Chapter 564 The Finale
It turns out that Zeng Cangwu's temperament is so strange, probably because he has practiced ghost cultivation.I don't know what ghost cultivation is, but the literal meaning is to practice evil skills related to ghosts.

But how did Zeng Cangwu learn how to cultivate ghosts?

The mystery of this incident seems to be on An Yifeng again.

"I... I really don't know, but brother Yifeng, you will tell me, right?" I stared into An Yifeng's eyes, and was cornered by him, his sword was directly on my throat superior.

Under normal circumstances, An Yifeng is too strong to pierce my skin, so as long as he exerts force, An Yifeng will know that I have practiced.

At that time, I will only get further and further away from the truth.

I have to get the words out of An Yifeng's mouth before he finds out.

An Yifeng's hands trembled, his eyes were still ferocious, and the other hand firmly pressed me against the wall, "I will tell you, Qiong'er, of course I will let you die to understand. Spiritual bodies with cultivation are all ghost cultivators, and they will become omnipotent after cultivation, but once people learn it, they will become neither human nor ghost, even reduced to the animal way."

"Then you also cultivate ghosts?" I swallowed and looked at him pretending to be very afraid.

He suddenly stopped the knife, hugged me tightly in his filthy arms, and said in a low voice: "Qiong'er, I am the reincarnation of the young master of Shadow City, of course I am a ghost cultivator, and my cultivation base Very powerful, but was abolished by Ling Yi, why? Because he was afraid that Shadow City would rebel, and he was afraid that I would go back and rule the underworld."

This person, he still wants to rule the underworld!
An Yifeng's ambitions are really too great, but fortunately Ling Yi acted decisively, so he killed him directly.Now there are so many less troubles, otherwise, no one knows what An Yifeng will do.

I was almost fainted by the smell of An Yifeng, so I could only hold my breath for a while, and then tried to suppress the disgust in my heart, and said, "Brother Yifeng, can you let me go, I... I I can hardly breathe..."

"Qiong'er, why did you betray me? Why did you check me behind my back? Do you know how much I love you? You let me down like this..." An Yifeng's sword pierced my cervical spine, feeling cold It made my scalp tingle and I couldn't move.

But this feeling is only for a moment, because my cultivation base has reached a certain level, and when I meet a powerful person, I may need to avoid it for a while.

But An Yifeng is such a frail beggar, I don't know what I should be afraid of him.

I smiled coldly in my heart, stretched out my hand and easily pushed An Yifeng away, then snatched the knife from his hand and threw it on the ground.

He was stunned, with a gloomy face and no words, his eyes fixed on the dagger on the ground.

After a while, I opened my mouth slowly, and said word by word: "Brother Yifeng, you have no cultivation level now, and you can't even stop after a meal. You can't even kidnap an ordinary person like me, but I told you You, I didn't betray you. I... I just passed by and met the courier Uncle Niu, you don't have to rush to kill them."

I've said it very rudely, if it wasn't for finding out the truth, An Yifeng wouldn't have had the opportunity to continue dormant in Mrs. Ma's house and kill people.

But I understand that the death of the courier and the old woman has something to do with my kindness and indecision.I originally wanted to slowly find out the truth from An Yifeng, it would be safer, and I would not startle the snake, but what I got in exchange was two fresh lives left.

He squatted down for a moment, trying to pick up the dagger on the ground, but I firmly stepped on the back of his hand.When he was trembling and screaming in pain, I bent down and picked up the dagger on the ground, and threw it down the corridor.

This is an emergency escape exit, so there are usually no people, and it seems unusually quiet.

The dagger fell, making a tinkling and echoing sound.

"Brother Yifeng, I just want to ask you one last time, why did Cangwu practice ghost cultivation? I saw that after you cultivated ghostly, you were not discovered, but it seemed normal, or... you hid it well..." I said coldly Looking at him, he stomped hard on his toes, and suddenly there was the sound of bones breaking.

Crystal sweat broke out on An Yifeng's forehead, and the sweat flowed down with the dirt on his face. The pain made the veins on his forehead pop.

People were killed, and I have nothing to flirt with him.

But he smiled viciously, and laughed happily, "Wang Qiong, I have to say that your intelligence is all superficial. What is my identity, what is Zeng Cangwu's identity, how can such a lowly thing like him be with me? than?"

