinary person like me for another purpose, but even I myself didn't know that Xingxuan didn't love anyone, except me, an ordinary and ignorant college student.

This kind of predestined marriage in the past has tightly entangled our destinies and attracted each other unconsciously.

But I know very well that in the previous life, we owed each other, and it was considered even.But in this life, I owe him too much, from being rescued by him from the wheel that was about to hit me when I was a child, to when he scattered his spirits in order to break Feng Chu's conspiracy.

What happened yesterday seems to be in front of my eyes now, vividly in my mind.

There are tens of thousands of large and small black ghost holes around, and they are merging with each other one by one, as if they are going to form a large black hole like the universe.

The mountains, plants and trees had all disappeared long ago, only the cold wind blowing in the ghost cave.

I raised the corner of my mouth in the fierce suction of the ghost cave, and my heart suddenly became clear.He didn't mention who owed more, just kissed his earlobe, and asked him, "Are we going to go into the ghost cave and meet Yufan and Qianyue?"

"No, of course not, Zi. I want to take you out, close your eyes." Xingxuan controlled the back of my head with her palm, and tightly touched our foreheads.

He is still unprecedentedly domineering, even though he has exhausted all the pampering in the world, he still orders me grandly.On the contrary, I never disobeyed his order at all, I put my arms around his neck with a light smile, and closed my eyes obediently, "Why don't you let me open my eyes?"

"I don't want you to see my current appearance. I owed you a lot in my last life. You just need to remember Liu Xingxuan." His voice was thick and powerful, full of unquestionable supremacy.

I surrendered willingly, but couldn't help kissing his cold lips.In the end, it was lingering like poison, plundering unscrupulously, as if it meant declaring troops to seize the master.

As my kiss became more intense, Xingxuan hugged my waist tighter, but he didn't kiss me back.It just wraps me in my arms like a sacred mountain, guarding me.

What is he like at this moment?
How much memory was recovered?
I really can't imagine how Xingxuan broke out in the world surrounded by ghost caves after the burst of power.However, he doesn't want me to remember more, so I won't remember or read it.

Because I also cherish our feelings at this moment.Although they were in love like that in the last life, but there are many quarrels with cracks, every time they think about it, they will feel heartbroken.

So, sometimes it's better not to think.

I don't know how long it took, but the suffocating feeling brought by the coldness became weaker, and it should be beyond the influence of the bottomless ghost cave.

There is not only the breeze in my ears, but also the chirping of birds.

I reached out and stroked Xingxuan's side face, "Can you open your eyes now?"

"Yes." Xingxuan put me on the ground, and when I got down on the ground, I opened my eyes.

In this place, the mountains are rolling and rolling, and what we are standing on is a peak above a sea of ​​clouds.Looking down, among the gaps in the clouds, there are criss-crossing water veins, as well as vast mountains and forests.

I was a little suspicious in my heart, where did Xingxuan bring me, it seemed that they were not affected by the ghost cave.

But if you shift your gaze a little, you can see a big gap in the distance that seems to have been eaten away, and suddenly it becomes half-stained with ink, a piece of pitch black.

That black piece, like a huge devil beast, is still spreading here bit by bit.It seems to be able to nibble here bit by bit, and its appetite is amazing.

I frowned, and a trace of surprise flashed in my eyes, "Isn't the fairy world swallowed by ghost holes?"

I don't want the fairyland to be swallowed up, but what happened is different from what Leng Qing told me.Could it be that Leng Qing overestimated the destructive power of those living spiritual cultivators, so now half of the fairyland remains?
"Did Leng Qing tell you anything before entering the ghost cave?" Xingxuan asked me in a deep voice as if she saw something suspicious after hearing my words.

I withdrew my gaze from the distance and leaned on Xingxuan's chest, "Leng Qing told me that her purpose is to destroy the entire fairy world, and the living spiritual practitioners she brings will all become ghosts." But Leng Qing's personality is not like this, she wants to be the king of the fairy world, how could she destroy the fairy world?"

