Chapter 506
Although those who beat the gongs and fired the cannons looked very festive, they seemed to be very quiet in order to match the atmosphere of the hospital.I can only see the beating of gongs, blowing suona, and setting off firecrackers, but I can't hear the slightest sound.

When the red sedan chair fell silently to the ground, a huge black shadow was projected on the nurse's female corpse in the sink.The dead nurse, she just turned her head suddenly and glanced at me.

Only the white part of her eyes remained, and her red tongue stretched out very long.

Blood froth flowed from the corner of the mouth, and the white teeth in the mouth were all stained with red blood.She was supporting the sink with her hands, as if trying to get her body out of the control of the drain.

I was terrified when I saw the old lady with a white face who was late.The old lady patted the nurse's head from behind, and the nurse's head fell to the ground with a "click".

After rolling a few laps along the broken glass on the ground, it slowly stopped.

The cavity on her severed neck didn't bleed much, and her body finally stopped struggling completely, and she froze in the drain pipe of the wet sink.In the silence at this time, only the sound of "tick-tick" dripping from the faucet can be heard on the tiles of the sink.

"The old lady came late, which surprised the madam." The white-faced old lady broke the moment of tranquility. She bowed to me and walked up slowly.By the way, I stepped on the head of the black figure who was kicked into the glass slag just now and fell to the ground, about to struggle.

There was another "poof", this man's good head was crushed like a watermelon.The sound of the skull breaking was very ear-piercing, and the red and white liquid burst out and sprayed more than ten centimeters high.

Then, red and white various disgusting substances flowed out from the crack in his head.

The air is full of fresh brains, and there is a strong smell of blood.

This old lady, she seems to really come to help me, but her methods are really too harsh.Moreover, at this moment, I can't tell whether she is a human or a ghost.

If I fall into her hands, I might end up worse than these two.

A layer of white sweat formed on my back, and I took a step back, ready to run back barefoot.I'm not in a hurry to run away, I just want to see my old uncle, is he temporarily out of breath and suspended animation, or...

Or was it really murdered.

The old lady followed me like a shadow. She said in an old voice, "Ma'am, I couldn't let you pass the door last time. Do you think you can get away this time?"

Suddenly, the faceless woman in the red dress who appeared in the grove that night appeared in front of me. She stretched out her long and slender fingers and tapped my forehead.

My body was like an ice sculpture, frozen in place and unable to move.

Moreover, no sound can be made!

The old lady bent down, put me on her back, and then limped along the long and dark corridors of the hospital.I was on her back, and I could smell the strong smell of rotting corpses in her silver-white hair.

Wait until she walked through the corridor and stepped into the toilet.

Under the silvery moonlight, the old lady's silvery white hair was shining, but her scalp was actually black.The inside is full of white maggots that come in and out. These maggots are crawling between the hairs, which makes people really want to vomit.

But I can't move, I can only maintain this posture, and I can't even change the angle of sight.He could only suppress the nausea in his heart and watch the scene in front of him.

When I am in such a dangerous situation and fall into the hands of the enemy, I will never allow myself to close my eyes because of fear.Even if I die, I have to see clearly what happened and be a ghost.

When we got to the red-roofed sedan chair, she put me into the sedan chair.

When the sedan chair door was closed, I sat in the sedan chair with a crooked body, and the sedan chair bumped up, probably being lifted up again by the group of little weasels.

I didn't expect them to be able to lift such a heavy living person with a red sedan chair.

The breeze brushed across the cheeks, blowing open the red curtains on the sedan chair.

I looked at the countless stars in the black night sky outside the curtain, and wondered where they would take me.Is it just like in the dream, sending me to the haunted courtyard to marry the weasel spirit?
But things were not as simple as I thought, a lot of small black shadows suddenly emerged from under my seat, fluffy hands, body, jumping up and down on my body.

These little things actually stripped all my clothes off like this. Suddenly, I felt that the surrounding area was terribly cold, and the cold wind made me dizzy.

There was a "thud" in my heart, these weasels wouldn't want to bridal chamber in the sedan chair, would they?How can humans and animals be combined.

My mind has been completely messed up in the wind, but I can't move at this time, and I can only be slaughtered.Inexplicably, I felt my cold body gradually warm up again.

It turned out that this group of little things put me in a red wedding dress and hijab again.

These little creatures are probably no longer ordinary animals. Not only can they carry a sedan chair and fly in the night, but they can also actively help people change clothes, becoming a veritable family fairy.

But Xian, that's all doing good deeds.

But these weasels don't look like benevolent masters at first glance, how can they be called immortals.I think it's probably a group of monsters. If I were a Maoshan Taoist priest who can catch monsters, where would these weasels be so majestic?
I was obsessed with the tricks to deal with these weasels in my heart, and the sedan chair had already fallen to the ground.

The door of the sedan chair was opened by the white-faced old lady, she bowed her head deeply, and said in a hoarse voice: "Madam, please get off the sedan chair, you can move now. But, don't think about running away or anything like that." , because you won't be afraid."

"Where is this place?" I asked in a low voice, it depends on the occasion when you are aggressive and aggressive, now that you are forcibly taken to a strange place, you will naturally accept the softness and will not take the initiative to hit the muzzle of the gun.

The old lady also seemed to see that I was not stupid enough to be head-on, she smiled shrewdly and did not answer my question.She turned around and walked away slowly.

Now that it's her territory, she's not afraid of me running away.

I temporarily stopped the thought of running away in my mind, thinking about everything that will happen next.I stepped out of the sedan chair and looked up at the building in front of me. Under the dark sky, there was an old house that seemed to have been abandoned for a long time.

The old house is a duplex on the third floor, and in the open windows, there are three or two sporadic lights on.

The dark masonry on the wall was covered with moss.

All the creepers planted and wandering above were withered and dried up, and there were several broken windows that didn't even have a glass window. It looked like a haunted house.

I glanced at the back, and there was a dilapidated garden behind. It was so cold in this season, but a delicate flower that looked like a rose bloomed.

In the darkness, it was impossible to tell whether it was a rose or a species similar to roses.

Outside the garden, it was surrounded by a circle of rusty iron railings.The iron railing looks very old, but the gap in the middle is very small and very high.

I want to run away, and the possibility of successful escape is almost impossible.

Those weasels and sedan chairs were all scattered the moment I turned my head. I don't know if they ran into the house or went to other places in the garden.

The cold wind made me tremble all over, with goosebumps all over my body, and the entire left arm was covered with plaster.With only his poor right hand, he tightened his collar, and walked heavily up the steps leading into the house.

For some reason, the embroidered shoes on my feet fit my feet very well. Every step I took was brisk, and I gradually reached the gate of the haunted house.

The door was ajar, and there was darkness in the crack of the door.

When I arrived at Linmen, I finally felt afraid, as if a weird wind and evil were blowing from the crack of the door.I glanced at the railing outside and the empty garden, and suddenly changed my mind, trying to escape from here.

"Madam, please come in. The old lady said, you can't escape." A weasel's paw with yellow fur sticks out from the crack of the door.

I was so shocked that I saw the old lady with a white face and she pushed the door open.

In the empty room, there was a burst of crying of a child. The crying of the child was terrible, but the cry was hoarse, but it hurt my heart all at once.

I clutched my chest and went in in a daze, the cold liquid dripping down my cheeks again.I suddenly felt a little ridiculous. I was so pained in my shoulder that I passed out without shedding a single tear.

However, when I heard this weird baby crying, I actually burst into tears.


The heavy door behind me closed in an instant, and the surroundings became extremely dark.

(End of this chapter)

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