Chapter 551
Another one of my loved ones has left me!

Even my own child is because I was infected with Gu poison at such a young age.Although he was rescued, such a young child has been hit by a Gu, and he doesn't know if there will be any sequelae in the future.

There is also Xuan Qing, whose power has also been weakened by the miasma, so he will be in danger at any time.

At this moment, I even doubted myself. Is it really because I was ordered to bring a white tiger, so I restrained my relatives, my husband, and my parents and children?
My hand was firmly pressed on the dagger at Bie Zai's waist. This is a Tibetan knife I bought after getting off the plane, for self-defense in the dense forest.

Tibetan knives are different from ordinary knives. They are not only beautiful in appearance, but also exquisite in craftsmanship. If used well, they can save lives at critical moments.Different Tibetan knives have different functions according to different factions and regions. The Kham Tibetan knives in my hand are made by skilled Kham craftsmen, and they are specially used for fighting.

In the depths of my heart, there was a rush of blood, and I wanted to rush forward immediately.Use the hidden knife on the waist to cut off all the thick and tangled branches from this person, and rescue him from the intertwined net.

Maybe it really is the relationship between blood is thicker than water, so there is a mysterious force in the dark, which made me and my grandfather unconsciously choose to get close to this body that had been turned into bones long ago.

While coughing softly, my grandfather staggered up and came to my side, "Qioner, what did you do in the past? Did you find anything?"

Grandpa is getting old and used to living in big cities. The most exercise he usually does is just walking birds.But now we have to follow us on the long trek through the mountains and through the dense forest, and our physical strength has long been exhausted, so the big guys stop to rest.

At this moment, grandpa is bowing his body, panting heavily, and has not yet found the body entangled in the roots and branches in the darkness.

There was a layer of cold sweat on my back, which was blown by the wind and cooled down immediately.

Ever since the ice silkworm recognized its master, I have been very insensitive to the cold.The coolness of this moment made me alert, and I immediately reacted from the sadness and distress, and pushed my grandfather's back to walk back, "It's nothing, I was dazzled for a while, and I saw it wrong. There is nothing worth seeing, Let's go back and rest."

My grandfather used reading glasses to read newspapers, and his eyesight was even worse in the dark night.He just hesitated for a moment, and I pushed him from behind and returned to the place where we lit the bonfire. The bonfire was still beating, but the package seemed to have been searched for.

The red Fuji we bought in Baise was scattered all over the ground, and there were a few half-bitten apples and a fruit core on the ground.No matter how you look at this situation, it doesn't look like a man-made move.

Everyone checked their bags, and the owner of the Miao Village pulled out a long-sleeved T-shirt that was scratched by sharp claws from his backpack, with a rather helpless expression on his face, "It seems that a group of beasts did it." Yes, the clothes are all scratched. I haven’t lost anything special here, it should be the black gibbon that is common in the forest playing the autumn wind.”

"I lost my binoculars, and I don't know what those monkeys want to do." My grandfather rummaged through his bag, with a helpless smile on his face, "Other things, including compressed biscuits, are also available. "

Because he didn't bring any camping equipment with him, grandpa just put on a thick coat for himself, leaned on his backpack, and rested like that.

The beating bonfire illuminated his old side face, and every wrinkle on his skin was so clear.

Probably because I was too tired from traveling during the day, and I went through several tossing and tossing at night.After a while, the owner of the Miao village and my grandfather snored simultaneously in front of the bonfire.

Xuan Qing hugged me in her arms, but I still stared blankly at the contents of the backpack. There were indeed obvious animal bite marks on the water bottle, but I probably didn’t learn how to unscrew the lid so I chose to give up. .

The few clothes inside also had scratches from large and small claws, and even had a strange smell, stinking like shit.

"Baby, did you lose something? You're so out of your mind." Xuan Qing slid her hand from under the clothes on my back to my chest, and asked me with her lips gently pressed against my side face.

This question seemed to wake me up from a shallow dream.

I shivered all over, gasped, and said slowly, "I...I really want to lose Yuanyuan, the porcelain doll...the porcelain doll is gone..."

I could feel my pupils dilated in an instant, and I opened my eyes wide and searched in the well-organized backpack, and I was extremely regretful in my heart.I regret why I didn't bring Yuanyuan's porcelain doll with me. If I had brought her with me, she might not lose it now.

Xuan Qing smiled lightly, fiddled with her fingertips unscrupulously, but said in an extremely magnetic and unrestrained voice, "Are you afraid that Yuanyuan will be in danger, or that she will be caught by a group of monkeys and become Mrs. Yazhai?"

My energy is all focused on what Yuanyuan lost, and I have no time to care about what Xuanqing's hands are doing.I put my fingers to my lips, and the rhythm of my breathing was a little messy because of the excessive tension.