"That's right, Leng Qing didn't intend to destroy the fairy world from the beginning, but just lured the immortals over, and used a large number of living spiritual practitioners to turn them into ghost caves, and wiped us all out. She took the opportunity to escape, but it was a pity that she met you and couldn't." Get out of trouble." Xingxuan played with the ends of my hair a few times, and asked me thoughtfully, "Do you still remember the expressions on the faces of those living spiritual cultivators before they died?"

"Remember, there is a fanaticism on their faces." I answered Xingxuan's words in a murmur, and there was a flash in my mind, and I thought of something, "They have prepared for the time to die, and they will use their own His death changed the fate of his people, oh my god..."

I couldn't help sighing, no wonder Leng Qing didn't even say a word to stop the large-scale black hole formation.It's probably not something she can control if she can say that she can control it. No wonder she was still lying until the last moment!
She probably thought that all of us would be buried with her.

After this catastrophe, only half of the fairyland was eaten away by the remaining ghost caves.There may be a small third of immortals left, but the unprecedented prosperity of living spiritual practitioners, except for those who committed suicide, almost all survived.

When Xianzun came back to check, he had already chosen to give up the fairy world.

Everything is migrating to the spirit world on a large scale, whether it is a fairy or a ghost, all the treasures and the like can be taken away, and the ones that cannot be taken away are also discarded.

This land is no longer suitable for living, and the ghost hole is getting bigger every day, maybe one day it will swallow up the fairyland.As for how the living spiritual cultivator survives, the Immortal Venerable has no strength to care about it anymore. His plump wings in the past have almost been cut off.

In the previous rebellion by the heads of the top ten immortals, the strength of the immortals had already dropped sharply once.Now, most of it has been consumed by the ghost cave. To be honest, I have never seen such a person as Xianzun, and there are times when I become depressed like this.

However, I heard that Shenheng and Shentai, as well as some hermits in the Kunlun Secret Realm who have deep feelings for living spiritual practitioners, did not give up on those living spiritual practitioners and voluntarily stayed in the fairyland.

These people themselves are living spiritual practitioners, drinking water and thinking about the source, thinking about others, most of them are reluctant to give up.Although Xingxuan and I had a lot of trouble with Shenheng, there is no need to pursue it.

If Li Yu succeeds in cultivation one day in the future, he will come to Shenheng for revenge, but that will happen in an unknown number of years.

Originally, Xianzun, Tianyu, and Tianbo wanted us to help them find a way to reach the sky.But now they are busy with the aftermath, so they have no time to take care of these things, Xingxuan, Chen Xiao and I just went home directly.

When Xingxuan and I went back, my parents happened to be at home.

They have become used to me and Xingxuan coming back for a long time, and they don't blame us, but become very enthusiastic, "Su Zi is back? And Xiao Liu and Xiao Chen, go sit and rest, I will give you more Fry two dishes."

My mother is really over 40 years old now, she is almost fifty, and she is still cooking in the kitchen with her hunched back.It's true that time is not forgiving, and many people may wonder why I don't let my parents live forever.

But what I want to say is that sometimes I have the opportunity to enter reincarnation, which is also a kind of luck.Although, I am really afraid that one day they will leave me, really afraid...

But even in Xingxuan and I's last life, we cultivated to become supreme abilities, but we still couldn't escape the fate of reincarnation.Fortunately, it's time to do it again...

My dad stopped smoking, and now he drinks tea, and he poured a cup for Xingxuan too.He took out the chessboard from his bookcase again, and insisted on playing a game with Xingxuan, "Xiao Liu, how long has it been since you played chess with me? En? Today, no matter what, you have to have a good time with me. Xiaochen, Just watch the battle from the sidelines and see how I beat Xiao Liu."

Chen Xiao nodded and smiled at my dad.

"Dad, it's my fault that I didn't bring Su Zi back to see you two elders. However, when it comes to playing chess, I'm very serious and won't let you go." Staring at my dad, Xingxuan drank a glass Boiled Tieguanyin.

