Chapter 525 Yin Yang Eyes

Are there ghosts in my grandpa's yard?
At first, I didn't realize the meaning of the boy's words, but after thinking about it in my mind, I understood it.The boy he was talking about was Xuan Qing, he seemed to be able to see the existence of Xuan Qing standing behind me, I was a little worried, fearing that this boy would conflict with Xuan Qing.

After all, the other party is a member of the Taoist sect, someone invited by my grandfather.

Xuan Qing is an extremely important figure in the underworld, these two people must not fight here, otherwise my grandfather and I will not be able to bear it.

"Can you see me?" Xuan Qing asked immediately behind me, his voice was full of playfulness, as if he was full of curiosity about this boy.

The young man didn't dislike Xuan Qing, and was a little timid. He nodded cutely, "I... I can see, I can see ghosts since I was a child. But... But this yard is very clean, only You are a ghost."

"It's such a powerful yin and yang eye, and a powerful figure is about to appear in the Taoist sect." Xuan Qing's magnetic voice murmured, as if this young man was the only one in the world who could feel his existence.

I just felt the cold feeling behind me suddenly dissipate, and I turned my head to look unconsciously.Xuan Qing disappeared at some point, probably because she didn't want to confront this little Taoist priest head-on.

My grandfather couldn't see Xuan Qing, but he could hear what the young man said to Xuan Qing.He squinted his sharp eyes and didn't interrupt, but kept watching calmly with his hands behind his back.

I took the fire talisman in the boy's hand, and just like the boy, I pushed the talisman lightly.It felt as if a slightly hot temperature was transmitted, and the talisman turned into a flame like a phoenix in an instant, and flew onto the wooden box.

The raging flames burned the wooden box clean, and only then did I look at my hands in panic, a little scared.I, an ordinary college student, can actually release fire talismans like Maoshan Taoist priests.

That boy just tried many times but failed. Is it my talent, or is this boy too stupid?
The young man next to him was also a little stunned. He was stunned for a long time before he asked word by word: "Sister, have you also learned Taoism, so... so amazing..."

This is what I call great?

Anyway, I was at a loss, and I didn't know what I did, so I could only answer him with some embarrassment: "I haven't learned Taoism, little brother, are you too young to control the talismans? This thing... doesn't seem to be that difficult."

I patted the boy's head and treated him like my younger brother. I didn't expect this boy to be shy.He blushed again, and the blush on his face was as beautiful as the setting sun falling into the water.

He lowered his head and didn't dare to look at me, "I'm poor in aptitude. All the disciples under Master's sect are better than me... But you are simply a genius. No disciple under Master's sect can manipulate talismans better than you. I This reminds me of the disciple of Master Changchun, she is also self-taught, and she was born able to manipulate talismans."

I couldn't help joking with this young man, "Does Changchun Daoist still accept disciples? I'll just go and become a junior sister for this female Taoist girl named Su Zi."

"Changchun Immortal...Changchun Immortal..." When the young man mentioned Changchun Immortal, his voice trembled. He rubbed the hem of his clothes, and suddenly raised his head to meet my gaze, "Changchun Immortal has passed away. A traitor in the Taoist sect was killed. Now, in the hearts of all of us, he is like a god."

His eyes were red and filled with tears, it seemed that he really respected Changchun Immortal.

I smiled, intending to make friends with this kind boy, I feel very comfortable with him.I sat down on the stone bench in the yard and asked him: "This Changchun Master must be a great person, please tell me, his deeds..."

I thought in my heart, this young man is really innocent and silly in his personality, he so easily speaks out about the internal strife in the Taoist sect.

I think Taoists have given people the impression of being stubborn and pedantic since ancient times. Otherwise, how could there be a cow-nosed and old-fashioned talk?
In short, the Taoist priests in my impression cherish the reputation and face of their sect very much.

On the contrary, this young man is simple and kind in his mind.He sat on the stone bench in the courtyard covered with snow, and told me and my grandfather a lot about the deeds of Changchun real people, which was really soul-stirring.

Then my grandfather invited the boy to have dinner at home, and I gave him my QQ and mobile phone so that he could contact me in the future.He also joked with him that if they are short of disciples in the mountain gate and are willing to accept me as a disciple, they can also contact me.

After the young man left, I sat in the study and read a book, which was still the ancient book on the technique of figuring cats.There is a passage in classical Chinese in the book.

Because classical Chinese and traditional characters are completely different from the reading habits of our modern people, it is easy to make people feel headache.I didn't pay attention when I read it before, but now I read it again, and then I noticed the meaning of this text.

Cats are animals that are difficult to develop feelings for. If you want to have a psychic relationship with a cat's soul, you must get in and get along with it for a long time, and you may not be able to capture the cat's loyalty to you.

