Chapter 545
My grandma took my mobile phone and glanced at the news, and was surprised, "That cat belongs to your mother? Don't you old men dislike keeping cats? Why did you just raise a black cat, which can speak human words?" If the cat really attracts a psychic, it will be a disaster."

"It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a disaster that can't be avoided." Looking at the photo, I suddenly hesitated whether to tell my grandma the origin of the black cat. Grandma doesn't like Yuanyuan, but this will never affect our relationship. Feelings.

Because I don't like Yuanyuan either, if she wasn't my younger sister, I wouldn't bother to care about her.

After hesitating for a few seconds, I told my grandma about the appearance of a ghostly black cat killed by a psychic in my mother's house.My grandma was so shocked that her face turned pale, but seeing the calm expression on her face, she immediately asked me, "Huh? Your mother still wants to keep the cat at home, knowing that there is something wrong with it?"

"Yeah, I heard that he is still a handsome guy, and he wants to pursue my mother." I don't know if it's because of amnesia, so my brain is a bit silly, and I think my mother may have found me a ghost stepdad , no doubts at all.

I believe in letting nature take its course, in fate, and in true love.

And my mother is an independent individual, I have no right to interfere with who she wants to be with.

"Oh, the cat is a man." My grandma looked thoughtful, she squinted her eyes and said nothing, put her hands behind her back, walked into the room, and said as she walked, "Then tonight, I I won't cook your meal, you can eat at your mother's house."

When I look at the back of my grandma, I always have the illusion that she has let go of the big stone in her heart.All kinds of wild thoughts started in my mind. My grandma felt that my mother had found her home, so she was relieved?She actually murmured, "The cat is a man" is really a bit unbelievable.

While thinking about it, I wobbled out holding Yuanyuan's hand.

Xuan Qing's movements were very agile, I walked to the door in a daze, and his eye-catching luxury car had already driven over.I don't like his luxury car very much. I know a lot of people in the alleys near our home. When I ride in a luxury car like this, the old men and women always talk about my sugar daddy after dinner.

Although this is not a problem, it is always a bit harsh when it reaches the ears.

I frowned and sat on the back seat with Yuanyuan, "Do you have a car that is close to you? Why do you have to drive such a luxurious car? People nearby are talking about it, saying how I suddenly became a rich man. Such a luxurious car The car is not for me."

"I did it on purpose." Xuan Qing's smile reflected in the rearview mirror was really treacherous, "Let the boys who come and go think you are a sugar daddy, so they will naturally respect you at a distance."

I didn't expect him to drive a luxury car for this reason, and I rolled my eyes angrily, "Xuan Qing, you bastard, you're ruining my reputation. Who said I'm a sugar daddy?"

Xuan Qing smiled without saying a word, that smile was too sloppy, I wanted to kiss him forcefully.

But I'm not a bandit bully, I'm a little girl, and I'm sitting in the back of the car, so I can only restrain this urge to gnash my teeth.Open the window, let the cold wind blow in, and calm down, "Are you still planning to see my mother?"

The gust of wind poured in, making Yuanyuan's ghost tremble nervously.

She is light and can be blown away easily.

So I put my arms around her shoulders tightly and let her know that it is safe to stay with her sister.My arms can not only protect her, but also my back can support her whole world, she just needs to obediently be my body wrapper.

"I won't let you alone anymore, Joan, I'll go up with you to meet Mom." Xuan Qing turned the steering wheel and stopped near my house, but the retired civil servants' residential area near my house was full of cars.

Look at the car logo, yo, it’s quite an eventful TV station’s car, and there are also many video website logos. Is this a big star living here?But the media generally do not have the courage to come here.

Several of the houses in the vicinity are famous military compounds, and usually there is not even a shadow of the media.

When I got downstairs from my house, I realized that these media did not report for the big news, and they all crowded downstairs to my house. Everyone who saw the crowded crowd was saying that there really was a talking cat.

I stood downstairs and looked up for a while, and found that I couldn't squeeze in at all.
There are too many people.

If things happen impermanently, there must be demons.

Although it is rare for a cat to speak human language, it must be problematic if it provokes so much media.Anyway, there are all kinds of strange things in the world, and people have been able to deal with many things rationally, and it is not surprising.I called my grandfather, and the answer I received was that these media outlets were arranged by the government.