My dad is really not very good at making tea, even the top Tieguanyin can give him the taste of leaf water.I took a sip and it was swallowed raw, it was awful.

My dad didn't think the tea he made was bad at all. After drinking a cup, he smiled, "I just like Xiao Liu, you play chess seriously. If you lose in chess, go live outside with Su Zi at night. Stay at home. No more..."

I go, is this my dear father?
When the daughter and son-in-law came home, they were asked to live outside.

Xingxuan nodded, and her attitude towards my dad was as humble and polite as always, "Okay, Dad, you go first."

My dad and Xingxuan played chess in full swing, Chen Xiao watched the chess without saying a word, as if he was watching it very seriously.

But I saw that his mobile phone screen was secretly hidden under the coffee table and was on. Although the distance was far away, with my cultivation base, the content on it was very clear.

What is quiet, what is Xiaoxiao, hey...

Brother is in love, it's still first love.

I am too embarrassed to talk about him with such a young text content, so I hurried to find Jingchen to practice hard.Maybe next year, a baby will be born.

I saw that my mother was exhausted from cooking, so she stepped forward to take the spatula, and said in a low voice, "Why don't I come, I'm afraid you haven't tasted my cooking for so long."

"No, no, can't cook." My mother snatched the shovel in my hand, she was quite strong, and said in her mouth, "Hey, my little grandson is growing up, what did you do? How can you give him dark food?"

Seeing my mother treat me so ruthlessly, I really want to cry without tears. Why doesn't she trust my cooking skills?She took the spatula away from me, so I had to stand at the door of the kitchen and watch her cook tirelessly.

"Su Zi, in fact, Feng Xie is also Xiao Liu's child, right?"

When my mother asked me, I just poured myself a glass of water and took a leisurely sip. When I heard this sentence, I spit out a sip of water.

I was surprised and asked my mother, "Mom, what did you say?"

"No, I didn't say anything..." My mother pretended to be nonchalant and continued cooking, I had black lines all over my head, wondering if my mother thought Feng Xie was the child of Xingxuan and another woman, right?

My mother has a really big brain.

When the time came to 11:30 noon, my mother opened the door of the house as if she had pinched it better.Walking in from the corridor outside, there were two teenagers, one big and one small, but apart from the difference in pupil and hair color, the facial features on their faces were [-]% similar.

No wonder my mother thinks that Feng Chu and Feng Xie are brothers, or half-brothers!

The white-haired boy patted the head of the little boy, took out a box of milk from his schoolbag, inserted the straw and handed it to him, "You can only have one drink, you know? I want to eat the rice cooked by grandma when I go back... "

The little boy took a sip of milk and stood on tiptoe.

The white-haired boy smiled, and the little boy picked him up, and let the little boy kiss his side, "Okay, are you a Tang monk? Brother Feng Wuxie, I whisper these words in my ears every day, I'm going to be very annoying."

"You brat looking for a beating, aren't you? Let's see if this young master tickles you, and see if you beg for mercy..." Feng Xie probably didn't know that I was here, so he played with his father very unscrupulously, and only saw it when he entered the house. Xingxuan was playing chess with my dad, and then saw me again, the expression on her face was embarrassing, "Mom... why are you back?"

"Feng Wuxie, it seems that you are very friendly to my younger brother. It is very suitable for a profession, daddy." I rubbed the head of the miniature version of Fengchu, he seemed to be still very attached to me, and immediately reached out to ask me to hug him.

The warm smile on Feng Xie's face immediately faded away, pretending to be foolish, and said evilly: "Mom, call me Feng Xie! The position of a baby daddy is suitable for your husband. He has me to count, one, two, three , four, five, five children need milk. I am a dignified Mr. Feng, so I am not a baby daddy."

"You are so courageous, dare to say that about your father, he will finish playing chess in a while, let's see if he can spare you." I tapped Feng Xie's forehead unceremoniously, only then did I realize that his hair There are still a few enchanting braids entangled.

My hands froze for a moment, it was really nice for him to be entangled like this, but that clumsy technique was obviously done by me.He...he actually hasn't untied his braids all this time...