"Xuanqing!" I called his name, held his palm tightly, and breathed a sigh of relief, "I suspect that the ones who came to make trouble by the campfire were not monkeys, or black gibbons looking for food. I suspect that someone came here. He took Yuanyuan away, and Yuanyuan knows...knows my weakness."

"Do you suspect that your father has been here? But the porcelain doll is lost, and it may not be him who has been here. This reason is too far-fetched." Xuan Qing's hand that reached into my clothes stopped lightly, and the palm of her hand gripped my chest , let me lean on his curvaceous and generous chest.

I held back the choking in my throat, but unconsciously shed tears secretly, "There is a corpse in the branches of the banyan tree. I saw the bullet hole in his chest. The bullet hole is very strange, very similar to me. Shoot that ancient gun. You know, he has an ancient gun that Tsarist Russia paid tribute to Empress Dowager Cixi..."

As I spoke, my body trembled.

Xuan Qing hugged me tightly, completely isolating me from the outside world, and became a haven for me to live in peace of mind, so I heard him say in a slightly gloomy voice: "If he has been here, maybe he is watching us around here. "

I slowly closed my eyes, feeling very tired, and suddenly I couldn't think of anything, I put my arms around Xuanqing's arm and said hastily: "Survey, just watch, he has taken the initiative to harm us. I just regret it It's just Yuanyuan. She fell into Wang Mingde's hands, and she managed to teach her well, but I'm afraid she will fail again."

"Baby, I understand you." His voice was very soft, like duckweed in a pond, as if he would leave at any time.But the hand tightly hugged my forehead, as if giving me the strongest support, becoming a continuous backbone supporting the sky in my life.

This time, I only slept for about two hours.

In places with low latitudes, the sunrise always comes earlier, and the warm sunlight makes people wake up naturally.Once illuminated by the bright and pure sunlight, there is no sleepiness at all, and I can no longer fall asleep.

The morning mist is moist, making the air sucked into the throat sweet.

Here and Sijiu City seem to be completely different worlds. The smog in Sijiu City is very heavy, so heavy that it is almost impossible to see the pure blue sky.

Although the dense forest is full of dangers and there are many poisonous insects and beasts, the air is very fresh and natural.

The feeling of sitting on the ground under the curtain really makes people feel uncomfortable.After waking up, everyone's complexion was not very good, and no one took the initiative to eat dry food instead of breakfast.

Get up from the ground, move your numb and stiff body.

I unscrewed the lid of the kettle, took a sip of water for my grandfather, and said in a low voice, "Let's go to the woods last night first to have a look. That person died unexpectedly. There is always... someone needs to collect the body."

I remember in my heart that it was something hidden in that person's backpack, and things like collecting the corpse were just incidental.

My grandfather nodded, and the few of them walked towards the place they had been to last night.That place is not far from where we camped, and it takes only 15 minutes to walk on foot during the day.

The road I walked last night, now along the way, the places that I thought were weird and scary, don't look so scary now.

However, the old banyan tree there can kill and drink blood, so everyone took out their weapons to defend themselves.Everyone has short blades in their hands, and only the master of the Miao Village holds an advanced pistol.But if it was the old banyan tree that attacked, the gun in the village master's hand might not be able to take the lead.

After all, the tree trunk will be chopped off by a knife, but it is not necessarily afraid of the bullet's penetration.

The tomb robber still maintained the same stiff posture, entangled by the branches and roots of the old banyan tree.The rucksack on his back was still there, but there was a big black monkey hanging upside down on the branch, and he was rummaging in the rucksack with his hand.

"No, that ape is going to take away what he gave us last night!" My grandfather held a short blade in his hand, and was about to rush up to fight with the long-armed black ape.

But the speed of the ape was too fast, and he reached out and fished out a disc-shaped thing from the backpack.An expression of ecstasy appeared in the ape's eyes, and if he shrank, he would shrink into the canopy of the tree.

Even if my grandfather climbed the tree, he might not be able to catch this agile monkey.

A voice in my heart is yelling, don't let that man get away!
Suddenly, subconsciously, I snatched the Type [-] or [-] pistol from the owner of the Miao Village, raised my hand according to my own feeling, and aimed at the flaming buttocks of the ape to shoot.

"Bang!" A shot rang out.

The bullet spun out rapidly, and shot directly into the ape's chrysanthemum.I saw this huge gibbon black ape let out a scream of "嗤", and fell from the lush canopy.

When it fell, it landed on its buttocks, but the place where it landed was actually a piece of mud, which sank half of the ape's body in an instant.