Because they were rushing to Guangxi, they were afraid that the incident would not be big enough, so they brought in a lot of media to build momentum.

The ultimate goal is to quickly stir up this matter in Forty-Nine City, trap the psychic, and close the vicious child abduction case in a short period of time.The time given above is ten days, and the final time limit for the Miao village owner is three days. He has already been delayed in various ways in Sijiu City, and if he doesn't go back, it will be messed up.

So using the media to build momentum is already considered a desperate move.

After making such a big move, if it doesn't work, there is bound to be a rebound, and there is a posture of success or failure.

My grandfather and the others in ambush requisitioned a house across the courtyard from our house, which was the place where the old lady Ma who was scared to death by the black cat used to live.Because of the heavy yin, people died after selling it a few times. Now a house of more than 100 square meters is sold for 500 million in the city of Sijiu, where every inch of land is expensive. No one wants it.

Now it is completely empty, so I borrowed it from the property in the community.

Xuanqing, Yuanyuan and I went to the room where Madam Ma used to live.The feng shui of the house itself is a mess. Although it is opposite my house, it is facing the elevator.If there is something unclean, the first thing to bear the brunt is to go to their house. If their house understands this, they can hang a universe mirror on the top of the door to block it.

The house is very dirty, and not ordinary dirty, but not that kind of dirty, but dirty with unclean things.

There are two old-fashioned electric fans at the entrance, the kind of suspended ceiling, and the two people hanged on them.

Up to now, their bodies are still spinning in the sky, and the blood on the pull-back sneakers of the 80s is slowly dripping out along the seams of the shoes.

The stench of blood makes one's scalp tingle.

Besides, they were outside the window of the living room, although it was more than ten floors high, there was still a pale woman hovering around.She just stared helplessly at the room, the emotion in her eyes was numb and dull.

It is also strange, she will not be blown away by the wind, and there are no buildings blocking her way of leaving, but she just hangs on.

It wasn't until the woman suddenly vomited blood that I saw clearly that her chest was pierced through by nails from the sewer pipe.She didn't know how she died outside, but the pain of death was repeated in front of this window, and the cycle went back and forth.

Yuanyuan was so frightened that she cried when she looked at us with sad eyes.

Yuanyuan is just a teenage girl, she cries in a restrained way, just like a little hamster who is scared.I didn't dare to make too much noise, but I couldn't restrain the fear in my heart, and my whole body was shaking.

I glanced at the kitchen. On the window sill of the kitchen, there was a cat with golden eyes squatting in the sun.

The cat is the one raised by Mrs. Ma, because there is a brass bell around the neck.The bell is very special, it is different from the pet bells worn by other cats. It is said that it was the one that fell from the Linglong tripod in the hand of Grandma Cixi, so it is embossed with auspicious clouds and lotus flowers, which is exquisite.

Old Madam Ma was also in this room, but she was not so scary. She was sitting on the stove with a smile on her face.Holding a ball of thread in her hand, she was knitting a sweater, and then asked her little grandson, "Hong'er, what do you want to eat tonight?"

Her grandson's appearance was not so good-looking, his mouth was open and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and a chopstick was firmly inserted into it from the upper jaw.The child couldn't speak at all, it was vomiting blood continuously, and his eyes were soaked in blood-red liquid, it looked so pitiful.

I heard that after Mrs. Ma died, the house was vacant, and the grandson stayed with his son and daughter-in-law all the time.

People say that Mrs. Ma's grandson was pushed by Mrs. Ma's ghost, and he inserted the chopsticks into his mouth while eating, and died immediately.

As I said before, people who are stabbed to death with chopsticks cannot enter reincarnation.

Now seeing a child's soul appearing here instead of his own home, the child was probably killed by the old lady.This allows people to be very sober to deal with ghosts without earth souls. That kind of ghosts are not smart enough to know what they are doing, and they can even kill their most beloved grandson.

Although the inside of the house was very dirty, the police officers who were waiting for the psychic to appear could not see these things. Some were resting with their eyes closed, and some were playing with their mobile phones.

Only the person in charge was watching the TV inside.

There are more than ten TVs here, seven or eight of which are surveillance cameras nearby, constantly monitoring whether there are any suspicious people appearing in the vicinity.There are also three TVs, which are news programs and entertainment programs of several media, reporting on the fact that my family has a black cat that can speak human language.