This child really cherishes our mother-child relationship, and takes care of his biological father Fengchu like this.For Leng Qing to give birth to such a good child, she must have made up for it.

I reached out and hugged Feng Chu, rubbed his hair, and asked him with a smile: "How is it? Is school fun?"

"It's not fun. I didn't do well in the exam. The teacher said...the teacher said, I want to see my parents..." Feng Chu held her mouth, seemingly sad, not at all the high spirits of a big boss in the ghost world.

Not to mention an extremely smart mind who was so embarrassed by the school exam.

I put my arms around his weak body and penetrated into his body. His body has become much stronger, but he is still weaker than ordinary children and needs careful care.

At this time, Feng Xie interrupted and said, "Mom, why don't you hold a parent-teacher meeting for him. This guy is so stupid, every time I hold a parent-teacher meeting, I go to get scolded. He actually always takes exams Counting down, it's so simple, this young master can learn it at a glance..."

"Who said Feng Chu is stupid, Feng Chu, you are not stupid at all now, do you understand?" I pinched the side of the child's face and smiled gratifiedly.

I never thought that the person in charge of the ghost world who once wanted to put me to death would have a mother-child relationship with me.Today, his heart is as clean and transparent as a glass plate, kind and sincere.

"Am I really not stupid?" He looked up at me, there were sparkling liquid in his eyes, it was really cute to look at.This appearance made everyone laugh one after another.

As a big family, we sat down and had a meal happily.

Chen Xiao had eaten at our house, and couldn't wait to go to the small village in the suburbs to find Jingchen.However, she is just a junior high school student now, so she can be small.

In my heart, I really want to know what Jingchen's mother thinks about Jingchen's puppy love.

Thinking about the difficulties that Chen Xiao might encounter, a smile overflowed from the corner of my mouth unconsciously, and as soon as I lightened up, Xingxuan hugged me unexpectedly.

Suddenly, I exclaimed: "Xingxuan, what are you doing?"

At this moment, it was dusk, and the last ray of sky light disappeared on the horizon. Feng Chu was obediently being watched by Feng Xie as she was doing her homework.Although Feng Xie scolded him for being stupid, she really watched Feng Chu's study sternly like an elder.

The identities of the father and the son seem to be reversed at this moment.

Xingxuan hugged me and opened the door of my house, and walked directly to Shangxuan, there was a hint of ambiguity in his majestic eyes, "Ma'am, you are my wife, what do you think I want to do?"

Walking into Shangxuan's house, their house was as cold as ever.

Shangxuan and Wang Daniu seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and they never came back suddenly from then on.No one knows where they went or if they are still alive.

When Wang Qiong was no longer in their house, the faint mint-like fragrance remained.The smell seemed to disappear around here suddenly with Wang Qiong's departure.

"Shangxuan, Shangxuan and Wang Qiong, why haven't you come back..." I was placed on the sofa by Xingxuan, and I reached out to touch the sofa where I once delivered Wang Qiong, my fingers trembling.

Just after it was all over and we were able to protect ourselves, she never came back.

Xingxuan stopped the deep movements in his hands, the expression on his face became a bit more serious, and he made a few hand gestures, as if he was calculating something.

After a while, he stopped his hands and said in a low voice, "They're fine..."

"It's okay, why didn't you come to see us?" I felt Xingxuan's body sinking on top of me, tightly hugging Xingxuan's neck, and her heartbeat speeded up inexplicably.

After he had a physical body, the feelings he brought were really different, but he couldn't find the right words to describe it.I have been forced to abandon my armor under him, and I am honestly controlled by him.

He stared at me, then suddenly put his arms around my body, turned over and sat up, letting me sit in his arms.Then he put his arms around my chest, and his chin rested on my shoulder, "Maybe, it's because I can't take care of myself."

"What do you mean? They are in trouble? Should we help them?" I noticed that he suddenly accelerated, his body trembled uncontrollably, and there was no place to support his hands. I felt like I was going to fly.