My dad and his third son didn't stay in Forty-Nine City for a long time, so it's hard to find the energy to raise a second psychic cat to harm people.Seeing this, my heart was slightly relieved.

It was already dark outside, and under the faint moonlight, heavy snow like goose feathers drifted down.

I stood in front of the window for a while, and a handsome but a bit vicissitudes of face was reflected on the foggy window, that tall man was holding a baby in his arms.

The baby was born very beautiful, with big eyes and a high nose.

It was Xuan Qing who came to feed me with the baby in her arms. I stood quietly for a while without looking back immediately.His gaze seemed to sink in, and he couldn't help but stare at the man's tender, evil eyes.

"Yuanyuan was captured by Ling Yi. Think about it, how to deal with it. It is a fierce ghost, and it cannot be saved. The Taoist way of dealing with ghosts is to disperse the soul and let it disappear in ashes." Xuan Qing reflected in the window , he sat gracefully on the chair I just sat on with his arms around the child.

My heart suddenly trembled, let Yuanyuan disappear in ashes?Isn't that nothing?This ending is definitely not the result I want.

The punishment of being wiped out is too heavy, and what Yuanyuan did wrong is far from that level.

I turned around and said my own thoughts, "I remember my grandfather said that there are bull-headed ghosts and horse-faced ghosts in the underworld who specialize in catching guilty ghosts and bringing them back to be judged by the third division. I also heard that psychics, paper makers, and others An agent of the underworld, who specializes in helping the ghost world bring ghosts to the underworld for trial."

"You want her to enter the ghost world? But if you send her to the underworld, you will suffer many punishments, and you will not be able to reincarnate within a hundred years." Xuan Qing looked up at me, I dodged his gaze, and took the child in his arms .

I didn't want him to find out that I was soft-hearted towards Yuanyuan, and even I didn't dare to face my soft-heartedness towards Yuanyuan. It’s a cycle of karma.”

My second uncle's revenge must be avenged no matter what.

I patted the body of the child in my arms, and unconsciously kissed his little face.When I first met this child, he cried a lot. It was just a portable crying bag, a noise canister.For some reason, I seldom heard him cry during this period of time.

He is very cute, and when he saw me, he called me "Mom" in a soft voice.

The child's biological mother did not know who it was, but she married a ghost and gave birth to a human child.There is no part of him that can be associated with ghosts, and his yang energy is also very heavy.

Xuan Qing hugged me from behind, leaned her chin on my shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Qiong'er, do you want me to help you find your father?"

"Leave him alone, what can he do if he gets back?" I raised my eyebrows, letting my dad live a fugitive life outside alone is the greatest punishment.

I was a little tired, and silently leaned against Xuan Qing's chest.He is not my beloved, but he seems to be the support in this world that can support me to go on.

A few days later, the heavy snow in Sijiu City stopped, and the warm sun of Yangchun and March appeared in the sky.

My grandfather's house has two Gu-raisers from Miaojiang.Police officer Chen was also called, and everyone basked in the sun in the courtyard, using pure sunlight to get rid of the yin energy on their bodies.

The people who raise Gu are two women, and they are traditional Miao people.They don't wear ordinary clothes, and they still wear the costumes of ethnic minorities when they go to big cities like Forty-Nine City.

I don't know, I thought it was an actor who ran out of a nearby studio.

The Gu keeper gave us the pulse one by one. The two of them seem to have a lot of experience in detoxifying Gu. After taking the pulse, they wrote a prescription with my grandfather's pen.

Because they don't know Chinese characters very well, some characters are replaced by Miao characters.

But fortunately, Miao language can be translated into Chinese, so as long as you take the medicine according to the prescription and take it three times a day, you will get better in three days.

But the Gu poison on my body is very complicated. It is different from my grandfather and Police Officer Chen. It is seven insects and seven grasses Gu, and it is impossible to tell which poisonous weed and poisonous insect it is.If I get it wrong, the prescription will poison me to death.

The two Gu raisers felt a little complicated and said they would observe at my house for a few days.Only after confirming what kind of Gu is in my body can I think of a way to detoxify me.

At this time, Police Officer Chen's cell phone rang suddenly. He picked up the phone, chatted for a while, and suddenly said in surprise: "What? That woman wants to see Mr. Zeng's granddaughter? That's all right, all right, I'll ask Mr. Zeng and him What do you mean by granddaughter?"

I waited until Police Officer Chen finished talking on the phone, and asked directly, " Yuanyuan's mother wanting to see me?"

"Well, she wants to see you! She wants to see you for the last time and have a chat with you alone. After she entered the detention center, her body was extremely weak. The doctor said that all the organs in her body had failed, and she only had a day or two to live." It's gone." Officer Chen sat on a chair, flicked his fingers on the bones of his knees, and spoke every word.

(End of this chapter)

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