Chapter 533
The fire that was just moved in was beating slowly, and the ghostly flames flickered in the room like will-o'-the-wisps. The floor and windows in this room had already been covered with a thin layer of crystallization.

My grandma and grandfather are getting old, if they stay here for a while, the yang energy will weaken and they will be prone to cold and cold.Because of taking care of me, my grandma has already suffered from a bad cold and is recuperating outside.

Now, that is, Malan Mahua is observing my situation.

And that An Yifeng, he took care of me like a big brother and wiped my body.I was frozen and couldn't resist, so I could only hold back and be taken care of by him.

However, I could tell that he cared about me and wanted me to get better.Every time he came in, his lips would turn purple from the cold, and his whole body would tremble from the cold, but he still insisted on coming in every day.

At this moment, I have been frozen into fresh food in the freezer. The difference is that I still have a breath in my mouth.It stands to reason that with such a low temperature, anyone would be frozen out of breath.

Both Ma Lan and Ma Hua said that I was not frozen to death alive, thanks to the pure yang fire in my body fighting against the ice silkworm.If this force can overcome the coldness of the ice silkworm, I can survive, but if the last yang fire in my body is also extinguished, then I can only report to Lord Yan.

My mother said that I couldn't see ghosts since I was a child, and I couldn't meet any unclean things. It was only after I came back from Shencheng that I started to become extremely dark.

Grandpa said that I have a pure yang destiny, and the most suitable to inherit is his mantle.But at that time, he had my little uncle, so he didn't drag me into this business of dealing with destiny.

"Wang Qiong, do you hate me?" The man beside the bed spoke again, his tone was cold, with a trace of sentimentality.

My hands were tightly clutching the mattress, my lips were already frozen and could not be opened, and my flickering eyes were fixed on the man who was overlooking me from a height.

I don't resent him, I can persevere and defeat the ice silkworm!

I believe in him.

That man's phoenix eyes were as bright as stars, his tall nose, and the corners of his lips always evoked a wicked smile, making people unable to help but be attracted by the deep connotation in him.

The collar button was unbuttoned to the third, the chest muscles of her chest were as strong as granite, and the deep collarbone was like a jade bowl buckled upside down, crystal clear.

He is Xuan Qing.

The man who buried the secrets of my past followed closely after I lost my memory, and even signed a contract with me, but he didn't mention anything about our past.

I really wanted to call him and tell him that I knew I might be the mother of the child.

He bent down, put his arms around the top of my head and kissed my lips gently, there was a trace of human warmth in his warm lips.

My body froze for a moment, as if my whole body had been struck by lightning for a moment, my frozen body began to tremble with fear, his fingers had already touched my ups and downs chest, this man would not act like he was taking advantage of the situation come in?
I trembled in a low voice: "Don't..."

"What don't you want?" Xuan Qing smiled ambiguously, turned over, lay on my side, and hugged my body from behind, "I heard from Ling Yi that you like me? Are you cold? Baby?"

"Cold!" I don't know why in his warm arms, I can speak again, and feel the touch between him on the skin, just like soaking in a hot spring.

But the coldness in the body is still driving people crazy, it's like some monster is beating a snare drum deep in the heart, making people feel restless.

I was so cold that the feeling of collapse made me cry out in pain.

I could only cheekily turn around and hug his body vigorously, trying to absorb the warmth like the sun from his broad arms, but I asked him curiously, "Ghosts... ghosts also have temperature." "

His body was really different from usual, and there was a warmth all the time.And this warmth is very gentle, but it is better than the stove in the room that has turned into a cold flame.

The frozen joints all over my body suddenly thawed out now, and I can move.

"Am I an ordinary ghost? Baby?" He put his arms around the back of my head and held me tightly in his arms, his tone still full of evil, "You finally took the initiative to hug me and didn't let go, look Lai Lingyi's idea is really great. You will feel the warmth of my embrace when you feel cold."

"Xuan Qing, do you have a truth in your mouth?" I heard Xuan Qing's red mouth and white teeth lie, and I kicked his lower body very angrily, "I have become an ice sculpture these days, and I can't even move. , but slowly figured out some things. I... I... have been poisoned by Gu, but I am still breastfeeding the child, won't the child be affected?"

It was so hard, it hurt my feet so much that I was about to cry.

Xuan Qing's scheming and city power are too deep, he didn't even tell the truth in front of me, and he lied sincerely.Everything seems to be carefully arranged by him, step by step.