I had no time to speak, I looked up at the ceiling, there was actually a small piece of text written in black on the ceiling with an oil-based pen, I wish Su Zi and Liu Xingxuan a happy union for a hundred years and forever.

"Everyone has their own destiny, Zi, just like the fate of Yufan and Qianyue, no matter how long our parents' hands are, we can't control these." His voice was soft, as if it could pierce people's hearts .

But I trembled, pointed at the writing on the ceiling, and said excitedly: "Xingxuan, they have been here, they have been here. Miss Wang is good or bad, she deliberately didn't tell me anything..."

Seeing me crying and laughing, Xingxuan seemed a little helpless, and raised her eyebrows to look at the writing on the ceiling.He stopped moving and hugged me in his arms, and murmured thoughtfully, "Why didn't you come to see us?"

"Think about it, are Qianyue and Yufan safe? Or can they find Lan Xing..." I couldn't figure out Wang Qiong and Shangxuan's actions, so I just didn't think about it, turned around and put my arms around Xingxuan's neck, Changed the subject.

He looked at me for a long time before he nodded and calculated.

After a while, he whispered: "These two children are fine, but... But they seem to be unable to find Lan Xing... We must help them outside."

"How to help?" I asked immediately.

Xingxuan frowned, put her arms around my shoulders, and said with a deep expression on her face, "Maybe it has something to do with the Kunlun Secret Realm. After all, we still have to help Xianzun and the others find the way to reach the sky, so that we can rescue Lan Xing by the way."

The Immortal Venerable and the others are dealing with the aftermath of the evil consequences of the mass suicides of the living and cultivating spirits. When they are done with it, they will naturally come back to us, and we will do nothing at all.

"Xingxuan, I want to sleep." I put my arms around him, and he dragged me by the back, this position is very good for falling asleep.

I admit that I don't need to sleep anymore, but for some reason at this moment, I really want to try the feeling of waking up from his arms after falling asleep.

Xingxuan put her arms around me and led me to Shangxuan's bedroom, where it was fairly clean.He also seemed to feel tired, and put his arms around my shoulders and covered me with a quilt.

Xingxuan and I have been at ease in Yangjian for more than half a year, except that it is useless to hold a parent-teacher meeting for that stinky Fengchu, our daily life is pretty good.

On a sunny morning when Xingxuan and I were planning to go for a walk to buy groceries, three people came to the living room uninvited, Tianyu, Tianbo, and Xianzun.

The three of them seem to have been waiting here for a long time. Seeing me and Xingxuan coming out of the bedroom, they all stood up from the sofa seats.

The Immortal Venerable spoke first, "I have already handed over the affairs of the spiritual world to the next Immortal Venerable. We all plan to leave without any worries if we succeed this time."

"We found these three things from the last floor." Tianyu put the things in a row on the table.

Two swords, a blue crystal bead the size of an egg.

The two swords with dragon pattern and phoenix pattern are enchanting purple, and the shape looks very similar to the copper coin sword that my master made for me in the past.

At that time, before the Luanfeng copper coin sword was destroyed, it had once recognized its master.

When I saw one of these swords, I felt extremely familiar and friendly. As if driven by some attraction, I reached out to touch the Wenfeng sword.

There are phoenix feathers on the sword body, and in the purple light overflowing, it seems that there is liquid flowing up and down the sword body.

When I touched it, it erupted with a purple-gold light and let out a low metallic sound, which turned out to be spinning around my body.

That intimate feeling, as if I've known it for many, many years.

A picture from my memory suddenly popped up in my mind, and I suddenly clenched the sword seems to have belonged to me once, but it was sealed in the pagoda in the Kunlun Secret Realm.

I closed my eyes suddenly, and a picture of fighting side by side with this sword flashed in my mind.It is the Luanfeng Sword, the real sword of the phoenix, in which the soul of the ancient mythical beast phoenix is ​​sealed.

As for the ones my master gave me before, they were only imitations made by human swordsmiths with copper coins.No matter how realistic it is, it cannot match the sword I am holding in my hand at this moment.