In one of them, my mother was being interviewed live by an entertainment program at home, and the cat was squatting in her arms.The host was asking my mother if she felt scared or nervous when she met this talking cat.Why did I find that the cat can talk, but I still keep it by my side.

Looking at it from the TV screen, the cat wagged its tail and seemed very disturbed.

"This is Mr. Zeng's granddaughter, right? I heard that you passed the photo of the psychic cat to Mr. Zeng, right? Mr. Zeng also said that you were studying criminal investigation at the police academy. Before, Mr. Zeng was an expert in the criminal investigation department. You Ah, it's really green out of blue." The man who greeted me, I didn't know him at all, so he came out to say hello to me.

My grandfather and I have already seen him. He was discussing things with the Miao village owner and police officer Chen in the inner room.Listening from a distance, it seems that after I entered the house, he didn't come out to talk to me.

When I meet someone who strikes up a conversation, I can't always deal with it with a cold face. Judging by my clothes, I should have a lot of background.

I could only smile and say a few words, "It's nothing, I guess I'll be a police officer in the future. If it's nothing to catch subway perverts and purse-stealing thieves, it's almost enough."

"Comrade Xiao Wang is modest, isn't he? People as handsome as Mr. An all bow down under your pomegranate skirt. Hey, who is this?" The man in plain clothes glanced at Xuan Qing who was beside me and didn't hide himself. , with a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

I used to say Mr. An, I definitely couldn't react, but now I react immediately.They are talking about An Yifeng again, An Yifeng is a living person, a lay disciple in the Taoist sect, a prominent family in the capital, and there is a shadow city behind him.

It can be said that he is a person with a very solid foundation, and now this man mentions An Yifeng again, which makes me feel a headache.I shut up immediately, unable to utter a word, wishing that I had never met An Yifeng before.Especially the page numbers of diaries that used to have an easy style, it is best to tear them into pieces.

Logically speaking, even if I don't want to answer, I should introduce Xuan Qing in front of men.

But Xuan Qing use me to introduce it?
No use at all, okay? !

His communication skills have reached an unbelievable level. He casually gave the strange man a cigarette, and then said with a smile: "I am her husband. I was married to Shen Cheng before, so I haven't been here yet." Forty-Nine City's circle of friends propaganda."

"Oh, congratulations. I almost said the wrong thing with my stinky mouth. People say that she is having fun with Mr. An. The little girl is a dragon and a phoenix, you have to watch carefully." This man is very tactful, he is My grandfather's son-in-law, Chenglong Kuai, handed over his business card, and returned the gift with a cigarette sandwiched on the business card, "This is my business card. If you encounter any troubles, you can ask me for help."

When I looked at the business card, I realized that he was from the military.

The name is Li Yun.

Naturally, Xuan Qing couldn't compete with others, and she didn't know when the business card was printed, so she just stuffed it.The man took the business card, and his expression changed instantly, becoming a bit serious, and he looked at Xuan Qing in shock.

I didn't see the business card. Li Yun stuffed the business card into his pocket. I really want to know what was written on it.Considering my identity, how could I ask the above content, so I had to cast a gloomy sideways glance at Xuan Qing.

He slowly regained his strength, with a very stiff smile on his face, "Well, it seems that you will have nothing to ask me for help in the future. You are with Mr. Zeng's daughter, but... Mr. Zeng ..."

What is it?
But my grandpa has climbed high?
I was full of doubts, but I saw that this person named Li Yun didn't hang around Xuan Qing all the time, trying to curry favor with Xuan Qing or something like that.

In other words, Xuan Qing's status in the world is not enough for Li Yun to curry favor with.

After Li Yun said these words, he went to arrange the work for tonight with the people under him.Tonight, if the psychic is tricked into looking for the black cat, half the battle will be achieved. As long as there is any suspicious person in the vicinity, they will be arrested at my mother's house.

If the psychic wanted to run away, they could only untie the yellow chickens tied with red strings to their feet in this gloomy room, let them lead the way, and catch all the psychics involved in the case.

Psychic mediums come and go through the underworld, and only come to the human world when they appear to attack the black cat.There is no way for the living to arrest them. They can only let the yellow chicken lead the way and take the risk of taking a dark path.Stepping into the yin road, the road is separated from the yang world, and it is still difficult to catch them.