He tried his best to get the Ice Silkworm Gu to recognize its master, if he said it was just to let me fall into his arms, the reason is too far-fetched.I thought, there must be something wrong with the child, the child is so young, if he is poisoned by Gu poison, it is probably not suitable for him to drink such a violent antidote.

If there is ice silkworm Gu, all problems will be solved easily.

His willow-leaf eyebrows raised slightly, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and his powerful palm firmly controlled the back of my head, "Baby! Where did you kick me!"

My head was forced to face in one direction, and I had to stare into his eyes, looking at his impulsive and ambiguous eyes.It was only then that I noticed that I just if I had kicked him in the vitals.

But he is a ghost, and a ghost is a spirit body.

Can spirit senses be the same as human beings?

I was not ashamed in my heart, the corners of my mouth slightly opened, and I smiled, "I'll kick you, see what you can do to me. I'm under your control, and I can't resist."

I look like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, but he hugged me affectionately, "I want you to be responsible for me, Wang Qiong, you said you liked me, and you will never go back on your word. But, you know, I'm not a good ghost. I asked you to recognize the Lord to save my son, and he was also bewitched."

"You don't have to ask me to breastfeed your child, if my poison will infect him. The child... the child is still so young, he is innocent." I carefully exposed Xuan Qing, a liar, little by little. Big liar, I was afraid of angering him, so I just slowly advanced layer by layer.

Xuan Qing was still talking hard, her charming eyes narrowed slightly, and the corner of her mouth twitched, and said playfully: "I didn't know it at the time, but now I have the ice silkworm to save him, so the result will be the same."

"I haven't been bewitched, why can't you see it? That child... that child is my child, right? You are too stubborn, knowing that I have been bewitched, but dragging him into the water." I said As he spoke, he had already violated his original intention, and even started to blame Xuan Qing.

I was a little scared, this was not my original intention, so I couldn't help covering my lips.He himself is both righteous and evil. It is indeed puzzling to treat his own children like this, but why did I say it?

The smile on my face froze at this moment, he hugged me, I could feel that the ice silkworm in my body shrank into a corner in fright, it was very afraid of Xuanqing.

Xuan Qing gently played with the hair on my back, his eyes were full of menacing light, he was talking to the ice silkworm: "little thing, you can see your tricks clearly. This is my woman, you want to Listen to her honestly, be driven by her, be bullied by her, and you can't resist, understand?"

Such a domineering remark, I would definitely not agree to it.

How can someone who is being bullied not resist?

But that little ice silkworm in my body seems to be quite spiritual, its little head nods like garlic.I can even feel that naive look.

Think about it, a bug nods and bows obsequiously, what kind of picture should that be?
Anyway, I have completely accepted my incompetence, but as the ice silkworm was under the coercion and lure of Xuan Qing, the coldness on my body weakened little by little, and my body temperature also slowly returned to normal.

My whole body seemed to escape from the gate of hell. Sweat slowly broke out on my forehead, and I sat up from the bed at once, panting deeply.

He was still lying on his side, raised his eyes and looked at me with a faint smile, "Wang Qiong, you should have seen me clearly a long time ago, I am a villain. In order to keep you, I used my own son without hesitation. But I forbid You stay away from me, even if I am a devil, you have to follow me, understand?"

Indeed, when I think that the child is mine and was poisoned by his father, my heart aches.

But I understand that Xuanqing is for me, and the breastfeeding between the child and the mother is very delicate.I breastfeed this child every day, and I know best in my heart that the bond and affection between him and me are getting deeper and deeper.

I can feel the child's nostalgia and deep meaning for me.

If the children avoid me these days and are fed by others, they will inevitably feel unfamiliar with me.Xuan Qing didn't say these things, but I don't know why I can fully understand his intentions.

Maybe we used to know each other enough to know everything about each other.

"You spent so much effort, why don't you tell me all the memories I lost. Even if I can't remember, I may not believe you." I was still a little weak, but I couldn't wait to get out of bed and walk around. Lying like a corpse for many days, people are going crazy.

I walked barefoot on the ground where the ice crystals hadn't melted, and I felt a little bit of coolness penetrate into the soles of my feet, but there were no shoes on the ground, and I could only wear shoes when I went outside.

He was still on the bed, speaking slowly, with deep affection in his tone, "I don't want you to remember, Joan, let's start over..."