When I opened my eyes again, this Luanfeng sword had disappeared, but as long as I thought about it, it would immediately appear in my palm again, becoming my invincible weapon.

"The sword... the sword has recognized its owner. This is Su Zi's sword. Tianyu, it seems that we are making wedding dresses for others." Tian Bo's stern face showed a trace of displeasure.

However, Tianyu shook her head, "Not necessarily, even if only one of the two of them has mastered the direction of the road to heaven. It is a great help to us. We help them and we help ourselves."

"Indeed, the three of us can't control these two swords. It's useless to keep them. Only when you find your true master can it show its effect..." Immortal Venerable, no, he is no longer an Immortal Venerable, Tian Yuan face On the contrary, he is relatively indifferent, as if he doesn't care about the gains and losses of these two swords.

"Xingxuan, give it a try and see if this sword is yours?" Immortal Venerable didn't dare to call Xingxuan's apprentice anymore, he took the Wenlong sword on the table and handed it to Xingxuan.

Xingxuan held the hilt of the sword with one hand, but nothing strange happened. The faces of Tianyu and the others flashed a trace of discouragement, as if they were disappointed that Xingxuan was not the owner of the sword.

It was only when the sword was brought up close that it was discovered that its workmanship was so exquisite. The golden dragon patterns wrapped around the purple sword body of the sword, with a majestic aura of supremacy.

But when Xingxuan raised his brow majestically, the sword quietly disappeared in his hand.

His eyes were so faint, but he glanced at the Immortal Venerable and the others with a sense of pressure, "I used this sword before, thanks to you who took it out of the stupa."

"Xingxuan, this is just mutual benefit, what is this blue sphere? you recognize it? Is it also a treasure for cultivation?" The expression on Tianyu's face has become cautious, afraid of us You can't see the origin of this weird orb.

I glanced at Xingxuan, and smiled at the same time as him, "This is a map."

"Map?" Tian Bo grasped the ball tightly in his hand, he seemed to penetrate a trace of his cultivation, but he was immediately shocked to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Throw out this blue bead like a hot potato.

I caught it easily. Although I don't have much memory, I can recognize this kind of beads.It also has no ability to control the world, which is equivalent to the existence of ordinary GPS navigation.

I stretched out my hand to inject my cultivation base, released the seal on the blue bead, and immediately projected a picture of heavy snow flying above the blue bead.

It looks like the scenery in the Kunlun Secret Realm, with endless snow peaks.In the flying snow all over the sky, the snow lotus on the ice cliff is more and more beautiful.

The sky ladder plank road and the cedar of the cable bridge are all covered with a layer of ice crystals.

But I'm sure I've never been to this place, it looks very strange.Probably because the Kunlun Secret Realm is too big, so Xingxuan and I are not familiar with many places.

The Kunlun Secret Realm is said to be the place where practitioners cultivated in ancient times. There have been living spiritual practitioners who succeeded in cultivation and became gods.

But in the generation of Tianyu and Xianzun, there will be no such people.

Therefore, there are many unknown secrets hidden in the Kunlun Secret Realm.If these secrets are explored clearly, maybe the three of them won't have to struggle in these worlds.

"This place...we know this place! This is... an altar in a secret realm. We explored it before, and thought it was very ordinary." Tianyu squinted her eyes involuntarily as she looked at the scene in the picture.


I tried to search among the jade beads, and there was indeed such a picture.It stands high on a white high platform that looks huge and boundless, and the ground is paved with white jade.

There are six mythical beast pillars on all sides, and each pillar is carved with different ancient mythical beasts.

Other than that, there is nothing special about it, it just feels like an ordinary table.But this altar appeared in this sapphire bead just like this.

"Maybe... the way to save Lan Xing is in the secret realm, we... have to go to the secret realm again." The only time Xingxuan's expression showed uncertainty, even he didn't know if this altar was It really has something to do with Blue Star.

However, looking at the disappointed expressions on the faces of those three people, it seems that they are not interested in saving Lan Xing, but only fascinated by the so-called Heavenly Cultivation God.