My heart trembled, and I said coldly: "It turns out that... a living person cannot cultivate as a ghost, and will fall into the animal realm. But you are not a pure living person, you are still... the young master of Shadow City, so to speak Why does Cangwu's ghost cultivator have anything to do with you!"

He is still the young master of Shadow City, a descendant of ghosts.

"It's true that I taught him ghost cultivation. I asked him to worship me as a teacher. I taught him the exercises for a year. I also told him that the cause of his father's death was because of you." An Yifeng opened his mouth. mouth, actually wanted to bite my ankle, and I kicked it against the wall.

His impact was not light, and his whole body was hit against the wall.Then it slid down from the wall, a mouthful of blood flowed from the corner of the mouth, and the whole face became extremely pale.

The blood foam from his violent cough protruded from his mouth, but he reached into his pocket.

I frowned, thinking that he was going to show something extraordinary, but it turned out to be an ancient gun.

He leaned against the wall as if he had lost all his strength, and fell to the ground decadently, but he pointed a dark ancient gun at my head, "Qioner, you... since you want to kill me, then I... Then I have no choice but to kill you too. In fact, I am reluctant to kill you, but I have to kill you...cough cough..."

It looked like the one my dad used to have in his collection, ivory and gold inlaid.The caliber of the gun was quite large, and it was aimed directly at my forehead.

This kind of gun is not powerful, but a hit to the head can still kill a person.

I don't know if I have the ability to be invulnerable after practicing the exercises.The bullet came out of the trajectory, and I watched the bullet attack, and the conditioned reflex was to dodge sideways.

It's not outside here. The bullet bounced off the wall immediately, leaving a bullet mark on the wall.As soon as I looked along the position where the bullet bounced off, I saw blood gushing from An Yifeng's neck.

My face turned pale with shock, and I immediately thought in my heart that it wouldn't be so sad, that An Yifeng could still be alive all the time.Can a stray bullet hit him?
I bowed slightly, and lifted An Yifeng's neck, on which there was a huge bullet hole.Blood flowed from the bullet hole, and the bullet passed through the most vulnerable neck and pierced into the trachea.

When a person's trachea is blown, he is definitely dead, and it is more serious than being hit in the head.

I held his head up like this, his eyes stared at me all the time, bloodshot like spider webs burst out.Blood was gushing out of his mouth, and he wanted to whisper something, but he couldn't even make an accurate pronunciation.

But I look innocent, I never thought of killing An Yifeng.

Although he is probably the murderer who killed my uncle, but I want to find out the whereabouts of my little uncle's soul from him. He just died like this. From whose mouth should I ask what I really want?

And my unlucky cousin Zeng Cangwu, he was actually brought into ghost cultivation.

No wonder he bullies my son!

It turns out that in Zeng Cangwu's mind, he has always regarded me as the murderer of his father and enemy, and his weird and cold personality is all because of An Yifeng's conspiracy.

I stood where I was, watching An Yifeng's tragic situation and thinking about what happened for a long time, it was all too sudden.I was caught off guard, Ling Yi and Shang Xuan spared his life, he was not killed by anyone, but was hit by the stray bullets he shot out and reflected back.

However, if he is dead, is it necessary to cut off all the clues?
No, no!

I absolutely can't let this kind of thing happen, I feel ruthless in my heart, and I am determined to come over.The truth of the matter is that it must not end with the death of An Yifeng, even if he died, he would have to spit out everything he knew to me.

If it weren't for him, maybe so many people wouldn't have died.

Although my grandfather is heartless and not an innocent person, he is my relative.He brutally killed and refined the soul, as well as the soul of my uncle, Zeng Cangwu.

"An Yifeng, will you become a spirit body after death? Will you? If you will, die quickly, and then tell me where is my second uncle's soul!" I stood up and lifted him up with my toes. chin, looking at him coldly.

He was very angry, probably trying to scold me, but he accelerated his blood circulation and spewed a mouthful of blood onto the ground.In the end, An Yifeng's body twitched, rolled his eyes and passed away.

I went up to check my breath, but I was out of breath.

At this time, I tightened my eyebrows, and the image of him taking good care of me a few hours did flash through my mind.His fingers trembled, and he felt his eye sockets wet unconsciously, and I slowly closed his eyes.