Xuan Qing was already sitting in an easy-going manner, chatting with a group of plainclothes.All he faced were adoring and convincing eyes, and that kind of innate affinity allowed him to maintain an aristocratic elegance and an affinity for being crowned with golden light anytime, anywhere.

Everyone is envious that Mr. Zeng, who retired from the Public Security Bureau, has such an excellent son-in-law.

It's a pity that such a person does not become a politician.

I sat in the room and held my round, nervous and trembling little hands. Like most people, I played with my mobile phone casually, waiting for the night to fall.

Yuanyuan hugged my arm tightly anytime and anywhere, she suddenly begged me in a low voice, "Let's go out, sister. Those two people above the fan, they... are looking at me... I'm afraid... I'm afraid... I'm really scared. They want to eat me, sister, I want to go home, I want to go home, woo woo woo..."

I didn't bother to comfort Yuanyuan at all, with Xuan Qing and I around, no one would hurt her.

"It's okay, Yuanyuan, let me eat a piece of candy from grandpa, okay?" My grandfather didn't know when he finished his work, he touched Yuanyuan's forehead with a smile, and gave Yuanyuan a red candy.

His expression was very kind, and his clear eyes were full of kindness. He didn't even ask me why he brought Yuanyuan here.People here can't see the existence of Yuanyuan, but my grandfather doesn't hide that Yuanyuan is here.

I glanced at the candy paper, it was ginger candy, with a strong taste, probably not suitable for a little girl like Yuanyuan.

Yuanyuan saw the red ginger candy, gently peeled off the candy wrapper, stuffed the candy into her mouth, tears welled up in her eyes, "You...don't you hate me?"

"Of course I don't hate you, Yuanyuan, don't be afraid. Grandpa is here, and grandpa will take good care of you." My grandfather pinched Yuanyuan's little face. For such a little girl who has no blood relationship at all, it seems There is endless kindness.

My grandpa is not an ambassador of love, not just any child, he can give all his sincerity.

In the end, it's because Yuanyuan is my own sister, otherwise, if my grandfather is such a serious person, he would never say so easily to protect someone.Since he said it, he would definitely protect Yuanyuan's safety.

There was a long-lost smile on Yuanyuan's face. She let go of my arm, put her arms around my grandfather's neck, lightly pecked my grandfather's face, and called him kindly, " Thank you, Grandpa."

Humans understand the principle of reciprocating love, but ghosts with enlightened spiritual wisdom understand it as well.

Yuanyuan can feel that my grandfather is kind to her.

"Is the ginger candy delicious? I want to eat it too." I saw the sweet smile on Yuanyuan's face after eating the candy, and looked at my grandfather jealously, but there was an indescribable happiness in my heart. Feel.

My grandfather casually put one in my palm, glanced at Xuan Qing's position, and raised his eyebrows, "Just now, Lao Li told me that he was my son-in-law? Why didn't I know?"

"You have to ask my mother, we got the certificate in Shencheng, I lost my memory at that time. That's why I said you and my grandma, hey, mess up the couples. What's so good about Anyifeng, it's just a pervert. Then Ahua, the little bastard who lives in the basement in our alley is not as good as that." I put the ginger candy in my mouth, and it was so hot that I burst into tears.

Seeing the gloating expression on my grandpa's face almost made me angry.

This is candy for the ghosts. The ghosts have no taste in their mouths, so even the candies are extremely spicy and pungent.My face turned green, and I searched for water to rinse my mouth everywhere, but the water in the faucet was full of yin.

As soon as I opened it, countless eyeballs fell out of the rushing water.

When I saw those pools myself, Gulu rolled his eyes and looked at me, and his legs became weak. I held my lips and couldn't help retching a few times, and my eyes turned white and black.

What the hell happened here before?
How many people died in the water, so many eyeballs!

I suddenly wanted to be like Yuanyuan, abandoning the image of a female man, hugging someone tenderly, and calling for myself to go home.I'm really scared, and I don't want to stay here anymore.

"Baby, are you scared?" Xuan Qing put her arms around my back, kissed the side of my face, squinted her eyes and looked at the sky outside the kitchen, which entered the night.

