555 Balance of Interests
The owner of the Miao Village also knows the general situation, and his voice is very low, so he is by the river where the wind and water are lingering.The person kneeling behind was a little far away and couldn't hear his voice.

I glanced at Zhou Wang's soul mirror again, and I was sure that the young man in white in the body of the Miao village master disappeared in the mirror, so I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Yifan is gone, so he is probably dead.

Even if he didn't die, it was almost exhausted.

I probably chatted with Shangxuan last night, guessing that Zhao Yifan cultivated his soul through consciousness.Then I can judge that Zhao Yifan's soul has been re-cultivated from consciousness, and it didn't take long, so it shouldn't be particularly strong.

It's fine for him to be covered by his physical body, but without the physical body of the Miao village master, his weak spirit body can't survive in this formation of weakened spirit bodies.

I smiled and stared at the village owner of the Miao village, and said nothing, just smiled faintly, without stopping for a moment while reading Sanskrit in my mouth.Because there are ice silkworms in my stomach, which help me to concentrate and calm down, so now I am very relaxed and don't have any pressure.

I also know that I laughed so weirdly that it gave the owner of the Miao village goose bumps on his arms.He cleared his throat, and let go of his hands in embarrassment, and I put the mirror back into the backpack in an instant.

After that, I didn't even bother to look at him, I closed my eyes and finished reading the "Heart Sutra" calmly.

Rescuing the souls of these piranhas is not as difficult as saving the little ghosts among the dolls. The children who died early had too much resentment. At that time, there were no eminent monks to protect the body with bracelets, which almost killed me.

After being appraised by my grandfather, there are seven beads on the bracelet, each engraved with seven Buddhas.Each bead has a micro-engraved "Seven Buddhas Exterminating Sin Mantra", and each dial is equivalent to reciting "Seven Buddhas Exterminating Sin Mantra".When the transcendence was completed, I just lost all the strength in my body, and when I stood up, I felt a little dizzy.

My grandpa stepped forward to help me, and asked me worriedly: "Qiong'er, are you okay? If you can't support it, go back and rest. There is grandpa here."

I raised my eyes to look at the situation in the pile of juehu nets, and the bulging juehu nets had already deflated a bit.The Miao people spread out the entire green Juhu net according to the several fulcrums of the net.

The stench in the net was full of white fish bones.

If you take a closer look, there are still a lot of algae, and a lot of white bones without skin and flesh.Those bones were old and young, and they looked like they were dragged into the water by piranhas, eaten up alive and died.These human bones and fish bones are mixed together, looking a bit scary.

It was dark and could only be illuminated with torches and oil lamps.

It was warm and humid here, and soon attracted many flying insects, circling around the fished bones.Watching this scene makes people unconsciously break out in a cold sweat. If I had been in the past, I would definitely have walked down the slope and left here.

I glanced at the owner of the Miao Village, and said calmly: "Grandpa, I...I have something I want to talk to Uncle Zhao alone, I hope Uncle Zhao can spare some time to come."

"Then you go, Lao Zhao, if you have time, chat with this child. She must have something to ask you to understand." After my grandfather finished speaking, he took a bag of glutinous rice to see the food being eaten. A person bitten by a mermaid.

After these piranhas were saved, they turned into white bones, so they should not be regarded as fish, but immortal creatures.My grandpa's glutinous rice was applied externally to the wounds of these people, and a layer of black was absorbed on the glutinous rice, which was really disgusting to see.

The head of the Miao Village was a little surprised, he frowned, and then relaxed.Holding a cigarette between his fingers with yellow calluses, he walked slowly upstream with me, and he said, "Thank you very much, if it wasn't for you to help you save, maybe the Miao Village would really be destroyed. And the dead soul of my youngest son is also you, and you helped to save it."

"Uncle Zhao, I...cough cough...salvation of these undead who were fed into the piranhas, I should be kind to the Miao Village." I walked up the upstream, the surrounding was very dark, but there was moonlight shining on me His eyes can still see the blurry surroundings clearly.

The oncoming wind made me cough a bit, and I looked very weak due to the exhaustion just now.