I suddenly miss Shangxuan, where is he?He let go of these things and let me deal with them alone, isn't he worried about me?
"Brother Yifeng, we... can never go back to the past... Maybe you and I didn't expect that car accident." A transparent thing did come out of the dead body.

The thing was light and without any strength, and when the strong wind outside the corridor blew, it was blown to a corner.The wind in the corridor fluctuated from time to time, and the weak thing shivered in the corner, which made people feel very pitiful.

An Yifeng like this is even more pitiful than becoming a beggar, and he is also less hostile.

I observed the place for a long time, but I didn't see any kind of errand coming to claim my life.An Yifeng has a special status, I guess An Yifeng's name may not appear on the book of life and death.

I walked up, blocked the wind, and looked at him indifferently, "Tell me the truth, as soon as I walk away, you will be blown away by the wind. At that time, endless wandering between the sky and the earth will not be a good end. "

The transparent thing seemed to be a human figure, its facial features were blurred and could not be seen.

But he could hear his voice, "Qione, have you ever liked me?"

The voice was ethereal like the wind, without any threat, but with a kind of questioning and weakness.I couldn't refuse, I stood still and looked at him, "I did, but it was all fantasies from the young girl's first love."

"Be careful... Be careful with Shangxuan... He hurt a girl, and that girl died for him. If you don't believe me, you can ask, that girl is now an adult child. Her name is... her name is Chen..." This Although the transparent spirit body is in the corner, it will still be illuminated by the light.

After the light hits, the body slowly evaporates, turning into wisps of mist.

When I reacted and used my body to cover it, there was only a small piece of soul fragment left in the corner.I bent down to pick it up and held it in the palm of my hand, feeling very dazed.

Shangxuan's past...

I never cared about Shangxuan's past.

Who hasn't been there?

But a girl died for Shangxuan, and two people have children, which is too strange.The child's name seems to be Chen of the stars, as for the surname, it may be the same as Long'er, with Shangxuan being named Long.

Long Chen?

I felt that my brain was a bit wide open, and I suddenly became dumbfounded. What am I thinking about?I'll believe just a few words of nonsense from an surnamed An?
Glancing at the corpse on the ground, he went straight home and got a medicine bottle, and put An Yifeng's remnant soul in it.Then he put his soul together with my grandfather's puppet doll. This remnant soul should have no consciousness, but it is also the last ray of proof that An Yifeng exists in this world.

I called the police, and while waiting for the police to arrive, I called my grandpa again.On the phone, An Yifeng taught the children to practice ghosts and plotted to hate us, and asked grandpa to find a way to drag people from the Taoist sect.

I have been thinking about how to help Cang Wu, if I have to find someone for help.Then there is only Shangxuan, and when I was hesitating how to tell him what happened with my mobile phone, the police had already arrived.

I bowed down and sent a text message to Shangxuan, briefly explaining Zeng Cangwu's affairs, and deleted the text message after it was sent.I was afraid that the police would see me playing with my mobile phone and ask to check my mobile phone.

But I didn't expect that the few who came were seniors from my school, and they all knew me.

When they saw me, they all had dumbfounding expressions, and they said that I had become a celebrity in the police academy.I have been on leave for more than a year, but my student status is still there, and I still have grades at the end of the subject, so I can go to school directly if I want to go back.

I don't know where such a good thing came from. I was quite suspicious in my heart, but I didn't ask much.

When I made a statement with the police, I said that I found the beggar living in Mrs. Ma’s house, so the beggar fought with me in the stairwell with a knife.In the end, I snatched the beggar's knife, but took out a gun to hit me. Because he didn't aim, the bullet bounced back and killed himself.

Several little police officers found two bullet holes in the corridor with a magnifying glass. The bullet bounced off twice, and the last angle just aimed at the beggar's neck.

The body was taken for an autopsy and I was called in to give a statement.

Because it was a murder case, many places on my body were stained with An Yifeng's blood, and I was treated as the first suspect.It took a long time to be released at the police station, and it was already midnight, so I was really worried about my grandma's house.

I saw a taxi next to the road and stopped it.

When I arrived at my grandma's house, there was no noisy sound as I imagined, but it was strangely quiet.I walked in, the courtyard was dark and the lights were on, and the room was lit.