Xingxuan's face became gloomy, and he said coldly: "It may also be related to your road to reach the sky. If you want to go, go, if you don't want to go, don't force it."

Seeing Xingxuan's attitude, Xianzun, Tianyu and Tianbo smiled wryly, and said that even if they were not Tongtian, they would go to the Kunlun Secret Realm to save Lan Xing.

Because we have been to Kunlun Secret Realm once before, we are very familiar with the route.Without much effort, we found the entrance to the Kunlun Secret Realm.

The climate in the secret realm is as bad as ever, and the wind and snow are endless.But the scenery falling on the ground is extremely beautiful.

If this place can be a scenic spot, there should be a lot of banknotes every year.

According to Yuzhu's story, he arrived at the huge altar.The altar seemed to be built out of thin air on this snowy plateau, and there was no one there.

When the snow fell on the altar, it would not form snow at all, and it would melt instantly.

Stretching out his hand to touch the ground, the white jade ground was actually warm, and there seemed to be a layer of magma veins underneath, maintaining the temperature above.

"Maybe Yuzhu is just an ordinary map, without any special instructions." Seeing the calmness on the altar, Tian Bo had already come to a conclusion.

The Immortal Venerable thought for a while, then shook his head, "No, this thing appeared in the demon tower. The demon tower has many traps, and there are ancient practitioners guarding it. It will never store useless things."

Tianyu is an old fox at all, she even plots against immortals, so she won't make a conclusion so early.She walked over and smiled at us warmly, her attitude was neither superior nor humble, "Do you two know how to make this altar work?"

I definitely don't know, I am extremely surprised that Luanfengjian recognizes the master.On the contrary, Xingxuan, who just got in touch with the sword, can retract and release it freely, and can lead me out of the ghost hole.

He must have more memories in his mind than I do.

Xingxuan took my hand to the center of the altar, reached out and stroked the ground.A part of the floor tiles surrounding Xingxuan and me suddenly bulged, leading the two of us up slowly.

Xingxuan led me to jump down from the ascending platform, looked at the surrounding pillars again, and said: "No, one less person, if there are six people, the six pillars can be properly positioned."

"It turns out... so the secret of the altar is its pillars. We... wish we could find out sooner." Tianyu reacted the fastest. She looked at me and her expression became serious, "Su Zi, let me Come and help your senior brother! Whether you can save Lan Xing depends entirely on this time."

I think she wants to become a god by herself, but I really can't tell her that, so I just said lightly: "However, if you want to invite him to the secret realm, should we go together, or send someone alone?"

"I'll go, I have the spirit world, so I can go back and forth faster." Xianzun volunteered to ask Chen Xiao for help, and after speaking, he turned into a ball of light and left.

Xingxuan and I just sat on the edge of the altar to watch the snow, and didn't communicate with Tianyu and Tianbo. The snowflakes here are very beautiful, and the hexagonal crystals are very dazzling.

I reached out and held one. It was cool in my palm, but it didn't melt as fast as ordinary snowflakes.

"This time, the one who can save Lanxing, Zi, I can remember all the memories from the past." Xingxuan put his arms around my shoulders, and there was a hint of complexity in his deep eyes.

I don't want to restore my memory so much, being an idiot with only half of the memory of my previous life, clinging to Xingxuan, I'm actually quite happy.

I said "Oh" and started to change the subject, "Why do you think Tianyu always looks like a man? Is there no man who can protect her anymore? Why is there no guardian Tianyu for Lan Xing's father? Well, make her a woman."

"You want to hear the truth?" Xingxuan couldn't help but look stern and handsome, I was a little dumbfounded, and nodded, "Yes."

In fact, I opened my mouth to praise him for his good looks, but I felt hypocritical, so I just looked at him in amazement.

Xingxuan smiled softly, bowed her head, and whispered softly in my ear: "The shark tribe is a matriarchal clan, don't you know?"

I go……

I thought it was the answer, the feeling was that Lan Xing's mother might not even know who Lan Xing's father was.

