Chapter 515

I have only heard about ghosts covering the eyes before, but this is the first time I have personally experienced the feeling of ghosts covering the eyes.It's as if my five senses have lost contact with the world, and I can't hear or see anything from the outside world, and I'm plunged into darkness.

This man's cold aura is right behind me, but it's so cold that it's not annoying.

Listening to the only Xuan Qing's voice I could hear didn't ease my inner tension.The state of the big yellow cat when it died still echoed in my mind, and my heart felt cold.

That yellow hair died at some point, the Gu worms had already filled its plump body, after the Gu worms and chrysalis flowed out.This cat, which was still walking just now, turned out to have only one cat skin left.

This is what my own father did, he actually found someone to play this kind of Gu on me.It seems that in his mind, my daughter has long since ceased to exist.

After a short period of blindness, my grandfather had already stuffed the transparent plastic bag containing the old ginger cat into a piece of red cloth, and then wrapped it in red cloth.He carefully stuffed the red cloth package into a wooden box, then wrapped it in yellow paper, and found a place in the yard to put it down.

He said that these Gu worms must be burned with pure yang fire, so that future troubles can be eliminated forever.Otherwise, as long as one Gu is left out, thousands of Gu insects will be generated in a person's body.

At that time, it will be troublesome!

Although my grandfather is a Mr. Yin and Yang, and his facial features are superb, he is not a Taoist priest of Maoshan.He doesn't have the ability to draw a dragon, tiger, mountain fire talisman and summon Yanghuo.

Who is the fire talisman?
It starts with another family in this courtyard house in the early years.The family found an antique in Panjiayuan, a pottery earthen pot, and it was not particular about it, but it bloomed beautifully with any kind of flowers.

Even the most difficult orchids don't need to be planted in the greenhouse, they can bloom all year round.

Later, I showed it to my grandfather and asked him what kind of antiquity it was that could make orchids resist the cold.My grandfather asked the owner of the house to dump all the soil and pour clean water into the crock.

After the clear water was filled, within a short while, it became warm in the crock.

The matter seemed mysterious, and my grandfather said that there was nothing special about it, except that there was an interlayer inside the earthen jar, and the inner wall of the interlayer must be engraved with the incantation of the Taoist Samadhi True Fire.

In other words, the fire talisman painted on yellow paper was sandwiched between layers.

Of course they didn't believe it, and one day they couldn't bear their curiosity, so they smashed open the earthen jar.The inner wall inside is indeed engraved with strange words, but after the can is smashed, it will be no different from an ordinary can after it is glued.

This kind of earthen jar with interlayer, although it uses spells to keep it warm.But it is very similar to the current 55-degree cup. The outer layer is a layer of special insulation material, which allows the water with a relatively low temperature to slowly change temperature and maintain a temperature of about 55 degrees.

The family who smashed the pot must have regretted it, but they can only suffer a dumb loss.Who made them curious and insisted on smashing it open to see what happened.

This kind of incantation is not effective if it is drawn by ordinary people, it must be drawn by Maoshan Taoist priests.My grandfather said that those Maoshan Taoist priests called themselves Taoists and practiced outside Fangwai.

But my grandfather, who is an insider after all, still has a way to find these Taoist priests.

My grandpa didn't have any psychological shadows about the big old cat whose flesh and blood had been eaten clean by Gu insects.The old man finished these things without changing his face, and he didn't feel disgusted and couldn't eat, so he took me directly to the small restaurant at the entrance of the alley to eat.

My grandma was away and no one was cooking at home, so the two of us ate a bowl of noodles each in a small restaurant.No one starved themselves because of my uncle, and only went back after they were full.

When we got back, it was already dark.

Grandpa made several phone calls to contact people in Taoism. I just went to the toilet.Xuan Qing took his child through the wall and asked me to breastfeed his son.

God is sorry, I am squatting on the toilet to defecate, and he doesn't think it stinks.

However, the child's sense of smell is not sensitive enough at this stage, so he doesn't feel uncomfortable.After I finished shitting, I held the soft but cold child in my arms.

He seemed very happy to see me, he grinned at the corner of my mouth, and grabbed the fabric of my chest with his little hands, "Mom, mom... Mom..."

For such a small child, he can do nothing but call his mother all the time.

The man sat on the washstand and looked down at me.My face was slightly hot, but I didn't make any unnecessary struggles, and went to ask him not to look at it.

One of my hands is in a cast, and if he turns it around, he turns it back the same way he did last time.Help me adjust the angle and posture, he takes my tofu for granted.

"Come down... come down and help me!" I actively asked him to help me, and it really gave Xuan Qing an evil sense of satisfaction, and the corners of his mouth were full of evil smiles.

Xuan Qing jumped off the washstand and stood behind me.

Just like last time, he assisted me to adjust my posture to feed the baby, and he hugged me and the baby tightly with his ape arms.As the child sucks greedily, I always have a feeling in my heart that we are a family of three.

But such a hypothesis is too bold. In my mind, there is a large piece of lost memory.There was simply no sign of being able to get it back, except for a blank or a blank, not even a single fragment.