No one expected that under the trees that seemed to be overgrown with fallen leaves, there was actually quicksand-like silt.Fortunately, in that area, if the apes hadn't fallen, people and beasts would rarely approach it, so no one has stepped on the mud and sank.

The ape screamed and struggled in the mud, the tragic cry was very ear-piercing.

This shot not only frightened my grandfather and the owner of the Miao village, but also stunned me. Because I majored in criminal investigation in the police academy, I rarely had the opportunity to touch a gun.

This is the first time I have shot since I can remember. I didn't expect the marksmanship to be so accurate and able to hit the agile ape.

When I recovered from my daze and looked at it, the black gibbon was already dead.It is a beast and not a human, so the first reaction when it falls is to struggle desperately, but the more you struggle in this kind of place, the faster you will die.

Generally, the mud does not need to submerge the head. If it reaches the chest cavity and blocks the normal breathing of the person, it will cause the person to suffocate and die.Calling for help in the mud, or struggling, will lead to sinking deeper and deeper.

The simplest and most effective way is to keep the body leaning backward at a 45-degree angle, keep the center of gravity backward, delay the sinking time and wait for the rescue of the companion.

There was only one ape's head left in the mud, with its eyes closed, dead in front of me.

But after the disc in its hand fell, it remained stuck horizontally in the mud, because the distance from the ape was relatively far, and the sinking speed was relatively slow.

From my point of view, it should be a mirror.

To be precise, it is an ancient bronze mirror.The surface is polished very smooth, and most of it is sunk in the mud. Only the patterns on the edges are very exquisite, which are simple and exquisite lotus patterns.

Seeing that the mirror hiding the huge clue was about to sink to the bottom, I ran over anxiously, but didn't dare to get too close. So far, the scope of the mud is not sure, and it is covered by a layer of fallen leaves on the ground .

When I passed by, I held a Tibetan knife in my hand and tried it. I didn't relax until I found the place where the mirror fell.Slowly, Mao lowered his body and tilted his upper body to pull out the bronze mirror from the mud.

As soon as the hand touches the bronze mirror, it feels that the copper surface of the mirror is extraordinarily cold, and the cold air can directly seep into the depths of one's heart.My hand almost retracted by conditioned reflex, but at this time the mirror had to be taken out, so I pulled the mirror out forcefully.

The mud was like cement, and it was very difficult to pull out the mirror bit by bit.

Suddenly, a white human hand stretched out from the black mud.This human hand seems to be a woman's hand, withered but very slender, holding one end of the mirror tightly, trying to pull the mirror closer to the mud.

In broad daylight, he was alive!

A ghostly hand actually stretched out from the mud, and it was so powerful that it almost dragged me into the mud together with the mirror I was holding.

I held on tightly and didn't let go, and in less than three seconds, I saw sweat on my forehead.

A facial feature covered by silt emerged from the black mud. The facial features came out of the mud bit by bit, and there was blood in the dark red eyes, which made people's heartbeat seem to miss half a beat.

It was as if my body had fallen into a hole in the ice. Although I was terrified, Quan gritted his teeth stubbornly and refused to let go.But the person has already started to tremble because of lack of support, and his body is slowly leaning forward!
Can't stand it anymore?
I thought sadly in my heart.

Suddenly, his body was embraced by a stiff and powerful arm, his voice was extremely harsh, and he shouted coldly at the hand sticking out of the mud, "Go back, you can mess with my woman too. "

Before the words fell, the hand in the mud actually retracted.

I just let go of my tense nerves all of a sudden, and my whole body collapsed into Xuan Qing's arms, panting lowly, and the sweat dripping down my body made the smell of the perfume even stronger.

The aroma made people more relaxed. I was lying half-lying in his arms, half-closed my eyes in a relaxed manner, but I had already pulled the bronze mirror out of the mud in my hand!

"Why didn't you ask me for help, baby, if you had called for help earlier, it wouldn't have been so hard." He wiped the sweat from my forehead with his white shirt sleeve, and I grabbed his wrist, just right on the metal watch.

I glanced at the time, and the time I spent fighting the mirror with the white hand was only 5 minutes, but it seemed like two or three hours to me.Immediately, he made an indifferent look, shrugged his shoulders, and replied angrily: "I don't want to ask you for the things I can do by myself. Xuan Qing, can you still breathe and eat for me?"

He was stopped by my question, he narrowed his deep eyes and smiled, rubbed my hair again, and put my hands in his arms.

I can feel that Xuan Qing's hug is very serious, as if cherishing a baby, hugging her tightly.But I couldn't help being distracted, winking and looking at the mirror in my hand.

Its mirrors were all foul-smelling mud, except for one edge that could be grasped by hand.It can only be seen that it is a lotus frame, and the copper surface is as cold as ice.

