Chapter 68
"Yes, we called the police."

My dad was still calm. Although he was injured, he was still panting and told the police about the situation.

He showed the wound to the police again, and the police interrogated Lin Yun a few words. Surprisingly, this little girl seemed to the police to be timid and afraid of losing her temper.

It's not like that kind of murderous maniac.

However, when talking about the things she committed herself, Lin Yun didn't refute a word, and she did everything.

After a while, the ambulance also came. My father and mother originally wanted to take Xingxuan to the hospital, but I vaguely explained that Xingxuan was not suitable for going to the hospital.

They are also very understanding, and they don't mean to force it.

The final decision was that my mother would accompany my father to the hospital.

I stayed at home to take care of Xingxuan who was unconscious, and cooperated with the investigation by the way.

When my dad called the police, he only said that a person entered the house and killed people.Because of the relatively small number of people, the police did not pay special attention to it. Those who came were ordinary police officers without guns.

After hearing the content of Lin Yun's confession, the police officers who came to handle the case were so frightened that they handcuffed Lin Yun first.

A little girl actually committed such a monstrous murder, how can she not make people feel terrified!

Due to the seriousness of the case, some people took the prisoner and the tool involved in the case—the kitchen knife—back to the police station.

The other part of the police force went upstairs to check the murder scene. Less than 5 minutes later, the three or five policemen who went up all rushed down.

All of them were blue-faced, panting violently, panicking as if they had seen a ghost.

What is going on in Lin Yun's house? I also had a glimpse. I only saw a personal row hanging in the bedroom. It should be quite scary...

I poured them hot water, and they almost choked to death while drinking, coughing one after another.

"She...she disassembled the living people and ate was disgusting, the stumps were frozen in the refrigerator. The kettle was full of blood, and the fruit plate was a plate of dead people's eyes. How many people would have to be killed? ..." One of the police officers drank the water, calmed down a bit, and blurted out what he had just seen.

Another police officer scolded him: "What are you talking about? Why are you saying this in front of the little girl. That...student, my colleague is just so outspoken, don't take it for granted."

The police officer managed to pull a smile on his overly frightened, ashes-like face.

After a while, other police officers sent to help by the police force passed by, and their immediate superiors also came. When they saw them drinking water at my house, their expressions suddenly sank.

They dared not go up, but the policeman who was drinking water at my house cursed them, and everyone followed with their heads down.

As a result, it didn't take long for many people from upstairs to rush down to vomit, and they were busy until midnight before they packed up the stumps in the upstairs room with body bags and sent them out.

Before the police left, they asked me a few more questions. Seeing that I was so sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes open, it was difficult for me to continue asking questions. They told me to go back and have a good rest.

I was so sleepy that I closed the door and fell asleep directly next to Xingxuan's bed.

The next day, when I woke up, it was already daylight, I was sleeping on the bed, Xingxuan's place was empty, I rushed out of the room nervously.


I was afraid that when I woke up, Xingxuan would leave me, my little heart was beating nervously, and I called Xingxuan's name in the living room.

I saw my dad and Xingxuan sitting on the sofa in the living room playing Go, Xingxuan played the white game, my dad played the black game, and cut my big dragon halfway.

My father hung his arms with bandages, his face was ashen from being killed, and when he saw me coming out disheveled, he said angrily: "This girl has been raised for nothing, and I didn't think about your father, so I just went to find my boyfriend when I came out. "

Seeing that Xingxuan was fine, I breathed a sigh of relief, stuck out my tongue, kissed my dad on the cheek, and praised: "Dad, you were so brave last night."

"No matter how brave you are, you are not as brave as Xiao Liu. With a low shout, you subdued that murderous pervert." My dad probably didn't know why Lin Yun turned into a murderous maniac. He was sour when he said this , all with a jealous energy.

It is said that my daughter is my father's lover in his previous life. When I was a child, my father loved me so much that he really loved me. He bought me whatever I wanted.Whatever wish I have, he will find a way to help me realize it if he can do it.

It's only now that I have been given a spoiled problem, and it's like relying on Xingxuan at every turn.

In my heart, I very much long for myself to become stronger, to be so strong that I no longer depend on Xingxuan, and to be so strong that I can protect myself, my baby, and Xingxuan.

"Both of you are equally good. By the way, Dad, how many games have you won? Didn't you say that you are very good at chess and have won against professional players?"

I winked at my dad as if playing tricks, and just poked my dad's sore spot. My dad said angrily: "Your boyfriend has at least [-] ranks of chess skills, and he can become a professional chess player in the future to make money. Let it go." I have six or seven sons, but they still killed me."

However, he wasn't really angry, he smiled as he spoke, and it was a beaming smile, I knew my dad was happy for me.

Xingxuan and I looked at each other, his eyes were still soft, his majesty was filled with endless gentleness, his eyes were as deep as stars, and I almost fell into them when I took a look.

The wall clock in the living room showed that it was past one o'clock in the afternoon, and I was absent from class for half a day, and I don't know if I can graduate from this university.

"Is it time, time to go to class?"

My mother yelled in the kitchen. She didn't go to work today, so she asked for a day off to take care of my dad at home.

"Well, there are professional classes in the afternoon and evening..." Before I went to the bathroom to wash up, I yelled at my mother.

In the mirror, the shadow of a woman slowly emerged, with long hair and wearing a blood-red uniform.

It's Hongji.

Slowly like this, Hong Ji's delicate facial features slowly emerged on her face like a whiteboard.

"My lord, for you... almost lost his kung fu last night, Su" Hong Ji spoke with a very sad and indignant expression.

I don't know why, "What is Sangong?"

"San Gong is to dissipate the cultivation base of the whole body. It will happen if you go out of cultivation, and it will also happen if your cultivation base is exhausted. If my lord does not retreat, it is very likely that all of us will never..."

After Hongji finished speaking, my mother yelled at the door, "Su Zi, are you still talking to yourself after washing your face and brushing your teeth? Hurry up, don't be late."

My heart was already cold when I understood the meaning of San Gong. I opened my mouth and wanted to ask about San Gong.

I don't want to lose Xingxuan...

I want to know the most, what should I do, it is the best for Xingxuan!

Hong Ji suddenly said quietly: "Don't talk...see you at school."

The image of Hong Ji in the mirror became more and more real, endless sadness flashed across its beautiful face, its wrists were tightly bound by steel locks, and wounds were everywhere on its body.

It seems to be suffering from some kind of severe torture, does Xingxuan know about it?
I really want to know what happened to Hongji, and I want to ask it, but it tells me not to speak.

It suddenly came to his mind that the master of the ghost world is now Feng Chu, and he must have imprisoned Xingxuan's subordinates.

Hong Ji came to me, did she ask me for help?

still is……

Did you just specifically tell me that Xingxuan was about to disperse his kung fu?


What can I do to help Xingxuan?
(End of this chapter)

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