After feeding the baby, he hugged the baby in his arms and left through the wall again.

I opened the door and went out. Grandpa was looking for something in the study. He saw me outside the door and looked up at me with his eyes wearing reading glasses. You, Qiong'er, go to sleep. Tomorrow, there are still many things waiting for you to do."

Hearing my grandfather's words, it seems that he really doesn't care whether my fate is Yin or Yang, or whether I am the reincarnation of the white tiger evil star.With all my heart, I planned to let me inherit his mantle.

After listening to his words, I fell asleep early.

In the next few days, I will be doing funeral affairs for my uncle.Because he has no heirs, my mother adopted me into their family to keep filial piety for my uncle.

Or, from another level, my uncle is already my father in name.

According to our customs here, it is less than three days, or five days, after death.Living burials are absolutely not allowed. This is not a rule, but the soul of a person is not completely separated within three days.

If you enter the incinerator for cremation at this time, then the soul will experience a catastrophe of burning in flames, and cannot be reborn.Just like in Tibet, the custom of the Tibetans is not to eat game that has just been hunted.

If you want to eat it, you must wait until it is fully cooked after 24 hours.

Some seaside cities in the south like to cook live fish and shrimp directly to eat fresh.However, these eating methods are still somewhat particular, at least under the education of my grandfather.

The live fish bought by our family must be dead for more than two hours before they can be cooked in the pot.The purpose is to accumulate virtue for oneself, to prevent the soul of the fish from being tortured while cooking, and to prevent the person who eats it from retribution in the reincarnation of the next life.

Therefore, my uncle's body was kept in an ice coffin at home for five days, and was mourned by relatives and friends.

Five days later, he was sent to a funeral home for cremation.

On that day, it was spring rain and spring thunder roaring.

The lightning with its teeth and five claws seemed to be scratching the sky.My aunt threw away her umbrella and knelt outside the crematorium, crying in the dark, and no one could pull it.

My grandma was originally a very sensible person. Although she is a woman, she has been on the battlefield and fought devils.However, being driven by my aunt's sorrowful emotions at this moment, it is difficult to control the pain of losing a child in my heart.

Grandma also threw away the umbrella, stood beside my aunt, let the rain drenched her gray hair, and questioned her word by word, "You unfilial son, you said you would take care of me until I die of old age. But you Let me send a white-haired person to a black-haired person, what on earth are you... What do you mean?"

The thunder exploded, covering grandma's voice at once.

The liquid on her face could no longer tell whether it was tears or rain.My mother went to grab my grandma's trembling body, but my grandma pushed her away forcefully, "Don't come here, let me ask this unfilial son what he thinks!"

I used to have a kind of fluke in my heart, thinking maybe as long as there was a physical body.Maybe I can really meet a worldly expert like Shangxuan, who can save my uncle from life.

Smelling the weird and disgusting burnt smell at the tip of my nose, I realized it clearly in my heart.Uncle's body has been burned to ashes, and it is impossible to come back forever.

In the end, what we got was a small urn, which was the one my grandma bought for my uncle a long time ago.

As an adopted daughter to my uncle, I carried this boxy box tightly to go home.


It's really a kind of tears that can't flow out, but you still have to restrain the burst of grief in your heart to prevent the Gu worms in your body from breaking out again.The more it hurts, the more you have to bear it, especially for me, the poisonous poison broke out twice.

Those two times nearly killed me, and I still remember them vividly.

This way of living simply overwhelmed my whole soul. The area on the back of my head has been hurting for the past few days and I can't work normally.

After we braved the rain to bring back my uncle's urn, in addition to breastfeeding Xuanqing's child, I also had to listen to my grandfather's lectures on how to make friends every day, starting with cat psychic skills, as before.

Grandpa used a way of racing against time, like cramming ducks, instilling knowledge and knowledge in this area into me.When it was later in the day, the two of us would light up the night and fight until the early morning.

This really makes me physically and mentally exhausted, but I can't relax at all.The things my grandfather gave me are all things that can save my life when I deal with my father and that woman in the future.

The next day was my uncle's funeral.

A lot of people were invited, and as a family member, I still need to thank each other, so I am very tired.My uncle, both inside and outside the industry, is a famous big shot.

Many people know that I have become the stepdaughter of my old uncle, and they treat me differently.If you talk about my uncle's previous work, he will have to come to me after that.

As for me, I need to get to know and deal with each other one by one.

Fortunately, I was better at these things, and I made friends with these people.It's just that the whole person was a little dizzy due to fatigue, and almost passed out. It was he who firmly supported my waist behind me.

No one can see him here, but he has become the only pillar in my world.

I rubbed my temples, feeling like my eyes were going to close.In the blurred vision, I saw Officer Chen coming in wearing a black suit, and he took a few sips of mulled wine at the table.

When I saw my grandfather, I immediately went up to meet him, "Mr. Zeng, I saw you. Yesterday, the brother I accepted found your son-in-law outside the sixth ring road on the outskirts of Sijiu City. Do you have any plans!"

My father who has been missing for more than ten years was found by Police Officer Chen!
(End of this chapter)

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