It is a very dark mirror, it should be the mirror used to suppress corpses in ancient tombs.

However, if you want to know specifically what is so special about this mirror.Then you must find clean water to wash away the disgusting mud. Only by seeing the specific outline of the mirror can you find some clues.

"Qioner, are you alright? The hand just" My grandfather walked up to us and looked down at the black quagmire. The quagmire was extremely quiet, and the apes that had just fallen had disappeared.

I came out of Xuan Qing's arms, straightened my sweat-soaked clothes, and blowing on Lin Feng's face was a little hot, "I think we must have offended the people in the underworld, this mirror... Maybe many people want this mirror Yes. Look, doesn't it look like a corpse mirror?"

My grandfather took the mirror, his gaze changed just like that, and then he said faintly: "The yin energy is indeed very heavy, all the things that have been in the tomb for a long time are like this, it may not be related to the underworld, maybe the hand that came out of the mud just now is just a coincidence ... You have to remove the mud before you can know the dating of the mirror to the mirror, and then know its dynasty and origin."

After he finished speaking, he took off his coat and the woolen sweater inside.After putting on the coat, he wrapped the bronze mirror with that somewhat expensive woolen sweater, but the expression on his face remained motionless, as if he had been thinking about something.

Things seemed to get complicated all of a sudden. I picked up the Type [-] pistol on the ground and returned it to the Miao village owner. The Miao village owner smiled mysteriously: "Miss Wang's marksmanship is really good. Compared with the old man, he is simply out of the blue. When the old man was handling cases in southern Yunnan, he even got the title of a sharpshooter."

"I borrowed your pistol without your permission. I'm really sorry. You still praise me, isn't that a shame for me?" I smiled, and the gap between my heart and the Miao village owner was even bigger. up.

I saw his posture with the gun, it was a very standard posture, and I could see that he must have received professional training.If he had shot at the ape at that time, he might not have missed the target.

But he didn't, so I borrowed the gun in his hand in a hurry.

If that hit hadn't hit the black gibbon, the mirror might have fallen into my father's hands. Although I don't know what the consequences will be, we can't leave things to bad people.

"It's okay, if you know how to play with guns, then I can give you this gun." The owner of the Miao Village looked very bold, probably thinking that I would refuse if I opened my mouth.

Unexpectedly, I immediately stretched out my hands and looked at him sincerely, "Then respect is worse than obedience. If Uncle Zhao can teach me marksmanship, it will be even more icing on the cake. The shot I just made was actually luck." , it's better than not wanting Uncle Zhao's marksmanship."

In the woods, having a gun for self-defense is definitely better than not having one.

And I took Uncle Zhao’s one at a time, calling him very sweet, and I was stunned for a few seconds, and then I realized it, and smiled awkwardly: "Then I will give it to you, I still have a handful left by my father." The bastard box that the little devil snatched. When I get to the Miao village, I will teach you how to practice the gun when I have time."

Those who have never been to the police academy, or who have rarely been exposed to guns, probably don't know what it is.

In fact, that is a Japanese-style semi-automatic pistol.Because the matching holster is like the shell on the back of the bastard, so the folks spread this name.

I smiled and borrowed the gun, and put it in the pocket of my coat, thinking that I had picked up a gun for nothing.It is inevitable that I am a little proud, forgetting the danger I encountered just now, and the sadness in my heart.

"Don't spoil Qiong'er, this child has learned guns from me before, but he hasn't touched it since he lost his memory. I'm still a little worried about giving her the gun...Okay, let's go, we'll delay here It's been too long." My grandfather had an extra bag in his hand, which was the tomb robber's rucksack.

My grandfather should have checked the contents of the rucksack, but the tomb robber's climbing pick is really strange.One side is a pickaxe, the other side is a curly shovel, which turns out to be a dual-purpose object.

I heard from my grandfather last night that the other end of the shovel seems to be the Luoyang shovel used for tomb robbers.

When I heard that I was leaving, I took my eyes off the backpack in my grandfather's hand, and the joy of getting the gun disappeared.My heart became extremely heavy, and I looked up at my grandpa with some hesitation, "Grandpa, there is still a corpse in our direction at two o'clock. It belongs to my uncle..."

My grandpa's face darkened, and he walked over in three steps at a time. When he saw the skeleton from the cover of the branches, he grinned miserably, "No wonder you didn't let me see it last night, so... …turn out to be……"

He began to tremble as he spoke, rubbed his fingers on the clothes of the skeleton, and touched the position of the bullet hole at once, opened his eyes, and shouted: "No, no... It wasn't a monkey who came to look through our things yesterday. ! That bastard Wang Mingde came here! He came here!"

(End of this chapter)

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