But after walking all the way, there was no sound.

After getting closer, I saw a blond man standing in the middle of the room, with a jade cicada spinning in his palm, one hand pointing at the forehead of Zeng Cangwu, who was hugged by my grandfather.

Zeng Cangwu was no longer human, with a pointed mouth and a beard, a layer of black hair growing on his body, and a long mouse tail.

Is this falling into the animal realm and turning into a mouse?
My grandma's eyes were as big as copper bells, and she just stared at her.

Surrounded by several gray-haired old Taoist priests, they all watched with bated breath, as seriously as they were watching a delicate operation.

At first glance, the man looked like a European man. His blue eyes gave him the feeling of looking at the sky from above the clouds, and his golden hair reached his buttocks.

The tall nose is as tall and straight as a mountain.

The lips are plump, three-dimensional and sexy, and there is a hint of a smile at the corner of the mouth.

I squinted my eyes and was surprised, huh?Is this man a spirit?

It wasn't until the blond man slowly moved away the fingers that were pressed between Zeng Cangwu's eyebrows that he saw a black silky thing flowing from his fingertips.

The thing entered his palm, and slowly turned into a ball, and finally turned into a small mouse.The little mouse is running around in his hands, which is also quite fun.

The hair on Zeng Cangwu's face has faded, his fair skin is exposed, and the tail on his buttocks is gone.After several Taoist priests saw it, they knelt down and kowtowed, "Immortal... Immortal..."


I took another look at the blond-haired man. He smiled very charmingly, and he was still wearing a lavender Taoist robe.At first glance, I don't think so much, but when I look closely, it's really annoying.

Zeng Cangwu was taken to the back room by my grandpa, and my grandma also knelt down, with a very pious expression on her face, "Thank you, Shangxian, for saving my grandson, thank you..."

This method is indeed very clever, but because I don't know much about it, I don't have the mentality of worshiping at all.

I tentatively asked, "Ling Yi?"

"Beauty, I've become like this, you can still recognize me." He looked at me with a smile, and suddenly approached me with one step, and sprayed on my face with a snort , "I saved your cousin, don't be too excited to promise me with your body, I can't afford you."

"Shangxuan asked you to come?" I sneered a bit, thinking Ling Yi's joke was a bit boring.

I don't like people like Ling Yi, because I have a Shangxuan in my heart, and I can't hold any other men.In this world, the only one who can move Ling Yi is my husband.

Ling Yi touched his chin, then lifted mine, "Aren't you excited to see me? I should be a little bit prettier than you imagined, right?"

When he squinted, his eyes seemed to have a faint blue light.

This kind of beauty, that kind of exotic feeling, is absolutely beautiful and makes people hold their breath.

"Don't be funny, buddy, what does it matter to me what you look like? I don't like men, I... I like women. By the way, thank you more for saving my cousin." The words were pushed back, and by the way, he changed his orientation to gag him.

Only then did Ling Yi become dumbfounded, and let go of my hand embarrassingly, "I can't tell you! Shangxuan asked me to come, but you don't like women. Otherwise, he made painstaking arrangements to untie your last Heart knot, all blind."

I thought it was funny and grinned.

After my grandfather came out, he looked at the Taoists kneeling on the ground with a curious look on his face, "Why are you all kneeling? Huh? Get up quickly, my grandson is fine, and I still need to ask for some blessings."

I feel that my grandfather's curiosity and his gratitude are all deceitful.

A few Taoist priests found themselves kneeling down and being ignored, so they smiled wryly before leaving in embarrassment.My grandma also got up from the ground and insisted on keeping Ling Yi at home for the night and eating breakfast.

Ling Yi never refused anyone who came, and fell asleep on the sofa at my grandfather's house as soon as he raised his legs, which was very comfortable.

The next day, after he got up, he smelled the smell of breakfast, and while smiling complacently, he ate the dishes made by my grandma.

My grandpa was in a great mood. He and Ling Yi drank two bottles of Baigan for a meal.During the meal, I didn't mention Zeng Cangwu, and after a few jokes, I turned the topic to a more serious one, "By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing. Today An Yifeng planned to attack me, but was finally The bounced bullet killed him."