At this time, Chen Xiao had already been brought by the Immortal Venerable, and Xingxuan and I couldn't continue chatting.Xingxuan took my hand, went forward to join everyone, and taught everyone how to stand and how to stimulate the strength in the pillar.

The six of us sat cross-legged on a pillar one by one, and activated the power in the pillar at the same time.It was in an instant that everything entered into a state of concentration, and the consciousness immediately became chaotic.

But the subconscious mind in my mind is clear, we should enter a cultivation state, a cultivation state that can lead us to reach the heavens and cultivate gods.

In this state, it is possible to perceive the existence of ghost caves through the Zifu in the body.

It's as if our body has an inexplicable connection with the ghost cave.I was even able to see countless cultivation solitary souls being fused together in the ghost cave.

During this process, I have been looking for the whereabouts of the blue star.

After this thought flashed through his mind, his consciousness kept traveling through the ghost hole.Finally, in a dark corner, I found the incomplete consciousness of light blue.

That consciousness, floating alone, without a body, is just a small blue flame.

"Lan Xing? Is that you?" I asked cautiously, with a tender consciousness, there was a feeling of distress in my heart. Poor Lan Xing has been imprisoned by the ghost cave for so long.

There is no body, only consciousness is left lingering.

That mass of consciousness was very sensitive, and asked in a low voice: "Who, who is calling me?"

He really is Blue Star, but he just doesn't seem to see my existence.This ghost hole is like a chessboard dotted with stars, and I am just outside the chessboard, able to manipulate the people inside. What I have to do is to rescue Lan Xing.

First of all, let his body and soul come together.

But what should I do?

Somebody seems to be calling me, "Zi, let me..."

I know, Xingxuan must have found Lanxing too, I didn't say anything, I honestly waited for Xingxuan to help Lanxing get out of the ghost cave.

In this dark ghost cave, many tiny molecules gathered from all directions, and a person was formed in one go.

Lanxing recovered her body in the ghost cave, and looked at her palm in a daze, "En? I recovered? Was it you just now, Su Zi? Qianyue...Qianyue, is she okay?"

Following Lan Xing's question after question, a gentle voice said, "Hey, isn't that Brother Lan Xing? Brother Yufan, we...we found him..."

"Yeah, hurry up, let's take him back. We...we finally succeeded..." Yufan's voice also reached my ears.

I was afraid of being discovered by them, so I quietly withdrew.

Then, the eyes opened, and the body was hugged in the arms.I looked at Xingxuan and the surrounding snow scene to make sure we had returned to the altar.

On the altar, the three immortals, as well as Chen Xiao, were still in meditation.

"What's going on?" I put my arms around Xingxuan's neck and asked him.

Xingxuan kissed my forehead, and the corners of her mouth slowly curled up, "They are on the road to the sky, I believe they will go to where they want to go soon. Call Chen Xiao, let's go, this place will fall soon The sky thunder that crossed the catastrophe."

"Tianlei?" When I was ignorant, Xingxuan had already woken up Chen Xiao, and the three of us quickly left this weird altar.

As soon as Xingxuan changed from her usual majesty, she had a smile as clear as a breeze on her face, and said softly: "If you want to become a god, you have to go through the thunder disaster. If you make it through, you can reach the sky. I don't want to become a god, I just want to be with you Together."

"By the way... when we go back, can we preside over one, two, three, three weddings? Qianyue and Lanxing, Yufan and Meier, and Chen Xiao and Jingchen..."

A hundred years later, in the basement morgue.

A ghostly and pure spirit body floated out of an old body. He looked at his hand and was suspicious, "Huh? I'm not dead?"

He stood by the bed, looked at the corpse covered in white cloth, and was stunned for a long time, as if he was recalling something.

His enchanting phoenix eyes suddenly narrowed, and he laughed wildly in the silent basement of the hospital, "I, Fengchu, are back, I, Fengchu, are finally back. Wait... something seems wrong? Su Zi... Su Zi is me Mother?"

(End of the book)

(End of this chapter)

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