The soles of my feet are so cold, I didn’t have time to care about what Xuanqing said, and answered him perfunctorily: “I have to find shoes to wear, otherwise I will get arthritis if I go barefoot like this. What’s the matter, wait Let's talk about it after I find the shoes and put them on."

But in my heart, there is still a thought, what have we experienced in the past?Let him be so taboo to mention our past, have we ever betrayed each other?
Just as I was about to open the door and go out, Xuan Qing hugged my neck from behind, "Step on my instep and stay with me for a while. Are you in such a hurry to get out? Do you want to see that man outside?"

"What are you thinking? Ah? Xuan Qing! I want to go out to see my grandma and grandpa..." While retorting, I stepped on his feet honestly, the ground was too cold.

But I couldn't beat my heart, I was a little angry, and scolded him regardless of his image, "I want to see your uncle, I don't know who he is!!"

Xuanqing, can't you feel that I like you?

Why do you still say such things!

"Then if I kill him, don't you feel bad?" Xuan Qing said viciously like a big devil, gently rubbing my body with her fingertips through a layer of clothes.

That feeling really gave goosebumps all over my body, and it was indescribably uncomfortable.

I'm not a masochist, of course I couldn't stand it and wanted to jump away, but this guy's hand actually firmly controlled the back of my head, preventing me from fleeing half an inch.

I was discouraged for a while, so I could only say in a low voice: "I don't feel bad, but...but it's a human life. If you really die, won't you add crime to you? My grandfather and I are the most taboo What you do is to commit crimes, no matter what you do, God will remember it for us. Don’t tell me you don’t need to be punished by God if you ghosts kill people?”

My feelings for An Yifeng are extremely complicated, although he has taken care of me these few days.But it's not what I want, I'd rather have no one to take care of me.

He touched me inadvertently, and I will remember this account.

"Yes, but I have a lot of ways to deal with him. If he dares to touch you, I'll make him pay you back a thousand times." Xuan Qing snapped his fingers, and saw Granny Huaihua walking out from the wall, holding a baby in her arms. The child's eyes sparkle when he sees me.

However, its eyes have turned a bloodshot color, as if it could cry blood and tears at any time.This child is the same as me, and has already been seriously infested.

As soon as he saw me, he cried aggrievedly, crying loudly, I don't know what he was expressing by crying.But after listening to this Granny Huaihua talk, I finally understood.

She said: "The child misses you. In the past few days, the master has something to do and has not been with the young master. You are sick, so the child has not seen you."

It turned out that Xuan Qing didn't come in time because he was hindered by other things.This Xuanqing has too much gossip in her belly, she would rather lie to me than give me a truthful explanation.

I took the child carefully, put it in my arms and rocked him back and forth, "Good baby, don't cry, mother is here. Your father is so heartless, he doesn't care if you are poisoned by Gu."

The little baby was coaxed by me, stopped crying, and smiled happily with tears in his eyes, "Mom, mom..."

When I said the word "Mom", Granny Huaihua's face changed obviously.Xuan Qing's sharp eyes narrowed, and she gave Granny Huaihua a wink. After the pale-faced old lady understood, she immediately retreated into the wall behind her.

"Since you claim to be the child's mother, shouldn't you fulfill some obligations as a child's mother?" Xuan Qing sat on the edge of the bed and played with the child's petite hands, his eyes looked at me with inexplicable meaning.

Being watched by him, I felt a little uncomfortable, but I smiled immediately, "Didn't you say to start again? This is going to fast forward, let me fulfill my obligation?"

I couldn't say no to Xuan Qing before, but now I want to laugh seeing him deflated.

He hugged me into his arms, I didn't resist, and leaned quietly in his arms, feeling as if my whole body had settled down, "Xuan Qing, I want to restore my memory."

"I won't, really, I can swear on this." There is a little baby between Xuanqing and me, and the little baby is between us, connecting our hearts like a bridge.

I thought for a while, and I was a little dubious, so I changed the way of saying, "Then...then can you tell me everything that happened in the past? How was it before?"

"Let me tell you, aren't you afraid that I'll lie to you? You've said it all, and I haven't said a word of truth." He rubbed my hair, and it felt as quiet and beautiful as in a dream.

I have experienced so much heart-piercing pain in this period of time, and it seems that I can find a little comfort from him.My heart was touched, tears slid down my cheeks, and I whispered: "What do you say, what do I believe."

"But I won't say it, and I won't allow you to remember it. You just need to remember me now. Let's start over." He said stubbornly. On this matter, he refused to satisfy my wish no matter what.