However, no matter how fragile I am, I must cheer up and fight at this moment.I shrank my body and moved forward, waiting for the reply from the owner of the Miao Village.

The owner of the Miao Village flicked the lighter against the wind a few times, but failed to do so, with a helpless expression on his face, "Indeed, you have helped me a lot. Logically speaking, I should repay you with gratitude, right?"

I smiled, "Let you know how to repay your kindness. I said that my purpose is too strong. If this matter is not handled well, it will not only be the village master who will be affected. Although I am not the savior, I am not a savior." A person who looks on coldly. But now I... want to know if you have anything to do with Wang Mingde. Can you tell me?"

"Wang Mingde approached me, but after I rejected him, something happened in the village." The owner of the Miao Village looked at me with deep sincerity.

I wanted to ask my dad why he was looking for him, but after thinking about it, I gave up. My dad's plots and tricks are really disgusting.So, I kept silent and didn't answer his words.

The village owner of the Miao village paused for a while, and continued: "I admit, I designed you to come to southern Yunnan, let Zhao Yifan teach me how to form a formation in the dense forest, and weaken your man's strength. I did it. However, I am now It will never harm you, so please rest assured."

"Of course I know that you won't harm me. Zhao Yifan is gone, and there is no point of divergence in our interests." I kept walking in front of him, and at this moment I finally slowed down and stopped by the river.

My words are testing Zhao Yifan's life and death.

That's right, as long as Zhao Yifan is gone.Everything that Zhao Yifan promised to the owner of the Miao Village has become empty words, and now I am the one who saved his Miao Village.If he wanted to avenge his kindness at this moment, it would be too unreasonable.

The head of the Miao village village nodded, "Thousands of calculations, I didn't expect your man to be so decisive. He came to kill Zhao Yifan the night before he was sure that Zhao Yifan was in my body. He is really ruthless. Zhao Yifan and I I didn’t even think about it in my head.”

"He is Mr. Long, so of course he does things more aggressively. However, if Zhao Yifan can promise you, maybe Mr. Long can help you achieve it." I continued, obviously trying to lure this middle-aged man with benefits.

The moonlight is in the sky, falling on the water of the Zhanzhan River, and the ripples of the moon shadow make a good one.

"Mr. Long, you said that he is Mr. Long. Is he the person in power behind the scenes of several major families in the world? He is talking about... is he talking about? His status in the world... is really high!" He heard The expression on Mr. Long's face visibly froze when he said three words. He seemed to be a little moved, but there was an indescribable helplessness in his eyes.

After sighing, he said: "Even if there is no difference of interest between us, you will not let me go. If you know the truth..."

What is the truth?
Could it be that something really happened to Shangxuan?

I was thinking a thousand times in my mind, but in the end I forcibly cut off my thoughts, stared at the side face of the Miao village master for a long time with the light of a cold moon, and then said: "You Let’s hear it, if this matter has nothing to do with you, I won’t blame you. I can see the friendship between you and my grandfather..."

"You are really... really special, Miss Wang, I'd rather you hate me. At the beginning, I couldn't stand the test of Zhao Yifan's interests, so I chose to betray the friendship between me and Mr. Zeng." Miao Village The Lord looked at the bright moon in the sky, and his sharp eyes suddenly calmed down, "Last night, he came to kill Zhao Yifan, forced Zhao Yifan out of my body, and then... two people fought. Zhao Yifan's spirit body was broken up, but He was hurt too..."

Hearing that Shangxuan was injured, I clenched my hands tightly into fists, feeling the veins throbbing on my forehead.In fact, I really wanted to anger the owner of the Miao village, and even jumped up and beat him up, but I took a deep breath and swallowed all the anger in my heart.

When I tried my best to adjust my mood, the owner of the Miao Village probably didn't understand my attitude towards this matter, so he said in a panic: "He fell into the water. The river... the river is dyed red , and then... disappeared..."

"What did you say?" I stood by the river, looking at my own shadow in the running water, and the cold liquid rolled over my face.It felt like a big stone was stuck in my heart, and even saying a word would make my heart ache.