The chopsticks in my grandma's hand shook and fell to the ground. She sighed and said nothing.

An Yifeng was my grandma's most proud disciple, and he was also one of my grandpa's candidates for a son-in-law, after the atmosphere became stiff.

Ling Yi grinned, and spat out the chicken paws in his mouth, "That kid An Yifeng is dead? Isn't that taking advantage of him? His spiritual body is weak, and he will be wiped out when he leaves his physical body. Tsk tsk, this way Shangxuan will offend the shadow the city."

"What shadow city? A city for watching shadow puppets? I remember before, the chopstick city in the garden of the palace, isn't it called Xuandeng city?" My grandfather said drunkenly after taking a sip of his mulled wine.

But I stood up from the chair at once, and suddenly understood, Xuandeng City.Isn't Xuandeng City the Shadow City?The matter of Chopsticks City may also have something to do with An Yifeng.

At that time, we did not find out the reason for the establishment of Chopsticks City, so we left Sijiu City.

Thinking about it now, I suddenly realized that it was related to An Yifeng again.But An Yifeng has already disappeared, leaving only a wisp of remnant soul, and the truth can no longer be revealed.

After this meal, I went back to my mother's house, planning to take Long'er back to the villa in the suburbs to reunite with Shangxuan.When returning home, the police searched Mrs. Ma's home.

I found a doll made of wood, which was supposed to be used as physical evidence, but I asked for it to come back.I'm already convinced that it's the soul-returning doll that imprisoned my little uncle.

After returning to the villa, Shangxuan was still standing by the window watching, the sun shining on his face, it was extraordinarily bright and brilliant.The son in my arms, I recognized his father when he saw him. He was still very young, but he was running upstairs with short legs.

Shangxuan was reunited with the baby, and even scratched the baby's tender face with his bearded chin, making the boy laugh and beg for mercy.

The half of the cigarette he was smoking was pushed into the ashtray by him. He put his arms around my son and asked me, "Huh? Baby, have you checked everything?"

"How the hell do you know?" I frowned, threw my bag on the bed, and lay down on the bed.

He hugged the child and lay on his side beside me, "What do you think? Honey, if I don't help you, you will appreciate me more. So, I will stay at home honestly and wait for my wife to come back."

He said it as if he was very angry, but he hugged me and the child tightly.

I kept my grandfather's puppet doll, my uncle's soul-returning doll, and the little bottle, all of which I brought back to my villa in the suburbs.

My uncle was only restrained by the soul-returning doll, and his soul was not refined, so it was easy to handle, as long as he was released and reincarnated.A few puppet dolls after soul refining can only be placed in the living room first.

Shangxuan said that he could only think of a solution when his apprentice Xingxuan came out of the customs.

"Strange, is the apprentice better than the master these days?" I frowned and asked curiously, who is this Xingxuan, he can do things that Shangxuan can't do.

Shangxuan always cares about saving face, but this time he gave a light "En" and said, "En, the apprentice is better than the master. When Su Zi, Xingxuan and the others leave the customs, you can restore the memory of our acquaintance. At that time, you will be even more obsessed with it." What should I do? Hey..."

What he said was very helpless, I think I already love him to death, there will be no love stronger than now, right?
I squinted my eyes, put my arms around my son, and fell asleep in his arms, as if I dreamed of Su Zi and Xingxuan...

Ten years later, I suddenly woke up early in the morning with a pain in my head that exploded.

The memory flooded in like a tide, and then I lost all consciousness. I felt as if the power in my body had not been practiced for too long, and then exploded at this moment, crushing my soul!
I don't know how long it took before I woke up. A petite girl with a pretty face pointed her index finger between my eyebrows. I blinked and looked at her, "Su Zi?"

"Danny Wang!!! You woke up? I'm going, you finally woke up, who the hell are you trying to scare to death! Why can't you take it all of a sudden? If your husband hadn't found us in time, you would have died again It's up." Su Zi put her arms around me.

I'm still a bit dazed as the memories are just starting to merge and my brain is constantly adapting.So, when she put her arms around me, I was distracted.

I glanced out the window of the floor-to-ceiling window, and there was actually a white-haired boy running and jumping in the sunlight, with a little tail behind him.

That little follower looks familiar, seems to be my mother's son?
(End of this chapter)

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