My words were blocked, and the baby grabbed my skirt as if wanting to drink milk.

I raised my eyes and glanced at Xuan Qing, he really wanted to know the meaning in my eyes, poked the baby's side face with his finger and said: "You let the ice silkworm Gu detoxify the child first, and then feed him. The poison in his body It's too strong, I spent some effort to suppress it before, and didn't let the Gu poison break out in his body."

I'm not very good at controlling ice silkworms, and I can't even establish the most basic communication, so I can only ask Xuanqing to teach me how to communicate with the ice silkworm Gu in my body little by little.

There are three ways to control the ice silkworm Gu, one is to communicate with it with spells.It is necessary to use extremely precise spells in Miao language to communicate with such a small thing, but Miao language is too difficult to pronounce, and the spells in Miao language are even more difficult to understand and learn.

After studying for a long time, I only learned a few basic passwords.

Later, Xuanqing and I tried the latter two methods, one was to force it to do things with strong coercion and thoughts, and the other was to curry favor with it and beg it to do things.

Anyway, Xuan Qing definitely wouldn't ask for Ice Silkworm Gu, such a big white bug.He just snorted lightly, and crawled out from my stomach along the esophagus.

My throat and mouth feel cold, that thing doesn't seem to recognize the owner at all, it's the awe and softness shown to Xuan Qing.

It seems submissive at this time, but its attitude towards me is indeed a proud gesture.

I know it's because I can't suppress it, it doesn't stir up trouble in my stomach, it's all because it's giving Xuanqing face, not trying to sell me.

I don't even know how I will control this little guy to help me with things when Xuan Qing is not around in the future.

The little white guy, dressed in white, came out of my mouth.She drooped her head and crawled down my chin, slowly crawling into the mouth of the baby in my arms.

It's so fucking cold, I get goosebumps every inch of my skin it crawls over.

Seeing it go into the child's mouth, I inevitably felt a little nervous, my baby is still so small.I don't know if it will get frostbite after something as powerful as the Ice Silkworm Gu gets into his body.

After a while, the bloodshot eyes in the baby's eyes receded little by little.

The eyeballs turned a normal red color, and the big eyes were shining brightly. Those eyes gave people the feeling...

Feels like my own eyes!
When I have this kind of feeling in my heart, that kind of spiritual touch will be more effective.I don’t know if any parents have the same feeling as me, that is, when they see a certain part of their child similar to themselves, it’s like seeing the continuation of their own life.

At this time, the white ice silkworm Gu crawled out of my mouth.

That little guy suddenly turned into a big guy, his thin body seemed to grow a bit bigger, and it became white, fat, pink and tender.

I touched its body, although it is clumsy, its body is still very sensitive, and it escaped very unpleasantly.

This... Does this dead bug need to be so shameless?

"You try to control it, I can't be by your side all the time, baby. I... I'm a busy person, the ghost world is now a stupid girl in charge, so I'm very busy." Xuan Qing said softly, He rubbed the center of my eyebrows with his fingers, and said in a low voice, "Just like you usually do to me, be fierce and scold it."

In the end, I didn't get my wish to obediently scold the ice silkworm.

This guy likes to eat boiled eggs. After I begged softly, and after I promised him to eat ten boiled eggs at a time, he got into my mouth triumphantly.

This made me so angry that my nose was crooked.

Insects are also bullying!
That bastard Xuan Qing even laughed so hard that he hugged me in his arms and went crazy, "Huh? Baby, why are you so funny? Actually, I think you can't remember anything, and you're pretty cute."

How cute is your sister!
I started cursing again in my heart, but I didn't scold after all, the child is still here.After I fed my baby, I had to go out to find my grandma and grandpa.

But I saw that there was no one in the room outside my bedroom.

When I went out to take a look, I saw a bag of suitcases at the door of the house. There was no one in the house for lunch.When I walked into the yard, I saw Ma Lan and Ma Hua sitting in the yard basking in the sun.

At this time, it seemed that it was just noon, and the sun had risen to a very high altitude.

When Ma Lan and Ma Hua saw me, they immediately stood up from the stone chairs, their expressions were full of shock, "Ah... ah... oh my god... Wang Qiong... you..."

"The ice silkworm succeeded in recognizing the master!" Ma Hua answered Ma Lan, and sat down again in a daze, "Oh, something happened in the Miao village, and your grandfather has to rush to help. He just went to the airport to pick up our village master." , the village master is here to help you...I didn't expect you to be fine..."

(End of this chapter)

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