The old lady Ma who was knitting sweaters on the stove saw Xuan Qing's smiling eyes, she was already so startled that she dissipated in the air and fled away.Her grandson was also pitiful. He fell off the stove, with chopsticks in his mouth, and ran away limping to another place.

Downstairs, when it was time for the media to get off work, the cars all drove away.

If the spirit medium doesn't show up tonight, then the Miao village master will leave with my grandfather, and these people will have to deal with the spirit medium by themselves.Thinking about these things, I grinned at the corner of my mouth and smiled lightly: "It's just a toothache, who said I'm afraid. Tonight, I have to catch a psychic."

The yellow chicken was still screaming "cuckoo" at my feet. The chicken was tied up and still had fighting strength, and the chicken beak pecked me once.If it weren't for my thick pants, which pecked me, I wouldn't have crushed its head on me.

I pushed Xuanqing away, hiding from the yellow chicken's mouth.

Xuan Qing stared at those eyeballs, and smiled: "If you still live here, then I guess, you will still have toothaches all the time. This room is very evil, and it should have been expropriated by the Yin Division. These people just entered the Yin Division casually." The site, after returning, if no one takes action to resolve it, it will be bad luck."

I pursed my lips, and just about to ask him, the "son-in-law of Chenglong Kuai", to help me, when I heard someone shout: "Mr. Zeng, look at the man on the street, the one with the scissors in his hand, is he a psychic? Are you?" Do psychics always carry scissors with them?"

"Hey, this is the legendary Jade Spirit Scissors! It's the psychic who stepped on the wind outside. They are walking the road to the underworld, so they should be here now." My grandfather's voice was extremely solemn, and everyone held their breath. Take a breath, grab the gun in your hand, and stand at the door.

After a while, they rushed out.

On the other side of the courtyard, various chaotic and noisy sounds came to my ears, the warning sounds of plainclothes, the hoarse alarmed sounds of women, cries for help, the footsteps of running away and chasing, and the meowing sound of cats after being offended.

Others fired.

"Bang bang bang." There were three gunshots. It was inconvenient to shoot in such a small room, as the bullets would easily bounce off.

Therefore, if there is no certainty that it will be hit, the investigators will not shoot casually.

Three shots must have hit someone.

Judging from my experience in the police academy, the probability of three shots hitting the same person is very small. In this case, it is usually caught alive.Three people were wounded and probably also captured.

How many did they come?
Is my mother in danger?
I don't know, I can only see from the surveillance, there are four or five people who came out, but the number of people hidden in the road to hell is completely invisible.But I can only stand still, honestly not to cause trouble for those who go out to do business.

The people in this room have already judged the situation from the surveillance, and have released the yellow chicken, and the first one has been released directly to lead the way.

Damn it, as soon as it untied the rope, it ran to the balcony and jumped off the balcony.

Because it is the way of the underworld, it doesn't matter whether it jumped off the building or not, anyway, it jumped according to its feeling of the filth of the underworld, and then disappeared into the charming night.

This stunned everyone, but they still maintained their rationality. The other two should not be released too late, otherwise it would not work.

The red strings on the other two feet were also released, but there was still a red string tied to the wings.The owner of the Miao Village and my grandfather, each leading a chicken, followed along.Fortunately, the other two chickens had a normal mind. They walked the stairs and ran very fast. My grandpa was tired and out of breath.

I only chased him a few steps, and my grandfather waved his hand at me, "You don't have a yellow chicken in your hand, so you can't enter the Underworld Road, don't follow, go and see how your mother is doing."

Yo, my grandfather has walked the dog and the birds, but this is the first time he has walked the chickens.

I put my hands on my waist, looked at his back, and took a deep breath.As soon as I was about to go home, I heard a few plays of Kunqu opera coming from the quiet elevator entrance, and the words were sung in a correct way. It was clearly my grandfather who had come back from dancing.

I bumped into him face to face at the elevator entrance, I smiled, and called him sweetly, "Grandpa."

Although the voice is sweet, there is no emotion at all.

"Hey, Dad, you can't go home now. There is something wrong at home. Several police officers are handling the case. Would you like to go out for a stroll?" My mother came out of the house. She came out to tell my grandfather.She saw Xuan Qing in a flash, and blurted out two words, "Shangxuan."

(End of this chapter)

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