If the spirit body bleeds, it means that he has been greatly traumatized, and he is a man with a head and a face in the underworld.When he was injured, even the river water was dyed red.

But if he didn't die, why didn't he come back?
My body trembled slowly, and I even had hallucinations, seeing his reflection in the river.

"Uncle Zhao, you go back first, I'll go downstream to look for him." I felt that I had no strength in my whole body, and I said I wanted to look for him, but my knees softened and I knelt on the sharp stones helplessly.

The stone pierced the sweatpants, dug into the knee, and the pain spread to the bone marrow.I could clearly feel the blood oozing from my knees and soaking my pants.

I know, I can't be cowardly, I have to get up and find him.

But my whole body was numb, as if the spine had been taken out of my back, and there was only one thought in my mind, which was to rush into the water, find him, and see where his spirit would flow with the water .

"Miss Wang, come back with me. Let's go and have a look tomorrow in the daytime. There are many branches of water veins here, and it may be washed into the underground river..." The man's voice became very far away, and I even felt it in my heart. The inside mocked him as a cat and a mouse, isn't all of this a trap designed by this person?
I hate him, I hate Wang Mingde, I hate Zhao Yifan.

However, now I have no energy left to lose my temper at others, so I want to find Shangxuan.

I slowly got up, and walked towards the rushing river step by step. Under the moonlight, I seemed to have hallucinations in my eyes, and there was a tall man standing there.

I ran over, but when I hugged him, it was air.

The river was rushing, and a huge wave hit my head, and the owner of the Miao village shouted anxiously on the bank.But I felt extremely sad, and shouted as if venting: "Shangxuan, you bastard. I love you, I love you, I haven't told you yet, you just floated away with the current, where the hell are you going?" gone?"

In the lonely night sky, no one answered me at all.

The river flowed down my chest, and I gasped deeply, an impulse I had never felt before.Now I can't pull ten cows back, so I want to find him.

I bit my lip, and slowly dived down along the current. The backpack became a burden on my back, making my body extremely heavy.

But I still shouted in a low voice, "Shangxuan, Shangxuan, are you there?"

It is difficult to transmit sound underwater, and the fishy and sweet river water poured into my mouth, and I searched around.As the current kept floating, I wondered where Shangxuan had drifted to.

The bottom of the river is very deep, and it is impossible to see if there is anything calm down there, but when I want to get up to breathe, I feel that I have no energy left to get up.

I sank deeper and deeper, but I seemed to sink into the embrace of some darkness.

Suddenly, a man jumped out of the water with me in his arms, and the river water rolled down from his hair, making his evil face extraordinarily handsome.

I took a deep breath and hugged his shoulders, "Shangxuan, Shangxuan, why are you underwater?"

My tears rolled down, and the joy of regaining what was lost made me feel the meaning of Shangxuan in my life like never before.He is irreplaceable, without him, my world will become without any winks.

"I'm waiting for you? Waiting for you to speak your heart, why can't you say it in front of me? Baby." He said it with a bit of playfulness, and there was that kind of frivolous and evil smile at the corner of his mouth.

He hugged me and landed on the shore, and the water stood on his eyelashes, just like the feeling of being pierced into the bones.But it can be seen that his face is extremely pale, and the arm around me is still trembling.

I bit my lip and wanted to scold him, but I couldn't bear it.

Thinking about his hands, tears were rolling in his eyes, but it was not easy to let the tears flow out, so that bastard Shangxuan started to show off again.She reached out to touch his wet side face, her lips were trembling like crazy, and she couldn't utter a word.

"Does it hurt?" The jade cicada in his hand turned, and the white light gently healed the wound on my knee. I reached out and touched the wound without saying a word.

He is weak and I can feel it.

I touched his chest and lower abdomen with my other hand, and sure enough there were wounds that hadn't healed.I broke free from his arms, walked to the head of the Miao Village, and smiled, "Uncle Zhao, can you remove the formation in the forest? Although my husband is a ghost, he is also Mr. Long. Help him It won't hurt."

(End of this chapter)

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